A/N: Hey lovelies! This is the sequel to "Come With Me". Once again, this story is complete on Ao3, but I will be posting 2 chapters a day until it's complete on here as well :) I hope you all enjoy, it was such a fun ride to write, and I hope that it can reach all of the people who don't use Ao3 but who would be interested to read it :D

While you could have read CWM and not read this, it is pretty much necessary to read Come With Me in order to understand a lot of the premise and whatnot of the story :P

Disclaimer: I don't know The 100!

Enjoy ;) xx

"No, don't worry about it, I'm on my way." Clarke held her phone against her ear with her shoulder and she locked the front door of her mom's house. "And I'll get the last two boxes, I just need you to be there to let me in."

Raven huffed. "O is like, spamming me with texts about these goddamn boxes."

"I'm on my way, Rae," Clarke promised, rolling her eyes. "If Octavia wants us to help her move, she can handle waiting a few extra minutes. I had to make sure all of my stuff was packed up."

"Wait, is all your shit in your car right now?"

"No," Clarke answered, huffing incredulously as she unlocked her car and opened the driver's side door. "I just wanted to make sure it's all ready. You have to help me come and get it when we're done at Octavia's place."

"I know, I know," Raven said. "Hurry up and get your ass over here, Griffin!"

"I'll see you in a few." Clarke hung up the phone, dropping it in the empty passenger seat, and then started up her car. As she drove, she let herself exhale with relief. Today was the day that she was finally going to be moving into her own place again. Well, not entirely her own place, but with Raven. Octavia was moving in with Lincoln, leaving half of her shared apartment with Raven open. The previous week, Clarke and her two best friends had gone to talk to the landlord of the apartment and organized an easy transfer of sorts regarding official ownership of the apartment. It would be in Raven's name, rather than in both Octavia's and Raven's, and Clarke could give her rent directly to her best friend, who would then pay for the whole thing.

It had been three months since she moved back in with her mom in her childhood home, after opting out of staying on her best friends' couch. Three months since she'd come back from her spontaneous, three week trip to Europe.

On one hand, it felt like a long time ago. On the other, it could've been just yesterday. Sometimes, it felt like a dream.

A very realistic and long dream, with a very physical and real result, but a dream nonetheless.

She was just happy to be moving back out from her mom's place. She appreciated her mom letting her stay for a while, but it was weird. She was twenty-three and should've been entirely supporting herself. By now, she probably could've afforded to get herself a place, but once she and Raven had heard that Octavia was indeed planning on moving in with Lincoln, she'd postponed any plans of moving into an apartment alone in favor of sharing one with Raven.

She drove up in front of the apartment building that she would be living in by that night, and saw Raven waiting for her outside, two boxes sitting on the ground next to her. She temporarily parked her car along the curb and hopped out. "Hey," she called.

"Finally!" Raven exclaimed. "Had to wait fucking forever for you, C!"

"Just get the boxes in my car. The sooner I can be moved into this place, the better."

"Why? Got plans tonight or something?" Raven smirked, and the blonde huffed indignantly.

"I told Lexa I would Face Time with her tonight, but she's already off of work for today," Clarke complained, crossing her arms over her chest, "which means that she's sitting around doing nothing, and I can't even call her. So we need to shove this shit in my car and bring it to O."

"Okay, okay," Raven said, smirking again as she grabbed one of the boxes and started to Clarke's car. The blonde followed her movements, and once the two boxes were deposited neatly into her back seat, Raven hopped into her own car, parked along the side of the road as well, and they started off to Lincoln's – now also Octavia's – apartment.

Upon reaching it, they had to make multiple trips up and down to bring all of the stuff from Raven's car and the two boxes from her own car to the apartment. When they were finally done, they collapsed onto Lincoln's couch.

"Linc," Raven started, letting out a tired breath, "I don't know where you think all Octavia's stuff is going to fit in this little place."

"We'll make room," he said, amused.

Clarke coughed into her hand, muttering, "Whipped," at the same time.

"I'm not whipped!" Lincoln insisted, crossing his arms. "I'm just a good boyfriend."

"What do you mean, just a good boyfriend?" Octavia asked, entering the living room of the apartment from her and Lincoln's bedroom. "Did I miss something?"

"Just Clarke saying that you have your boyfriend whipped as fuck," Raven answered, grinning at her widely. "Which is so true. You had him whipped before you guys even started dating. And I still can't fucking believe that you guys waiting so long before getting together."

"Yes, we know, Rae," Octavia interrupted, shaking her head. "You say this all the time. It's been over three months since we got together, so you can get over it."

"Never," Raven protested. "One day when you guys get married, when everyone gets to make speeches, I am going to bring it up again. It'll be a great story."

"Not if you keep bringing it up now." Octavia crossed her arms in annoyance. She looked to Clarke, clearly trying to keep herself from snapping at Raven. "Do you need help moving your stuff? I kind of owe you anyway."

"No, Raven and I can manage it," Clarke answered, getting up from the couch and grabbed her best friend's arm. "Come on, Rae."

"No," the brunette groaned, not allowing Clarke to pull her off of the couch.

"After all that pressure to get me to move in with you, now you don't want me to?"

Raven hopped up off of the couch. "Okay, let's go. See you, O! Bye, Linc!"

"Bye guys," Octavia and Lincoln said as Clarke dragged her best friend out of the room.

"So," Raven started as they made their way out of the apartment and down to where their cars were waiting for them, "since you're moving in to the apartment, is there any phone sex noises I should be aware of?"

Clarke's face flushed dark red as she choked on air. "No! Raven, Lexa and I don't have phone sex."

"Yes you do, there's no way that you don't," Raven insisted. "You two had sex like every day while you guys were in Europe. And now I'm supposed to believe that you've gone three months without at least talking dirty to each other over the phone?" Unsure of what to say, Clarke decided that it would be best to just not confirm or deny anything, and so she kept her lips sealed. "Totally knew it. I'll make sure not to freak out when I hear the phone sex."

Dejectedly, the blonde muttered, "We didn't have sex everyday."

They reached their cars, and Raven just smirked and rolled her eyes as they parted ways. Raven followed Clarke's car back to her mom's house, and they went into the house to start gathering up Clarke's boxes to shove them into their cars.

Abby Griffin, Clarke's mom, had apparently returned to the house in Clarke's absence. "Finally moving out?" her mom asked playfully.

"Ha ha." Blue eyes rolled, but a smile appeared on Clarke's face anyway. "Yep. Thanks for letting me stay with you for a little while, mom."

"Of course, Clarke. It was the perfect opportunity to keep an eye on you anyway. Had to make sure that you weren't going to disappear onto a plane to Siberia next," Abby teased.

Raven snickered. "If you expect her to run off anywhere, it would be New York."

"Shut up, Rae," Clarke muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Speaking of, how are you and Lexa? Have either of you seen each other since getting back from Europe?"

"No," Clarke answered, frowning. "I mean, not in person. We talk every day and Face Time every night that we both don't have work. Which is very rare, considering my hours at the bar. But I took the day off today, so I'm going to call her tonight, after all my stuff is in the apartment. And with that, Rae and I should probably just grab my stuff and go. Thanks again, mom."

"Nice segue," her mom said lightly, smiling. "You're welcome. Drive safe."

After a few more minutes of moving Clarke's things into the two cars, she and Raven started back to the apartment that was now officially both of theirs.

Upon arriving, it took them another twenty minutes or so to bring all of her things up to her new room. Octavia hadn't needed her bed, since Lincoln had a perfectly good one already, so Clarke's room came with the old bed frame and mattress. The place wasn't anything special, a small apartment with two small bedrooms and two bathrooms, but it was definitely an upgrade from not having her own place at all previously.

"Alright," Clarke said, once she was looking at her now box-cluttered room. "Thanks, babe."

"No problem," Raven said, smiling at her friend. "Now, you should probably call your real babe. Remember, she's already off work."

"Shut up," Clarke said, blushing. "You better go hide out in your room and cover your ears – you might hear phone sex noises!"

"Better put some sheets on your bed first, C," Raven said, smirking. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. Night."

Raven left the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Clarke made the effort to dig her sheets out of one of her boxes, but not for any explicit reasons. She made her bed nicely and topped it off with her pillows, before getting herself ready for bed and changing into comfy clothes. Once she was sufficiently comfortable, she slid under her covers and got out her phone.

To My Hot Photographer – You good to FT now? I miss you! :(

The reply was almost instantaneous.

From My Hot Photographer – Yes! I've been in bed trying to find something to do on my phone while I was waiting.

Clarke didn't bother to answer the text, instead clicking the Face Time button next to her girlfriend's contact straightaway.

"Hey," Lexa's voice came through as her face appeared on the screen, pixelated for a moment before the picture became clear. She was sitting upright in her bed, which Clarke easily recognized.

"Hi," the blonde breathed out, relieved to see her girlfriend's face. "How was your day?"

"Average," Lexa answered, smiling a little. "How was moving?"

"Ugh, painful. I should really work out or something. Boxes are heavy. But all my stuff is in here now. I just have to spend my mornings everyday now sorting through them and organizing this place. I hate moving."

"Maybe you should start going to the gym," Lexa suggested, chuckling.

"No, because if I did, I'd get sexier, and we both know that you're the hot one in this relationship," Clarke teased, grinning cheekily.

"Oh please, you're perfect, Clarke."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Miss Woods."

"Considering that we're currently four hours away from one another, I'd say that that is probably true," Lexa commented, sighing.

Clarke frowned. "Yeah." They were both silent for a moment, but then Clarke asked, "How's the gallery exhibit?"

Lexa's face lit up, making Clarke's heart flutter. "It's great! I stopped by there today actually. It looks so good. I wish you could see it."

"I want to come down and see it sometime," Clarke said, smiling. "I might have to crash at your place if I do."

"Oh no, how dreadful," Lexa deadpanned, her sparkling green eyes rolling. Clarke grinned, and Lexa smiled before continuing, "If you're serious about coming up though, you need to plan for two days. Because I'm claiming a full twenty-four hours for you to be in my bed."

Clarke bit down on her lower lip. "Sounds good to me."

"When?" Lexa asked, stretching out the word adorably. "I miss you."

"Well, I'm all moved now, and I'm good on the money situation as far as work goes, so I can afford to take off another Saturday. And I don't usually work on Sundays, so... I can come down maybe next weekend?"

Lexa let out a breath. "Next weekend wouldn't work for me. There's this big event thing happening at the museum. I'm basically their slave for the whole weekend. How about the weekend after?"

Clarke thought for a moment, reviewing her mental calendar, and then she nodded. "That would work."

They Face Timed until Clarke fell asleep, at which point Lexa smiled softly at her phone and then hung up the call. It was unfortunate, the distance between her and her girlfriend. But the fact was that they were lucky to be together anyway – it was purely coincidence that they had even met in the first place.

Lexa would be lying if she said that she hadn't hoped that Clarke would want to move to New York after the few months they'd been apart. She'd sounded awfully unexcited about moving in with her mother again, who Lexa still had yet to meet, and Raven's place had been unavailable at the time. Lexa would've suggested it herself, but she was very sure that Clarke would've refused. Not because she didn't love Lexa – that wasn't ever a question in the brunette's mind – but because too many things held her to DC. Her mom, her best friends, and her job. Were it not for her job, she might have thought that Clarke would actually accept the offer. Clarke loved her job, and though she could be a bartender anywhere, she had a sort of reputation where she worked currently. Lexa could picture Clarke's face lighting up every time she mentioned working there – she didn't want to take the blonde away from that.

So Lexa hadn't suggested it, and she wasn't sure that she would.

She did miss Clarke, desperately really. But it had only taken her a week to be able to fall asleep quickly without the blonde next to her. And three months later, she was functioning well enough. The only problem was that she constantly felt bored. When she wasn't working or taking photos, she never felt like she had anything to do. She tried to picture things that she'd done in her free time before her second trip to Europe, and all she came up with was reading. And for some reason, it didn't feel like a proper way to fill up her time.

It also didn't help that Lexa worked during the day, and Clarke tended to work at night. Their phone calls were sometimes far too short, but they were never far in between. They hadn't gone a single day without talking, and their text conversations usually spanned throughout the whole day.

The one benefit of finding herself constantly bored, though, was that Lexa began to go out more often with her friends. She'd never been one to see her friends daily – she hadn't really formed any friendships that were as constantly involved as say, Clarke's friendship with Raven. But it became normal for her to go out with Anya every couple of days, as well as their friends Luna and Tristan. She found herself closer to them than she had ever been before, which felt actually quite nice.

Still, she missed Clarke every day. At first, she'd thought maybe it was a bit excessive, how much she missed the blonde. But essentially living with her for three weeks had given them plenty of time to develop the relationship they had now. Lexa just wished that they could physically be together everyday.

Taking in a deep breath, the brunette reached over to her nightstand and plugged in her phone, before curling up into her blankets on her huge, empty bed. Letting her eyes flicker closed, she tried to imagine that Clarke wasn't hours away.

"Clarke," the blonde heard someone singsong. Annoyed, she groaned and buried her face into her pillow. "Clarke! Lexa's here!"

"What?" Clarke asked, opening her eyes and looking up at her best friend.

"Just kidding. I just needed you to wake up."

"Fuck you, Rae," Clarke muttered, grabbing her pillow and dropping it on top of her face.

"Come on, I know you have off today, but it's noon, you gotta get up."

"Is this what it was like when I lived with you before?" Clarke muttered.

"No, because you're usually the one who woke up on time during college," Raven answered, chuckling. "Okay fine, the Lexa thing was a low blow. I'm sorry. But I need you to go out with me and Harper."


"She has a date tonight, and she doesn't know what to wear, so we need to provide our professional assistance," Raven explained.

"I'm pretty sure that we are not qualified enough for that," Clarke said, smiling a little despite herself as she pulled the pillow off of her face and looked up at her best friend. "But fine, let's go. Might as well get up anyway."

"When we get back, you should probably unpack your shit."

"I've got plenty of time," Clarke said, rolling her eyes as she sat up in her bed.

Raven just smiled, but Clarke could tell that some other emotions were playing behind her brown eyes. Had Clarke not just woken up, she may have asked her best friend if something was wrong right then and there, but she decided instead that she would just bring it up later.

For now, she clambered out of bed, moving to one of her boxes of clothes and beginning to dig through it to find something to wear.

And despite this being the start of the next stage of her life – at least, that's what it felt like now that she had a stable living situation – she wasn't particularly excited or invigorated by it. Something was missing.

That something was about 228 miles away, in New York City.