I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters (unfortunately *sniff* ). All belongs to the wonderful Rumiko Takahashi-San ^_^


Sesshoumaru stood on a cliff side, gazing at the moon. He was reluctant to return to the pit of noise that was his camp for the night with Rin, Jaken and Ah-Un. Although he did not mind their company, they were still somewhat annoying. Even though it was late, there was a gentle cold breeze in the air, it made staring at the big beautiful moon all the more relaxing. He lifted his arm up to tuck his hair behind his ear, exposing beautiful magenta markings as his haori sleeve slid down to his elbow. His beautiful long silky hair reached to behind his kneecaps, thick and soft, smelling of flowers and damp nature. His demonic markings on his pale face looked peaceful and serene in the wash of moonlight. But something was missing. He could never feel truly at peace, it was a feeling In his chest, like something was pulling him, but also empty at the same time, like half of him was missing. He wondered what this could be, for he had felt this for as long as he could remember. He continued staring up at the moon, lost in thought, wondering if he would ever feel complete.


Alone doing a similar action, Kagome sat silently, pondering.'God.. I used to be so In love with Inuyasha..' Kagome mused. 'I never saw any flaws, he was my perfect hanyou. But after these last 8 months, while we have grown apart, I noticed things I never saw before, like his distinct sweaty smell due to his lack of bathing and hygiene, and his smelly breath. It was kinda gross. I wonder why I never noticed this before, I mean really, come on. Is it because I am falling out of love with him? Hmm..'

Kagome twisted in her sitting position to stand and let out a huge sigh. She looked up at the bright beautiful moon while resting on her hip outside of Kaedes hut. Since her and Inuyasha grew apart, getting a hut together was out of the question, but Kagome couldn't go home any more since the well had stopped working, What was she to do? She had decided to stay here to be with her friends, but mostly to live out her life with Inuyasha, and now that wasn't an option.

It all started a few months back. Inuyasha wouldn't look her in the eyes, and they got into more arguements. She couldn't understand what was going on.. She tried talking to Sango, her best friend, but Sango was clueless. Ever since she started her family with Miroku, Inuyasha didn't talk to them much about personal matters. Kagomes chest twinged in depression.. 'I came here for him.. And he doesn't want me.. And all my friends have moved on. I really didn't have a place here, but I forced it anyway, this was a mistake..'

A tear welled up in Kagomes eye. She had changed in the last almost 5 years since it all began. She was 20 next month, and she had turned into a beautiful young woman. Her hair had grown longer and she had grown long side bangs which hid her ears and went down to her chest. She was truly a beautiful woman, with muscle in all the right places but still so dainty.

But something wasn't right. Ever since the well was closed, she occasionally felt like she was being pulled towards the ground, close to passing out, she thought a sickness at first, but according to a kind witch they had met along the way, she had instantly known Kagome wasn't from this time and explained her "sickness". Kagome pondered this as she walked over to her small decrepit hut.

Kagome popped into the hut silently and retrieved two beautiful twin katana from a burlap sack on the floor, and tucked them into the obi wrapped around her. She wanted to go for a walk but she still wasn't in complete control of her miko powers yet. She had trained quite a bit, she could now summon her power in her hands and make pink claws, or she could channel it into different weapons such as swords. She had started training with twin blades 6 months ago, and she was doing quite well. She looked amazing as she was training, with the grace of a cat.

The air was cold, Kagome pulled her pink and white Sakura haori tighter as she started walking forwards. It was April yet below 0 degrees in temperature. Her breath materialised in the air Infront of her, white smoke against the dark starry night sky. Kagome stared at the moon while she walked, transfixed. It was beautiful. It was a crescent moon, and the land was washed in a silver glow. As she pondered the crescent moon, Sesshoumaru and his unique markings popped into her mind.

She smiled. 'Even though he tried to kill me, and he saved me once inside Naraku, I wonder how he is doing.' She walked, lost in her thoughts. 'His fluff was so freaking soft.. I want one (>人<;)'

She hadn't particularly decided where she was going, she let her moon guide her. Although, somehow she found herself in a familiar clearing, with a well sticking out of the ground. She raised an eyebrow and continued walking.'Huh, what a coincidence, the source of my misery' she mused.

She let out another sigh, and perched herself on the edge of the well. She peered over the edge, and groaned in disappointment when there was no breeze or familiar hum of magic through the earth. Well, she could always see her family again, if she mated a demon and somehow survived 500 years. 'Yeah, like that would happen', She snorted. Kagome had found out about demon mating rituals when Shippou had fallen in love with Rin and she expressed her worry with the lifespan issue. It was to be expected, they got along so well and they were so happy together. Kagome smiled, Sango had Miroku, Rin had Shippou, Kikyo was at peace.

Oh Kikyo. If only she had stayed alive, Inuyasha would be happy. This train of thought brought her back to Inuyasha, why was he avoiding her? Could he have found someone else? She was beginning to see less and less of him, and when she did see him, he wouldn't look to her and gave blunt responses. Although she had been feeling less for him, this kind of behaviour still warranted an explanation. But, she doubted she would get one. She was all alone, in this strange era full of demons and castles, with no one. She didn't want to burden her friends by constantly bothering them, she was torn. Even if she went home, she wouldn't be able to stop worrying about her friends. What a sticky situation, her heart was really torn in two.