The sounds of Sookie and Jackson laughing caught their attention and their heads turned simultaneously as they admired the sweet relationship forming between their friends.

"God that's nice," Lorelai commented.

"Yup," Luke replied, trying to recall the last time he felt that way around someone.

"The whole first date, beginning of the relationship glow…everything's new and exciting." God she wanted that with someone.

"Every joke is hilarious," he hadn't been on a date in ages.

"Every little touch is incredible," she playfully brushed her hand against his forearm.

Her touch ignited a fire within him, sending waves of electricity coursing through his veins. She had no idea the power her touch had over him.

"God, that's a good feeling," her verbal observation brought him back from his musings.

"It is at that," he agreed.

"I miss that," her voice acquired a sadness in its tone.

Oh how he wanted to give it to her. He wanted nothing more than to be her source of happiness. If only she would give him the time of day.

"You'll have it again," he told her, once again swallowing the burning desire to profess his feelings for her.

"I guess," she succumbed, hoping he was right.

For a short while, there was a comfortable silence between them. A series of thoughts attacked his mind, hitting him like a ton of bricks…hard and all at once.

Come on, Luke. Look at her. You want her. Maybe she wants you. Maybe she doesn't know she wants you. Maybe you should say something so she can share in this wanting.

What do you have to lose? Oh, yea, your best friend. This wouldn't be a Monica and Chandler situation where you'd get into bed together and justify sleeping with one another by saying "eh we were never that close anyway."

Jeez. Look at you. You've been spending so much time around her that even your mind is making pop culture references.

If you tell her, you could change everything. It could be really bad. But it could also be really good.

It's such a risk. But would living forever with this secret be worth it?

She's going to meet someone. She's going to fall in love with him. You're going to miss your shot.

Damnit, Danes, just say something. Say anything.

Before he knew it, the words just came out. He threw caution to the wind and just said it.

"You know, maybe sometime we could…"

Crap. Don't back down now. You already started. You have to go through with it.

He froze. The words refused to come out.

"We could…do what?" she urged him to continue.

He saw a hopefulness in her eyes. Maybe she was interested. Her eyes gave him all the courage he needed to finish his proposal.

"Well…I was just thinking…if you're not too busy…and you've watched all the movies on your list…and you're caught up on your work at the Inn…maybe we could…uh…" he trailed off.

You can do this.

He straightened his shoulders, swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and looked her straight in the eyes.

"Lorelai, would you like to have dinner with me sometime?" He let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in.

Though somewhat surprised, her heart swelled at his question. She cocked her head and smiled back at him, hoping her face was adequately conveying the adoration she held for the man standing before her.

He looked down at his feet and began to shift in his place. She could sense that he was getting nervous and began to wonder why, until she realized that she hadn't yet given him an answer.

"Luke." she said, hoping her voice would encourage him to look up. It worked.

"Yes?" he asked, hopeful.

"I would love to have dinner with you sometime." She smiled back at him.

His face still seemed blank. She searched his eyes for any indication that he had heard her.

She looked down at her hands, folded in her lap.

Now it was her turn to be bombarded with thoughts.

Crap. He changed his mind.

He asked in the magic of the moment.

He doesn't want this. He doesn't want me.

Wait. Maybe he's just processing my response.

Maybe I should look up. It can't hurt, I mean, we're already past the point of no retur-

Her racing mind was interrupted when she heard the stool next to hers being pulled out from under the counter. She looked up to find Luke taking a seat beside her, his eyes never breaking contact with hers. Holding her gaze, he reached for her hand and threaded his fingers between hers, giving a light squeeze. He pulled their joined hands up to his face, placing a light kiss on the back of hers. Returning his eyes to hers, he smiled harder than she had ever seen him smile before.

"Good. I can't wait." he finally said.