I lie in my sorry excuse for a bed, the coarse fabric scratching at my skin. One thin blanket covers my even thinner body. Rubbing my eyelids, I sit up. Faint moonlight hits my face. Sleeping is futile I suppose.

Ever since the end of high school I've been locked up in this place, this hell. They put me in a tiny, dark room out of place and out of mind. I'm insane. Everyone keeps telling me that I'm insane. I've been here so long. I'm not crazy. I know that I'm not. It's hard to hold onto that feeling after they keep beating it out of my mind.

After Zim left, my life became such shit. I desperately tried to find him. His house disappeared. GIR was gone. Every photo I had was erased. I don't know how he got them. Why did he leave? He was so determined to end the human race and then poof, he's gone.

My head rests in my hands. I will myself to remember him. These drugs they try to force-feed me make everything slip away. He was a small, green Irken. Yeah, an Irken. That was the name of his race, I think. I hope. If I wrote it down the nurses would take it away again. They take everything I write or draw deemed insane from me.

"Zim," I whisper his name to myself so silently.

They might be watching me, listening to me. I'll never really know. The therapists say I'm paranoid. At least I know what's out to get me.

I stand from my bed and tiptoe to the door of my room. A thin window lets me peek out into the desolate hallway. It's eerily silent. That usually means the nurses have drugged all of the noisy patients or everyone lucid is smart enough to stay quiet.

If Zim is still out there, even after all of these long months, I need to catch him. I don't belong in here. He's planning something. He always is. I've tried to steal keys, find open windows, sneak out, everything. I've nearly gotten out a couple times but there's that damn alarm.

My fingers press against the cold glass. Just because I can escape my room doesn't mean I can escape the building.

I tell myself, "I can never give up. They can't keep me here forever."