Greetings all!

Welcome back to Gone, the modern story of people realising someone they remember has been missing from their lives for far too long and their journey to rectify that, whether that someone likes it or not!

I'll not waste time here, except to thank everyone for their continued support for this story and for taking the time to read it.

As always any feedback you have to give is greatly appreciated



Chapter 14: Citizens on patrol – Part 2

(Monday afternoon, Downtown Berk)

The walk across the plaza to City Hall took far longer than anticipated.

Adding to the distance, many people were out and about, asking Stoick for 'a moment of his time' as they enjoyed the glorious afternoon weather in the immaculately kept parklands. Stoick had campaigned to improve the plaza a couple of years prior and knew Valka would have been proud of the rejuvenation of its flower beds, tranquil water gardens and sculptures that paid tribute to the Vikings who first discovered the land. Valka probably would have been proud of a lot of things … except one.

Perhaps the only one that really mattered right now.

Now, all of his achievements since taking up office, fighting for the improvement of his people's lives, felt oddly hollow. What was the point of improving Berk when it turned out his own son, born and raised here, wanted nothing to do with it? Had Hiccup hated his life here that badly, he ran away? Hated his own father that he wouldn't even take his freely given money?

The appearance of the perfect life Stoick had built for himself and the Haddock family name was starting to crumble in the mayor's mind. So many questions buzzed around Stoick like angry hornets making him feel pain and anger in equal measure. Every ambiguous answer about Hiccup spawned even more questions. It aggravated the man to the point he wished one of the draconic sculptures in the park would come to life, so he could rip up a park bench and beat it death, to at least vent his feelings a little.

"Mr Mayor! So nice to see you today" a man having a picnic with his family hollered as the troubled vast man walked by.

"You'll be getting my vote" a female jogger chirped as she ran past.

"You keep up the great work" an elderly lady crowed to him from a stone bench as she fed some pigeons.

Stoick thanked all of his constituents with a wave, a smile and some pleasant words, a skill he had mastered through his years in office and during his time as a sportsman. You had to appreciate the people you fought for and take on what they said, both good and bad. This was why he was so good at what he did. He loved that everything he did was so that his people were happy as he remembered the old Viking motto that was carved in marble above the doors to City Hall.

'A chief's work is never done. He is a servant to his people. No task is too great, no request is too small'

'So why wasn't Hiccup happy? He was one his people, right? Why was his own son just … gone?'

The relentless, stubborn desire to find answers made Stoick pick up his pace. Yet no matter how fast he walked, he always had to stop and talk to whoever called for his attention. Though he listened as attentively as he could and promised to look into whatever problem the citizen had, he couldn't stop flicking glances toward the nearby City Hall building. The sooner he got there, the sooner he could start tracking down the information he wanted to know without any more interruptions.

Finally crossing the road from the park, Stoick strode up the stairs into the grand building that represented the central power in the city, ducking past a few reporters that were covering the upcoming election. The last thing he wanted was to get enmeshed in an impromptu press-conference that would take up even more precious time from tracking down his wayward son. He even tried to cover his face as he walked past some of his campaign posters in the foyer that had images of him and Snotlout smiling on them. His campaign this year was focused on family and legacy. He was starting to regret being persuaded that combining the brand recognition of him and his nephew both being former NFL players would be a great idea to win voters over.

Stoick noted bitterly the irony of that regret.

If he cared so much about family then Hiccup would have been on the poster instead of Snotlout. If he cared so much about legacy, his son's academic prowess, leading to an entire wing of the school bearing the Haddock name that would teach future generations, should matter more than his and Snotlout's former sporting glories. Despite her lack of passion for science, Stoick knew Valka would have been over-joyed at such achievements from her son.

He started to imagine Hiccup standing beside him, but the only image he could conjure was that disastrous attempt at his son's graduation.

'Odin's Beard! What did Hiccup even look like now?'

Such a simple question, one of many and it sent shocks of ice racing down his spine. He had to find Hiccup. He had to find his son and learn the answer. If it happened quickly enough, who knows? There was always time to print new campaign posters, celebrating the return of one of Berk's lost sons. It would be a sure fire winner if his press team handled it well enough.

But first thing's first. Find Hiccup, get answers and then bring him home.

"Mr Mayor?" the puzzled voice of, his Personal Assistant rang out as he walked down the grand staircase towards Stoick and his ever present entourage, "Did your meeting with Vice-Principle Mala run over? You were supposed to have been back hours ago. A representative from the planning department has called three times to see you. He needs to go over infrastructure plans for the next stage of 'Six Scaldrons Water Park'. He wasn't happy."

Stoick sighed at his over-energetic P.A. The young man did his job well, but everything was a crisis to him, in need of solving immediately. Stoick didn't have time for this right now, wrestling with something far more important than road layouts and drainage issues.

"Tell him to make an appointment to see me next week Hoark" Stoick ordered in his best 'chiefing' voice, without breaking stride as he led his guests up the staircase, "Something has come up and I won't be taking any calls today … oh and I want the Head of the Berk Municipal Authority in my office as soon as possible."

"Really?" Hoark asked, even more puzzled as he scurried after the Mayor "I'm not sure if he's in the building today. He might be off doing …"

"Well then call him and say his Chief needs to see him, urgently!" Stoick barked as he spun on his heel to face down the man.

It took a few seconds for Hoark to regain his composure. The startled young man cleared his throat and assumed his business-like persona once more as he replied "Of course sir, I'll contact him right away", before swiftly turning, walking down the staircase and disappearing out of sight. Stoick took in the expressions of his silent group of followers. He hated how wary of him they looked. But it was the way of things when in power. Even though you got respect, you also sometimes had to deal with the fear.

'Had Hiccup been that afraid of him?'

"He'll be fine" Stoick rumbled apologetically, "Hoark works best under pressure. He's a family man himself, he'll understand when I explain later. I'll give him a bonus or something".

Minutes later, the party finally arrived in Stoick's office and spread out to sit in the chairs and couches that lined the room. Stoick slid easily behind his desk into a huge, ornately carved wooden chair. It was big and imposing and was for all intents and purposes a throne, etched in runes and old tribal designs. Stoick had it built early into his first term after one his rivals joked there was no seat big enough to hold his 'vastness'. From then on it was the perfect way to intimidate any who would dare mock him or question his authority. Its traditional Viking design even led to his political nickname of 'the chief' becoming widely known throughout the state.

About 20 minutes later, a formal looking gentleman was ushered into the office by a relieved looking Hoark. The newcomer was in his early forties, had neat brown hair and his dull blue eyes sat behind spectacles thick enough to double for magnifying glasses. He wore the typical dark suit of an administrator, his inscrutable gaze and excellent posture showing he was the pinnacle of those who spent a lifetime in civil service to the city they loved.

"You called for me Stoick?" the man asked curtly, ignoring the mayor's irritated glare. For some reason this particular member of his council had never addressed him by his formal title. Not once.

"Indeed Ivan" Stoick replied, gesturing for the man to take a seat, "I'll get straight to the point. Ten years ago my son Hiccup made a payment to the B.M.A. I want you to find out exactly what the money was for and report back to me as quickly as possible."

Stoick expected the man - who annoyingly remained standing - to follow his orders and leave straight away. 'The Chief' of Berk didn't expect the head of the B.M.A. to just stare back with a frown on his face, probing him with that famous analytical mind of his.

"Took you long enough", Ivan muttered under his breath before raising his voice for all to hear, "And what makes you think I'm at liberty to disclose that kind of information Stoick?"

The occupants of the room all gasped at the defiance of the administrator who was easily half the size of the vast man in the throne.

"Because I am your Mayor. Nothing happens in this city without me knowing about it," Stoick growled back "Furthermore, Hiccup is my son. He has been missing for some time and whatever dealings he has had with Berk may be the key in finding out what happened to him or where he might be. I'm giving you a direct ord…."

"No." Ivan interrupted sternly, his expression frostier than a glacier.

"What?" Stoick replied, shocked at the interruption.

"You heard me." Ivan snapped back, "The B.M.A. handles all of its dealings with the strictest respect for the privacy of those who use our services. If Hiccup Haddock came to us for help then that was his business and his alone. Furthermore the B.M.A. and its staff are not beholden to the whims of the Mayor's office, regardless of his relation to the citizen in question."

"How dare you?" Spitelout raged from beside Stoick's chair, pointing an accusing finger at the suited man, "You refuse a direct order from your boss. He'll have your job for this!"

"Oh Please Spitelout" Ivan waved dismissively, "Don't make threats you can't keep. I am simply upholding the oath I took to safe-guard my client's private affairs and there is nothing you can say to make me break that oath. You could try getting a court order, but it would take months for a judge to do anything about it and, Stoick, your campaign would suffer badly from the negative publicity."

"I can think of few things that would make you suff…."

"Spitelout," Stoick barked, holding his arm out, stopping his brother from rounding the desk and getting physical with the other man, "that's enough."

Spitelout huffed as he backed down, leaving the usually all-knowing chief at loss. Ivan was excellent at his job and fought hard for what he believed in, especially when it came to running his department for the good of the citizens of Berk. There had been several corrupt and abusive bureaucrats Ivan had drummed out of the government, allowing for a city hall that boasted of integrity and having the people's trust. But now, Stoick felt that razor sharp gaze cut into him, as if he had some sort of personal stake in what was going on.

The Mayor's eyes widened as he realised.

'Ivan knew. Somehow he knew exactly what had happened to Hiccup and was refusing to tell him. To make matters worse, there was nothing he could do to make Ivan tell him, not even threatening him.'

Stoick's face began to turn red with anger as he stood slowly from his throne, his powerful, bear-like stature exuding intimidation.

"Get. Out." Stoick snarled, his anger growing higher as Ivan still gave no reaction to his tone, an exception to the scared, cringing faces of everyone else in the room. Ivan, with barely a nod, turned on his heel and walked out the door followed by Hoark.

"That goes for the rest of you as well" Stoick followed up as the eyes in the room came to rest back on him, some wide in shock, others confused and one narrowed in annoyance, "I'll handle this myself from now on. If none of you know anything that can lead me to my son, then you're all pretty much useless." The Mayor's words struck everyone like a spear to the chest, being condemned with their victim's old nickname. The near freezing-to-death atmosphere in the office was intolerable. Snotlout huffed as he got up straightaway, taking the first opportunity to escape while Eret had to lead a nearly teary Astrid out of the office. Ruffnut and Tuffnut seemed to have the decency to look ashamed as they went, while Spitelout hovered near the open door.

… … …

"Mr Ivan, wait" Astrid called out as she caught up to the man, mid-way down the corridor, halting him in his tracks, "I know you know something about Hiccup. We're trying to make sure he's …."

Astrid trailed off as that same cold stare Ivan had directed at Stoick moments before, pinned in her place. She couldn't muster her trademark ferocity at the quietly formidable man who was now dissecting her, just like her boss at the hospital. She knew she was messing with a power greater than herself and didn't want to face its ire as well. Ripping her eyes away to the floor, she gave a slight bow and hoped for the best.

"Please Mr Ivan" the unusually quiet blonde uttered, "we just want to say we're …"

"Sorry," Ivan intoned, making Astrid jerk her head back up to see a more understanding look on the administrator's face, "but I can't help you."

The whole gang seemed to sag even more at the man's words.

"However," Ivan went on, "I can tell you, I was there when Hiccup did what he did and over the years I have learned why. He is not missing and he is not dead. But … Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is most definitely gone. He will never come back to Berk and the sooner Stoick and you muttonheads accept that, the better off everyone will be."

Ivan spared no-one a second glance as he resumed his walk, the vivid memories of the day he personally processed the documents of Hiccup Haddock, returning in full force. The boy had been so determined to leave, to destroy who he was, to make it like he never existed. For a time, Ivan lost sleep over the haunted look the young man had when he entered the B.M.A. office, contrasted with the relieved smile he wore when he left. Such a thing was not normal. Everything he learned after the fact was not normal, including the stories of Hiccup's troubled life at school through P.T.A meetings and then witnessing that Stoick never seemed to notice what had happened or mentioned his son, even after he had taken office. The whole thing was perverse and Ivan took no small pleasure that his rapid promotion through the ranks had landed him in a high-powered position to badly needle Stoick now the man had finally come to his senses. As far as Ivan was concerned it was too little, too late for Stoick 'the Vast' Haddock.

He had upheld his oath and protected Hiccup Haddock as he would any citizen who needed it. Now he was going to get back to work.

Left to their own devices and cut to the core, the assembled group of young adults shuffled out of City Hall at a slower pace. The group of Berkians retraced their steps through the plaza at a sombre pace much at odds with the bright, joyous afternoon around them. The dim lighting of Johan's bar suited their downbeat attitude as they drank a few more rounds before separating off to their respective homes a few hours later, each still a prisoner to their own thoughts.

… … …

"Close the door" Stoick grumbled to Spitelout as he slid back into his chair after overhearing Ivan's words to the younger Berkians. This day had been full of dead ends and mysteries. It seemed his family was surrounded by nothing but fools and traitors and it was starting to make his head hurt. He'd probably need two bags of ice when he got home tonight. Stoick looked around his office and sighed. The awards and accolades he had won, the commendations he had received for doing right by his people shined and sparkled in he afternoon light that streamed through the windows.

'But now?'

They seemed to be nothing more than cheap tin, worthless paper and silly glass trinkets. He found it harder to take pride in them when it looked like the one person who hadn't been done right by wasn't even going to give him the chance to do so in future. Stoick wanted to slam Ivan's head into his computer and make him spill his secrets.

'Maybe he could?'

Caught by a sudden burst of inspiration Stoick reached over to the keyboard of his desktop computer and typed in his password to access City Hall's internal database.

"What are you doing brother?" Spitelout asked as he craned his neck over the desk from his chair to catch a glimpse of the computer screen. He tried not to smirk at Stoick, who had perched a tiny pair of round spectacles on his bulbous nose so he could read the screen better. It made Stoick look like 'Viking Santa', a joke the Mayor only let slide around Snoggletogg. Any other time Spitelout brought it up, it earned him a thick ear. Spitelout did manage to keep his expression neutral as multiple folders appeared on the screen

"Checking for Ivan's personnel file", Stoick muttered as he searched, clicked, dragged and dropped, flinching whenever red 'ERROR' icons flashed up and 'bonged' at him, "Loki's balls. This is why I hate machines!"

Eventually Stoick found what he was looking for and scrolled down through Ivan's extensive list of job titles and assignments throughout his long career in Berk's civil service. Finally he came to the timeframe that matched the date Hiccup had paid his money to the B.M.A. and Stoick noted down the location. It was a small administration annex on the outskirts of town and both brothers stared at the notepad for a few minutes contemplating its import.

"So we know where Hiccup was when he made the payment and there's probably evidence of what he did there somewhere in the archives" Spitelout surmised.

"But we can't just go there and demand to see it as Ivan would step in and stop us" Stoick added as he crumbled up the paper and tossed it along his desk in defeat, "Which puts us no closer to finding Hiccup, again."

"Not quite." Spitelout said tentatively as he picked up the paper ball and carefully flattened it back out on the desk. Stoick's raised eyebrow was all the approval the Jorgensen patriarch needed to continue, "there is one way to get it done but….."


"…. You're not gonna like it," Spitelout muttered waiting for his brother and Mayor to give him another sign to continue. When Stoick did nod and his brother laid out his 'alternative solution', Stoick threw off his glasses to clatter on the desk and pinched his nose, knowing his brother and repo-man was right.

He didn't like it. But Stoick also knew, right now, he didn't have much choice.

He gave Spitelout another nod and the Jorgensen left swiftly to make some phones calls. Stoick spent the rest of the day dealing with what 'Chiefly duties' he could and when the working day ended and the sun began to set, he got changed, left his Great Hall of office and set out across the city to gamble with his future.

Hoping to win back his son as the prize.

(An hour later, elsewhere, Berk)

No city was perfect. There were always people who had 'alternative lifestyles' that saw laws more as guidelines and lived, regardless of actual geography, on the 'wrong side of the tracks'. Said area in Berk City housed a dive bar named 'Hunter's Place', outside which Stoick and Spitelout now stood. The place was a typical rough-housing watering hole with dirty walls, failing neon signs and a row of Harley Davidsons lined up outside. Stoick cast a side glance at his smirking brother who clearly not only knew this place well, but enjoyed coming here, perhaps a little too much.

"I still don't like this" Stoick muttered as he began following Spitelout toward the tacky Wild-West saloon type doors of the bar.

"Then go home and spend the next ten years wondering what happened to Hiccup," Spitelout retorted as he smugly threw some of the loitering bikers outside a nod in greeting, "or do what needs to be done and be reunited with your boy. Honestly brother, surely you've had to compromise or make deals with people you don't like to get what you want? This is you just, employing a few concerned citizens to help end a father's anguish."

Stoick hummed in response, perturbed at how well thought out Spitelout's justification for this was. Obviously running the Haddock repo business had taught Spitelout a few unsavoury tricks as well as put him in contact with the denizens of this wretched hive of scum and villainy. As they entered the bar and shuffled past rough looking patrons that drank to angry rock music, Stoick was glad he swapped out his daily business suit for jeans and leather jacket. At least the music didn't grind to a halt when they entered as it did in the wild-west movies. Still, that didn't take away from the fact he looked like a total outsider, his wary glances around the room, easily giving him away.

"Vic. My Buddy!" Spitelout called over the din to get the bar-tender's attention.

"Spitelout" the tattooed server replied as he came up to them and immediately began pouring two large steins of beer.

"The bosses in yet?" Spitelout asked as he threw down some cash to pay for the drinks.

"Sure, they're already up in the pool room waiting for you", Vic chirped as he passed over the drinks and swiped the cash, not even thinking about giving any change.

The two men with steins in hand, moved around the end of the bar and went up a staircase that was mostly hidden from view, to a balcony that over looked the entire ground floor. Coming to a door guarded by two 'Hell's Angels' looking types, Spitelout ushered Stoick into a darker room. The second the door closed, Stoick noticed how quiet everything got. The music from downstairs was reduced to a barely noticeable background din and his eyes adjusted to see a dozen pool tables, illuminated only by the shaded and dulled halogen tubes that hung above them. Through the low light Stoick made out two shadowy figures, one big, one small standing around the furthest pool-table, setting up a new game. At Spitelout's gesture, Stoick followed his brother across the room. As they approached a smooth voice came from the smaller silhouette.

"Chief, Good evening. So nice to see one of the great and the good descending from on high to mingle with us commoners."

Stoick bristled condescending tone the man used, especially when the bigger figure backed it up with a deep chuckle. He didn't like how these men kept themselves in the shadows and not looking directly at him. Still he had come this far and he was getting desperate.

"I'll get straight to it. I need….."

"Ah ah ah" the smaller man calmly scolded, his arm appearing from the darkness to lift the cue ball and roll it around his palm, "let's not get bogged down with specifics, chief. You never know who might be listening. Your brother has informed my brother, you would like certain people to visit a certain place, find information on a certain individual and then deliver said information directly to a certain up-standing member of society. Does that sum up your request?"

Stoick gripped his stein firmly in his hand and took a big gulp, the liquid doing well to soothe his growing rage. These 'people', obviously criminals were playing more than one game here and he was already on the back foot. This smart-mouthed man spouted insinuations and vagaries that would keep him free and clear should this conversation ever be repeated in court. The Mayor noticed the man, now placing the cue ball in its starting position was wearing a gold Rolex so expensive it was probably worth all of his own watches combined. Stoick began moving up the pool table to where the diamond of striped and coloured balls waited to be broken, hoping to get a better look at the men he was dealing with.

"Indeed sir, can you accommodate my request?" Stoick responded, deciding to play this game of verbal chess.

"By all means, rest assured you will approve of our excellent quality of service" the man replied as he was handed a pool-cue by the larger shadow that had moved around to join him at his side, "you would like it done as soon as possible I take it?"

"Of course" Stoick said, leaning his hands to rest over the corner pockets at his end of the pool-table, "and how much will you be asking in return for this request?"

The smooth laugh that rose up brought Stoick's hackles up with them and the figure crooned "Come come now chief, let us not haggle in such base terms as money. I have more than enough of that. I'm doing this as a favour from one concerned citizen to another and in time you may consider doing one for me in return. Yes?"

Stoick's eyes narrowed in frustration. It seemed he couldn't simply pay these people to do a job. They had to hold sway over him like they were mobsters from the Godfather or something. These men may have money but they clearly didn't have any honour or class.

"It depends on what is found," Stoick intoned back "You bring me nothing, I give you nothing and we go our separate ways".

"And how am I to know what is worth nothing?" the man relied calmly as he scraped a chalk cube over the tip of his pool-cue, blowing on it to let a small cloud of blue dust flit across the table, "plus I will be putting myself in a very risky position and my grandfather always taught me, in every venture, victory or loss depends entirely on your positioning. Surely you appreciate that. Yes?"

Stoick knew he needed to get this done and was weary of this conniving man who was obviously smart and unscrupulous enough to pull it off. He thought of the past day and remembered how none of the usual avenues were open to him anymore. Hiccup had left behind his family, his (now revealed to not be) friends, his financial security, his legacy, anything that connected him to Berk in the slightest. Stoick wanted to know why. No. Stoick needed to know why. It was the only way to fill in the ever-expanding hole that had been torn in his heart. He owed it to himself, he owed it to Hiccup. He owed it to Valka, for she would never forgive him for such a betrayal had she been alive.

If it meant granting this snake a favour in the future then…

"So be it" Stoick rumbled dejectedly as he practically felt the man's smirk grow wider in the dimness, "But nothing that results in anyone getting hurt" he quickly tacked on with his best chiefing voice.

"Oh course" the voice replied as the shadow leaned down to take aim at the cue ball. The pool-cue danced forward and back a few times, teasing its target.

"One more thing" Stoick rumbled halting the man's moves, "I'd like to know if the concerned citizen I'm dealing with, has a name."

As if anticipating the request, the man leaned forward a little more and his face came into the light for the first time. An immaculately cropped brown goatee sat below, wickedly clever eyes framed by tightly styled brown hair. The man's suited shoulders were poised like a tiger waiting to strike. Stoick saw the dangerous power this man possessed. This stranger could do what he could not and had the will to see it done. He was fit and clever and leaving nothing to chance. His steely smirk never left his mouth and his eyes never left Stoick's face as he drew back his pool-cue a lot farther this time.

"Call me … Viggo."


In an instant the balls of the diamond were explosively scattered across the pool table and Stoick had to quickly pull back his hands from the corner pockets he was blocking, as striped balls rocketed into each of them. The slightly startled chief was joined by Spitelout as he took in the two men at the opposite end of the table as they chuckled again at his expense.

"It's like I told you chief, it's all in the positioning … all in the positioning. Come Ryker, we have work to do."

Spitelout and Stoick watched as two pool cues clattered onto the table and the shadowy figures made their way toward the doorway on the balcony.

"Stay and enjoy yourselves my friends" Viggo's voice wafted through the air like heavy cigar smoke, "Have a few drinks, play a few frames, courtesy of the management. We will find you after sunrise to handover our results."

With a quick rise and fall of rock music creeping in as the men walked out, the door closing behind them, Stoick loudly sighed out the breath he had been holding.

"What have we done?" Stoick asked to no-one.

"What we had to" Spitelout replied, "Digging up the past means you have to get your hands dirty. Come on lets rack 'em up and play a few rounds."

Despite his desire to get the Hel out of this place, Stoick didn't like the idea of sitting in his home all alone, wildly speculating what was going on at his request. Spitelout may be uncouth at times but he was family and that was what Stoick wanted more than ever. With a slightly shaking hand he picked and examined Viggo's pool-cue. It was a thing of beauty and not some cheap piece of Ash. Stoick immediately set it on the wall rack and picked a different cue.

He wanted as little contact with that snake as possible, lest it turn around and bite him.

(Berk Municipal Authority Building: Block D, Basement level archive, Tuesday, 03:00 a.m.)

Viggo loved it when a plan came together.

The outdated security system had been disabled in a laughably short time and any kind of night-guards were more concerned with patrolling the nearby industrial district. Honestly, they could have just turned the lights on and strolled about as if they owned the place for this job and no-one would have thought to stop them.

'Praise government cutbacks'

But that didn't mean Viggo and Ryker Grimborn were going to approach this job like a pair of amateurs. They hadn't survived this long by taking foolish risks. Night-vision goggles allowed them to avoid any obstacles with ease as they were made their way down to the completely dark sub-basement level, where the citizen's archives were stored.

That was the only thing that sucked about this job. With minimal computer backups, they couldn't simply hack in and download the files they had been sent to 'liberate'. Oh no. They only knew what room to check. Once they got there they would then have to find the right department, then the right subsection from ten years ago and then search out the correctly named file. It seemed like a monumental task the Grimborn brothers had set themselves in the short window of time they had allotted. But Viggo was confident they would be quick and thorough enough to deal with it, especially since gathering his intel before coming here, Viggo had a fairly strong hunch as where to begin his search for information regarding Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third.

"Brother" Ryker whispered urgently.

Viggo snapped out of his musing to silently join his stock-still brother, who was pressed against a wall opposite the door of the room that was their target. Ryker nodded to the floor and Viggo noticed what had spooked the muscular man who was spooked by nothing. What he saw, spooked him too.

'There was light coming from underneath the door.'

Both men shared a look and reached to draw their weapons. Ryker took out and loaded a taser, while Viggo went for his trusty tranquilizer gun. If this wasn't a case of a neglectful pencil-pusher forgetting to turn the lights off before going home and there was indeed someone in there, neither man would take a chance of being caught unprepared. Moreover if they needed to deal with anyone, they could do so without the messy 'inconvenience' of killing them.

Stealthily, Viggo opened the door, removing his night-vision goggles so the rising light wouldn't blind him and slipped inside, Ryker covering his back. The light turned out to be coming from two flashlights left illuminated on the tops of piles of opened boxes and some of the main room lights being switched on in the far corner. As the two brothers ghosted their way toward the brighter section of the storage room, they began to hear hushed voices between the high storage shelves.

"think this is it?"

"Indeed, master … … be most pleased."

"should we ... place down … our tracks?"

"... idiot. Do you want to be …"

Viggo and Ryker peaked down the aisle to see the voices belonged to two men eerily similar to themselves. One was big, though his bulk seemed mostly fat than muscle, the other was tall and thin with a dangerous air about him. Both had been looking through the section Viggo wanted to begin searching himself and they were hunched over an open file, still whispering. They were dressed all in black and wore tool belts that carried equipment designed to enter places like this without rousing any attention.

'Maybe that was why the alarm system was so easy to disable?' Viggo thought as he signalled to Ryker that they would creep closer and make their move in 3…2…1…

"Dropping in for some late night reading? Must be a real page turner that one" Viggo crooned quietly, grabbing the attention of the men who reacted as if he had screamed at the top his lungs. Both spun, the big man clutching the folder to his chest while the thin man, who looked middle-eastern now Viggo got a good look at his face, swept his hand to his hip to hover over a black firearm.

"Let's not do anything hasty gentlemen" Ryker grumbled as he aimed the taser squarely at the dark skinned man's chest. He could swat the unarmed fat guy with one hand if needed. This thin guy, like Viggo was the real threat of the duo and the smart one too. The man had a thick scar running from forehead, missing his right eye, to cheek and was flicking his brown eyes between them, coming up with a strategy out of this scenario, rather than resorting to immediately fighting.

"Indeed, let's not lose our heads, that would be unfortunate." The middle-eastern man finally replied in a flawless English accent as he withdrew his hand from over his gun to rest casually behind his back like a soldier standing at ease.

'Definitely ex-military then' Viggo thought as he holstered his tranq-gun and mirrored his opposite number's stance while Ryker merely lowered his taser to hang by his side, ready to draw in an instant.

"Hmmmm let me guess. Iraq, Afghanistan? Infantry?" the dark skinned man spoke quietly, his razor thin moustache and beard quirking as he smiled knowingly at the Grimborn brothers.

"Special ops" Ryker growled back, hating to be compared to those pansies who fought in that gun-ho, front line nonsense.

"And you." Viggo crooned back "Turkey, South Africa? Ah Freelance."

The man gave a small nod as if to congratulate Viggo for his deduction, "I am Krogan."

"Viggo and Ryker" Viggo supplied as the tension of the encounter dropped, each man recognizing the other as a force to be reckoned with. Things could either end peacefully or with them all being discovered dead on the floor by the staff in few hours. Nobody wanted that.

"V-V-V-Vorg, private security" the fat man blabbered. Nobody cared about that.

"I see we share similar passions in reading material" Viggo said casually as he nodded to the file Vorg was jealously guarding, the manila folder bearing the name 'H. Haddock' along its outside cover.

"My employer is very keen to acquire this information, he is not someone to be disappointed" Krogan spoke, his eyes still planning out potential moves should an altercation arise.

"Neither is ours, So that places us at an impasse" Viggo replied.

"Not necessarily, if I may?" Krogan asked as he slowly gestured with one of his hands to the cell phone attached to his belt "my employer is very resourceful and if I explain the situation, he will provide you with a more amicable solution".

Both Grimborn brothers shared a look before Viggo nodded to Krogan who removed the device and dialed a number. The sound of ringing on the speaker phone seemed like a fog horn in the close proximity of the deathly quiet basement room. After two rings the other end picked up.

"Krogan, report" a firm female voice came over the speaker.

"We have the file mistress, but there is an issue." Krogan replied formally, "A third party has become involved. Their agents are with me right now in the archives, apparently looking for the same file."

There was a quiet few moments of heavy breathing on the other line before …

"Agents of the third party, what is the identity of your client?" the woman spoke, business like, "Telling me right now will earn you ten million dollars, wired directly to any account of your choice".

"The biological father of the owner of that file hired us" Viggo spoke without hesitation "Archipelago Bank, account number 03262016, sort code 32-41-84"

10 seconds later Viggo's cell-phone pinged with an incoming message. Checking his surroundings once more, he opened the alert from his banking app to see that there was indeed a fresh deposit in his secret off-shore account to the value of 10 million dollars. Viggo smiled as he pocketed the device.

"A pleasure doing business with you madam." Viggo spoke "I presume you wish us to leave now without the item at the centre of all this. What would you have us tell our client?"

"Krogan, give this man your phone" the voice said and instantly the dark-skinned man passed the device to a surprised Viggo.

"When you see your client, give him this device and tell him he will be contacted with the answers he desires."

"But Mistress? What about the young master and his plan?" Krogan asked his brows knitting in frustration at the plan going awry again. His master's plans often did that. And he often got the blame.

"Leave my brother to me Krogan, I have a new plan, a better plan." the voice replied sternly, "Viggo Grimborn? At least I'm assuming that's who you are seeing you know your own account numbers so well. How would you like to earn some real money?"

"I'm always willing to help a lady in need" Viggo charmed down the phone in his hand.

"Excellent, pass your contact details to Krogan. He will contact you when the time comes. Be ready to move soon soldier."

"Yes mam" Viggo barked back as he would to any superior officer though with a flirtation he wouldn't dare use back in the armed-forces. Somehow this woman knew he was a soldier. Such an insight from an unseen benefactor would have intimidated lesser men. But to Viggo that just made this person even more interesting. He couldn't wait to meet her.

"Krogan, you know what to do, finish up and get back here, now" the voice ordered before the line clicked dead.

All men shared a knowing look before Viggo and Ryker backed out of the unit, their eyes never leaving the men in their view. Once they were back in the shadows and donned their night-vision goggles, one of them always guarded their six. In the space of 10 minutes they were free and clear, driving off in their cover vehicle to get a few hours' sleep before meeting Stoick. It had been a night full of surprises and profits. The money was great but what exhilarated Viggo more was the prospect of the larger strategies that were at play now. Wheels within wheels were turning and at the centre of it all was the mysterious son of Stoick Haddock. As they drove discreetly back to their bar, Viggo relished in how he would place himself in the conflict to come and how he would use it to enhance the Grimborn's legacy for future generations.

It was as his grandfather always said ... 'it's all in the positioning'.

(Berk, Outside the Haddock residence, Tuesday morning, 9.30 am)

Stoick stood on his porch, the large coffee mug in his hand. The man had been a watching sentinel since Spitelout received the text about an hour ago.

'We have found something. Will be with you soon.'

Despite nursing hefty hangovers, both brothers were waiting impatiently for the men to arrive. Stoick was about to come back in for a fresh mug of caffeine when he noticed a dark green Humvee come slowly trundling down the street, zeroing in on his location. Without even seeing the occupants' faces Stoick knew it was Viggo and Ryker.

"Spitelout, wake up, they're coming" the Mayor barked at his brother who had gone back to dozing on the couch where he crashed the previous night. Instantly the man was up as if he had a bucket of ice water thrown over him and both men were striding to the side-walk in front of the Haddock residence. Stoick saw his apprehensive gaze reflected back at him in the smokey-tinted driver's window of the large ex-military vehicle, before it slid down revealing the smug smiling face of Viggo, his cunning eyes hidden by reflective aviator shades.

"Well? What did you find?" Stoick asked eagerly.

"A new development chief" was all Viggo said as he handed Stoick a black cell-phone, "See you soon".

Before any clarification could be demanded or given, the Humvee bolted away down the street, leaving a confused Stoick and Spitelout in its wake. Stoick looked at the phone like it carried some sort of plague. He was about to pocket it and chase the men down but…

"brrrrr brrrrr …. brrrrr brrrrr …. brrrrrr…."

Stoick unlocked the device and pressed the glowing green icon to answer the call, nervously he put the phone to his ear as he spoke


"Hello? Is this Stoick Haddock?" a calm and charming female voice replied.

"Yes it is, what is this about?" the man asked firmly, hoping this new lead might not be some con trick being pulled by Viggo or worse still, news of a morbid nature.

"Why, it's about your son of course, it's about Hiccup!" the lady declared, her happy tone seeming to stoke the joy that had ignited in the man's heart.

"You know my boy?" Stoick asked jubilantly, trying not shout and wake the neighbours. It was still pretty early.

"Of course! I understand you have been looking for him and I can help. Now, you may have doubts about how I contacted you but it's for a good reason which I'm happy to explain, right now, face to face. I don't want to tell you such important news over the phone and I want to make sure you can look me in the eye when I tell you." the woman said making Stoick even more hopeful with her addressing his concerns with such genuine sounding sincerity, but more importantly hinting at her location.

'This lady was in Berk? Perhaps Hiccup was with her? Could she be a girlfriend or even …. Wife?'

Stoick smiled wider as he spoke, "Yes! I would like that very much my address is…"

"Oh no! I couldn't come to your home Mr Haddock" the woman interrupted "I'd like to keep this meeting more discreet as there are some delicate matters I have to inform you of, seeing we are practically family after all."

'Practically family? What the Helheim did that mean?!'

The endless possibilities ran wild through Stoick's mind and at the mention of family, he could only think of one place that was both discreet and held family close to his heart.

"Very well young lady, meet me at Berk County Graveyard. There's row of cherry blossom trees by the northern border. I'll be there in an hour and a half." Stoick spoke, almost as giddily as he used to be on Snoggletogg as a child.

"That sounds perfect Mr Haddock, We will see you there" the lady responded.

'We? Could it really … truly … possibly be?'

"Oh-oh-oh wait" Stoick stuttered with nerves "You didn't tell me your name".

"OH! How silly of me" the cheerful voice rang playfully as she spoke before hanging up "My name is Heather".

There you are guys.

Some more developments and Stoick going to more clandestine lengths to uncover Hiccup's secrets, only to find someone waiting for him on the other end. What will the search for his son cost him? and the identity of the female from the previous chapter is revealed. it's going to be so much fun with what is coming next.

To the guest reviewer who let me know about my spelling of the word principle/principal in a previous chapter. I laughed so hard at myself for that. Couldn't believe I made such an error. Luck of the Irish i guess. Cheers for the eagle eyed reading!

To any reference hunters out there, I dropped in some hints from Transformers Animated, Star Wars, The Lion King, The colour of money and The A-Team. good luck in finding them.

So there's an important story element I'm still wrestling with and I need to bounce it off people before I write it as it will be a big part to the story's ending. If you don't mind being spoiled I'd like to chat to folks and see what they think. Let me know via PM cause I'm keen to talk it out with someone who really likes this thing and maybe find some guidance.

As always thanks for taking the time read this and as always any reviews or comments are greatly appreciated.

Until next time

Take care of yourselves ….. and each other!
