"I won't cry for yesterday. There's an ordinary world. Somehow I have to find. And as I try to make my way. To the ordinary world, I will learn to survive. Passion or coincidence once prompted you to say. Pride will tear us both apart. Well now pride's gone out the window, Cross the rooftops. Run away. Left me in the vacuum of my heart.-Ordinary World by Red.

Chapter 18: Tournament part 2 and Princess Gale?

The light then died down on the battlefield and everyone gasped as both pokemon were knocked out. Jinx spotting this said "Neither pokemon is able to battle, thus this match has been declared a draw."

Kushina and Mikoto both sighed hearing this but smiled as they wouldn't have it any other way. Both females returning their respective pokemon to the safety of their customized pokeballs got off the field planning to join the others in the stands. Kushina didn't expect to be glomped. She looking down at what had glomped her smiled as it was her other pokemon partner that had hatched from an egg two days ago. It was a baby Pichu that she had affectionately named Mito. The Pichu had quickly bonded with her and now treated her like it's mom. She didn't mind this as it gave her a chance to hold something like she would a baby. Mikoto was in much the same predicament as her new pokemon partner a baby Cyndaquil she had named Setsuna. Both females picking up their new children nuzzled the two pokemon who instantly calmed down as they were with their mothers. Both females taking their seats wondered who was up next.

Down on the battlefield Kin walked out onto the field with Trouble as Jiraiya stood across the arena with the pokemon he had chosen. He had chosen dark shiny Greninja that was named Victoria. This Greninja was actually one of Naruko's pokemon, that wanted to get her battle on. Kin knew this as wondered how this battle was going to go. She rolled her eyes as Jiraiya stared at her nude state like the horny little dog he was. That's right Kin was still as naked as the day she was born, as her punishment from Naruko was still going on. She didn't mind though, as this allowed her to show of her gorgeous body and let mistress see what she owned. Jinx with a healthy blush on her own said "Alright this is battle 22nd battle in the tournament. It's Kin Ōtsutsuki and her loyal pokemon partner, Trouble the dark Gengar versus Jiraiya and his partner for now, my aunt's very own Victoria Ōtsutsuki, a dark shiny Greninja."

Everyone hearing this instantly started whispering, many wondering how Jiraiya got his hands on one of Naruko's own pokemon. Naruko with Tsunade sitting in her lap said "It seems as Jiraiya must have cashed in a favor with someone in my family."

Tsunade loving sitting in Naruko's lap asked "What do you mean?"

Naruko wrapping her hands around Tsunade's waist said "All of my personal pokemon are at home either relaxing in the pool, or playing in the forest. The fact that he has somehow gotten his hands on Victoria means he must have cashed in a favor."

Tsunade hearing this asked "Who do you think he cashed in a favor with?"

Naruko smiling said "Haku-chan, as she's a fan of his smut. He must have given her a first edition copy of his new book with his autograph."

Tsunade snorting said "I can't believe she reads that garbage."

Naruko giggling said "I can, as Haku-chan may not look like it, but she's the most sexually depraved being I have ever met, and this includes Anko."

Tsunade hearing this gained wide eyes and whistled as this meant Haku wasn't the angel she appeared to be. Naruko shifting her eyes back to the battlefield rolled her eyes when Victoria turned on Jiraiya and started to beat the pervert senseless. Tsunade cackling said "It seems not even pokemon can stand his perverted nature."

Naruko watching as Kin and Trouble laughed said "Yes as my pokemon only tolerate the perverted nature of my girls, mainly Kin."

Jinx rolling her eyes called for the next battle. She then watched as Shizune walked out with a Tepig named Smoky while her opponent, Danzo with a dark Infernape named Jasper waited. Jinx shivering at the creepy vibe she got from the crippled man said "Alright 23rd battle is between Danzo Shimura and his partner Jasper and Shizune Kato and her partner Smoky."

She turning to look at both people asked "Are you both ready?"

Shizune nodding with a determined look in her eyes said "I will win that favor from Naruko-sama."

Danzo snorting said "You are nothing but a stepping stone on my path to greatness."

Jinx hearing this said "Begin."

She then watched as the terrain shifted to something that shocked almost everyone. It had shifted into a gorgeous castle floating in clouds. Danzo ignoring this for now said "Use Flame Wheel!"

Jasper roared and did the attack. Shizune said "Dodge Smoky and use Smokescreen!"

Smoky doing so caused a huge cloud of black acrid smoke to block all view. Danzo snorting said "Create a fan with your arms and blow this smoke away."

Jasper making a noise did so and when the smoke cleared everyone was shocked to find Smoky gone. Jasper looking around wondered where the pig was. Shizune smiling said "Alright Smoky use Headbutt!"

Danzo gained wide eyes when Smoky appeared above Jasper and connected with a rather nasty headbutt. Growling he said "Jasper Close Combat."

Jasper roaring launched a monstrous assault on Smoky who was hit by every punch and kick. Shizune biting her lip when Smoky landed with a hard thud asked "Are you alright."

Smoky struggling to his feet snorted and said it's species name several times. Shizune smiled at this and said "Alright then, let's show Shimura-san the power of friendship and understanding. Use Fire Blast followed by Flamethrower!"

Smoky shouting it's species name jumped into the air and shocking almost everyone unleashed a gigantic Fire Blast that head directly for the wide eyed Jasper. This Fire Blast was boosted by the Flamethrower that Smoky shot out after this. Danzo snorting said "Jasper use Fire Spin and finish this foolish battle off with a Fire Fang."

Jasper roaring followed Danzo's orders and created a huge tornado of flames that stopped the fire combo in it's tracks. She then blasted towards the wide eyed Smoky and crunched down on the pig, like she was a crispy piece of bacon. Smoky hit the ground with an even louder thud. Shizune spotting Smoky somehow still trying to stand said "I surrender."

Smoky looked at her with wide eyes wondering why she had done this. Shizune picking her partner up smiled and said "Your safety and well being is more important to me than winning this silly tournament, yes it would've been nice to gain a blessing from Naruko-chan for Tsunade-sama, but I consider you a blessing already."

Smoky hearing this felt touched and nuzzled into Shizune's arms. Danzo hearing this snorted and said "Pokemon are nothing but tools to prove our power, and once I win this tournament I will have that girl up there make me the Hokage and then I will show the world our superiority."

Naruko hearing this rolled her eyes and said loudly "The 24th match of this tournament has now been made. It shall be Samui Ōtsutsuki and her partner Rai versus Danzo Shimura and his other pokemon Gojira."

Jinx blinked hearing this and watched as Shizune walked off the field to be replaced by a very pissed off Samui with Rai, her dark Luxray walking beside her, a snarl on his face. Danzo watching as his Infernape was replaced by a Electivire snorted and said "I will this battle also girl and you will make me Hokage."

Samui now really pissed at the audacity of this man to talk to her mistress like that twice said with venom "I am Samui Ōtsutsuki and I am Naruko-sama's enforcer and I will be defeating you Danzo-san."

Everyone hearing how she pretty much spat Danzo's name knew this wasn't going to end well for him. Danzo snorting said nothing else as Jinx started the match. The terrain shifted into a burnt out power plant, that had flickering lights. Samui spotting this smirked and said "We have the advantage here Danzo."

Danzo snorting said "You do not as we both have electric types."

Samui chuckling with malice said "No you misunderstand me Shimura, we have the advantage her because unlike you we can hunt in the dark."

Suddenly the entire power plant went pitch black and both Samui and Rai vanished. Jinx being in the only lit part of the plant could see everything clearly, because of the glowing seal on her left ass cheek. Apparently Naruko had made it so that she would be able to clearly see the action no matter what situation. Jinx had a healthy blush on her face though, as the seal was putting out a comforting and arousing heat. Inside of her head she wondered if this was her aunts way of getting her back for being such a big tease.

Up in the stands everyone was wondering what was happening except for Haku who was trying to calm the pissed Jenny down. Jenny did not like how Danzo talked about her mom or how the one eyed cripple talked about her aunt. Haku herself didn't like it either, but knew Danzo was about to get his as Samui and Rai was about to bring the pain. Sakura with her partner for this tournament a dark shiny Charizard she had named Valkyrie was gritting her teeth in sheer anger at the audacity of that one eyed sack of walking dog shit, calling her mistress a mere girl. Valkyrie nuzzling Sakura, knew her mistress and the person she had chosen was pissed and with good reason. She wondered how her father, Hakai was dealing with the insults being thrown at Naruko.

Said Charizard sitting on the roof was being forcibly held back by Azumi, Akane, Akemi, Malice and Mana to keep him from burning that insolent old piece of crippled shit to pieces. How dare that arrogant human talk about the woman who had raised him from a weak little Charmander like that. All of his sisters was having a very hard time holding him back, not that they didn't want to do the same thing he was trying to do, they just had more sense to not do so. Konohamaru with Ken by his feet was glaring hot daggers at Danzo, as the man was talking about his big sister like she was trash. Ken was growling wanting to bite the man where it hurts for talking about what his mom had told him was his grandmother like that.

Moegi sitting on the shoulders of Lily, who was now a Blastoise was rubbing her head, because Lily wanted to drown Danzo for what he had said. Udon with Ryu who was now an Sheldon had to keep his hot headed dragon pokemon from going down there and making Danzo a true cripple. Kushina and Mikoto holding their babies glared at Danzo wanting to harm him so much that if looks could kill… well you get the point. Yugao was meditating trying to keep calm as she wanted to murder Danzo. Kurenai and Anko were in much the same state wanting to murder the old cripple.

Yugito and Mabui having decided not to participate wished they had so they could be the one teaching Danzo to respect his superiors. Tayuya still as naked as Kin wanted to march down that field and use every method known to her and turn Danzo into a woman. Diana didn't like Danzo one bit and it showed on her face. Her large fan club spotting the anger on their obsession's face glared at Danzo planning on making the old cripple pay. Kakashi no longer reading his smut wanted to trap the cripple in a genjutsu so horrible it would make Orochimaru scream in horror. Miranda was making plans on testing out a dangerous poison on Danzo for daring to talk about her love like that. Jack was being held back by Liara, and Aria, both barely being able to do so as Jack was beyond pissed. Ashley Williams was being held back by Tali and Jane, both of which was very glad Ashley didn't have a weapon on hand, otherwise Danzo would be dead already.

Ten-Ten wanted to impale Danzo with a very sharp kunai and laugh as the old man bled out. Ino was boiling with rage as Danzo had disrespected her love twice in one day. Karui grinding her teeth wanted to transform and rip Danzo to pieces. Kin with a dark look on her face was already plotting several gruesome ways to murder Danzo. Trouble sitting in her lap was on the same page with her master. Jiraiya was literally in a meditative stance to keep himself from launching down there and hitting Danzo with the biggest rasengan he could make. Hinata for once was glaring at someone and this had made all of her clan slide several feet away from her. Hell Neji was the furthest from her as this Hinata scared the shit out of him.

Tsunade still in Naruko's lap wanted to stomp down there and turn Danzo into paste for talking to her apprentice like that, and talking about Naruko like that. Said goddess could feel the anger radiating off of everyone when Danzo had run his little mouth. She wasn't the least bit bothered by what he said as Samui was about to show him the error of his ways.

Danzo trying to sense Samui or Rai, was shocked as he couldn't even detect their life signs. Samui with her eyes closed was standing right beside Rai as she whispered "Rai use Swift."

Rai nodding unleashed the attack on Gojira who grunted in pain. Danzo hearing this said 'Use Thunder and light this plant up."

Gojira roaring unleashed the attack but to Danzo's shock nothing happened. Well nothing happened to the plant. His little plan had failed because of Rai's Lightning Rod ability. Rai now swirling with electricity heard Samui whisper "Rai use Shock Wave!"

Rai doing so unleashed a powered up wave of yellow lightning that hit Gojira dead on. Gojira screamed in agony. Danzo growling decided to stop playing games. He then tried to use his secret project. The key word is tried, because as soon as he tried he was hit with a lightning bolt with enough power behind it to deep fry a T-rex. Danzo dropping to one knee screamed in agony as the current ran through his body. The lights came back on and the terrain shifted to normal. Jinx glaring at him said "Danzo Shimura you are disqualified for using a Ninjutsu."

Danzo's single eyes widened when golden chains wrapped around his body. Yugao appearing with a deadly smile on her face said "You heard the rules Shimura-sama. I am hereby obliged to execute you."

Danzo didn't even get to say a word as his head was chopped clean off. At least that's what it looked like until his body turned into an illusion and he appeared feet away. He snorting said "You cannot kill me."

All eyes narrowed hearing him say this. Naruko appearing on the field with a scowl on her face said "I knew I was right."

Everyone blinked hearing her say this and Jinx asked "Right about what?"

Naruko using the Speed Force removed the casing from Danzo's supposedly injured arm to reveal something that made several people turn green and Mikoto to growl. Implanted in the arm was several Uchiha Sharingan. Naruko with a displeased look on her face said "Danzo implanted several Uchiha Sharingan into his arm that was enhanced by Mokuton cells grown by the traitor Orochimaru. He also has Shisui's Mangekyou Sharingan hidden in his other eye."

Danzo snorting said "Like I said girl you will be making me the Hokage."

He then tried to use his project on Naruko, but gasped when nothing happened. She snorting let her eyes transform into her own Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and said "Oh please you fool, my eyes are 60 times more powerful then all of yours combined. Now then you're fucking with my tournament, thus it's time you died."

Her aura of chakra then came roaring to life and everyone gained wide eyes at how huge it was. She then blurring through handsigns and landing on bird said "Megami No Jutsu: Hebi no joo no hitokuchi!"(Goddess Jutsu; Bite of the Queen of Serpents!)

Everyone gained wide eyes when ethereal fangs sunk into Danzo's body at every point and he literally started to melt before their eyes. It was gruesome and such a deadly jutsu that they could actually see and smell his soul melting. Danzo screaming started to use his get out of death free jutsu, but it wasn't working, as every time he used it his pain only increased and another eyes would close. He realizing what was happening screamed "No this isn't possible. No jutsu should be able to defeat the Izanagi."

Naruko snorting said "Let me give you a little history lesson you little fool. My sisters and mother are responsible for every single jutsu the Sharing and any of it's forms can create. I'm responsible for the new form of the Byakugan that Hinata-chan, Hanabi-chan, and Neji will activate. I am responsible for the new mutations and evolutions of all bloodlines, including my precious Kushina-chan's chakra chains."

She ignoring all of the wide eyes and the cheer from Kushina said "I and my sisters, along with any fusions involving me are responsible for the Mythical and legendary creatures coming to life."

She then flipping her hair said "My lovely daughter Jenny is responsible for the thought process behind each of these creatures."

She then smiling said "One of the most deadly mythical and legendary creatures my darling little princess came up is the Basilisk otherwise known as the Queen of Snakes and Serpents. One look from her eyes can turn a living being to stone, and just a drop of her drool is an instant kill."

Everyone hearing this instantly started to put the pieces together and Jinx with wide eyes said "The jutsu she just used isn't just melting you, but it's melting you chakra pathways and your soul."

Naruko chuckling said "My lovely niece, harbinger of mayhem and inheritor to mother's unexplainable chaos is half right. You see my jutsu literally forced the venom into every aspect of your body, mind, and soul. Meaning not only has your brain been poisoned, but your heart, your lungs, your liver, your eyes, all of them, everything has been exposed to the ultra toxic venom of the Basilisk. Your little jutsu is useless against this type of assault meaning once the venom finishes consuming you, you'll be joining Minato Namikaze, and my poor jiji in the belly of Shini-chan."

All eyes widened hearing this and Tsunade sitting in Naruko's throne pulled out a scroll on wrote the jutsu down as the only Omega Jutsu in existence, well maybe the second one as the jutsu Naruko had used to revive Shizune was pretty powerful also. Danzo in agony felt tears flow from his eyes as he said "I only wanted Konoha to be great."

He then melted away. Naruko snorting turned to Gojira and smiled at the excited pokemon. Walking over she petted the pokemon that purred and said "Good job Gojira-chan, you exposed the grave robber. For this I'm making sure you get partnered up with your true friend soon."

She snapping her fingers made Jasper appear and rubbing the Infernape's head said "You did well also Jasper-chan and I already have the perfect person you can be paired with."

Jasper nuzzling Naruko's hand wondered who it was. Naruko taking Jasper's hand walked over to the wide eyed Jinx and said "Jasper this in Jinx and I believe you two will meld perfectly."

Jasper looking at the wide eyed Jinx was about to snort when she felt a massive power inside of Jinx. Smiling she walked over to Jinx and nuzzled the girl. Jinx smiling petted the blazing ape and said "I guess we're partners now."

Jasper saying her species name confirmed what Jinx had said. Naruko giggling vanished back to her spot along with Gojira.

Several matches later and it was down to the last two people. Standing across from each other was to no one's shock Yugao, who had been dominating the competition since her match with Tayuya in the first round. It had been explosive, but had shown just how dominate the anbu operative really was. Standing across from her was Temari who had shown her skill by defeating everyone thrown at her with skill and grace, including Samui. Jinx with a brand new pokeball clipped to her waist looked at the two feeling that this battle was going to be intense and knew that whoever won was going to face Naruko next. Taking a deep breath she said "Alright everyone this is the moment you've all been waiting for. This is the final battle between Yugao Ōtsutsuki and her Ninetails known as Aki and Temari Ōtsutsuki and her Noivern, known as Valhalla. This battle will determine who will face Naruko for a blessing."

Everyone hearing this gasped, except for Yugao and Temari who were staring each other down. Jinx then asked "Are you both ready?"

Yugao nodding said "I'll be facing Naruko-chan and I will earn her blessing to impregnate her with my new jutsu."

A lot of spit takes happened here and Naruko sweat dropped. Temari huffing said "No I will be facing Naruko-sama and I will earn her blessing to ask Hana Inuzuka out."

Kiba and Tsume were the ones to do spit takes here while Hana blushed bright red. Naruko chuckled hearing this. Jinx said "Alright go."

As soon as the words left her mouth the terrain shifted into something that made people blink. It had shifted into an exact replica of the Valley of the End. Temari ignoring this said "Valhalla use Air Slash."

The Noivern roaring slashed the air sending large scythe like blades of wind at Yugao who said "Aki use Flame Burst!"

The Ninetails yipping shot a very powerful ball of flames at the attacks by Valhalla and smirked when the fire gained intensity and charged towards Valhalla. Temari snorting said "Protect!"

Valhalla nodding created a blue dome to protect itself from Aki's attack. Yugao watching as the dome slowly faded said "Use Quick Attack and follow up with a Fire Blast."

Aki vanished from sheer speed and collided with Valhalla, before unleashing a huge Fire blast. Temari said "Counter that Fire Blast with a Water Pulse."

Valhalla doing so didn't have to be told to follow up her attack with a Bite. Aki dodging landed and unleashed a huge stream of flames at Valhalla now following Yugao's mental commands. Valhalla dodging at the last second shot into the sky, using Fly. Aki instantly buried herself in the ground, countering Valhalla's Fly with her own Dig. Jinx loving this battle wondered if this is what her aunt planned.

Valhalla coming down moved just in time for Aki to jump out of the ground. She charging forward was covered in sparks. Aki charging forward herself was covered in flames. Both pokemon clashed and Aki jumped into the air now twice as fast, while Valhalla was twitching from the damage done to herself. Aki stopping her spin landed in front of Valhalla and unleashed a powerful Heat Wave. Valhalla hit with this attack shock it's head and then started to spin creating the powerful flying type move Hurricane. This attack literally ripped Aki from the ground. Aki yipping knew she had to act fast of her partner was going to lose. She starting to spin shocked everyone when she created a Fire Spin in the middle of the Hurricane.

This worked out for Aki's favor though as the flames didn't hurt her but did a lot of damage to Valhalla who was still creating the Hurricane. When the attack finished Aki hit the ground hard but got back up with a fire in her eyes. Valhalla crashing to the ground herself had a severe burn but stood to her feet, not planning on failing her partner. Both females had worried looks on their faces as their partners was giving it their all. Aki knowing she was on her last leg, decided to give it her all. Howling she unleashed a gigantic stream of flames that was actually white initiating the intensity of the fire. Valhalla on her last leg roared and unleashed her own final attack. It was also a flamethrower with the same coloration as Aki's.

The two attacks met in the middle making the water boil from the sheer heat. This continued on until Aki's flamethrower powered through Valhalla's and defeat the Dragon/Flying type pokemon. Jinx wiping the sweat from her forehead said "Winner Yugao Otsutsuki and her partner Aki."

Temari rushing to Valhalla's side squatted down and asked "Are you okay?"

Valhalla answered by saying her species name several times, as she had swirls for eyes. Yugao holding Aki like her own baby said "You did good Aki, I'm very proud of you."

Aki licking Yugao's cheek soon joined Valhalla in slumber land. Both pokemon were then returned to the Otsutsuki clan compound for a good rest. Temari shaking Yugao's hand said "Good luck."

Yugao pulling the shocked Temari into a hug said "That was a good battle sister and I hope we can have another one soon."

Temari smiling hugged Yugao back and said "You got it."

Two hours later after everyone had gotten a bathroom break and some snacks , Yugao could be seen standing down on the field Nai her Pyroar laying beside her. Naruko wasn't down on the field yet, because she had to change out of her kimono. Jinx standing in the middle was rubbing her very warm ass, and trying to keep anyone from noticing how aroused she was. Just then a swirl of Sakura petals appeared. All eyes focused on this swirl and when it cleared, almost everyone watching either blushed, or passed out with nose bleeds. Naruko was standing there in a pair of short black and white shorts and a white spotted bikini top. Naruko's teal hair was tied into a loose ponytail that moved like flames.

Yugao wiping away the blood leaking from her nose asked "Who did you bring?"

She got her answer when Azumi appeared in a teleport. Smiling she said "Original pokemon versus original pokemon eh?"

Naruko giggling said "Of course Yu-chan, after all you're battling to get my blessing to impregnate me so I figured I'd give it my all as maternity leave is boring as shit."

Yugao laughing softly said "It wouldn't be right away, maybe a year or two later, and we'd both get knocked up."

Jinx standing up asked "Are you both ready?"

Naruko with a serene smile on her face said "Of course."

Yugao with a smile of her own on her face said "Yes."

Jinx then said "Begin."

The terrain instantly shifted and everyone gasped as it was gorgeous field full of flowers. Naruko bending over and picking one up smiled and said "The garden of the Shaymin. This place is so lovely."

She putting the flower behind her ear said "Azumi darling let's start this battle off right, use Psychic."

Azumi nodding used her attack and everyone was shocked when every single flower floated into the sky along with Nai. Yugao spotting this said "Nai use Roar to get yourself free."

Nai nodding unleashed a roar that blew all of the flowers away and forced Azumi to drop her. Naruko giggling said "Well done Yu-chan. Azumi use Thunder Punch!"

Azumi nodding coated her fist in white lightning and tried to punch Nai who everyone realized was really close to her. Nai dodged to the left as Yugao said "Use Bite!"

Nai obeying bite down on Azumi who grunted in pain. Naruko said "Focus Blast."

Yugao gained wide eyes hearing this and didn't even have the chance to tell Nai to dodge before she was hit by a powerful Focus Blast. Nai hit the ground and rolled almost to Yugao's feet. Yugao looking at Nai with worried eyes couldn't stop the smile that appeared on her face when Nai transformed into a substitute. Naruko smiling at this said "Well done Nai, it seems as you deserve a special treat after this battle."

Nai appearing roared. Yugao smiling said "Nai let's set this stage on fire, use Fire Blast!"

Everyone gained wide eyes when the flowers and entire field became a towering inferno. Naruko laughing said "Since you want to change the terrain Yu-chan, use Psystrike!"

Yugao hearing this gained wide eyes not knowing that Alakazam could learn this move. Azumi glowing created filed of psychic energy covered rocks and sent them flying at Nai, who using her natural cat-like reflexes dodged them. Naruko laughing said "Look up Yu-chan and watch as our pokemon create the visage of hell."

Yugao and everyone doing so gained wide eyes as the rocks were now on fire and the flowers from before started to fall to the ground. Kiba with wide eyes said "Fucking hell. It's raining Fire and Brimstone."

Yugao shaking her head turned to Naruko and asked "Should we stop playing around?"

Naruko opened her eyes and answered with "We should Yu-chan."

Yugao nodding said "Alright Nai, let's harmonize."

Nai roaring closed her eyes along with Yugao and both started to glow with a purple aura. Naruko floating into the air said "My darling Azumi let's show everyone true peace."

Azumi floating into the air also started glow with a white aura, like Naruko. All four females then opened their eyes and people gasped as the power coming from them was extraordinary. Nai roaring vanished and the people who could keep up could see her literally running on the air. Azumi sitting in the lotus position started to unleashed her attacks like none had ever seen. Neither human was speaking as their partners battled it out. Jinx amazed by this knew that this was true harmony and that her aunt and friend were on another level than everyone else.

Jenny in Haku's lap had stars for eyes as she said "Momma is glowing."

Haku with a serene smile on her face said "Yes she is baby. That's the serene grace aura she gains whenever she harmonizes with one of her pokemon."

Kakashi feeling so relaxed could see the worried look on his fiancée's face. Taking her hand in his he said "No worries Azula-chan this is just the side effect of Naruko's serene grace aura. All members of the Ōtsutsuki clan are placed in an almost docile state. Once we're married you'll be able to experience it first hand."

Kurenai leaning her head against her hands sighed in peace as she said "This is true serenity."

Anko leaning back in her seat had a true smile on her face as she said "So this is what peace feels like. I like it."

Kin cuddling with Tayuya said "I love Naruko-sama's serene grace."

Tayuya nuzzling Kin's face said "I've never felt so tranquil in my life."

Karin once again cuddling with Cotton had hearts for eyes as she said "Naruko-sama is the epicenter of tranquility."

Samui feeling the weight of her breast leave her shoulder sighed and said "Only you can make me happy Naruko-sama."

Yugito with her eyes closed hummed as she enjoyed the aura. Mabui feeling the same as Samui said "You are truly divine Naruko-sama."

Temari feeling like the world was in the palm of her hands said "I love you more than life itself Naruko-sama."

Sakura with her eyes closed finally felt the hatred she had for the dead Sasuke leave her as she said "Thank for loving me Naruko-sama."

Konohamaru leaned back in his chair said "Man Nee-chan is soothing."

Moegi feeling warm and loved said "Onee-sama is happiness."

Udon on cloud nine said "Onee-sama is love."

Diana with a happy smile on her face said "This is the unparalleled love of my one true love."

Her fan club cried hearing this but was also swooning at how peaceful she looked. Jinx down on the battlefield had a love struck look on her face as she stared at Naruko with hearts for eyes. She sighing heavily said "This is what mom meant when she told me when I found the one I'd just know."

Karui stopping her glare at Jiraiya smiled and said "I need to show you how grateful I am someday Naruko-sama."

Naruko having felt and heard all of this smiled and said "Enough Azumi-chan this battle is over."

Azumi hearing her mother nodded and stopped her attack. All eyes moved to her wondering why she had stopped the battle. Smiling as she set down she said "Congratulations Yu-chan you and Nai won the first of our little tournaments."

Yugao having a goofy smile on her face said "Thanks Naruko-hime."

Naruko laughing softly at Yugao's state said "I will grant your blessing Yugao, but you will have to wait 2 years."

Yugao nodding said "That's fine with me."

Naruko smiled at this and said "I thank you all for participating in the tournament and I would like to congratulate you all as doing this has lifted the weight and darkness that hovered over your hearts."

She smiling at the shocked looks said "I have also cleansed your minds and souls of any guilt that plagued it."

She smiling said "Now before I go any further I'd like inform you all that from this moment on Kushina Uzumaki, Mikoto Uchiha, Tsunade Senju, Shizune Kato, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-Ten, Hinata Hyuga and Ayame Ichiraku are now proud members of the Ōtsutsuki clan. This means they are well within their rights to proudly bare the clan name. I'm also happy to inform you all that Tsunade, Kushina, Mikoto and Shizune have regained their youth. Three of them are now at the age of 19, with Shizune-chan being 18 again."

She giggling at all of the wide eyes said "Not only have their youth been restored, but so has Yugao, Kurenai, and Anko. My three lovely queens are now 18 along with Shizune."

People gasped hearing this and Anko checking was shocked as she really was 18 again. Naruko smiling continued with "I also grant Temari-chan her blessing to ask Hana Inuzuka out. I grant Anko's blessing to have her cursed seal removed, I grant almost all of your blessings. The exception being Jiraiya who is a super pervert that needs to be turned into a woman the painful way, Danzo for obvious reasons and most of the civilian council as they only wish to bring Sasuke-teme back."

She lifting into the air said "Now then rejoice and return to your homes."

Everyone with smiles on their faces returned through the portals to their homes. Naruko once everyone was back in Konoha smiled and asked "What did you think of my little tournament Shini-chan?"

Sakira appearing walked over to Naruko and shocked her by planting a soul searing kiss on her lips. She drawing back with a smirk on her face said "I think I owe you for giving me that old cripple's soul. It was simply scrumptious."

Naruko with a healthy blush on her face said "You're welcome Sakira-hime."

Sakira giggling said "I know I am Naruko-hime. So I'm going to give you something in exchange for Danzo's soul, along with that poor deluded Kaguya clan boy."

Naruko blinked when two females appeared in front of her. Blinking she looked at them and her eyes widened recognizing Mito Senju from the pictures. The second woman she didn't know, but she did look an awful lot like Gaara and Temari. She was about to ask when Sakira said "Wait I've got one more."

A third person then appeared and Naruko had no clue who she was, but she did have very pretty hair. Sakira giggling said "I'm sure you know who the first one is. The second woman is Gaara and Temari's mother Karura Subaku, while the last one is Pakura of the Scorch Release."

Naruko hearing this had her jaw scraping the ground as she asked "You're giving me Temari-chan's mom and Mito-sama?"

Sakira nodding said "Yes as you've managed to feed me three corrupted souls. I had to pay you back somehow."

Naruko knowing all three souls she was talking about said "I didn't really do it for a reward."

Before she could say anything else Sakira kissed her again shutting her up. Sakira smiling said "Don't consider them as a reward, consider them as down payment on a future wedding ring."

Naruko hearing this gained wide eyes, but before she could say a thing back Sakira was gone. Sweat dropping Naruko said "Troublesome death gods."

She creating two clones had them grab Mito and Pakura. She picking up Karura in bridal style asked "I wonder how Temari-chan is going to react."

The clone carrying Mito said "Fuck that, how is Tsunade-hime going to react." All three Naruko's shivered hearing this.

3 days later Naruko had called Temari and Tsunade to her room. She hadn't really told them about Mito and Karura, as she had been busy getting the two females settled and helping the one's who moved in adjust. Both revived females were stable and should wake up any day now. She was sitting on her bed wearing her bikini as she planned on relaxing in the pool after this talk. She hearing a knock on her door said "Come on in."

The door opened and in walked the beaming 19 year old Tsunade and Temari who had several hickeys on her neck. Naruko giggled knowing where the hickeys came from. Tsunade asked "You wanted to see us?"

Naruko nodding said "Yeah I actually wanted to see you for several reasons Tsunade, but the most important will come first. Both of you sit down, because what I'm about to tell is gonna shock you to your cores."

Both females quirked their eyebrows but sat down. Naruko sitting up and ignoring how both female's eyes were drawn to her breast for a few seconds asked "Okay you know that after the tournament a few days ago it took me a while to get home and how I've been rather sneaky?"

Temari nodding said "Almost all of your vassals is worried, the only ones not are Karin and your new vassal Guren."

Tsunade nodded also and said "Yeah we just figured you needed the time to rest after blessing so many people."

Naruko smiled and said "Thanks but that's not it. You see after everyone left Sakira-hime or to mortals Shinigami appeared and kissed me on the lips, shocking me just a little bit."

Both females gained wide eyes and Temari asked "You locked lips with the Goddess of Death?"

Naruko with a blush said "Yes and it was kinda nice, unexpected but still nice. Anyway she told me that she was very pleased with my efforts lately and… so I've been making sure the three were stable and healthy and they're schedules to wake up any day now."

Tsunade's jaw was scraping the ground, while Temari had a very hopeful look in her eyes. Temari asked "Can we see them?"

Naruko nodding said "They're in my closet, just move the fox fur coat and it'll take you to see them."

Tsunade getting up said "You wait right here until we get back or else."

Naruko nodding watched as both females went to check what she had told them. It would be five minutes later when both females came into the room with teary eyes. Temari latching onto her said "Thank you so much Naruko-sama."

Tsunade then joined in the hug and said "You're too good to us, Naruko-hime."

Naruko hugging both girls back smiled softly and said "I'd do anything for my girls."

Once the two women had calmed down enough Temari getting her face straight said "I'm gonna go help Hana-chan at her job, I'll be back later Naruko-sama and then I'll repay your for all that you've done."

She left the room before Naruko could tell her that there was no need. Shaking her head she turned to Tsunade and said "Follow me to the pool as I tell you the other things I need to talk to you about."

Tsunade nodding smiled as she a plan on how she could thank Naruko for everything she had done. If she had her way Naruko wouldn't be talking, but moaning. Naruko leading the way to the pool, stopped and asked "Do you have a bikini Tsunade-hime?"

Tsunade nodding said "I'm already wearing it as I had planned on relaxing in the pool after work today."

Smiling Naruko continued their way to the pool. Arriving she jumped into the pool and giggled as Victoria appeared and started to blow bubbles at her. Tsunade in her bikini pouted spotting Victoria but shaking her head sat in the pool. Smiling she asked "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

Naruko stopping her giggle turned serious and said "Something needs to be done about the situation in Kirigakure. I can no longer sit by and watch as a lunatic hunts down and kills people for no reason other them having a bloodline."

Tsunade hearing this instantly got serious and said "We cannot get involved with that mess Naruko."

Naruko shaking her head said "Wrong, you and Konoha can't get involved but the Otsutsuki clan can and will be getting involved."

Tsunade blinking asked "What's your plan?"

Naruko said "I'm sending Temari, Samui, Karin, and Diana to assist the rebel forces. Kushina, Mikoto and Yugao will act as reinforcements if things get to real. I myself will be the last resort and desperation call. I'm sending these groups because Temari and Karin have the possibility to become a fusion. Samui and Diana have the possibility to become a fusion plus all four of them combined could easily take down a kage. Kushina comes in because of her ability to halt a tailed beast movement with her chakra chains. Mikoto comes in because of her Sharingan and incredible fire jutsu and finally Yugao because honestly she could be part Nara as she's always three steps ahead. I'm the desperation call as I'm a goddess and I would only battle Yagura and the three tails."

Tsunade hearing this sighed and asked "You're gonna do this regardless of what I say aren't you?"

Naruko nodding with a smile on her face said "Kirigakure has been under the thumb of a hypnotized lunatic for long enough. It's time he be purged from this world and someone else took over."

Tsunade smiling said "Alright then."

Naruko smiled at this and asked "Now is there anything you need?"

Tsunade gaining a smirk said "I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to catch the new Princess Gale movie with me, Kurenai, Mabui and Karui."

Naruko not really liking the Princess Gale movies, but loving the 4 women said "Sure."

Tsunade made the victory sign inside of her head and asked "What time do you want us to pick you up?"

Naruko leaning back said "An hour before the movie starts."

Tsunade nodding got out of the pool and said "Well then I guess I had better get back to work so I can be ready to pick you up."

She then left in a swirl of leaves. Naruko giggling asked "I wonder if she knows the secret to defeating paperwork."

Shaking her head she leaned back and asked Bane "So when do you think Tsunade will activate her Symbiote and how powerful do you think Hinata's is going to be?"

Bane manifesting in her Naruko form smiled and said "Tsunade-chan will activate our daughter in a week. Hinata-chan will be very powerful with her symbiote, as she already has great power hidden inside of her."

Naruko giggling held up her hands as her Wigglytuff known as Ariana floated down into her lap. Nuzzling her lovely pink diva she asked "What's wrong my darling?"

Ariana saying her species name several times puffed out her cheeks. Naruko smiled and said "Of course you can come with me to the Princess Gale movie. I'd never leave my little diva out of a premier."

Ariana calmed down hearing this and nuzzled her master, loving being the center of attention. Bane laughing said "Our little diva is so spoiled."

Two hours later and Naruko could be seen sitting in the movie theater leaning her head on Tsunade. Karui and Mabui were eating popcorn as they enjoyed the movie. Kurenai was nuzzling Ariana who enjoyed the nuzzle session with Kurenai, as she enjoyed being the center of attention. Tsunade enjoying the movie, not because it was good, but because she was with the woman who had given her so much peace, blinked when an anbu appeared in the seat beside her and whispered into her ear. Sighing she asked "What teams are still intact to take this mission?"

The anbu informed her that most of the teams were still intact, but asked if she wanted to try the new team seven. Tsunade smiling at this nodded and turning to her love, gained hearts in her eyes as Naruko had shifted from leaning and cuddling with her to using her as a pillow. This was allowing Tsunade to verify Kin's statement about Naruko's snores. They did sooth the very soul. She shaking her head leaned forward and said "Naruko-chan I need you to lead a mission to the land of snow to escort the camera crew for the Princess Gale movies."

She then leaning closer as Naruko had stopped her snoring said "Your side mission is to guard and protect the true Daimyo of the land of snow, and if you can liberate it from the tyrannical hands of her uncle."

Naruko cracking open her eyes asked "Whose on my team?"

Tsunade smiling said "Sakura Ōtsutsuki, Ten-Ten Ōtsutsuki, Ino Ōtsutsuki and Jinx Ōtsutsuki."

Naruko hearing this asked "A full kunoichi team, plus and all out Ōtsutsuki assault."

A smile wormed itself onto her face as she said "I accept the mission Hokage-sama, but you'll have to pay me back for ruining this lovely date you and the others worked so hard to set up."

She then standing up shut her eyes and smiled as the teal dress she had been wearing was replaced by her new mission clothes. It was a long sleeved black fur lined jacket. This jacket had the Otsutsuki clan symbol in bright pink on the back. Under this jacket she had on her customized white konoha flak jacket showing that she was jonin. She had no shirt on underneath this jacket, instead having on a teal bra. She also had on black fur lined pants, that went over her black boots with pink strings. Completing this look off was her konoha headband that shined like a beacon in the dark. Smiling she opened her eyes and turned to Ariana who had stars for eyes and asked "Would like to accompany me on a mission Ariana my darling Diva?"

Ariana jumping up nodded with vigor. Naruko grabbing Ariana smiled and said "We'll be back after the mission Tsunade-chan, Kurenai-chan, Mabui-chan and Karui-chan."

She then vanished in a swirl of pink mist. All of the females she had just said goodbye to swooned and said "She's so amazing.


Yo check out this preview of themightshevenom's first fic. It's actually going to be a Naruto/Pokegirl/Digimon crossover. Actually she's giving you loyal jackals the entire first chapter. Well enjoy oh and it's gonna be named either the victim or Son of Ra. Also someone asked me why are the pokemon named if the participants aren't keeping the pokemon. The pokemon are named by Naruko and her family including her sisters. I'm working on making a list of pokemon for each person along with a list of symbiote. Also the tournament was created to ease the hearts and minds of the village to help them get over the invasion and the death of the 3rd. Next chapter is chapter 19 and Tigers And Sharks will officially have the most chapters of all my fics.

Our story stars in a land covered in snow, with five large panels that looked to be covered in ice standing tall. A small hut could be seen in the middle of this field. A man dressed in some kind of armor was walking towards this hut, as a woman with black hair, fair skin and light blue eyes stared at him with cold eyes. This man is Doto Kazahana and the woman is his niece Koyuki Kazahana. Doto walking into the hut slid what looked like a crystal into a slot and smiled when a loud humming could be heard. Taking several steps back he looked around expecting riches to appear but got very angry when the five panels just started to glow and slowly the ice and snow started to melt. Snarling he said "This is the treasure."

Koyuki watching all of this said "Spring."

Snarling he turned to say something to her when a loud masculine voice said "KOYUKI!"

Both people turned and Koyuki gasped spotting our hero a 13 year old boy with a head full of spiky blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin and three whisker like marks on each side of his face. Doto snarling asked "You just don't know when to quit do you brat?"

The boy said "I don't ever give up."

Doto snarling went through handsigns and said "Black Dragon Blizzard Jutsu!"

He then sent a dragon shaped attack at the boy and it launched the boy backwards. Koyuki screamed "NARUTO!"

The boy getting back to his feet said "It's take more then that you defeat me you shithead."

Doto snarling asked "Is the device messing up."

Naruto running towards Doto blinked when said man was in front of him and connected a jaw shattering punch to his face. This kicked up a huge cloud of white smoke, because it was snow. When the smoke cleared a huge hole could be seen showing the water that had been underneath the ice. Koyuki having seen this gasped. Doto turning back to her was walking forward planning on killing her when he suddenly turned around as a black haired boy, with blazing red eyes charged towards him with a lightning covered hand. He jumping cried out "Chidori!"

Doto's armor activated and tried to absorb the attack. It did absorb most of it, but in the process his armor cracked. The boy was then kicked by Doto and collided with a panel. He sliding down said "His armor is cracked. It's all up to you now Naruto."

Doto snarling turned back to Koyuki and said "I'm gonna kill you bitch."

Koyuki hearing this was ready to accept her death.

Naruto sinking lower and lower into the water had his eyes closed as he wondered what the hell was taking the nine tails so long. He blinked finding himself no longer under the water. Instead he was inside some kind of temple. This temple looked ancient and for some reason brand new at the same time. He looking around could seen pictures carved into the walls but both sides were different. One side had a strange red symbol, while the other side had what looked like women with animal parts. This confused the hell out of him. Shaking his head he stood up and decided to find the center of this temple as maybe it would let him know where he was.

He walking passed by many more carvings, most showing a woman with animal parts or some kind of awesome looking creature fighting along side a human. He then passed by two symbols, one being a upside down red triangle, while the other kinda looked like a flame. These two symbols were the last carvings as he was now in the center of the temple. His eyes widened into circles spotting a gorgeous woman sitting in the middle of the temple. This woman had long flowing red, orange and yellow hair, that almost moved like flames. Her skin was flawless and pale. Her face was heart shaped and made most of the women in his village look like shit. Her eyes were closed so he could see the thick black make up she had around each eye. Her ears weren't round like his, instead they were pointed and lovely. Her lips, which had a layer of red lipstick on it, were plump and lovely. Her body was like an hourglass as she had the perfectly balanced body. She was dressed in a black, white and grey kimono, that did nothing to hide her impressive figure.

Naruto realising that this gorgeous woman could be an enemy or the Kyuubi in disguise reached for a kunai or shuriken. But blinked as he didn't have a weapon on him or anything besides his clothes for that manner. Gulping he dropped into a fighting stance and was about to ask who she was, when she opened her eyes to reveal pools of yellow with her pupils being a mix of red and orange. She locking eyes with him shocked him by smiling. She then spoke and her voice was like silk. She had said "Naru-chan my precious child."

This statement shocked the hell out of Naruto, before he narrowed his eyes and growled out "Not falling for this shit again lady. Get the hell on."

The woman sighing said "I assure you I'm not trying to lure you into a false sense of security nor am I trying to pull the wool over your eyes. I am truly your mother and I can prove it."

Naruto having a dubious look on his face crossed his arms and said "Show me this supposed proof."

The woman nodding snapped her fingers and Naruto blinked as the walls started showing him a video. His eyes widened spotting the event's of his birth, not only revealing who his father was, but the reason the Kyuubi attacked the village. He then watched as his father sealed the fox inside of him, ignoring her begging him not to do so and to seal it inside of her. Naruto huffing said "That doesn't prove anything."

She chuckled and said "Your true birthmark is the star shaped mark on her your left shoulder and your name in kanji means Maelstrom not Fishcake. Also you have my legendary temper, which also comes with my skills at pranks."

Naruto blinked as no one, not even the old man knew about his true birthmark as he kept it hidden. His eyes widened as he with a tremble in his voice asked "You're really my?"

She nodded and smiled when he glomped her and started to cry into her kimono. She wrapping her arms around him rubbed soothing circles into his back and said "I'm so sorry my precious maelstrom your stupid bastard father ignored my wishes and sealed that mangy fox inside of you."

Naruto crying into her kimono sniffled out "Why am I just meeting you, and why didn't anyone tell me?"

She answered with "Because it took this long for my true body to reform and I have no clue why Kakashi nor anyone else never told you, but believe me I will find out?"

Naruto hearing the word true body blinked and asked "What do you mean true body?"

She smiling down at him said "Baby most people knew me as Kushina Uzumaki, the red hot bloody pepper or the Uzumaki Death Goddess. In reality that was only a pseudo form. My true body is Ra and I'm an ancient Egyptian goddess of the Sun. I since my creation have gained several more domains, including flames or fire of any kind, water and ice, lightning and thunder, and nature."

Naruto had wide eyes learning that his mom was a goddess. He then blinked and asked "What does that mean for me?"

She sending him a smile said "It means I need to awaken your godly blood and you have the Mokuton, Hyōtonand the Enton."

Naruto's eyes nearly popped hearing this. She then asked "Did you notice the carvings in the temple?"

He nodded and she said "Good as I have recently discovered two more domains of mine and the carvings on the wall depict them. The first domain, the one showing women with animalistic traits is called Pokegirls."

Naruto blinked and asked "What's a Pokegirl?"

She smiled and explained it to him and giggled when he blushed brightly. She then said "The second are called Digimon."

She then predicting his question explained what a digimon was to him. He now understanding asked "What does this have to do with me?"

She smiled and said "Baby I discovered these two new domains through my restored connection to you. This means that you most likely have the central Digital Core inside of you. This means you my precious maelstrom have every single Digimon inside of you making you the most powerful digimon in existence. You also have the potential to Digivolve yourself. I'm going to try and help you activate this part of you so you can finish this mission and have an ace up your sleeve for the upcoming chunin exams. You also have the perfect Pokegirl DNA Helix meaning you are essentially a Pokegirl. Not only are you a pokegirl, but you're the pokegirl."

Naruto confused asked "What do you mean the pokegirl?"

She giving him a motherly smile said "Baby you are the ultimate pokegirl as you have the DNA of every single pokegirl in all of time in every dimension. This makes your potential limitless. If what I'm trying to do right now works, you'll be able to evolve to as many forms as possible and even achieve at the very least 10 legendary forms."

Naruto confused asked "What's a legendary?"

His mom sighed and then explained what a legendary was. Naruto with stars for eyes asked "What are you trying to do?"

She smiled and said "Flood your chakra pathways with my divine chakra and override the human DNA inside of you, allowing this to happen."

Naruto blinked and titled his head to the side. He then asked "Is what you're trying to do gonna hurt?"

Kushina squealing on the inside at the absolutely adorable thing her son had just did said "No baby, as you'll be unconscious in your reshaping mindscape, I'm gonna temporarily take over so that your body can adjust and reshape itself to suit your needs."

Naruto smiled hearing this and said "Okay mom."

She giggling set him down and covered him with a blanket as his blue eyes slowly closed. She kissed him on the middle of his forehead and said "Sleep tight my little maelstrom, mamma is about to get a princess to fall hard for you."

She then gained a very serious look on her face as she added "And make a certain Uchiha jealous."

She then vanished from the temple as it changed into a beautiful heavily forested clearing, with several animals walking around, or in the case of the snakes slithering around.

In the real world Naruto's body suddenly exploded in a brilliant burst of light. This light shined through the ice making the advancing Doto turn around. Kakashi having just arrived with Sakura was looking down wondering what was going on. Suddenly a figure shot out of the water and landed in front of Sasuke's downed form. This figure quickly became visible and Kakashi shit several bricks. Standing in front of Sasuke, radiating immense power was none other then Kushina Uzumaki, otherwise known as the Uzumaki Death God. Kushina ignoring the palpable fear rolling off of Kakashi in waves set her eyes on Doto and said "Good my conversation with Sochi-kun didn't take too much time."

Sakura and Koyuki confused wondered who this lady was and who was her Sochi. Kakashi on the other hand shit even more bricks as this wasn't just an illusion and Kushina was really in front of him, and she had told Naruto what he didn't know. Doto snarling asked "Who are you bitch and where did that stupid brat go?"

Kushina hearing this said "My son isn't a stupid brat you arrogant trash and as for who I am."

She lifting up her hand watched as thick roots came out of the ground and wrapped around Doto tightly. She then with venom in her voice said "It doesn't matter as you're about to die as I'm about to perfect and demonstrate my child's 3rd original jutsu, this one not meant to deal with perverts."

She then snapped her fingers and everyone gasped when several small blue flames appeared and started to circle the trapped Doto. Kushina closing her eyes said "Face judgement and perish for your sins. Uzumaki Hijutsu: Combination Jutsu: Legend of the Ghost Rider Jutsu!"

Everyone's eyes widened when the flames combined to form a skeletal figure dressed in a leather biker jacket, jeans and chains. This figure had a blue flaming head and blue flaming eyes. This figure looked eyes with Doto and suddenly the corrupt man started to scream as his body slowly but surely started to turn into smouldering ash. When the jutsu ended, Kushina dropped the jutsu and inspecting the results whistled and said "Sochi-kun's jutsu is definitely an A-rank or above jutsu."

She then turning to the wide eyed Koyuki smiled and said "Pleasure to meet you Koyuki, it seems as my sochi is quite smitten with you, unlike his fake crush on that pink haired thing standing by Kakashi."

Koyuki blinked and then asked "Who are you and who is this sochi you're talking about?"

Kushina giggled and said "Why none other then my little ball of sunshine Naruto Uzumaki, Prince and Heir of the Uzumaki clan. As for who I am, my name is Kushina, but you can call me Ra"

She then smiled as Koyuki's eyes widened and a blush quickly hit the woman's face. Kushina was easily able to ignore the shocked and slightly hurt feeling she could feel coming from Sakura. She then rounding on the now terrified Kakashi with a sickly sweet smile said "Now then I have some questions for you Kakashi-kun and you're gonna answer them or I'm gonna castrate you with a dull rusty kunai."

Kakashi hearing this very real threat became so pale he was starting to blend in with the snow.