DISCLAIMER: This is brother x brother. INCEST! Do not read if you don't like!

Author's note:

Zach: 16

Grey: 12

I did change their ages to fit more with their physical features. I thought that it would be better this way and more natural. They aren't big changes, just ones that fit better.

Zach was awoken by the sound of a scream followed by some crying. He looked around, dozy, and realized it was his younger brother Grey who was crying. He got up and ran to his brother's room.

He saw Grey's face covered in the blankets as he tried to hide his crying.

"Shhh, it's ok. It was only a nightmare," Zach comforted. Grey looked up to see his brother. His watery eyes were glistering in the moonlight as his nose was runny. Grey looked at Zach. He hugged him. "I saw you die. You were dead on the park," Grey cried in his brother's chest. Zach patted him on the back. "I'm still here. Safe and sound," Zach said in a quiet, gentle tone.

These nightmares that Grey has been experiencing has been constant lately. Almost to the point where it happens every night. Zach is always around to comfort him as their mother isn't there sometimes to experience that. Their dad divorced their mom so he lives separate from them. Zach has been quiet annoyed by the disturbances at night but he comforts Grey to reassure him that someone is there and maybe that would stop the nightmares from happening every night.

Zach stayed with Grey until Grey fell asleep. Zach quietly got up and walked out of the room, trying to avoid any sound he might make. He slipped into his bed and dozed off.

Zach woke up the next day and he looked to his clock. The time said 8:12. Zach got mad in his head because he was trying to get up earlier. It hasn't been working out well ever since Grey's nightmares and he got tired after dealing with them. Zach walked downstairs, looking like a zombie. He met Grey, who was sitting on the couch and watching the television.

"Let me guess, mom's gone," Zach said opening the fridge.

"Yeah," Grey replied, not turning to Zach.

Zach pulled out a glass of milk and he poured himself a cup. He drank some as he walked to the other couch in the living room. He sat on the couch right next to his younger brother. Grey looked to him. "Not to be rude or anything but you look awful," Grey said, looking at his brother. Zach's hair was not tended to at all. His hair was everywhere as he had a sleepy face. Zach yawned.

"I didn't get much sleep last night," Zach said, drinking his milk. Grey looked down, feeling sad. "Oh… sorry. I'm trying to not cry but it just feels so real," Grey admitted, feeling sad.

"Hey, it's not your fault. The park did a big number on all of us. Owen, Claire, and even me. You're not the only one. Don't beat yourself up," Zach said. "I know, it's just you shouldn't have to deal with me," Grey said. Zach turns to Grey. "It's fine. Really," Zach said. "You sure?" Grey asked.

"Positive," Zach responded.

"Okay, well I'll take your word for it," Grey said, turning back to the television.

Zach looked at the television as well. Grey was watching a National Geographic documentary on reptiles. Zach drank some milk. Grey turned to him and giggled. "What? Was it something I did?" Zach asked, looking around. Grey shook his head and got his thumb and rubbed it across Zach's upper lip. Milk was on Grey's thumb. Grey wiped the milk onto his shirt.

"Oh. Thanks," Zach smiled showing his white clean teeth. Grey smiled back.

They spend about a half an hour on the couch without even realizing it. Zach turned around and looked at the time.

"I think I should make us something to eat," Zach said, getting up from the couch. Grey watched Zach walk towards the fridge.

Another half an hour went by. Grey has went to his room. Zach finished the breakfast. Zach still wasn't dressed. "Grey! Breakfast is ready!" Zach yelled. He heard loud stomping all the way down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, he saw Grey. Grey had a huge smile on his face. Zach smiled. "I made our favorites," Zach said. "I haven't had this in so long. I'm used to eating cereal and toast. Thank you Zach," Grey said, sitting down. "No problem little bro," Zach said, putting down the last plate on the table.

Grey's eyes lit up like they never have before. He stared at all the food, licking his lips. He looked around as he didn't know what to eat first. "Thank you for this, but why?" "I felt bad for the way I used to treat you," Zach confessed.

"Oh no. You didn't treat me bad," Grey said taking a bite. "I did. I know I did. I always shoved you to the side and never even listened to you. I think that island bonded us closer together," Zach said, sitting down. "You think so?" Grey asked. "I know so," Zach replied smiling. Grey smiled back.

Later (around nighttime) Grey and Zach sat on the couch watching the television. The television is talking about the park. "Can you change the channel," Grey asked. "Don't have to tell me twice," Zach said. Zach switch the channel. "Can't believe their still talking about this park," Zach said. "Yeah," Grey said laying on Zach's shoulder. Zach looked at Grey's head. It was full of curly dirty blond hair. Zach was never used to having Grey's contact. He didn't think much of it. "Thanks for the breakfast again Zach," Grey said, looking up to his brother. "No problem. You deserved it," Zach said. Grey smiles at Zach's reply.

"I love you Zach," He said.

Zach was astonished by Grey's comment.

"I love you too Grey," Zach said, paying attention to the television.

Grey blushed. He had never heard Zach say that to him before and meant it. He turned to Zach. Zach looked at Grey. Zach turned to his brother. Suddenly, Grey came in and kissed his brother on the lips. Zach's eyes lit up in shock. It was a soft kiss. Grey's soft lips pressed against his brother's big full ones.

Zach pulled away. Grey looked at Zach's face, which was shocked. Grey's happy eyes turned sad. His eyes started to get watery as Grey's smile turned into a sad quiver. He got up fast and ran away to his room, crying up the stairs.

Zach watched his brother go up and he felt back into his seat. He sighed.

Zach walked up the stairs after 15 minutes. He walked to his brother's room. He knocked on the door. "Grey, can we talk about what just happened," Zach said. He waited for a little bit. "Grey?" Zach questioned. Zach opened the door and he saw that his brother was fast asleep on his bed. His pillows were wet on both sides of his face due to amount of crying he had done. Zach backed away slowly and he closes the door.

He sunk onto his bed as he put his hands through his hair. "My brother just kissed me… and enjoyed it," Zach thought. He breathed in a lot of air through his nose and he breathed it out through his lips. He got up and he took off his shirt. He laid on the bed. He could sleep. All he could do is think about his brother. He was kissed by his brother. Kissed. He didn't know why he didn't pull away. He stayed on his for a longer period of time. Zach closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

The next morning, Zach woke up. He looked at the time. It was 6:30. Zach walked downstairs. Later, Grey walked downstairs. "Hey Grey," Zach said, pouring some orange juice. "What do you want?" Grey said, sternly.

"Calm down. There isn't any reason to be snappy," Zach said. "You don't know how it feels… just… just leave me alone," Grey said, wiping his eyes. Zach looked to Grey. "Grey, I just wanted to talk about…" Zach started to say but Grey had already started up the stairs. "Talk," Zach finished. Zach sighed.

Zach later heard the water going. He walked up the stairs. He walked to the door and heard the shower going. Zach waited outside the door. The water stopped. Zach looked to the door. It took a couple of minute and then the door opened. Grey walked out, shirtless and towel wrapped around the bottom half of his body. Grey looked at Zach and turned away quickly. Zach watched Grey go by and he ran in front of him. Grey looked down as he didn't feel ready to look at him fully. "Ok… I'm sorry," Grey said. Zach knelt down to his size. "Grey it's ok. It doesn't matter anymore. I just wanted to talk.

"I don't feel like I'm ready to,"

"We have to sometime. We can't put this off. It happened and now we need to discuss your feelings," Zach said, putting his hand on Grey's shoulder. Grey looked at Zach, sniffing. "Are you ready?" Zach said, smiling a little bit. "I… I guess so," Grey said.

"Good, I'll wait until your dressed and well talk," Zach said. Grey walked away. He closed the bedroom door behind him.

Zach watched his brother leave. Zach was staring at Grey's big bubble butt that was popping from the towel. He also took some glances at his upper body. He shook his head at the thought. "Zach, what the hell are you doing? Why are you thinking about your brother like that?" Zach wondered. Zach thought of the kiss as a good one. It was okay. He had to admit, Grey's lips were pretty soft and they tasted pretty good. Zach didn't think much of it. He didn't know what to think about the kiss. It's bad to have that kind of relationship with his brother. He didn't know what to think about it or if he liked it or not.

He wasn't sure if he was ready to talk about it either.

Grey came out of his room in a tee-shirt and sweatpants. Zach watched him walk towards his direction. "Let's take a seat," Zach said. He walked into his room as Grey followed.

They sat on Zach's bed. "So… what happened?" Zach asked.

"I don't know. It's… it's just been something I've been wanting to do for a while now," Grey said, sniffling and trying to hold back his tears. "How long did you want to do this?" Zach asked.

"Since the island. You helped me a lot back there and I felt like you were my prince. My knight in shining armor type of thing. You saved my life and I felt… I don't know. This was a bad idea," Grey said, tears rolling down his eyes now. He started to get up. "No Grey. It's ok. Sit back down," Zach said. Grey sat back down as he wiped his face. "I understand. I got closer to you on the island to. I felt like we became closer brothers," Zach confessed. "Yeah. I guess, I love you," Grey said, bawling his eyes out. Zach came in and gave Grey a hug. Grey cried into his chest.

"It's a different type of love isn't it?" Zach said. Grey nodded. "Aww Grey. It's ok," Zach comforted. "No it's not," Grey said, sitting back up. "Do you know how weird it is to love your in that way?" Grey said. "I understand that part," Zach said.

Grey started to cry more. "It's going to be ok. We'll get through this. Together. We're stronger as a team. You're stronger than me Grey," Zach said smiling. Grey gave Zach a little smile as he wiped his nose. Zach smiled back. "There's the smile," Zach said. Grey giggled a little. "We won't bring mom and dad into this if that's fine with you," Zach said. Grey nodded. "Ok. Thank you Zach," Grey said. "Anytime," Zach responded. Zach stood up. Grey stood up as well. "So, you hungry?" Zach asked. "I could eat," Grey said. "Great! Pizza?" Zach asked. "Definitely," Grey said. "Alright then," Zach said. They both walked out of the door. Zach rubbed Grey's head. Grey smiled at Zach. Zach laughed a little.

"I have the best brother," Grey thought, smiling as he walked with Zach.