I wake up and Sheldon is already dressed. I look at the clock and it's 8:30am. He sits on the bed to put on his shoes. "Are you heading some where's?" He nods, "Yes, MeMaw wants me to go blueberry picking with her before I leave. It's something I use to do with her when I was a kid."

I pull the covers off me and noticed that Sheldon had nicely laid my robe by bed. I pull it on. I say, "I suppose we should push the beds back before you leave. Wouldn't want anyone to get suspicious."

Sheldon agreed and we both push one of the twin beds back into it's respectfully place. Sheldon says we should just strip the covers off the bed. His mother was going to wash them anyways.

I sigh after we are done." I guess I will go ahead and take a shower. When are we leaving?" Sheldon says, "Well the plane leaves at 1 in the afternoon. So I guess we should leave around 11am."

I nod and say, "I'll be ready." I give him a kiss on the cheek before heading to the bathroom. "Have a good time with your grand mother." Sheldon smiles and I swear he blushes and says, "I will."

I take my shower and dry my hair then head down to the kitchen. I was shock to Missy in the kitchen with Sadie and George. "Missy, why on earth are you here?"

Missy rolls her eyes and says, "The men in Ron's family have a family tradition of a golf game the morning after the wedding. He said he'll be back by noon and we then can leave for the honeymoon."

I see there are muffins and grab one then start pouring coffee.

"Missy Cooper?! When were you going to tell me?" I turn around seeing a furious Mary Cooper and Missy raise her eyebrow. "First of all I got married last night so it's Missy Jones and secondly….I have no clue what you are talking about"

I almost choked on my muffin when Ms Cooper threw the pregnancy test on the counter. I thought I buried them enough in the trashcan. "You promise to the minister and to the Lord that you were going to wait till your wedding night. So how are you pregnant?"

Missy look at the pregnancy test and then at her confused, "Those aren't mine, mother! You do remember there were like several girls in my room the other night."

Mary says, "Why on Earth would they be secretly taking pregnancy test in our bathroom?"

I blurt out, "They are mine." The room got silent and all eyes fell on me. I wanted to fall through the floor at this point. Missy says, "But you said you have been celibate with Leonard for the past 3 months and you don't look like you are going into your 2nd trimester…." I say, "It's not Leonard's…."

I really didn't want to blurt out the father and was going to try to say that it was some random guy's one drunking night but George says, "Is it Sheldon's?" I couldn't control my reaction and I look at him like a deer in headlights. George's goofy expression turned into a dumbfounded one, "Woah, wait I was joking..."

Missy eyes widen, "You are carrying Sheldon Cooper's baby." I lean against the counter put my hands in my face and say, "Oh, God. This is not happening…."

Missy says, "Does Sheldon know."

I shake my head, "No."

I look over at Mary and she is looking in the distance shocked. Missy says concern, "Mom are you okay?" Mary says, "I think I'm going to sit down."

She leaves the kitchen towards the living room and I sigh, "I'll go talk to her."

I walk in the living room and Ms. Cooper is sitting on the couch quietly. She looks between shock and on the verge of crying. "Ms. Cooper?" I say announcing my self in the room.

She ask, "How far along are you?"

I sit next to her and say, "Only a few weeks. I'm going to make an appointment with my OBGYN, tomorrow."

I reply, "I'm sorry. This wasn't how I wanted you to find out…." Mary looked at me and said, "Were you planning on telling Sheldon?"

I shrug, "I haven't put a lot of thought in to it. I didn't even realize the possibility of me being pregnant until the train ride."

She wipes tears from her eyes, "I just never even thought Sheldon would become a father. His work has always been his child and putting anyone in with his routines just seemed impossible but after you came into his life….I could see the change in him…"

I shake my head, "I had nothing to do with that…Amy had a lot to do with him opening up a bit…"

Mary says, "There would never been an Amy if it wasn't for you. He wouldn't even entertain the idea of dating…"

I sigh, "He doesn't want a baby from me. I'm not the right gene pool that he would like to reproduce. That's why he chose Amy to date….she's his type…I'm just a stress reliever…"

Mary gave me a peculiar look but then says, "I don't really want to know." She grabs my hand and says. "I know it's your choice but you know how I feel about…."

I say, "I know and I really haven't even came to terms that I might be pregnant much less think of the future." Ms Cooper nods.

I say, " I am going to confirm it with my OBGYN and if it's confirm then if I decide to keep it then I'm going to wait till my 2nd trimester before telling anyone. What's the point if I miscarried?"

Mary says, "Believe me, you don't want to go through a miscarriage alone…." I shake my head, "If this was a different situation I would tell my closest friends…but it's not…"

Mary grabs my hands, "Well I know and Missy knows….so keep us up to date and if something happens. I'll be on the first flight…"

I nod and wipe a few stray tears away from my face, "We can't tell Sheldon. At least let me wait till the 2nd trimester and it will be his choice rather or not he wants to be in this baby's life."

Mary nods understandably and I sigh, "But regardless of his choice, I want this baby to be part of your life."

Mary hugs me with tears, "Oh, thank you!"

After my talk with Ms Cooper I walk into the kitchen and the three left in there are talking. I am assuming about this news they just heard. I say, "No one can not mention this to Sheldon."

Missy says, "Don't worry. I don't want to cause him an anxiety attack." George replies, "We only talk like twice a year, so no worries here…"

George has that goofy grin and says, "Missy I thought you would have been the first to be knocked up. Who would thought Sheldon would be the one …..the Golden child."

Missy says, "Who would have thought Sheldon would be capable of sex." George replies, "Oh during your sleepovers he was screwing Taylor until he finally moved out."

Missy says, "You are lying." George shakes his head, "No, one day I accidentally barged in on them."

Missy scrunches up her face and says, "That whore. She always said she was going outside to smoke….yet I never actually ever saw her smoke…why didn't you tell me?" George shrugged, "They were mortified and I promise I wouldn't tell. Any way I didn't want to ruin it…Sheldon was actually being a man."

Missy looks at me, "What is it about Sheldon that attracts women? Taylor was the most popular girl in high school and some of my other girlfriends have mentioned that he was hot. Then you who are as well hot are carrying his child."

I blush and say, "I don't know. When they came to my door, the first time I met them, I did think he was hot but then I got to know him and he annoyed the hell out of me….but then there were those times he didn't….our relationship always been strange."

Sadie says, "You going to tell him right? I mean people will be able to tell you are pregnant in a few months.."

I nod, "Yeah, I will tell him when I get to the 2nd trimester…."

Missy smiles, "So you are going to keep it?" apparently they were listening to Ms. Cooper and my conversation.

I sigh, "I'm meant if I get to the 2nd trimester."

"Will you record it?" George ask. Sadie chides, "George! Don't be stupid." Missy replies, "No but seriously to see that expression on his face when you tell him he is going to be a father…"

I roll me eyes and say, "I'm going to go finish packing."

A few hours later Sheldon and I arrive at the airport. We say good bye to his family and head through security. After we arrive to her terminal, Sheldon says, "I actually enjoyed myself more than I thought."

I sit down next to him and say, "I know it meant it a lot to your mother to have all the kids under one roof." He nods, "Yeah, it did."

I say, "I'm happy that I came with you. It helped me put a lot of things into perspective." Sheldon looks at me and says, "Like, what?"

I shrug, "I don't know. Like maybe marrying Leonard is a mistake."

Sheldon looks at me and seems lost for words he ask, "Sarcasm?"

I shake my head, "No. Leonard deserves better. I am going to call off the engagement when we get home."

Sheldon says, "Is it because we've engaged in coitus?"

I hesitate and then say, "Yeah. I mean I would be furious if I found he had done the same with another woman, especially if it was my best friend."

Sheldon ponders for a minute and says, "I know that Amy and I don't have the most traditional relationship but it works. I am very close to solving the string theory and she is about to be offer a very noteworthy study to participate in, and we have been offer to be interviewed in Science Today as one of the smartest couples of 2016."

I ask, "So you are continuing your relationship for professional gain?"

Sheldon replies, "I like Amy a lot and enjoy her company and she may not be very skilled with coitus as you are but I suppose it will get better with practice."

I sigh and say, "So no guilt? You don't worry Amy finding out?"

Sheldon who had his messenger bag in his lap and fiddling with the zipper looks at me, "Of course I feel some guilt but it'll subside, when one day you the find a male partner that satisfies you enough."

I roll me eyes and just shake my head. I was a little hurt and mostly because I was falling for Sheldon but he didn't seem to think anything more about our relationship other than it was about sex.

I guess this baby will grow up with no father unless I ever find someone who will want to marry a single mother.