Chapter 6- All's Well That Ends Well…?

"Urgh… ugh…"

"Yay! He's finally waking up!" Cubot said as his boss regained consciousness.

"...did I win…?" Eggman said as he picked himself up, rubbing his head.

Shock dawned on the doctor's face as someone unexpected spoke up.

"I don' tink soh, Eggheh."

Eggman turned and saw Sonic and and a few of his friends on his couch, with Amy stuck to the wall with glue and green paint all over her, Sonic nursing a black eye with a comically oversized steak and cloth tied on his head to support his jaw, Tails trapped on his giant roller coaster, Knuckles wearing his pink onesie (and strangely enjoying it), the entire base a mess, and Sticks watching pay-per-view on his TV (Whether or not this is an action to spite him is unknown, but she didn't seem to enjoy herself regardless).

The horror...

"What are you filthy animals doing on my clean couch?!" The doctor said in a rage.

"It's the only place in your base not destroyed, flooded, or caught on fire," Sticks said bluntly, absentmindedly flipping through channels. They cost Eggman about 100 Rings a pop, by the way. "*scoff* And that's how the man gets ya. Entices ya with promises of glory, fame, and programming not laced with subliminal messages and ya get more of the same…" With that, Sticks threw the remote at the TV, breaking it and leaving Eggman speechless.

"What, I'm helpin' ya in the long run."

"Can someone please tell me what's going on…?" Knuckles said, obviously confused.

"Yeah, someone please explain!" The impatient doctor said, tapping his foot.

"Yuh kinna broh ewrythih'..." Sonic tried to explain as clearly as he could with his hurt jaw. No one understood a single word he said.

"Can you speak English, you stupid hedgehog?!"

Amy groaned. "Look, you went on a rampage and broke everything. Orbot and Cubot called us all over after we came back from taking Sonic to the dentist and told us to try and calm you down. You can imagine how well that turned out..."

"You put me in your onesie and tucked me into you bed like a sweet baby." Knuckles said smiling, clapping and hopping up and down.

"Yeh, an' affa thah', yuh whaked muh in teh fas." Sonic said, pointing to his black eye.

"Then you put Tails on that really cool roller coaster!"


"Hey, can I go on next?!"

"Strange…" Eggman pondered, "I don't remember doing any of that…"

As he paced back and forth in amazement, he jabbed his foot into something metal. And painful. A giant gas canister to be exact.

"What is this…?" Eggman asked Orbot.

"Don't you remember? It's the anesthetic you were going to use on Sonic. You accidentally kicked a hole into it and well…"

At this news, Eggman felt his blood light on fire with rage. Team Sonic sensed this, 'cause they scooped up Tails and split before Eggman started letting his two robots in on his frustrations.


"Now, we're in for it…" Cubot said in fear to Orbot.

And to the current day, Eggman never wanted anything to do with anesthetic again. He would always find other ways to knock himself out before getting cut open. But that, my friends… is for another time...