Chapter 1 The Island of Silence

My name is Nami. And I am the newest Avatar.

But not many people know that. When my parents found out that I am the Avatar they hid me away from the world. They told me that they didn't want the entire world to be in the shoulders of a girl like me. They only found out because I was startled once when I was a young girl and I bended both water and earth at the same time.

I just celebrated my eighteenth birthday. I have short hair, a slim build and no real curves as of yet though I'm still growing. So on the few occasions when people talk to me they mistake me for a boy. My daily routine usually consists of me going over to the Kiyoshi Library and reading about the history of Avatars from the past. Ever since I learned about my heritage I've been fascinated with my previous lives. From the wise Roku to the patient and kind Yangchen to my personal favorite Avatar, the giant woman who founded the Island I call home Kiyoshi every life has interested me with their adventures. Today I was reading "Ozai vs Aang: The Battle for the Four Nations" to learn more about Avatar Aang.

"Avatar Aang ended the reign of the so-called Phoenix King Ozai and allowed his son Prince Zuko to rule the Fire Nation in peace and prosperity. Later in his life he founded the peaceful Republic City where benders and non benders alike live in harmony to this very day. Hmm. I know I've heard of Avatar Aang before but where and when?"

I had to figure this conundrum out so I checked the book out of the library and rushed back to my house to find my map of the Four Nations. It was a bright summer day so I was dressed in a simple white shirt and some green shorts as I let the pleasing and bright sun tan my pale skin. The Kiyoshi Warriors were practicing Chi blocking outside in their full uniforms. I'm glad that I don't have to wear a kimono and paint my face today. Unfortunately I just had to be interrupted by an acquaintance.

"There you are Nami!" exclaimed Saya, The resident popular girl and the leader of the Kiyoshi Warriors. Her good looks were only matched by her unbelievable perkiness she is always trying to invite me to parties or Arena fights when I don't have the time for them. "I was planning on playing a game of Pai Sho with Ondo over by the Kiyoshi Shrine do you want to come watch?"

"Sorry Saya I've got umm... A lot of studying to catch up on." I explained in a soft voice. She looked confused as she failed to hear what I said but after I answered I just ran over to my house. Honestly does that girl know anything about me? I don't want to hurt her feelings but I have more important things to worry about.

I heard her say "Does that girl do anything except study? Maybe she just cares more about books than Pai Sho." Correct Saya. I really don't care for the game. I know some people are but I honestly don't understand the appeal of it. I reached my house and headed over to my father's room to find the map. My father Fuyuhiko is a representative of the Earth Kingdoms government. Thank goodness that Prince Wu enacted the democracy back when Korra was alive.

I found the map at the very top of my father's shelf so I moved one of the rock slabs on the floor with my bending to knock the map off of the shelf. The map was quite detailed. My eyes lit up with the colors of the rainbow and amazement the whole map had information on every location in the Four Nations. The mile long volcanos of the Fire Nation, The fortified and secure Earth Kingdom complete with the exquisitely repaired Ba Sing Se, The cold and icy tundras of the Water Tribe, and finally the old temples of the Air Nomads now occupied by the New Air Nation. My heart was beating with anticipation as I set my sights on Republic City as my first location. If any place has information on Avatar Aang it's the place that he founded.

However as I prepared to close the map my father entered the room with a man that I didn't recognize. My dad has my black hair but he's slightly pudgy whereas the other man was thin, my father has glasses and the other man has a metal leg brace, my dad has green eyes and the other man has blue eyes.

"What are you doing with that Map?" asked my father. I was tensing up as I was sure that my dad was mad about me looking at his map. I remembered all of those times when I misplaced his documents or drew on them when I was little.

"Sorry dad. I just wanted to go to Republic City so I could learn more about Avatar Aang." I tried to explain in my most innocent voice possible.

He smiled "No need to apologize. I'm fine with you being proactive and I know you'd never mess up any of my documents now that you're a mature young lady. If it was any other day I'd say that you could take your yuans and go to Republic City to study to your heart's content. But not today." he elaborated. What? Why not? Does it have something to do with that young man next to him?

"Why can't I go today dad?" I asked

"Well it's because I'm taking you to the Fire Nation. We've been without the Avatar for too long." said the other man.

"How did you know that I'm the Avatar and who are you?" I asked.

The man chuckled. "Oh how rude of me. My name is Takuma Sato and I was informed by your Father that you are the Avatar. I hope you can be agreeable and come with me."

Takuma Sato? He doesn't mean that he's related to the brilliant industrialist Asami Sato right? "Your mother wouldn't happen to be named Asami would she?"

"Actually yes she is. Unfortunately her big brain didn't exactly rub off on me. That gift was transferred to my sister." Answered Takuma.

"As for your request. I would go to the Fire Nation but I really need to learn from my past lives how to become a great Avatar. I honestly don't think this trip will help me. Besides I don't know how to firebend.

"That's exactly why I'm bringing you there. My sister has gained that ability. She will find someone who can teach you. But first I want to see what you can do."

"I don't think that this journey will mean anything in the grand scheme of things. Shouldn't I learn how to be a more competent peace keeper rather than a firebender?

"Trust me I'm going to make sure you become a great Avatar through your trip to the Fire Nation. You'll learn that being a firebender doesn't mean you're a bad girl. Come on let's go outside and do this thing.

So Takuma, my dad and I went outside of the house so I could bend without destroying any of the valuables inside. Takuma drew his sword at me so I saw that he wanted to spar with me. So I cracked my knuckles and started to bend stones at Takuma. He has quick reflexes though since he was able to block each stone as I shot them. Then I shot a gust of air at him which he dodged with finesse and style. So then I grabbed some water from a nearby pool and whipped at him with it. Takuma started to rush towards me as he dodged my whip so I panicked and yelped as I shot an orb of water at his face and froze it solid which stopped him in his tracks.

"Oh my gosh. Takuma. Are you okay?" I turned the ice back into water as I tried to get a response out of him. He was able to get back up after only a few seconds though so I guess I made a big deal over nothing.

"You were holding back weren't you young man?"

Seriously? I really look that androgynous to you? "Young man? I'm a girl Takuma."

He looked flabbergasted once he heard that. "I'm sorry. I never asked your father what your gender was."

He's just naive about it I'm sure. "It's alright. But yes I was holding back. I really don't like to be aggressive in fights. I guess that's why firebending continues to elude me."

"I'll make sure that's no longer the case. Once you head over to the Fire Nation my sisters master will teach you everything you need to know about using your chi to conjure fire."

He seemed sincere. So I kissed my father goodbye "Goodbye my little lady. Don't go away for too long."

"I won't dad. I'll only be gone for maybe a few weeks at the most. I'll talk to you on the radio if I can. I love you dad." I packed some essential items for my trip. Snacks, books, yuans and some water in a thermos. I might use it for drinking or bending or both.

I jumped into Takumas plane designed by Future Industries as Takuma got into the pilots seat. We were off to the Fire Nation. I wonder if I'll learn anything about Aang there. Or if I can I'll distance myself from Korra as much as possible.