Sorry for not updating for so long. You can blame it on my schedule at school, and also my laziness. Just so you know, i'm not dropping this one because i'm going to tie it to future events (like Civil war and so on) so please keep supporting me. Reviews are much appreciated!

She was taken aback when it finally came the day he opened up to her, which meant letting her gain access to his apartment anytime she wanted, as long as she didn't disturb him. Vanessa couldn't stand still, hands fondling the hem of her shirt as she tried not to grin as if she had won a lottery when he silently opened the door, welcoming her in. Ever since the unfortunate incident on their first encounter, she had been careful when it came to approaching him, even talking to him in a formal tone, all to show him that she was anything but a threat, a trustworthy woman who just wanted to help him from the bottom of her heart. She still cooked sometimes, though in her own apartment and brought it to his door during meal time. Then they would have a little awkward conversation about the weather, after which he thanked her ,and she was sure that she wouldn't be able to have a proper sleep that night without thinking of him and his deadpan tone of voice.

But this. Him asking her to come in his apartment was a whole different thing from all those contact at the front door before. She couldn't help but giggling, feeling her cheek flushed with a tin of red she didn't even bother to protest when he asked what she was smiling about.

"This is like, the first time you have officially invited me in ."

Bucky said nothing to the statement, setting himself down on the sofa and tilted his head to the side, signal her to sit next to him. Vanessa had never been so quick in her life before. Just as she took the seat, cigarettes buds on the small table quickly caught her attention and the distinctive smell in the air, which she hadn't noticed before, hit her nostrils, making her cough for a bit. Then she saw him pulling out one from his pocket and ready to light it, but she snatched it away before he could even whine. He just let out a small "what", and pouted. Vanessa felt she could give him a lesson of his lifetime right now, but she tried to swallow it down, determined not to ruin this special day. She moved closer to him until they were just an inch apart, asking teasingly. " Mr Barnes, what is it that you called me for? "

He raised an eyebrow at the way she called him, but quietly pointed at the ipad on her laps, which she brought all the way down to his apartment when she was using it on bed. It turned out he wanted to know how that thin gadget had taken over people' life, at least to his eyes. He also caught glimpse of her using it before, but never dared ask probably because he could feel a space between them. However, their mutual trust now, which she had tried her best to build it, had gotten a lot better so he decided to take the initiative. Needless to say, she couldn't have been happier. Vanessa didn't waste any time as she placed it on his laps and started giving some demonstration on it. His eyes lit up, sometimes a smile even curled up in the corner of his lips, making him look like a child exploring the outside world for the first time. What a curious cat, she thought, eyes fixing completely on Bucky rather than the screen. She wondered if this was also had been a part of the old James Barnes, since only when in moments like this did another side of him come out stronger than ever. Then Bucky mentioned her name, bringing Vanessa back to reality by his slight touch on her arm. "What is this?", said as he pointed at an icon. Once again, her mouth went on explaining but her gaze this time had moved to his biceps. How the veins ran down his arms to his hands, how his chest heaved as he breathed,….nothing couldn't escape those hungry eyes of hers, despite being hidden underneath the tight shirt he was wearing. It hugged his body perfectly, showing off everything he needed to make girls swooning over him. And it indeed worked. She then wondered what it would feel like to hug his arms, or maybe even lean her head on his broad and firm chest, spending the whole day on bed, together. She didn't know how long she had been staring at him, but she didn't mind either. Shaking her head lightly to get out of it, she was soon drawn back to him again when she caught his lips parting, giggling something god knows. For a man, he sure had such nice, red puffy lips that looked so soft, and delicious. Vanessa swallowed hard as she imagined her lips locking with those of his, biting and nibbling happened, fighting against each other till they had to pull out for air, still connected by a string of saliva. This time, her face got into an even deeper shade of red.

"Hey, Bucky asked with concern in his voice," Are you okay? Your face is all red. Are you sick or something?".

As a response, she covered her face with both hands, mumbling under them. "I'm fine. Perfectly fine", she looked up at the clock to avoid his questioning gaze," It's late. Maybe I should let you rest for now. See you." Said, Vanessa stood up from the sofa like a rocket, bidding him a good night before she quickly ran to the door. "You can keep it. Explore it by yourself. Much more fun ya know?"

Closing the door, she leaned against it for a while, trying to get her breath steady and normal. It felt like if she had stayed any longer, she wouldn't have been able to withstand the heat of her own lusty mind, and that of his body. She was so close to him, close enough to just dive into his embrace in just a swift action, yet she couldn't do anything but staring. The feeling of him being so close, yet so far was unbearable to her, but it still set off a small spark inside her chest.

"What's wrong with me?" , Vanessa mumbled under her breath, folding her arms together. She was at lost to understand her own behaviors, but there's one thing she was so sure of was that she had never experienced it before. She couldn't say she was extremely beautiful to the point men kneeled in front of her, but she got some admirers. The thing was no one could make her bat an eye on, yet this guy – the one considered to be the deadliest assassin, the one so vulnerable and lonely now could grant her such pleasure, even just by being close to him.

And she was greedy for more.