
It has been a long time and for that I want to apologize! I teach and get very busy during the school year. I don't like putting out product unless I'm sure it's up to quality. Or at least up to my own quality standards. I won't publish something simply just to get it out there. It needs to be my best.

So it has been a long time since posting anything but I'm back here and there and will be writing as often as I can. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy CH. 12. I'd also like to thank a million times my Beta **Med-Anes** Couldn't do it without you buddy. Thanks again and please Read & Review.

Ch. 12 Intermediary

Harry awoke the next morning in a very pleasant state of disarray. His bedroom was an utter disaster and he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear when recalling the night's events. He had accompanied the Weasley's back to the Burrow where they stayed up late into the night drinking Butterbeer and exchanging stories from the previous month. He couldn't think of a better way to end his month away. Much like the nights after Gryffindor would win a Quidditch much but more subdued. By the chime of midnight, the party started to wind down and Harry had departed with Ginny in tow to Tavistock Place.

With lips already locked by the time their feet touched the floor, the couple made quite a mess in carving a path though the flat. The kitchen and living room were unblemished but there was a minor path of destruction swathed from the front door to the bed. Harry wasn't ashamed by any means; his physical relationship with Ginny had stopped causing him embarrassment months ago, but the manner in which they'd entered the flat would have earned him many less-than-ideal curses from Ron had he been present.

Harry turned over expecting to see Ginny but only found an empty bed. He was disappointed but the the warmth was evidence his fiery, redheaded fiancé couldn't have gone far. He sat up and located his glasses and wand before heading to the kitchen in only somewhat modest attire. Ginny was already awake and making breakfast. She was wearing one of Harry's muggle t-shirts, possibly only this but he couldn't be sure, and her hair was in a glorious state of disarray that blazed as it caught the morning light. What is it about Potters and red heads he thought to himself.

'Good morning,' he said sleepily removing his glasses to clean them. He had a vague memory of Ginny forcibly removing them and now they had smeared fingerprints on nearly every bit of the lenses.

'It is, isn't it?' Ginny said bubbly. She gave him a radiant smile and waved her wand at the cup of coffee she'd made.

'Thank you,' Harry said taking the cup and sniffing it with a quiet moan of contentment. 'What are you making?'

'Omelets,' she said moving to grab a nearby spatula. 'I was hungry. I had quite the workout last night'

She turned and gave him a devious smile which caused Harry to laugh. 'You had a quidditch match as well I think.'

'You know,' she said in mock thoughtfulness 'I think you're right.'

She finished the omelets and grabbed a few slices of toast, which were slightly burnt, but Harry didn't mind.

'Smells incredible,' he said as she sat it in front of him. 'Thank you for making breakfast'

'It's my pleasure' she said beaming at him.

'Well you're sure in a good mood this morning' Harry said . 'Don't you usually complain quite a lot when your Mum makes your cook?'

'No one forced me to make this meal' she replied point her fork at him. 'It's much more pleasant this way, especially when I feel like I've earned it.' She winked.

'Well I appreciate it.'

'What's your plan today?' Ginny took a sip of her own coffee.

'Not sure,' Harry said brightly. 'We have the rest of the week off since they aren't paying us for all the overtime so my schedule is quite open.'

'That's good I guess,' Ginny ran her hands through her hair to tame it slightly without much success. Harry wondered if his own attempts at controlling were as obviously fruitless. 'Better than nothing I suppose.'

'Much, ' Harry affirmed.

'Well I don't have much going on either. So we will get loads of time together.' Harry gave her a sly smile and she flung a piece of egg at him. 'For more than that!' she added in mock anger.

'I have a few things I know I need to do' Harry said cleaning egg off his glasses now.


'Well... I'd be willing to bet Galleons to Gobstones that there is something with Potter Manor - '

but before Harry could finish his sentence a brilliantly bright blue flash of flame erupted just next to the pair of them in the kitchen. Lucaeli had appeared at Harry's side looking calmly at ease despite the literal explosion that his entrance had been. Meanwhile, Ginny had screamed and jumped so violently that the coffee cup she had been holding hit the ceiling and shattered sending shards of ceramic and droplets of piping hot coffee all over the pair of them.

Just as she had righted herself after attempting to flee from the flying beverage, she turned around to say something but froze when her eyes laid upon Lucaeli. She looked from the phoenix to Harry several times looking shocked. Harry smiled at her expression as shock morphed into comprehension.

'Harry. Potter.' She spoke slowly as if struggling to find the words. 'Is that a ... is that a phoenix?!'

Harry smiled even more widely and took a deep breath. 'Yes.' he replied simply. She continued to look at him expectantly for several seconds. When Harry didn't elaborate she held up her hands gesturing to it vigorously.

'Well?!' she snapped at him. 'What the ruddy hell is it doing here?!'

'Oh.' Harry blurt out. 'He's uhh sort of mine now.'

'He's yours?!' she spluttered for several seconds but coherent words seemed to have escaped her. Harry spent a few minutes explaining to her their tracking of Dragon's Ride to the Williamson estate and the resultant battle that had ensued. When Harry got to the part of the memory left for them and the explanation of the golden fire and how it called to Lucaeli, her mouth had hung open.

'So.' she began hoarsely before clearing her throat. 'So you ... we have a phoenix now?'

'Yea.' Harry attempting to sound nonchalant but it came out giddy.

'Can't you do anything normally?!

'Apparently not.' he replied.

She looked at the bird again from the tip of his electric blue plumage on his tail to the end of its golden beak. There was an incredulity in her eyes, but also a wild curiosity. 'What is its name?' she asked.

The phoenix gave a made a grunting sound deep in its chest and looked reproachfully at Ginny.

'His,' he emphasized the word 'name is Lucaeli'

'He is beautiful' she said softly. Lucaeli hummed and stuck out his head longingly towards Ginny who ran her hands along his long neck and back.

'He's so warm' she said sounding surprised.

'Phoenix' Harry answered her simply.

'What are you going to do with him?' she gazed at him for a few seconds and then turned to make herself another cup of coffee.

'Take care of him I suppose,' Harry said shrugging. 'He was being held captive for his tears.'

'I'll bet Hermione could help you learn some stuff about phoenixes.'

'That was my thought as well.'

After a small breakfast and a quick perusal of the Prophet, Harry found himself sitting on his sofa next to Ginny staring out the window.

'What's up?' Ginny asked him concernedly.

'Nothing.' he said honestly. 'Just wondering what I'm going to do with Potter Manor at the moment.'

'Ohm that's right.' she said turning from her copy of Quidditch Today to face him. 'We were talking about what you're going to do this week.'

'Yea.' Harry said breathing deeply. 'I know I want to fix it up but it's such an intimidating and huge task to wrap my head around.'

'I can understand that' she said nodding. 'What do you want to do with the place?'

'Well.' Harry said thoughtfully 'I don't really know. All I know for sure is I want to keep it.'

'Well yea!' Ginny said sarcastically.

'Griphook was putting together a list of businesses I could use to renovate the place.'

'That sounds expensive!' Ginny looked apprehensive and Harry understood why.

'I don't care.' he replied. 'I make enough off being an Auror to live and then I have everything Sirius and my parents left me.'

'I'll help too if you need me too.' she said rubbing the back of his neck sweetly.

'No, love. You won't need to do that. I can more than afford it.'

'No! You great wealthy prat! I meant I'll help you decide how to fix it up.' Ginny looked at him with that air that she'd just told him something incredibly obvious, like birds can fly or Ron is always eating.

'Oh,' he replied stupidly. 'I'd appreciate that.' She shook her head at him but smiled all the same.

'Do you reckon we should go to the Burrow?' Harry didn't want to leave her company but he knew that Molly would want to see him to fuss about how thin he is, despite having gained weight over the last six months.

'Probably' she said turning another page of her magazine. 'Is there anywhere you need to go before we head there?'

'Well I need to speak with Griphook.' he said resignedly. 'But I'd rather wait until tomorrow. The only place ... or person rather, I had thought about visiting was Dumbledore.'

She set her magazine down again turning to look at him in mild surprise. 'What do you need to see him for?'

'Lucaeli' Harry said looking over at the phoenix who was snoozing on a perch Harry had conjured for him. 'He had a phoenix for decades and probably knew everything about them. Hermione could probably recite every phoenix care manual ever written, but advice from someone who actually owned one would be much more helpful than manuals and feeding tables.'

'True enough.'

Ginny used the fireplace to let Molly know they would be by later which left Harry to gaze at Ginny's form as she bent over with her head in the fire. Apparently he stood there long enough that Ginny groped around for the nearest object she could reach, which was a book, and chucked it at Harry.

'Oi!' she spat at him. 'What time do you think we'll be there?'

Harry, smiling widely, checked his watch to see it half past 9. 'I'm not sure. Maybe lunchtime.'

She relayed the message with the addition of 'Don't write it in stone' and withdrew from the fireplace. She stood up, turned around and without a hint of embarrassment, said 'Enjoy looking at my backside do you?'

'Yes' Harry replied just a blatantly.

'Prat' she grumbled quietly and set off for the bedroom, hips swaying ever so slightly. A few minutes later, after a floo call to Professor McGonagall during which Ginny slapped him on his own backside, they set off for Hogsmeade. Harry and Ginny walked around the village reminiscing briefly before continuing on to the castle. Ginny had decided that after the events involving Carrow the previous year, she wanted to revisit the place often to keep it from becoming a permanent bad memory. Now it was something she thought about and then moved on. They reached the gates where they were admitted by Professor Flitwick and had made it nearly to the front doors before something occurred to Harry.

'What's the date?' he asked stopping in his tracks.

'The 3rd. Why?' Harry groaned and closed his eyes. 'What?'

'The students will be there.'

'And?' Harry just looked at her with an exasperated look. Before she could ask exactly what was so bad about students, a group of them caught their attention.

As they made their way across the grounds towards the entrance, a group of students traveling from Hagrid's hut crossing to the Greenhouses met their path. As they crossed nearby, every single student stared unabashedly at them and several didn't even bother to talk quietly about them. Harry could hear them spouting various rumors, some of which made Ginny laugh.

'Do they really think you turned death eaters to stone?!'

'Well, they're young.' He grumbled. They soon found their way inside to find, without surprise, more muttering students and even a flabbergasted Fat Friar. As they approached the corridor with the Headmaster's office, they even found a bobbing, cackling Peeves who froze in midair when he saw them. After a few seconds where the pair of them inwardly cringed, Peeves began bellowing at the top of his voice 'POTTY WEE POTTY HAS COME BACK AT LAST. NOW PEEVESY WILL FREELY - '

But before he could finish his maniacal song, Harry had drawn his wand and thought Langlock. Peeves then went buzzing away shaking his fists angrily.

'Most excellent choice' Professor McGonagall said in her usual brusque tone. She had apparently come from behind the gargoyle to see what the commotion was about. 'That blasted poltergeist. He doesn't seem to care for me as much as he did Dumbldore'

'He was always a menace' Ginny said smiling.

'Quite' McGonagall said with a quick shaking of her head 'Well what can I do for you today, Potter? Haven't blown up your aunt again have you? Or perhaps broken every school rule you can think of?'

'No, unfortunately this is much less extravagant' he said smiling at her. 'Actually I was hoping to speak with you and possibly Dumbledore about something.'

'Well certainly.' she said gesturing behind her to the gargoyle. As it began to move, a group of students came round the corner making an exceptional amount of noise. McGonagall drew her wand and sent a silvery cat flying from her wand at the students. It made an incredibly loud meowing sound and flew at the faces of the students.

'What did we talk about?' McGonagall snapped at them. They all fell silent at once while trying to hide their smiles.. McGonagall too was smirking slightly. Harry and Ginny followed her up the stairs and into the study that had been Dumbledore's for so long.

'So what have you come to ask about?' McGonagall took a seat behind the desk. Harry noticed a few subtle changes that had taken place. For instance, there was no Pensieve in the cabinet. Instead, an array of drinks and potions were shelved there. The delicate silver instruments that had remained through the change of heads had been relegated to a shelf behind McGonagall. The most notable change was that an entirely new desk had been placed in the middle of the office. McGonagall apparently noticed Harry eying the desk and answered his unspoken question.

'Oh I suppose you are wondering what happened to Albus' desk.' She said gesturing to her new one of Cherry wood. 'A museum is being created in London regarding the wizarding history of Great Britain and they asked to purchase the old one. Between Dumbledore, Dippet, Snape, Derwent ' she gestured around the room at the headmasters pictured there 'it saw quite a bit and they wanted to feature it there.'

'That's interesting.' Harry said sincerely. 'I do like the new one'

'Thank you! I had it made by a former student who specializes in magical woodworking.' She shifted herself around slightly trying to route herself into a comfortable position. 'So... what can I do for you?'

'Oh, yes.' Harry said remembering why they'd come. 'I have recently come into ownership of a phoenix - ' Harry saw her eyes widen and she sat up straighter, ' - and wanted to know a little about them that I won't read in a book' he finished hoping not to sound too much like an ignorant git.

'Have you really?' she said awestruck. Harry told her what he could of his adventures in the states and how he came upon the phoenix.

'Potter' she said shaking her head once again. 'Why in the blazes does everything seem to happen to you?'

'You might be the tenth person to ask me that - at least recently,' he said laughing.

'How extraordinary' Harry head a familiar voice say from behind him. They turned to see Dumbledore settling into his portrait. The aged face hadn't changed nor had the beaming smile he wore when looking at Harry.

'Where have you been?' McGonagall asked of him pointing her quill at him accusatorily.

'I have been visiting another portrait,' Dumbledore said brightly. 'They have just hung my new portrait in the Museum of Magic in the British Isles and across from me a splendid portrait of Gunhilda of Goosemoor. We have had a lovely debate about the uses of dragon's blood. In her time, there was very little use for it and she was asking me questions about the uses that were discovered.'

'You mean the uses you discovered,' McGonagall said skeptically.

'Well, yes,' he said beaming and adjusting his half moon spectacles. 'But she did not ask who discovered them and I felt it rather pompous to tell her.'

'Well if you're quite done, I believe you may be of use here'

'Yes I overheard' he said excitedly. 'A phoenix you say? Might I ask how?'

'Potter, I know very little about phoenixes other than they burn you if you try to take something from them,' she rubbed her right shoulder as she spoke. 'So I'm going to let Albus tell you about them. I must speak with Denis Creevey anyway.'

She bustled from the room, closing the door behind her, leaving Harry to recite the story again for Dumbledore who looked simply elated.

'Harry that is quite wonderful' he said beaming at him. 'I wish that I had been able to gift poor Fawkes to someone before my untimely demise but nevertheless, I am most excited for you.'

'Is there anything you can tell me about them that I may not find out in a book?'

'To be honest, there is not a great amount of literature available on the subject of phoenixes' Dumbledore said thoughtfully. 'Sightings and domestications are so rare in fact, I had only ever seen two phoenixes total during my lifetime and Fawkes had been the only domesticated one I'd ever seen.'

'The other?' Ginny asked him politely.

'In a forest of Africa I visited one summer during a study on African herbal remedies. He found us in the forest, stared at us for the briefest of moments, and then disappeared again.'

'And Fawkes? How did you come to ... own him?' Harry had stood so he could turn and properly face Dumbledore.

'I couldn't have been more than 21' he said staring off at a distant corner of the office but he was seeing something far away and long ago. 'It was during the worst period of my life.'

Dumbledore took a deep breath and then looked back to Harry. He looked much like he had done the night Harry had experienced a vision of him during the Battle of Hogwarts; like a child caught in wrongdoing.

'After the death of my sister, Ariana, and after Gellert had fled back to Eastern Europe, I was terribly depressed. Unsure of where to go or what to do next, I set off for the Forbidden Forest to consult with a centaur named Draynin that I had befriended while at Hogwarts.

'However, before I could locate him, I felt the hairs on my neck and arms stand on end. I turned around to see Fawkes staring intently at me. Having heard of the legendary creatures, I approached him cautiously and asked if he wished to come home with me to live. He glided to my shoulder and perched there with a look of impatience. From then on, Fawkes was my first and only pet.'

'So, you didn't purchase him or anything' Harry stated in a clarifying manner. 'He found you, you offered, and he went with you.'

'Yes, that is correct in the essentials.' Harry nodded his head thinking.

'What books are there on Phoenixes? And is there something you would recommend I do for Lucaeli?'

'Lucaeli?' Dumbledore asked sounding surprised. 'Sounds like it's based off the name Luke.'

'It is I believe.'

'Luke means giver of light. How apt.'

Dumbledore and Harry spent several minutes talking on the subject. Preferred foods, how often they "burned", general habits, tendency to burn people, and the many, many uses they possessed.

'I can't thank you enough' Harry said imploringly to Dumbledore. McGonagall had returned and was sipping scotch from a glass quietly in her chair.

'You can try to thank him' she said a with slight edge to her voice. 'But he won't accept it. Says it is his duty.'

'And it is,' Dumbledore said with his signature benign smile. 'I would also suggest speaking with your wonderfully bright friend Miss Hermione Granger. I put forth quite an effort in studying them in my youth, but didn't bother the later years. However, if there is anyone who could discover more than I, it would be Hermione Granger.'

'That,' McGonagall said wryly ' I do not doubt in the slightest.'

They all laughed at Hermione's expense and then Harry and Ginny bid farewell to them. They weren't able to leave the office, though, until McGonagall got Ginny to sign a quaffle and put it on a shelf in her office.

'My first autograph' she said with pride. 'To live forever here, where it belongs.'

Ginny signed three more things for students before leaving the castle which suited Harry just fine. It honestly felt wonderful to be ignored every now and then. The pair crossed the lawns and passed through the gate to head back through Hogsmeade. Harry checked his watch for the time and they decided they would visit Griphook today so Harry apparated them into the back area of The Leaky Cauldron and they continued on to Diagon Alley.

'So, have you even heard from Griphook?'

'No,' Harry said surely. 'I contacted him before leaving to let him know I would be leaving the country and not to bother.'

They turned a corner and the familiar white marble building came into view. Harry looked at the domed ceiling that could be seen over the walls and couldn't help but smile slightly. What a day he thought to himself. They made their way up the stairs, passed the familiar sign and guards, and into the lobby. As had occurred every time he had returned to the bank, when he came into the lobby nearly all the goblins w stopped what they were doing, stared intently at him for a few seconds, then carried on.

'Why do they - '

'They want me to know they are watching me' Harry said lowly. 'How many people have successfully stolen something from here and how many of those do you think are still alive?'

'Hmm good point,' Ginny said.

Harry began walking towards Griphook's desk behind the teller counters, but was intercepted by a rather young-looking goblin wearing deep maroon Gringotts attire.

'Lord Potter,' he said gravelly with a long low bow. 'Master Griphook has asked me to tell you he indisposed at the moment and to have a seat at his desk, He will see to you shortly.'

'Thank you,' Harry replied with bow of the head and a stern glare. Ginny looked between them confused before the young goblin left.

'Goblin thing?' she asked.

'Goblin thing' he replied quietly. He gestured toward the desk nearby and they moved forward. For several minutes, they watched the comings and goings of Gringotts. They saw several people they knew including Ernie McMillan who had come to try and secure a loan for a clothing business he hoped to start.

'I like Ernie,' Ginny said nonchalantly. Harry turned to look at her. 'During that ... year. He was unusually quiet all the time. I think he may have been scared, but I lost count of the number of times he stepped in to put a stop to some of the things Crabbe and Goyle kept doing. He was on the nasty end of them a few times, but somehow managed to talk his way out of most encounters.'

Harry nodded impressed. 'I remember him fighting during the Battle.'

'Me too,' she said with a nod. 'That's what started this clothing business I think. He always talked about wanting to teach wizards how to dress to fit in with muggles.'

'How are you so knowledgeable?' Harry said in mock outrage.

'Because, you prat, I had friends before I started dating you.' She poked Harry in the ribs, but he laughed all the same.

Harry thought on the idea while waiting. He thought it was a useless venture that was sure to never be much of a success. But the more he thought, the more it occurred to him that the skill would be immeasurably helpful to some. However, before he could think too deeply on it, a distraction appeared in the form of Griphook.

'Lord Potter' Griphook bowed low. 'It is good to see you again.' He waddled to his seat behind his desk and looked intently at the two of them. 'How can I be of service today?'

'I wish to follow up on the information I requested for renovating and restoring Potter Manor.'

'Of course'. He leaned down to open a drawer in his desk and retrieved a sizable folder. 'I have located several Magical companies that would be interested in the contract. Several had offered to do it free of charge.'

He took several smaller folders out of the larger and set them down on the desk in front of him. He rifled through what was left for a moment before retrieving a roll of parchment that had been flattened.

'I took the liberty of hiring a specialist in wards, charms, and protective enchantments as well as an architect to assess the building as a whole.'

'And?' Harry asked leaning forward a bit.

'The charms surrounding the Manor are still present and in reasonable condition. They could use with reinforcing or they could be stripped and reapplied fresh.'

'I would like to do that' he said immediately thinking of his parent's home. 'I would also like protective enchantments applied to my parent's old cottage as well in Godric's Hollow.'

'Certainly' Griphook said in an oily voice and he set the flattened roll of parchment aside. 'Would you like to hire the same expert I used to assess the Manor?'

'Yes,' Harry said slowly considering something. 'But I'd like to involve someone of my own. Bill Weasley. I trust him and he'll know if the person doing the work is doing it well. Gringotts can vouch for his expertise.'

'That will be a problem I think' Griphook said warily. 'Marcus Ownsby is known for being eccentric and preferring to work alone.'

'Then tell him he can do the job my way or I'll give the contract to someone else.'

'Very well,' he said with a sly grin. 'Very well indeed.'

'For the magical construction work involved, we have found the most reliable company Gringotts knows of. For any new building that we sponsor for a loan or otherwise, we use Logan & Logan. It is actually the same family that built most of the homes in Ottery St. Catchpole though it is run by the sons now.'

'So, there is a chance that some of my ancestors or the Blacks have used them for work as well then if they built in Ottery St. Catchpole.' Harry sat up a little straighter with a little excitement in him. Anything that further connected him to his family or Sirius'... well, it made him happy.

'It is likely' Griphook said thoughtfully. I can check on past records. You could also discuss it when you meet with them.' Harry nodded in agreement.

The meeting went on for another half an hour with Griphook presenting Harry with option after option for all of the work involved. He really had no idea just what all was entailed in building, or repairing in this case, a manor of such size. They'd had a minor argument when it came to the charms in the Manor like the ones concealing how big some of the rooms were. Griphook had insisted that using the Gringotts sponsored person from Romania was the best way to go but Harry refused when finding out he had been an outspoken, though not active supporter of Voldemort during the first war. He was apparently the best and had been silent during the entire second war but Harry put his foot down. They ended up settling on another which Harry agreed to because, despite who did the work, he was going to try and ask Professor Flitwick to look it over as well.

Between the landscapers, painters, designers, the list was endless. Harry was feeling very overwhelmed when Griphook told him he would have to create a schedule for all the work. The worst part without a doubt would be the team of muggle plumbers that would inspect and repair all the Manor's internal plumbing. Because they were muggles, Harry would have to hire an Obliviator to attend to them when they were done.

In the end, Harry stacked all the files on Griphooks desk, asked him owl it all to him with labels for what everyone was going to be hired to do, and he would beg Hermione to help him come up with a schedule. Ginny pointed out that if he just showed it to her and started to do it very wrongly, she would take it from him in disgust and just do it. He didn't want to, but he was not above this plan.

He stood and shook hands with Griphook when he remembered something. 'Griphook, do you know anything about Ernie Macmillan's loan for his business is going?'

'Ah Mr. Potter,' he said narrowing his eyes. 'Even if I did, I wouldn't be allowed to tell you.'

Harry looked at Griphook for a few moments considering his response. 'Make sure it's approved' he said plainly.

'Pardon?' Griphook looked surprised.

'I would like you to fund the loan' he continued just as blatantly.

'Mr. Potterm' Griphook said slowly. 'We are not in the business of doing favors for anyone. Especially one who has such a checkered history with us.'

'But it's not a favor' Harry said with a smile. 'Fund the loan. And tell him it's been approved because of his longstanding service to the wizarding world.' Griphook stared open mouthed at Harry. It took him a few moments to fully comprehend what Harry was saying.

'Do you wish to receive interest for the loan?' He asked as he began scrambling.

'No. Let him pay it back as he can and don't ever go after him if he's late. Consider it the conditions of the loan from my estate.'

Griphook nodded and signaled a goblin near the teller's counter and handing him the parchment. With that, he and Ginny left the bank with much more to do and much less idea of how to do it all.

'Why did you do that?' She asked as they hit the stones of Diagon Alley.

'I don't really know. I don't know how else to pay him back.'

Ginny shook her head, but grasped his hand with a smile. 'Great noble prat' she muttered in contrast to the smile on her face as they turned the corner towards WWW. They stopped in on George who was training his new employee how to keep up with stock on all the shelves. While Harry had been in the US, Ron had finally decided to apply to be an Auror. George had been upset, but they all knew of Ron's long standing desire to become an Auror. He also agreed to come in and help on the weekends. Harry hadn't gotten the chance to really talk to Ron about how it was going but he'd made a mental note to do so before going home tonight.

After the shop, they had a wonderful lunch with Molly who continued to try and shove third helpings into Harry at every meal.

'My mother just won't accept you're just a scrawny git,' she jested. Harry tried to look outraged but couldn't manage it. It wasn't until Ron, Arthur, and Hermione all came home from work that Harry's peacefully quiet day took a turn towards the noisy. Molly was so pleased to have so many people in the house that she would bustle around the house bringing anyone anything they asked. The one exception was when Ginny asked for a less irritating brother. She was chuckling heartily at her own wit until Molly told the room at large that the next baby to be had to a Weasley was going to be to her or Hermione. Arthur laughed and nodded while both Harry and Ron spat their drink out in surprise. Ginny didn't look pleased at all, but Hermione was staring into the distance with a far off expression.

'Wake up love,' Ron snapped his fingers bringing her out of her thoughts. 'Not ready for that yet.'

Hermione couldn't keep the disappointed look off her face, but where the old Ron would have been angry and embarrassed, this one just put his hand on her knee and said 'Sorry, love.'

Sometime after dinner, a packaged arrived that was addressed to Harry. It was the biggest thing he'd ever received via owl though it actually took five owls to haul it in and three attempts to clear the kitchen window. It was all the files from Griphook laid before him. which subsequently caused quite the mess on the table where it landed. After explaining to Molly and Arthur what it was, they went through all the paperwork with him to explain to Harry and Ginny what it all was. They had apparently done this before and ended up being a huge help. Eventually the conversation turned towards work and Harry was finally able to talk to Ron about his Auror training. Ron seemed to be doing well considering his lack of appropriate schooling at Hogwarts. Just like Harry, Ron had excelled in the dueling and magical defense parts of the training. However, never being the potioneer that Harry had become being and most certainly not as good as Hermione, he was struggling with that aspect.

'Yes, I have been helping a bit, but he's really getting much better at it - he's a very fast learner' offered Hermione, though she blushed furiously at Ginny's raised eyebrows. Harry looked away and changed the subject before Molly noticed.

He also got the chance to talk to Arthur about his new position as well. Senor Undersecretary being such an enormously important position, Harry was curious to see how Arthur was handling it. As it turned out, having raised 7 children pair of incorrigble twins helped him to develop a knack for settling interdepartmental disputes, guiding them to compromise and work together. Molly was walking though the sitting room at the time and he waited for to leave the room before adding 'I found the negotiating between departments is much like negotiating with Molly when she was angry at the twins... Easier come to think on it.' Harry snorted with laughter.

The talk turned then to Harry's ongoing case with DR and the search taking place for Williamson now in the UK. Of course, not hide nor hair had been seen yet. Nothing had changed significantly since the incident at the Williamson Estate. Harry hadn't been surprised by this though some of the others in the office had. He'd had too much experience with Voldemort operating in the shadows. It was odd to Harry to discuss matters of Auror operation so nonchalantly with Arthur but even more odd to do so given that Arthur was now his boss. His boss's boss's boss technically if you followed the workflow up the chain of command. Harry asked if any of the departments he'd met with had resisted his appointment and was happy to hear that most had just accepted the posting.

'I would expect so' Molly said acidly from her chair where she was knitting a sweater for Percy's baby Molly. The pronouncement that they would be naming their child after Molly had caused the most incredible reaction from her. Not surprising but incredible nonetheless. She cried for at least an hour though Ron would argue it lasted for much longer. Now though, she wore a most sour expression.

'Those blinded fools at the Ministry' she scoffed. 'Most of the only care about themselves and their own ideas. Not a single person would dare questions Arthur's judgment after the war.'

'They'd end up a pariah' Hermione said from behind her newest, incredibly old, textbook she was reading. The room turned to look at her and she looked back in surprise. 'Oh, that was supposed to be an internal thought.'

'Pariah?' Ron asked.

'Yes, Ron' she replied. 'I don't know if you've all noticed, but the name Weasley is starting to command respect and authority. Especially with Arthur being named Undersecretary.'

'I haven't noticed' Harry said trying to remember when this started though he couldn't help but think it should have happened decades ago.

'Of course you haven't' she said with more than mild exapseration. The same endearingly frustrated look donned her face that Harry couldn't help but smile. After all, she'd been looking at him like this for almost ten years now. 'You've always had that effect anyway.'

'Have you been hearing things?' Ginny asked

'Yes' she said with a slight blush. 'A few times, I've had a hard time getting some of the older wizards I deal with to answer me or deal with me without asking to speak with "A bloke"' She used air quotations and wore a positively disgusted face.

'Some of the last generation are like that still.' Arthur said sadly. 'It was a different era.'

'Well, whenever I introduce myself as Hermione Weasley,' Ron sat bolt upright with a wide, gleaming smile, 'I usually get a much more agreeable reaction.'

'Good,' Ron said firmly. Hermione smiled at him.

As they all sat in the sitting room near the end of the evening Harry found himself drifting off with his head leaned back on the back of the sofa with Ginny leisurely reading through a Quidditch Today. She turned a page and began reading an article on the seeker for the Falmouth Falcons when she jumped so violently that she hit Harry squarely in the ribs causing him to double over in pain.

'Oh!' She said so loudly it caused everyone else to start as well. Molly even bobbled the knitting in her hands.

'What in the name of Merlin' Arthur said as he straightened his glasses.

'I absolutely cannot believe I forgot about this,' Ginny said as she sat up. Harry was rubbing his ribs wincing. 'Oh, you'll be fine.'

'What in the -'

'Harry' she proclaimed like it was a royal announcement 'has managed to get himself a phoenix.'

The silence that followed was absolute. Even the clock stopped chiming and Molly's knitting stopped as she stared open mouthed at him. Arthur was the first to recover.

'It certainly seems that - '

'Everything always happens to me?' Harry recited quick and emotionless. 'I've heard that at least five times today.'

'A phoenix?' Hermione said in wonder. 'How.'

'Something stupid or heroic no doubt.' Ron quipped.

'Both' Ginny added.

'Thank you' Harry said pointedly. He recited exactly what had taken place and where Lucaeli had been before Harry had found him. They all listened raptly while Hermione was positively salivating over the information.

'But so little is known about them' she said. 'There are dozens of books but most don't have a great deal of info.'

'I told you' Ginny said smiling laying her head back down. She tried to force Harry's legs in a more comfortable position for her, but stopped when she saw he was still holding his ribs.

'How much do you know?' he asked her.

'Not much - '


'Oh hush it, Ron.' Ron chuckled at his own wit. 'Not much but I would love to learn more about them. The only domesticated one I knew about for the longest time was Dumbledore's.'

'Well sharpen your quill, super-sleuth. I'm sure Harry will need all the help he can get.' Ginny pointed her thumb at Harry.

'That's definitely true. Not much as changed since first year' Ron stated matter-of-factly.

'What did I do to the two of you.' Harry shot back at them. 'You know I'm here right?'

'Where is he?' Arthur finally regained his speech as well. 'What's his name?'

'Lucaeli' Ginny continued ignoring Harry. 'He is a beautiful, electric blue except the ends of his tail feathers are red.'

'What does he see in this git?' Ron said through guffawing apparently still amused at his own sense of humor.

'I'm still sitting right here,' Harry said even louder turning to Hermione. 'You see me? I'm not invisible?'

Hermione laughed at him too, but popped Ron on the back of the head all the same.

'I don't know how he got it' Ginny said turning to smile at Harry who still was outraged.

'I could tell you I suppose' Harry quipped and stared at Ginny. He knew he could continue to feign outrage, but it would dissipate quickly. He couldn't stay mad at Ginny. 'It was the phoenix fire. Williamson said that when I did it, he sang out and apparently that's how you gain ownership of a phoenix.'

'Can we see him?'

'Sure,' Harry shrugged. 'Come over tomorrow and you can see him. Though I don't know what I need to do to take care of him or anything.'

Hermione made a peep-like sound from her seat, but she didn't say anything. They all turned to look at her but she just shook her head. The longer Harry looked at her, the more she looked like she was about to explode.

'Hermione?' Harry asked sweetly

'Hm?' she responded wordlessly trying to stay as tightlipped as possible.

'I'm not sure you'd have time to, but could you possibly read a little about phoenixes and let me know anything you find out?'

Harry knew what was happening. Too many years at Hogwarts had taught him how she thought. She desperately wanted to find out as much as she could as quick as she could so she could tell him, but she didn't want to be rude.

'I think I could spare some time' she responded evasively not meeting his eyes. Ron fell back against the sofa and covered his face with a pillow and mumbled something unintelligible.

'What?' Ginny asked.

'She'll have read three books by dawn.'

'No I will not have' Hermione shot at him with an icy glare. He stared back just as resolutely.

'10 galleons says by tomorrow night, you'll have read an entire book and be comparing it to the second.'

She huffed at him but he was just smiling, assuring that his victory was sure. Apparently, he now took her mania for read and learning as endearing rather than the unendurable annoyance it had been in years previous.

'I have work tomorrow' she muttered petulantly.

'Won't matter,' Ron said with a smile. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

'And to think' Ginny said in a faux thoughtful expression. 'It only took him 8 years to begin to understand Hermione.'

'Shut it.'

They all laughed at Hermione's expense but the conversation then took a turn to planning tomorrow's plans. They were going over early to see Lucaeli and then going to dinner somewhere together that evening.

'What are you doing on your day off?' Hermione asked.

'I think we are going to go and see Potter Manor' Harry began with wide eyes. 'We were going to go today but haven't managed to yet. We have to start making decisions on it soon, but we need to go see it first.'

'That sounds like... well it sounds terrible actually but have fun anyway!'

'Thank Ron ' Harry muttered. They stayed up visiting for a while before all venturing towards bed. Harry and Ginny went back to the flat while Ron and Hermione went upstairs. 'You know what you need to do?' Ginny asked as they walked through the door.


'Talk to the landlord about the lease for this place.'

'You're right,' Harry said with a sigh.


'He's so hard to deal with sometimes.'

'He's so nice!' Ginny said incredulously.

'Oh I know,' Harry said rolling his eyes. 'But every time I just need to tell him something simple or just pay the rent, it turns into a half hour conversation. It's impossible to escape him.'

Ginny laughed at his predicament. Resolving himself to knock on his door the following morning, The couple went to bed. As soon as they woke up, Harry was about to shower and offered for Ginny to join him which she accepted. He was exceedingly surprised to not be turned down he quickly responded 'Are you sure?'

She laughed at him but proceeded to the shower with him under the excuse of 'It's not that often that I get the chance.' They got dressed, made breakfast and were soon ready to leave. With trepidation, Harry knocked on the landlord's door on the second floor and was then engaged in conversation for nearly 20 minutes. Everything from his niece's new baby to the cost of tomatoes going up was brought to the discussion. However, after agreeing to prorate the rent up until Harry moved out, they managed to leave the building.

'Well,' Ginny said as they made it to the roof 'you weren't exaggerating.'

'No. I was not.'

With even more trepidation, he grasped Ginny's hand and apparated them away from London to Aldenham East. This time, with a little more experience with the place, he was able to get them right near the front door. As soon as he arrived, he noticed immediate changes. The windows were still broken, the fountain was still off center, but there was a sheen mixed with the grime of the manor.

As soon as they made it through the front door, it was much more apparent. Apparently, Freela and Slagle had been hard at working trying to clean the Manor. In some areas, it looked good as new. However, there were obviously areas that had been effected by dark magic that their own elfish magic couldn't overcome. Someone had used Fiendfyre to burn an old wardrobe, someone adept at casting it apparently since it hadn't burned the entire manor to dust. The burn marks on the wall couldn't be erased thought it was apparent someone had tried.

Harry and Ginny cautiously made their way into the house. They passed the dining room on their right and made it to the sitting room. The remaining furniture had been repaired as best as possible. The missing arms on the chair had been replaced with a pillow that was probably held on with magic. Harry smiled at the effort that was put in. He supposed that all the old furniture would have to go. He hadn't seen a single piece without spell damage anyway with the exception of those in the Library.

Just then, Harry heard at least one set of fast footsteps and turned. Around the corner to the open sitting room came Freela, Slagle, and the tiniest creature Harry had ever seen.

'Masters!' They all said in such squeaky voices it made Harry's ears ring.

'Hello,' Harry said happily. Ginny knelt down and offered to hug to the two house-elves. Freela excepted but Slagle picked up the tiny house-elf.

'We is so happy you is home' Freela squealed at them.

'Look Master Harry, we is bringing Bumpy to see you.'

'He's grown up so much already.' Harry said as he recalled the last time he saw Bumpy. The eyes were so similar though just barely marble sized. But they were the same blue of Slagle and his ear dropped the same way Freela's did. Still he couldn't have be more than 7 inches tall.

'That might be the most adorable thing I've ever seen' Ginny said surely.

'He is not speaking yet, but soon,' Freela told them.

'Kreacher has been visiting us often' Slagle said while Freela nodded her head so vigorously that her ears flapped. 'He is knowing much about babies. We is so happy to see him when he comes.'

'That's wonderful' Harry said happily. He would need to speak to Kreacher soon too but it could wait at least for a little while. 'How is everything here? We could tell you had tried to clean.'

'Yes Masters, but some things isn't being cleaned. We are very - '

'Don't be sorry' Harry said quickly. His reaction time had quickened thanks to Dobby. 'You've done wonderfully.'

They both smiled widely. Bumpy looked up to see his father smiling and quickly tried to imitate him. He looked bazaar trying to smile with no visible teeth.

'Well, I'd like to talk to both of you about something.' Harry said as he took a knee to be eye level with the elves. 'I am going to have a crew of people come here and repair all of the damage to this place.' Both elves' jaws dropped and they began bouncing on the balls of their feet.

'I take it you like that idea?'

They both nodded their heads so vigorously that their ears flapped.

'So before we decided on anything, I wanted to ask you if there is anything at all you would like to happen here?'

They both stopped bouncing and looked at him in confusion. 'Happen?' Freela asked, befuddled.

'But Master Harry, this is being your house. We - '

'This is our house,' Harry said sternly. 'I want to know if there is something you want.'

'Slagle isn't understand sir,'

'Would you like a new color of walls in your room?' Ginny asked also taking a knee. 'Or maybe a bigger room.' At this they both shuddered and shook their head. '

'So you just want it back the way it was?' They nodded their heads again including a toothless, smiling bumpy.

'Well okay. That simple enough,' Harry said standing.

At that moment, for the 2nd time in two days, a flash of brilliant, blue flame erupted in the room. This time, it was the house-eleves that screamed and ran. After several minutes of chaos, screaming house-elves, and an irate, flaming phoenix, Harry and Ginny restored order before leaving to meet Hermione and Ron so they could see Lucaeli.

As they apparated away from the manor, Ginny turned to him and said 'Just wait till it's our kids.'