The Untold Secrets of Bonnie and Enzo, based off the secrets series.

Chapter One


Bonnie wondered if she could fly? With the wind and rain in her hair and her arms out to the side, it feels like anything was possible. Perhaps if she can get enough courage to just jump off the ledge, She'd soar away into the night, like a bird with sturdy wings.

Maybe then I could reunite with her. Bonnie thought to herself.

"What the hell are you doing?" Enzo says, his voice higher than normal. "Get down from there. You're going to hurt yourself." His light brown eyes pierce her through the rain and his hands are on the beams above his head, not even hesitating to climb out onto the ledge.

"I don't think I will," Bonnie say. "I think I might be able to fly... just like her."

"Your mother couldn't fly." He balances onto the railing and glances down at the murky water far below our feet. "What are you on darling?"

"I took one of her old pills." she tip her head back and bask her face in the rain. "I just want to understand what it was like for her. Why she thought she was invincible."

He steps down on the joist with his arms spanned out to the side and his clunky boots slip on the wet metal. The lightning flashes above their heads and collides with the earth.

"Your mother didn't know better, but you do." Bracing one hand on the metal wire above their heads, he extends his other hand toward her. "Now come over here. You're scaring the shit out of me, angel."

"I don't know if I can," Bonnie say softly, raising her head back up as she rotate to face him. "I'm not sure if I want to."

He dares a step closer and his thick eyelashes blink fiercely against the downpour. "Yes, you do. You're stronger than that." His hand begs her closer. "Please, just get over here."

Staring down at the black water, Bonnie's body starts to drift.

"I swear to God, Bon!" Enzo shouts, his tone sharp, his muscles tense. "Give me your hand!"

She snap out of her daze and tangles her tiny fingers with his. His other hand captures her waist and he led them swiftly back to the railing, lifting her over it. Bonnie's feet settle onto the concrete of the bridge that is pooled with puddles. Lights on the rafter illuminate the night and Enzo's car is parked in the middle of the bridge with the driver's door open and the engine and headlights on.

He hops over the railing and then his arms are around her, embracing her securely, like he's afraid to let go. For a second, it feels okay, weightless and uncontrolled. Bonnie tucked her face into his chest, the wet fabric damp against her chilled skin. The scent of him took her to a place, making her wish she could go back to her childhood.

Enzo pulls back and smoothes her wet hair out of her eyes. "Don't you ever do that to me again. I can't do this without you."

But he needed to figure out life without this perception of her, because Bonnie didn't know how long she can keep doing it without drowning.

"Enzo, I..." The look on his face silences her lips.

He knew what she about to say, somehow he always did. He was her best friend, her soul mate. And in a perfect world, full of flowers and sunshine they'd be together, but this world is full of broken homes, drunken fathers, and mothers who give up easily.

"I'm so sorry." Bonnie clings to him as she say her final goodbye. "I didn't want to think anymore. It was just too much and my mind won't slow down. But it's alright now. I can think clearly again."

He cups her cheek, his thumb searing lightly across Bonnie's cheekbone. "Next time come to me - don't just run. Please. I know things are hard right now, but it'll get better. We've always made it through every single bad thing thrown at us." Beads of water trickle in his eyelashes, along his cheeks, over his full lips. There's a shift in the air, one I've felt coming for a long time.

His lips part. "Bonnie, I'm in love - "

She crushed her lips against his, hushing him and melting their bodies together. She allowed his tongue to caress hers, letting him suck the rain from her bottom lip and savor the taste. They arc into each other, heat flow through their soaked clothes, warming her skin. She could let it go on forever, but that wouldn't be right.

The girl Enzo thinks he's in love with needs to disappear. Bonnie don't want tonight to be irreversible, so she pull away, breathing him in one last time. Then she walk away, leaving him on the bridge in the rain, along with the old Bonnie.

8 months later...

Bonnie despise mirrors. Not because she hated her own reflection or thought she was ghastly. But mirrors saw straight through her façade. They know who she used to be; a loud spoken, reckless girl, who showed what she felt to the world. There were no secrets with her.

But now secrets were what defined her.

What was shown on the outside was okay. Her long dark hair which went well with her golden brown complexion. Bonnie toned legs which looked longer with heels, she wasn't at all tall, probably the shortest girl back home in Mystic Falls. But she was comfortable in her own skin.

Bonnie taped one of her old sketches over the mirror on the dorm wall. It's almost completely concealed by drawings and mask all of her reflection except for her green eyes, which were frosted with infinite agony and secrets.

She pull her hair into a messy bun and place the charcoaled pencils into a box on the bed, packing them with her other art supplies.

Rebekah skipped into the room with a cheery smile on her face and a drink in her hand. "Oh my God! Oh my God! I'm so glad it's all over."

Bonnie picked up a roll of packing tape off the dresser. "Oh my God! Oh my god!" she joked. "What are you drinking?"

She tips the cup at her and winks. "Juice, silly girl. I'm just really excited to be getting a break. Even if it does mean I have to go home." She tucks strands of her hair behind her ear and tossed her makeup bag into her purse. "Have you seen my perfume?"

Bonnie points at the boxes on her bed. "I think you packed them in one of those. Not sure which one, though, since you didn't label them."

She pulls a face at Bonnie. "Not all of us can be neat freaks. Honestly, Bon, sometimes I think you have OCD."

Writing "Art Supplies" neatly on the box and click the cap back on the sharpie. "I think you might be onto me," she teased with with her roommate.

"Damn it." She smells herself. "I really need it. All this heat is making me sweat." She rips some photos off her dresser mirror and throws them into an open box. "I swear it's like a hundred and ten outside."

"I think it's actually hotter than that now." Bonnie set her school work in the trash, all marked with A's. Back in Highschool, she used to be a C student. She hadn't really planned on going to college, but life changes - people change.

Rebekah narrows her blue eyes at her mirror. "You do know that we're not going to have the same dorm when we come back in the fall, so unless you take all your artwork off, it's just going to be thrown out by the next person."

They're just a bunch of doodles; sketches of haunting eyes, black roses entwined by a bed of thorns, Bonnie's name woven in an intricate pattern. None of them matter except one: a sketch of an old friend, playing his guitar. She peel that one off, careful not to tear the corners.

"I'll leave them for the next person," she say and add a smile. "They'll have a pre-decorated room."

"I'm sure the next person will actually want to look in the mirror." She folds up a pink shirt. "Although, I don't know why you want to cover up the mirror. You're not ugly, Bon."

"It's not about that." Bonnie stares at the drawing that captures the intensity in Enzo's eyes.

Rebekah snatches the drawing from her hands, crinkling the edges a little bit. "One day you're going to have to tell me who this gorgeous guy is."

"He's just some guy I used to know." Bonnie steal the drawing back. "But we don't talk anymore."

"What's his name?" She stacks a box next to the door.

Bonnie place the drawing into the box and seal it with a strip of tape. "Why?"

She shrugs. "Just wondering."

"His name is Lorenzo." It's the first time she has said his name aloud, since she left home. It hurts, like a rock lodged in her throat. "Well he prefers to be called Enzo."

Rebekah glances over her shoulder as she piles the rest of her clothes into a box. "There's a lot of passion in that drawing. I just don't see him as being some guy. Is he like an old boyfriend or something?"

Bonnie drop her duffel bag, packed with the rest of her clothes, next to the door. "No, we never dated."

She eyes Bonnie over with doubt. "But you came close to dating? Right?"

"No. I told you we were just friends." But only because she wouldn't let them be anything more. Enzo saw way too much of her and it scared her to let him in all the way.

She twists her light blonde hair into a ponytail and fans her face. "Lorenzo huh, that quite a sexy name. I think a name really says a lot about a person." She taps her manicured finger on her chin, thoughtfully. "I bet he's super hot."

"You make that bet on every guy," Bonnie giggled, piling her makeup into a bag.

Rebekah grins, but there's sadness in her eyes. "Yeah, you're probably right." She sighs. "Will I at least get to see this mysterious Enzo - who you've refused to speak about all these days we've been roomies, when I drop you off at your house?"

"I hope not," Bonnie mutter and her face sinks. "I'm sorry, but Enzo and I... we didn't leave on a good note and I haven't talked to him since I left for school in August." Hell Enzo doesn't even know where she'd been.

She heaves an overly stuffed pink duffle bag over her shoulder. "That sounds like a perfect story for our twelve hour road trip back home."

"Back home... " Bonnie's eyes widen at the empty room that's been her home for the last eight months. She was not ready to go back home and face everyone she'd bailed on. Especially Enzo. Who could see through her better than any mirror.

"Are you okay?" Rebekah asked with concern.

Bonnie's lips bend upward into a stiff smile as she stuffed her panicked feeling in a box hidden deep inside her heart. "I'm great. Let's go."

They head out the door, with the last of their boxes in their hands. Bonnie pat her empty pockets, realizing she forgot her phone.

"Hold on. I think I forgot my phone." Setting the box on the ground, she run back to the room and glance around at the garbage bag, a few empty plastic cups on the bed, and the mirror. "Where is it?" checking under the bed and in the closet.

The soft tune of Nick Jonas's "Close" sings underneath the trash bag - her unknown ID ringtone. Bonnie pick up the bag and there was her phone with the screen lit up. She scoop it up and then her heart stops. It's not an unknown number, just one that was never programmed into the phone when she switched carriers.

"Enzo." her hands tremble, unable to answer, yet powerless to silence it.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Rebekah enters the room, her face twisted in confusion. "What's up? You look like you just saw a ghost or something."

The phone stops ringing and Bonnie tuck it into the back pocket of her shorts. "We should get going. We have a long trip ahead of us."

Rebekah saluted her. "Yes, ma'am."

She links arms with Bonnie's and they headed out to the parking lot. When the girls reach the car, her phone beeps.



"Why is Bonnie Bennett such a common name," Damon grunts from the computer chair. His legs were kicked up on the desk as he lazily scrolls the internet. "The list is freaking endless, man. I can't even see straight anymore." He rubs his eyes. "Can I take a break for fucks sake?"

Enzo shook his head, as pace his room with the phone to his ear, kicking the clothes and other shit on the floor out of the way. He was on hold with the main office at Indiana University, waiting for answers he probably didn't want to hear. But he have to try, he'd been trying ever since the day Bonnie vanished from his life. The day he promised himself that he'd find her no matter what.

"Are you sure her dad doesn't know where she is?" Damon flopped his head back against the headrest of the office chair. "I swear that old man knows more than he's letting on."

"If he does, he's not telling me," he say. "Or his trashed mind managed to misplaced the information."

Damon swivels the chair around. "Have you ever considered the fact that maybe she doesn't want to be found?"

"Every single day," Enzo muttered. "Which makes me even more determined to find her."

His friend just refocuses his attention to the computer and continued his search through the endless amount of Bonnie Bennetts in the country. But they weren't even sure if she's still in the country.

The secretary returns to the phone and gives him the answer he was expecting. This isn't the Bonnie Bennett he was looking for.

Enzo hang up and throwing his phone onto the bed. "God Dammit!"

Damon glances over his shoulder. "So no luck?"

He sank down on his bed and letting his head fall into his hands. "It was another dead end."

"Look, I know you miss her and everything," Damon says, typing on the keyboard. "But you need to get your shit together. All this whining is giving me a headache."

He's right. Enzo shook off his pity party, slipped on his black hoodie, and a pair of black boots. "I've got to go down to the shop to pick up a part. You staying or going?"

Damon drops his feet to the floor and gratefully shoves away from the desk. "Yeah, but can we stop by my house. I need to pick up my drums for tonight's practice. Are you going to that or are you still on strike?"

Pulling his hood over his head, Enzo headed for the door. "Nah, I got some stuff to do tonight."

"That is such bull." He reached to shut off the computer screen. "Everyone knows the only reason you don't play anymore is because of Bonnie. But you need to quit being a pussy and get over her."

"I think I'm going to... " Enzo smacked his friend's hand away from the off button and squint at a picture of a girl on the screen. She has the same dark green eyes and long brown hair as Bonnie. But she had on a dress and there isn't any heavy black liner around her eyes. She also looks fake, like she's pretending to be happy. The Bonnie he knew never pretended.

But it has to be her.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Damon complains as watched Enzo snatch his phone off the bed. "I thought we were giving up for the day."

Enzo tap the screen and call information. "Yeah, can I get a number for Bonnie Bennett in Las Vegas, Nevada." he wait, worried she's not going to be listed.

"She's been down in Vegas." Damon squints at the photo on the screen of Bonnie standing next to a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes in front of the UNLV campus. "She looks weird, but kinda hot. So is the girl she's with."

"Yeah, but she's not your type."

"Everyone's my type. Besides, she could be a stripper and that's definitely my type."

The operator comes back on and she gives him a few numbers listed, one of the numbers belongs to a girl living on the campus. He dialed that number and walked out into the hall to get some privacy. It rings and rings and rings and then Bonnie's voice came on the voicemail. She still sounds the same, only a little passionless, like she's pretending to be cheery, but can't quite get there.

When it beeps, Enzo took a deep breath and poured his heart out to the voicemail.