Hey guys, it's been a while since I've last updated and I apologize for this. Life's been getting hectic for me and I haven't had the time to focus on Fanfiction for a while now.

But I have not lost any motivation for this story at all and I know that you guys are huge supporters of my little fics. I've been getting back into my groove and I PROMISE, this time you won't wait long for the full chapter.

So instead of leaving you hanging for who knows how long, I thought I'd give you a little preview of what's in store, for the next chapter at least.


Everything seemed so hazy as Korra regained her consciousness, her eyelids slowly opening up. Instantly, the sheer amount of light that bombarded her eyes made her wince and close her eyes shut. She sat up from the sofa she was laying on and put a hand on her head to clear the blurriness. "Oh man, what happened," she groaned.

"Korra, you're up!" Bolin's voice called out. The Avatar looked to her side to see Bolin and Mako sitting on the ground, with a Pai Sho table in front of them.

Mako got up and stood next to her. Putting a hand on her shoulder, he gave her a relieved look. "It's great that you're awake now. We were so worried about you," he said with sincerity.

Normally, she would have smiled back but she was so confused by her situation. "Wait just a second. What happened to me?" she asked him. Looking down at her frame, she saw she was still in her white tank top and pajamas that she wore at night.

Wait, at night...

Mako cleared his throat. "Yeah about that. You were-"

"I was attacked by Zaheer?!" she cut him off, or finished for him, Mako couldn't tell. In the end, he simply nodded to confirm her statement.

His eyes lowered. "Yeah, they knocked you out and tried to kidnap you while everyone was asleep," he said, a twinge of guilt in his voice.

Korra could tell by his tone that he was ashamed, so she gave a reassuring smile and rested a hand on his arm. "Hey, don't go and feel like you didn't do anything. Besides, who else could've saved me but you guys?" she asked rhetorically, a jovial tone to lighten up the mood present.

He still didn't meet her eyes, so her expression turned into that of a concerned one. She looked to Bolin, who also averted his gaze. She frowned. Something was wrong here and she didn't know what. "Uh guys, is there something you're not telling me?" she asked them.

Bolin decided to speak first. Pulling himself off the floor, he cleared his throat. "Well to put it simply...Zaheer...kinda-sorta-maybe-somewhat-in a way-"

His brother stopped him from speaking any further. "What he's trying to say, or at least hopefully," he gave an annoyed look at the earthbender who mock glared at him. "is that all we were able to do was just hold Zaheer and his gang off for a while. It was hard to get to you because they isolated themselves in a lava moat, so all we could do was just keep them from going anywhere," he explained to Korra.

This did not seem to satisfy the Avatar, who only looked more confused. "Okay, but what's the problem here? I know you guys did your best but I feel like you're not telling me everything," she pressed on but not accusingly.

Mako rubbed his shoulder and sighed. " wasn't really us that got you out of there. That Goku guy came in out of nowhere and just...just-"

"Obliterated them?" Bolin chimed in, biting at a pai sho piece in his mouth.

Mako gestured at his brother. "Yeah, exactly that. I've never seen anything like it Korra, the way he took all of them on at once with so much confidence. Not even a scratch on him after everything was done. Lin and Suyin swooped down from above to rescue you while Goku distracted them but I have a gut feeling he didn't even need them to do that," he said, disbelief still evident in his tone.

Bolin spoke again. "I don't think I've ever seen anything like it either, pal. Even that time where that third-eye freak literally shot him point-blank, all he said was 'You need to work on your aim'. It was incredible, I'm telling you," he added his two cents in, flicking the pai sho piece back on to the board.

But their friend didn't really give a reaction. Instead, she stayed silent for a bit, making the two brothers grow concerned. Mako put a hand on her shoulder and gave it a slight rub. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked her.

Korra continued to stay silent for a moment before abruptly getting on her feet. She looked to Mako and pursed her lips. "Say Mako," she began, with the firebender replying with a 'hm?'.

"Where is Goku exactly?"

In the mountains near Zaofu, Goku stood on his lonesome with his eyes closed and a fist on his palm. His green shirt ruffled slightly as the winds steadily flowed past him as he continued to meditate, the noise of the animals and nature going from one ear and out the other, his mind being brought closer and closer to emptiness.

It was just like the old days with Mr. Popo.

With that thought coming forth, Goku snapped his eyes opened and took on his signature stance for his favorite technique. He scrunched his face and cupped his hands to his right side, repeating the nostalgic chant once more.

"KA...ME..." slowly but surely, a blue ball of energy burst into existence, the rays of light shining over the orange landscape of the morning sun. In the distance, a puffy cloud moved in front of the sun, dampening the sunlight reaching him and creating a shade in the land.

"HA...ME..." he continued, holding the ball of energy until the cloud drifted away, the rays of the sun finally reconnecting with him.

"HA!" He thrusted his hands forward, the result being a brilliant blue blast that rocketed towards the horizon, causing some of the populace below that witnessed it to be mesmerized by the mysterious beam. Eventually, it reached the depths of outer space where it would meet the flaming ball of gas at the center of the solar system.

The Saiyan held his posture for a few more moments before relaxing and stood straight up. Letting out a sigh, he smiled at his abilities. "Well, looks like I'm back in shape again," he said jovially to himself. Looking towards the horizon, he rolled his shoulder muscles a little.

It was a bit of a relief to him that he was in tip-top form again, having no more injuries that would hold him back any further. Too bad there was no one on this planet that could really allow him to test his abilities and his power increase with. What came as strange to him was that his energy was so much higher now than it was on Namek in his natural state.

But that transformation though, halfway through his battle with Freeza was something that was on the forefront of his mind. That 'Super Saiyan' form that Vegeta had mentioned over and over again gave him strength and power beyond his wildest imaginations, but like he had mentioned to the group of people he met earlier, it came at a cost of his best friend's life. Even though knew now that not all hope was lost and Krillin was most likely back to the land of the living at this point, it was that hopelessness, fear, sadness, and most of all, rage that pushed him over the edge on Namek and gave him the power to defeat his killer once and for all.

Or so he had thought initially.

At the thought of that fact, Goku's face darkened. It came as far and distant at first, but even from where Goku was, there was only one being in the universe that could hold an energy that malicious and evil, as far as he knew.

But one thing was for sure: Freeza's body was well damaged beyond normal repair. What, with upper body and his arm being sliced off from the rest of his body, it would take a long time for him to be fully recovered. And when he was fully restored...

He would come to his Earth and go after his family and friends. And for added measure, Freeza would try to blow up the planet just to spite him. This gave him all the reason to train even more and attain the transformation once again that had quite frankly saved his neck and everyone else's along with it.

But how to do it again was the real question...


Damn, he really needed to be more aware of his surroundings a little bit more. The man in question shook his head as he turned around to see who addressed him, who he saw was the girl that almost got kidnapped last night, which was Korra. She stood a couple strides away from him with a look that told him that she was eager to ask him something.

Goku gave a small wave of his hand. "Hey Korra. How are you feeling now?" he asked her politely.

The Avatar gave a cheesy smile. "I'm feeling better now, thanks for asking. What are you doing all the way up here?" she asked in return as she came a few steps closer.

He shrugged and stretched his arms out. "Just trying to get back into shape now that I'm fully healed," he answered as he did a few squats.

Korra just nodded at that, watching as he did a little warm up jump before setting his feet back on the ground. She scratched her shoulder as she looked off to the side. "Say Goku, I just..." the Saiyan stopped his stretching to listen to what she was going to say.

He raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "Hm? What is it?" he asked her.

She met his gaze. "I just wanted to thank you for what you did yesterday, y'know, with saving all of us from Zaheer and his crew. It's really appreciated from everyone and definitely from me," her gratitude came out as sincere as she could make it.

But all Goku did was laugh and waved a hand. "Don't mention it. Truth be told, I don't really know what exactly was going on when I heard those explosions but I saw the rest of your friends do their best to get you back. All I did was give them a helping hand," he tried to downplay, but Korra was not going to have any of that.

Her jaw dropped. "A helping hand? Goku, you literally took all of them down one by one without wearing yourself out!" she exclaimed, taking a step forward. Goku just closed his eyes while sporting a huge grin.

She continued on to stare at him with awe. "Where did you even get that kind of skill anyway?" she asked him.

He simply chuckled and put his hands on his hips. "Well, my secret was doing push-ups, sit-ups, and lots of sensu beans," he laughed at his attempt at a joke.

Korra raised an eyebrow. "Sensu beans? Never mind that. I was going to ask you if you think you can show me the way you fight," she requested once more, meeting him eye to eye.

Goku was again surprised at being put on the spot once more. 'Jeesh, this girl really does not let up,' he thought to himself. But who was he to judge when he was the same exact way. Chuckling to himself, he actually considered weighing his options.

Teach this girl his form of martial arts and possibly not make it back in time to his world and help his friends? Or say no and leave while he still can without interfering too much in this world's affairs?

With that line of thinking, it was easy to choose which option he should pick.

With an apologetic stare, he shook his head, which made Korra's face fall visibly. "I'm really sorry Korra but my answer from before still stands. I have to leave this planet as soon as possible. My friends and family probably already think I'm dead and it's best if I leave today honestly," he told her truthfully, not that it would appease her in any way.

It didn't. Her face did the most visible drop he had ever seen, making him feel really bad. The Avatar then sighed in resignation. "Oh well, it was worth another try. I'll stop annoying you about that. I can't keep you away from your family, spirits know I'd do the same for mine," she said, giving him an understanding smile.

Goku smiled back, glad that she was able to understand. Who knows, maybe he'd cross paths with this planet again in the future. Then he'd give her the training she wanted; a warrior's determination was what he saw in her eyes.

But for now, he'd have to reject this request of hers.