Title: The Demon Hunter Assassin.

Rating: T

Summary: Sasaki Mio is a demon hunter and with her partner Maeda Hisoka she always hunt demons with ease. But due to the demons increased activity her grades dropped and she fell to the end class. Not enough with the demons she had to deal with another creature who wanted to be their teacher. Will her super powers as a demon hunter help the assassination? And will her true identity on being a demon hunter revealed? Find out now.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ansatsu Kyoushitsu.

Chapter 1 (Demon Hunters and Kunugigaoka Jr. High)

Sasaki Mio the Demon hunter

Current Time : 12:00 AM.

Current Location: A cemetery.

A demon just died.

"Whoa that was close! Don't you think so Hisoka?" A girl with dark brown haired tied in low twintails said. Looked battered up.

"Yeah. The demons are getting more and more extreme lately. It looks like the demons we beaten just now is in level 3" A black haired boy beside her said commenting the situation. His condition is not better than her.

"I'm tired" the girl slumped onto the ground.

"You can't sit here Mio. let's go to the park and sit" Hisoka said while pulling the girl up and dragging her out of the cemetery. Once they arrived at the park they settle themselves down. Their wounds had healed a few minutes ago. These guys here are demon hunters.

"Got anything Mio?" Hisoka asked while tossing a can of soft drink to her. The brunette shook her head. Hisoka sighed " even though the demon was in level 3 he was a quite poor one huh?". She laughed.

"Very poor" she said after drinking a sip of her drink. They continued on hunting demons. When the sun rises and they are very exhausted. Luckily demon hunters didn't need to sleep instead they need to fill in their stomach for energy. Hisoka and Mio walked into their separate apartments and leave to school, Kunugigaoka Junior high.

Of course no one knows about their identity even the headmaster. They'll get problems if their identity is revealed. After entering the school Hisoka and Mio walked to their classes. Mio go to C class and Hisoka to D class. Of course they are still very tired of last night's hunting but they had to go to school, exams are a few days to go. Next year they are going to be 3rd years so they need to drill on their studies. They had to study hard if they don't want to fell to the E class. Rumor has it if you go there there is no turning back, you'll fail in your life. E class is a shitty place for a shitty community so they still had to study.

In the class thaer are just sounds of paper sheets and pens clicking. 'Guess everyone is going to be busy studying' she thought. Then she opened her textbook and study herself.



-The bell rings. It is time to go home from school-

Hisoka is currently waiting for Mio to go out of her class. After waiting for a few minutes the person finally comes out with an annoyed face. 'guess it's better to greet first before asking any questions' Hisoka thought.

"Yo Mio". The girl turn her head to him and suddenly Hisoka got an unexpected reaction from her making him taken aback by it. Comically tears flow out from her eyes.

"Hisoka.." she called him out while still crying. Don't know what to do Hisoka just lightly tap her head with a slight sweatdrop. "Now, now don't give me that look. Tell me what happened?" Hisoka asked her. The asked girl sniffles a bit before answered.

"I was getting scolded" she said.


"I fell asleep in the middle of class"

"How?! I mean we're .. we practically didn't need any sleep! So how come?!" Hisoka asked surprised.

"I skipped lunch. I was studying in the library" she said. Hisoka sighed demon hunters need food to recover their energy. Skipping lunch means not refilling their energy so that's why she fell asleep.

"And it was in the middle of test too. I sucked" She said.

"Then let's go eat, we're going hunting at 7 so we still got some time. Where do you want to eat?" Hisoka asked her. After thinking for a bit she answered. "Let's eat at my apartment I still have some leftovers". Hisoka nodded and followed the girl they definetily need enough energy to hunt tonight. After arriving at Mio's apartment she quickly opened the fridge and see what is in it. She heated some curry and a few croquettes. After eating they prepared themselves and leave to annihilate some demons.

Chapter 1 finished

Thanks for reading I'll update this weekly and if I'm lucky a few days once. Reviews are welcome.