All Book Quotes and Reference

Chapter One:

Many references to the scene in City of Bones where Alec meets Magnus at a party like no one can remember Simon's name and Clary is the reason they are all at the party just like in the books.

Jace's mom being depressed is a reference to how Celine may have killed herself after finding out her husband, Stephen, died in the books.

Chapter Two:

Meliorn isn't a normal name so Izzy's sorta guy is named Mitchell but I decided Alec could get it wrong and make a reference out of it.

Chapter Three:

Ragnor's video game avatar is a reference to his Warlock self in the books and he is playing ShadowQuest I just don't name the game until chapter 30 when Simon and Maia play it.

Catarina offering to assist with Magnus's first date with Alec is a reference to how Magnus asked her to assist during their canon first date from the Magnus Bane Chronicles.

Chapter Four:

Alec's panic was inspired by my writer's angst at updating a new chapter and constantly refreshing the page wondering why the view count keeps going up and the reviews don't change… yes I am talking to you!

Chapter Five:

"You have the truest heart of anyone I have ever" (known) is a direct quote from City of Heavenly Fire. And Alec being late to his first date with Magnus because of his siblings is a reference their first date in the Magnus Bane Chronicles.

Chapter Six:

Luigi is the owner of the restaurant Alec and Magnus go to for their first date in the Magnus Bane Chronicles.

"This being gay business doesn't mean you can just throw yourself at any guy and it'll be fine because he's not a girl. There are still people you like and people you don't" is a direct quote from the scene published on Cassandra Clare's website when Alec asks Magnus out for the first time.

"You are without guile" is a direct quote from that same scene on CC's site.

Catarina almost calling Magnus away during his first date with Alec is a reference to when she called him away with an emergency in their canon first date.

The foster care system in my story is kinda a reference to how Magnus was raised for seven years by the Silent Brothers.

I chose computer skills for Magnus's job because it is the closest thing to magic we have in the real world. Magnus has magic/a skill very few have that he can sell for a high price. If you are really great with computers and technology you can do a similar thing. I wanted to try and mimic the overall concept without just picking an occupation that fit his personality because Magnus's warlock job isn't about his personality it's about what skills he was born with. Magnus's magic is a mystery to shadowhunters (Robert once asked Magnus if he magicked a child into existence after all) but a mystery they always require... kinda like computers are to most people. Most people use them everyday but don't know how they work. When an IT guy shows up and makes the problems go away it's almost like he has fixed it magically if you don't know how he has done it.

Chapter Seven:

No direct quotes or references except to Alec's holey wardrobe. Also I hate shopping just as much as Alec does.

Chapter Eight:

No direct quotes but lots of other reference. And I love all the same comics as Magnus! But I think Elfquest is my favourite. Buffy and Marvel were also referenced. And all the computer tech facts are true. I know a guy. ;)

Chapter Nine

The beginning of this chapter is a reference to the plot in City of Ashes where Magnus is helping them for free and everyone kinda guesses it's because Alec is dating him but Alec denies it all.

"Please help me convince him I (really) don't care?" is a direct quote from City of Ashes.

"Oh I think he believes you" (about that) is a direct quote from same scene in City of Ashes.

Then this chapter jumps straight into referencing the scene in City of Glass when Jace tells Alec to kiss him. No direct quotes but the whole thing mirrors it quite a lot. Though in my version Jace actually kisses Alec.

Chapter Ten:

U & UR Hand Tonight is a P!nk song that I just thought explained Magnus's sexual frustration perfectly. *Masterbation joke lol*

Imasu is a reference to Magnus's short summer romance with him in the Magnus Bane Chronicles. In the canon Magnus really does get dumped for not being a permanent person and gets drunk and pukes all over a landmark.

Camille cheating on him is a reference to the same thing happening in the books though it is also a reference to Magnus's AU backstory.

Chapter Eleven

"... the way I do" is technically a direct quote but the whole scene is based around the scene in City of Glass when Magnus tells Alec he loves him.

"You want (love) me?" is sorta a quote I just changed the middle word from love to want.

Chapter Twelve:

Alec having a hickey after his first makeout session with Magnus is a reference to the scene in City of Ashes where Jace notices his hickey.

"Like kissing my brother" is a direct quote from the original scene Cassandra Clare published on her site as a outtake in which Jace does kiss Alec in City of Glass.

And then I reference that Izzy can't cook like every other AU ever! But it's a classic.

Chapter Thirteen:

The shirt with sequins on it is a reference to the shirt Magnus gives Alec on their first date in the Magnus Bane Chronicles.

Catarina saying she has never seen Magnus happier than he is with Alec is a reference to her telling Magnus something similar in City of Heavenly Fire

The blue scarf is a reference to the blue scarf Magnus gives Alec in City of Lost Souls

Chapter Fourteen:

Mitra's Cameo! She is my main beta reader for this story so when the scene required a secondary character to guide the dialogue I put her in there and she was super happy about it. :D And yes I choose Cookies and Cream because it is her favourite flavour.

"To love is to destroy. To be loved is to be the one destroyed" is a really well known direct quote and the only one so far that isn't said by the same person in the book as in my story. Jace says this in City of Bones.

Chapter Fifteen:

"WHO DARES TO DISTURB THE TECHNOLOGICAL GENIUS AT WORK?" is not a direct quote as I adapted it to fit Magnus's new occupation but it is definitely a reference!

Chapter Sixteen:

Yeah… *blushes* just lemon… though Alec's asking if he has done something wrong is a reference to him asking Magnus that at the end of their first date in the Magnus Bane Chronicles.

Chapter Seventeen:

Home for Wayward Teenagers is a reference to when Magnus says his place is a Home for Wayward Shadowhunters in City of Lost Souls

Of course the book Izzy is reading is the Infernal Devices! And don't ask me why Izzy doesn't think it's weird there are Lightwoods in the book and why Magnus has the same name as the warlock. It's a cute reference cause I could and that is all. ^_^

Chapter Eighteen:

"Sometimes I think hearts are breakable. I look at them and think don't they know better than to give them away so easily? Even when you heal, you're never what you were before," is a direct quote from City of Fallen Angels

Star Wars is a reference to when Simon tells drunk Izzy the plot to Star Wars in City of Lost Souls

All the names of cats are references to the names of the cats in TMI.

Magnus calls Clary Biscuit is a reference to well Magnus calling Clary Biscuit… but you probably figured that one out…

Warrior Princess is a reference to how Simon calls her that in the books too.

No one remembers Simon's name is a reference to that also happening in the books.

And, of course, the Circle is a reference. I have tried to adapt it to the normal world in the most believable way I could think of. Since a weirdly named guy trying to take over the government isn't as unbelievable as lizard people I think making it a conspiracy theory worked. Oh and all those other theories are totally real conspiracy theories by the way. I did research.

Chapter Nineteen:

(You are) "my heart" is a quote from The Long Conversation from the first edition of Lady Midnight.

"I see who I am in her eyes, and I try to be that person, because she has faith in that person. She has taught me more about love than I ever thought possible," is a direct quote, just with the pronouns adjusted to fit the context, from the letter Jace leaves Clary when he goes off on that stupid suicide mission in City of Glass.

All the backstory for Valentine and Jonathan I based off the books but just twisted it to fit into a world without magic and demons.

And, of course, Jace's siblings joke is a reference to how they thought they were siblings in the books for WAY TOO LONG! I just joke cause I would NEVER do that!

All the nerd references! Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Stargate, Star Trek, and the Infernal Devices again. I am a dork and so is Simon and Magnus so that bleeds through here. :) Again don't ask me why they don't think it's weird Magnus Bane is Magnus Bane from the book. Go with the adorable reference and be happy.

Chapter Twenty:

Magnus calling Simon Sherlock is a reference to when Magnus called Simon Sherlock in the books.

Robert cheating on his wife before Max was born is a reference to the same thing in the books.

And another Xena Warrior princess reference.

They bowled in this order: Alec, Jace, Izzy, Magnus, Simon, Clary.

Chapter Twenty-One:

Elaine saying Clary would break Simon's heart is a reference to Simon telling Clary his mom said that in City of Bones.

Reference to Star Wars prequels and more Xena Warrior Princess as well.

Rebecca Lewis or Becky is Simon's sister in the books as well and her going to art school is a reference to how she is known to have an affinity for drawing since she was young. That is mentioned in City of Ashes. It is also mentioned in the CoFA she did an art history major in New Jersey.

"Isabelle will cut out his heart and walk all over it in high-heeled boots," is a direct quote from when Jace tells Simon this in City of Bones

Simon's fantasy about killing Jace is a reference to his being a vampire… obviously.

Nothing short of death will keep Clary away from Jace is a reference to how even death didn't keep Clary away from Jace.

Chapter Twenty-Two:

Magnus finding out about Maryse and Robert's involvement in the circle is a reference to how he held their secrets in the books as well.

Chapter Twenty-Three:

Robert mentioning a flying motorbike is a reference to Jace's flying demon bike in the books. Also I had to google the names of popular bikes cause I know nothing.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Max's toy soldier is a reference to the toy soldier Jace gave him, that Max died holding in City of Glass.

"You never called me back?"
"And you want to know why I haven't called you"
"I want to know why you haven't called me back."
"You love me?"
"Why else I am here?"

Are ALL direct quotes from City of Glass

Chapter Twenty-Five

Simon's dating Maia and Izzy at the same time is a reference to when he does that in the books.

Maia in the books was also hurt by her brother but her parents didn't believe her. Since Maia is a background character in my story and doesn't need any conflict I decided to make her life easier and have her parents believe her over her brother. This is my explanation for any differences in her character from the books. Also I just needed her character to be a certain way for plot so… yeah presto out of character Maia.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Ragnor asking Alec if he likes Archery is definitely a reference to Alec's favourite weapon in the books.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Robert asking Alec what turned him gay is a reference to when Alec said that his father asked him that in CoLS

Chapter Twenty-Eight

"...out in the open now," is a quote from the Malec episode of Shadowhunters.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

All the names of Simon's band are real names it had in the books that I found on the band's wikia page.

Izzy's asking if Simon is a vampire is of course a reference to Simon being a vampire.

Chapter Thirty

"You only need three people you can rely on in order to achieve self-actualization," is a exact quote. Simon tells Clary his mom said that in City of Glass

Maia and Simon playing Xbox is a reference to Simon mentioning them doing that in City of Fallen Angels

Lily is a reference to Lily Chen the vampire who later became friends with Maia.

"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal" is a Firefly reference because I'm a dork!

"Love made you a liar," is a quote from City of Ashes. The Seelie Queen says it.

The werewolf in the video game is a reference to Maia being a werewolf in the books. And basically ALL of the game is a reference to the books.

In this story Maia is the most out of character of them all. I am blaming this on her never having the pain in her life book-Maia did. This Maia's parents supported her over her brother when they learned what he was doing. This Maia never became a werewolf and was never betrayed by Jordan. In fact I cut Jordan from this story because without the werewolf stuff I didn't know what plot to give him.

"Maia was a steady light in the darkness; Isabelle a burning star, spinning through the void." is a direct quote from CoFA

Chapter Thirty-One

Magnus being horrible at music is a reference to how he failed to play music in Peru in the Magnus Bane Chronicles. And yes Catarina called it a dying cat then too.

"Million little paper cuts," is a quote from CoLS.

Right after coming out to parents Malec goes away on a trip is a reference to their Europe trip in CoFA.

Chapter Thirty-Two

"You're playing with fire, Simon. I hope you know that."
"Do you really think it's such a big deal?" Simon said. "I haven't had a single conversation with Isabelle-or Maia-about dating exclusively."
"Let me tell you something about girls. Even if you haven't had the exclusivity conversation, they're still going to be mad if they find out you're dating someone (else). It's a dating rule."
"Well, how am I supposed to know that rule?"
"Everyone knows that rule."
"I thought you were supposed to be on my side."
"Your problems are not real problems. You're dating two beautiful girls at once. Think about it. That's like ... rock-star problems."
Are ALL direct quotes from City of Fallen Angels. I just changed 'dating someone they know' to 'dating someone else' since Izzy and Maia don't really know each other in this story. At least not well, they just go to the same school.

Chapter Thirty-Three

"I was alive when the Dead Sea was just a lake that was feeling a little poorly" quote from CoA.

Izzy sending them messages about how she is planning a Malec wedding is references to how Izzy sent them postcards to this effect while they were travelling Europe.

Chapter Thirty-Four

"Oh, Lord Montgomery, what do you mean to do with me in this bedroom when you have me all alone?" "An innocent maiden, and unprotected? Is my virtue safe?"
"I, ah—what?" Simon said, temporarily deprived of vocabulary.
"I know you are a dangerous man," Isabelle declared, "Some call you a rake. Everybody knows you are a devil with the ladies." She was eyeing him like a cobra considering making a snack out of a mongoose. "I pray you will consider my innocence," she breathed against his neck. "And my poor, vulnerable heart."
This was like role-playing in D&D, but potentially much more fun.
"Lord Montgomery considers nothing but his own desires," he said a little more awkwardly than she had but still he was proud of himself for keeping up. "I'll tell you something else. Lord Montgomery has a very large estate . . . and pretty extensive grounds, too."
Isabelle giggled. "I didn't expect you to get quite so into this."
"Lord Montgomery always surpasses expectations," Simon said, seizing Isabelle around the waist and rolling her over so she was beneath him, her black hair spread out onto the pillow. "Mothers, lock up your daughters, then lock up your maidservants, then lock up yourselves. Lord Montgomery is on the prowl."
Isabelle framed his face between her hands. "My lord," she said, her eyes shining. "I fear I can no longer withstand your manly charms and virile ways. Please do with me as you will."
"Izzy, are you—"
Are all direct quotes from City of Heavenly Fire

Chapter Thirty-Five

In the books it is also mentioned that Alec was once scared of the dark and is currently scared of Spiders.

In the books Magnus did once get drunk and enchant a carpet to fly in Peru during the 1700s after Imasu dumped him. So that's definitely a reference.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Magnus knowing the Lightwoods secrets but not telling Alec is a reference to him doing that in the books.

In the books Maia catches Simon with Izzy where as in my story Izzy catches Maia with Simon.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Edom in the game is a reference to that demon realm in the books. Also Skeptron is a reference to a weapon they found while in Edom.

(I know) "you told me you were going to be busy."
"Are you two dating?"
"I can't believe you, Simon." "How could you lie like that?"
"I didn't lie," Simon protested. "We never said we were exclusive!"
"I'm really sorry," Simon said. "I should have told you guys. It's just-I really like you both, and I didn't want to hurt either of your feelings."
The moment it was out of his mouth, he realized how stupid he sounded. Just another jerkish guy making excuses for his jerk behavior. Simon had never thought of himself like that. He was a nice guy, the kind of guy who got overlooked, passed up for the sexy bad boy or the tortured artist type.
"Wow," he said, mostly to himself. "I am a huge asshole."
"That's probably the first true thing you've said since I got here."
Are ALL direct quotes from City of Fallen Angels

Again I have turned Maia into the stereotypical shy high school girl with no self confidence because plot.

"She wasn't his Isabelle, not anymore. He wondered if she ever truly had been. Isabelle didn't seem like the type of girl to belong to someone. It was one of the things he liked best about her" Direct quote from the Shadowhunter Academy Series "The Lost Herondale"

"You're my little brother, you dumb idiot. I love you no matter what" is a direct quote from CoLS when Simon tells his sister he is a vampire.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Izzy's choice of a whip is obviously a reference to her favourite weapon as a shadowhunter

All anime research done with the help of pinkfyulongdragon

Jordan here is a reference to the scene in City of Heavenly Fire when Izzy is drunk and tells Jordan that usually she would care that he is hot but she can't. I don't use any quotes but that was what I based the scene off.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Alec worrying about Magnus's past is an obvious reference… I think we all know that one.

Chapter Forty

Pete (Bat's dad) is a reference to Sneaky Pete who is in one scene in City of Ashes when he takes Bat for a 'walk' to cool off after Jace picks a fight.

Joseph (Bat's little brother) is a reference to the werewolf cub Valentine killed but was unable to drain the blood of. I decided to give Bat a sibling since I don't think only children are common and I already have Magnus as one so I wanted to change it up. Plus it just felt more finished somehow and he was useful to move dialogue along.

Beth (Bat's mom) I also got from the books but it's the name of the hospital Bat goes to with Maia to take care of a demon for Catarina during City of Heavenly Fire. I almost went with Leila who refereed the fight with Bat, Maia and Rufus in City of Heavenly Fire but Beth sounded better to me for some reason… even if it is a hospital.

Eve (Maia's mom) is a reference to the woman Bat dated after Maia. Yes I know it makes no sense since I have made Eve Maia's mother but I hate picking names and thus I used the shadowhunter wikia to do it.

Gregg (Maia's dad) is a reference to the werewolf that died at the hands of vampires in the story Maia told Simon while they were both kidnapped. Again just needed a name… didn't really match it to the books.

Both Bat and Maia have unnamed parents in the books otherwise I would have just used their real parents names from the books.

Bat mentioning guys do stupid things when girls are involved is a reference to when he told Maia that in CoFA.

Daniel pinching her arms, switching her shampoo for bleach and breaking her arm are all references to him doing that in the books.

Chapter Forty-One

"Does he ever say anything about me?"
"He thinks you're really strong. And that you don't need him at all. I think he feels... superfluous to your life."
"I think about him all the time. It's awful. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before."
"Scrawny little mundane bastard."
"I like(d) spending time with him. He make(made) me laugh. And I like(d) the way he smiles. You know, one side of his mouth goes up before the other one—Well, you('re his friend). You must have noticed."
"I miss him when he's not around."
"So you mean I should tell him how I feel."
"Yes. Definitely. Tell him how you feel."
ALL quotes from City of Heavenly Fire

Chapter Forty-Two

Aline is a reference to, well, Aline Penhallow. Helen is a reference to Helen Blackthorn. Mark is a reference to Mark Blackthorn and you get the idea.

Is it super obvious that Alec is working at a Starbucks? ^_^

Alec thinking Magnus is far older than he actually is, is a reference to how Alec and the fans thought Magnus was 800 because of City of Glass until City of Heavenly Fire came out.

Magnus is usually far older than Alec in AUs which is partly why I decided to make him closer in age. Magnus, the warlock, stopped aged when he was 19. Book-Magnus has stated that both being old and being young are strange to him so I didn't want to make him too old.

Woosley Scott is a reference to himself but you figured that out. ^_^ And Ralf bleeding out is a reference to how he was killed by vampires.

Chapter Forty-Three

Simon's arrival at Izzy's house and yelling her name is a reference to when he did that drunk in City of Heavenly Fire. I had already had Simon drunk in a previous chapter so I didn't want him to sink so low again. I figured lovestruck can make you do things just as stupid. :)

"There are things our souls want, and mine wants you," is a quote from Shadowhunter Academy Series

Chapter Forty-Four

Ralf Scott fighting for gay rights is a reference to his fighting for downworlder rights with the Nephilim.

Kyle is a reference to Kyle Jordan though his name and connection to the Praetor Lupus is the only thing about his character that's the same as the books. In my story he has no connection to Maia. This version of Kyle is just his work self aka Praetor Lupus aspect of himself. Basically I needed someone to come collect Woolsey on behalf of the church and though it's such an old organization there are precious few notable members listed on their wikia page. I could have made some up I guess but why do that when you can make a reference!

Chapter Forty-Five

"I don't want the world. I want you," is a direct quote from CoHF.

This Magnus is much younger and has no experience of being loved so instead of him simply not knowing how to share his past this Magnus is very scared that sharing would mean losing Alec. I believe book-Magnus was also worried about this but maybe not to this extent.

I have been told this chapter comes off as a little abusive and/or Magnus trying to guilt trip Alec…. Sorry wasn't my intention! I just thought Magnus needed to be a little more secure about Alec before he would be able to open up. Magnus tried to give Alec an out to save Alec from being with someone like him but Alec didn't want it.
Also I really wanted to work in the quote from CoHF.

Chapter Forty-Six

Izzy's using a whip and being an angel warrior in the game is an obvious reference.

Izzy coming to rescue Simon in the game is a reference to her coming to rescue him in the Shadowhunter Academy Series when he is captured by faires.

"Our love is forbidden like the love of a shark and a—and a shark hunter. Which one of us is the shark?"" -Is a direct quote from CoHF

Izzy suggesting they have a picnic by a lake is a reference to when they hang out around Lake Lyn in Alicante at the end of CoHF.

Simon following Izzy to college is a reference to how Simon follows Izzy into the shadow world in the books.

Simon being insecure about having sex with Izzy is a reference to that happening in the Shadowhunter Academy Series.

Chapter Forty-Seven

Jace saying Clary and him are the boring couple with no problems is a reference to how I made them total background characters in this story, giving them no plot whatsoever. My next AU has a major Clace plot planned.

Chapter Forty-Eight

Magnus lying about his age to make himself seem older, so that people take him seriously in his chosen profession, is a reference to him doing that ALL the time in the books, especially in the Magnus Bane Chronicles.

Magnus in the books once said that being old and being young are strange to him so I made him physically young, nineteen, while keeping his emotional and mental age higher by having him grow up fast and be tall and adult looking at a younger age.

"She made a pet out of me. If love were food, I would have starved on the bones she gave me." is almost a direct quote. I just switched the pronouns from you to she cause he is talking about her rather than to her.

Alec's saying he would do something stupid if he knew where to find Camille is a reference to his trying/deciding to kill Camille in the books.

Magnus's father being where he gets the skills he uses to make a living is a reference to how Magnus gets his magic from his father or rather his being a warlock.

Magnus's father having similar skills but using them for evil rather than good is an reference to that sort of thing in the books. Only with being part demon instead of computer savvy.

Chapter Forty-Nine

Yes those are ALL references to The Infernal Devices again. You can blame my beta, Rosycat, for this. I mentioned Sizzy was going to the movie Clockwork Angel in a previous chapters and she got very excited to see it.

Yes Pie is a reference to Alec not making pie in CoHF. I tried to include the quote itself but couldn't get it to work.

Aline saying it would be worse if Helen was separated from her siblings is a reference to how that was what happened in the books.

"Straight people," Alec declared. "Why can't they control themselves?" Is a direct quote from CoHF.

Izzy asking for a story and Simon telling her the plot to star wars when he could have had his way with her is a reference to CoHF.

Chapter Fifty

Helen being able to appreciate both Alec and Aline's hotness is a reference to her being bi in the books.

Chapter Fifty-One

Sizzy not having sex until far later is a reference to how in the books they don't have sex until the end of the Shadowhunter academy series… though this Izzy should be happy she didn't have to wait years for Simon to get his memory back. ^_^

Chapter Fifty-Two

Robert, Maryse, Luke and Jocelyn involved in plans to hurt Valentine is a reference to them all being part of the uprising before CoB.

Valentine wanting Jocelyn to live with him again and make up a house for them is a reference to him doing that in the books though we don't learn that was his plan until Clary, Sebastian and Jace live there.

"Not a name I would have chosen," is a direct quote from CoB.

Chapter Fifty-Three

All the circle references!

Maryse saying she sang to them is a reference to her mentioning that in CoA. I was going to work a quote in but none of them I found worked.

Maryse and Robert being divorced casually at the end since their children were all they had in common, is a reference to them doing that in the books.
I had originally planned for them to announce their divorce during the main story. Then I was going to have Alec worry that his coming out of the closet was the cause of it but that didn't really fit as I started writing it so I cut it.

Chapter Fifty-Four

"For you, Alec, it's always yes," is a direct quote from the Shadowhunter Academy series story Born to an Endless Night.

Magnus entertaining the thought of having raising a child with Alec while Alec is sleeping is a reference him doing that in to Born to an Endless Night.

In this story Max didn't die so I couldn't really have Alec name his son Max. Also babies aren't abandoned in our world quite the same way as in the shadow world so I cut baby Max out entirely.

I must confess to borrowing a few ideas from Kevin and Scotty's adoption of Olivia on the TV show Brother's and Sister's for the end of this chapter.

Chapter Fifty-Five

This epilogue doesn't really have references and is mostly based off the version of the characters in this AU. Though I did base Simon's ordinary day spontaneous proposal off Simon's proposal in the books during the story "The Long Conversation."


A=Alec M=Magnus Iz=Izzy S=Simon Mi=Maia C=Clary

Ch01-A: Saturday Night at Raphael's Party

Ch02-A: Sunday at Alec's house

Ch03-M: Sometime between Mon & Thurs at Magnus's

Ch04-A: Same day as previous chapter but at Alec's

Ch05-A: Friday after school with Alec

Ch06-M: Friday evening at a restaurant

Ch07-A: Fri evening/Sat morning at Alec's/the mall

Ch08-A: Saturday afternoon at Magnus's

Ch09-A: Sunday at Jace's

Ch10-M: Thursday at Magnus's

Ch11-M: Friday evening dinner/sidewalk/Magnus's

Ch12-A: Saturday in Magnus's bed all morning

Ch13-A: Saturday afternoon at Magnus's

Ch14-M: Saturday later afternoon out for Gelato

Ch15-A: Saturday/Sunday at Alec's/Magnus's

Ch16-M: Sunday at Magnus's

Ch17-Iz: Sun/Mon/Tues at Izzy's/Magnus's

Ch18-Iz: Friday Night at Bowling

Ch19-A: Friday Night at Bowling

Ch20-Iz: Friday Night at Bowling

Ch21-S: Saturday Morning at Simon's/Clary's

Ch22-M: Saturday at Magnus's place

Ch23-A: Sat/Sun/Mon at Alec's grad/house/school

Ch24-A: Monday night at the hospital

Ch25-S: Monday afternoon at Simon's school

Ch26-M: Tuesday Morning at Magnus's

Ch27-A: Tuesday afternoon at Magnus's/Alec's

Ch28-Iz: Weds afternoon/evening Izzy's/dinner

Ch29-S: Wednesday evening date at Izzy's/dinner

Ch30-S: Thursday evening date with Maia at Simon's

Ch31-M: Approx a week later (Thurs) at Magnus's

Ch32-S: Approx a week later (Thurs) at Simon's

Ch33-A: Friday-Sunday Malec at B&B

Ch34-S: Monday at Izzy's and Simon's

Ch35-M: Monday at the Lightwoods and Magnus's

Ch36-A: Monday at Alec's and Magnus's

Ch37-S: Monday night/Tuesday Morning at Simon's

Ch38-Iz: Mon/Tues/Weds/Thurs Morning at Izzy's

Ch39-A: Early Summer evening at the Lightwood's

Ch40-Mi: Summer/Sept at Maia's school/home

Ch41-Iz: Summer/Sept at Izzy's school/home

Ch42-A: Summer/Sept at Alec's work and home

Ch43-S: Summer/Sept at Simon's home/Izzy's

Ch44-M: A day in Sept at Magnus's

Ch45-A: Same day in Sept at Magnus's

Ch46-S: Months into the school year at Simon's

Ch47-M: During the school year at Alec's/Magnus's

Ch48-A: The next day at Magnus's flat

Ch49-S: Saturday Movie theatre/park

Ch50-M: Saturday Magnus's driveway/park

Ch51-S: Months later at Clothing store/Simon's

Ch52-C: Jocelyn & Luke's Wedding/Epilogue

Ch53-A: Wedding/Magnus's/Epilogue

Ch54-M: Magnus and Alec's Epilogue

Ch55-S: Simon and Izzy's Epilogue

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