So, I was going through my stories and I figured that maybe I should take a crack at updating the ones that haven't been updated in 2+ years. For those who were patiently (or impatiently) waiting for me to update, I apologize. The only excuses I can think of was that I was in college and trying to pass my classes while trying to find a job and a place to live. Now that all of those things have been accomplished, I will try and focus more on updating ALL of my stories. This means that there is a chance stories like Jailbird and Devil's Playground will be updated soon. But enough of my rambling, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. The only characters I own are the OC's that will appear in later chapters.


Blonde hair.

Striking blue eyes.

Caramel colored skin.


Those were the only words Sasuke could think of to describe the man that he ran into as he was escaping that exam room. A hand suddenly appeared in front of his face.

"Are you ok?" The stranger asked, his voice deep and shaking Sasuke out of the mini trance he was in. Grasping onto the man's hand, the raven felt himself being pulled off of the floor and onto his feet. Now that he was off of the floor, Sasuke could get a better look at the man. The stranger was tall, towering over Sasuke by a few inches. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt that seemed to hug his body, giving Sasuke a good impression of what he looked like underneath that shirt (Although why Sasuke was paying attention to that detail, he wouldn't know). Looking at his face, Sasuke noticed three lines on both of his cheeks that looks sort of like whiskers. After realizing that the stranger asked him a question and was probably waiting for an answer, Sasuke got his mind back on track.

"Oh… yea, I'm ok." Sasuke answered, his face red with embarrassment.

"That's good. I was worried that you got hurt. You crashed into me pretty hard." The stranger said, his eyes scanning Sasuke's body to try and find any injuries. Not finding any obvious injuries, the blonde-haired man took a moment to examine the raven-haired boy that ran into him. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. Although what stood out the most was his posture. Instead of standing up straight and looking straight into his eyes, the raven was slightly crouched and refused to make eye contact. Before he could say something, he heard footsteps rushing down the hallway. Looking up, he saw a man that looked similar to the raven that ran into him. The new stranger ran right up to the young man and wrapped his arms around him in a hug.

"There you are Sasuke." Itachi said, scanning Sasuke for any injuries. Knowing that he couldn't avoid it, Sasuke let his brother examine him, knowing that any refusal would result in an even more extensive examination once they got home.

"Ok, I think that's enough aniki…" Sasuke muttered, wanting Itachi to get the hint that he was fine. Realizing that there was another person in the hallway, Itachi let go of Sasuke and walked up to the stranger, slightly suspicious.

"And you are?" Itachi questioned, trying to determine if the man is a threat. The blonde man held out his hand to Itachi.

"Naruto Uzumaki. I was here visiting someone when this young man ran right into me." The blonde now known as Naruto explained. Shaking Naruto's hand, Itachi turned back towards Sasuke, who was awkwardly shifting around where he was standing.

"Come on, we need to go back to the exam room. The doctor still needs to talk to you about things." Itachi said, placing his hand on Sasuke's back and leading him back towards the room he ran out of. Once the two ravens' left the area, Naruto was ready to head down the hall when he was stopped in his tracks by a faint, but distinct scent. Sniffing the air, Naruto could smell floral tones and something sweet, like honey. Tracking the scent, he realized that it was coming off of the area Sasuke was previously standing.

The only type of person this scent would belong to is an omega. It's also really light, so that means that he just recently became an omega… Naruto thought. Smirking, Naruto headed down the hall and out of the building, the image of Sasuke filling his mind.

"Well then, I do hope we meet again." Naruto spoke out loud to no one, a plan forming in his mind. It was time to visit an old friend of his and try to find out more about Sasuke.


Once back inside of the exam room, Sasuke stood next to the table he was previously sitting on. Itachi was standing in front of the door, preventing his brother from trying another escape act. His mother was still sitting on the plastic chair that was against the wall, staring at Sasuke with a concerned look on her face. His father was sitting next to her, a stern look still on his face. The doctor coughed, getting the attention of the occupants in the room.

"As I was mentioning earlier, it's crucial that we start Sasuke on some form of birth control." Sasuke was about to open his mouth to complain, but the doctor continued. "However, I am recommending that we wait until after his first heat before starting it." Mikoto looked at the doctor, confused.

"Why is that?" She asked. The doctor picked up a pad of paper and starting writing something down.

"The first heat an omega has is usually strong, since the body isn't used to the process yet. However, research has shown that if the first heat is interfered with, then the chances of the body not being able to properly regulate the heat cycle increase dramatically. If we started Sasuke on the pill before he had his first heat, the hormones in the pills could mess with his still developing heat cycle, causing his heats to either be irregular or in some rare cases, non-existent." The doctor grabbed a stack of papers from his desk and handed them to Sasuke.

"This packet is similar to the one I handed to your mother. The only difference is that it's directed more towards the omega in question than the parents." Looking down at the packet in his hand, Sasuke noticed how thick it was. The title "The Omega body and You" was printed in black ink on the bright white paper. Feeling a second packet under it, Sasuke pulled it out.

"Your rights as an Omega"? Sasuke read out loud, catching the attention of the doctor. The doctor sighed.

"Oh yes, that…" The doctor muttered, turning towards Sasuke's parents. "As you know, I am legally obligated to report to the local government about all new omegas, due to State Law 8467A." The law, which was also know as the "Snow White Act", was created long ago by a bunch of alpha politicians who wanted to further restrict the rights of Omegas everywhere after the politicians felt like omegas were given too many freedoms outside of the home environment. To them, Omegas should be kept at home and not be allowed to make certain decisions for themselves, like the right to travel by themselves and the right to refuse to take a mate. The Act contained a bunch of laws that were directed at omegas, prohibiting them to make certain medical and personal decisions without permission from either a parent or their mate. The law also required doctors to report any new omegas to the local government so they could be added to a list that all governments are required to keep that contains the names of all of the omegas in town. The doctor put his hand on Sasuke's shoulder.

"I know this is a lot of information to take in, but give it a day and it'll get better." With that, the doctor went over to shake Fugaku's hand and exited the room. A couple of seconds after the doctor left, Itachi and Fugaku followed. Noticing that Sasuke hadn't moved from the table, Mikoto walked over and lightly put her hand on his shoulder.

"Come on sweetie, let's go." She said in a soothing voice. Nodding, Sasuke hopped off of the table and followed his mom out of the room.


Once the Uchiha's arrived back home, Fugaku stormed into the house, having spent the whole car ride ranting about Sasuke being an omega and all of the extra work he now has to do because of it. Mikoto followed, trying to calm her husband down. Sasuke quietly walked in and sat down on the couch, Itachi following behind him. He bent down and poked Sasuke on the forehead.

"If you need to talk, I'll be in my room." Itachi stated, heading up the stairs. Sasuke remained on the couch, trying to grasp everything that happened today. Between finding out he was an omega AND a carrier, plus the fact that now he'll be treated differently because of his status, it seemed like nothing was going right for him. However, there was one thing that happened today that for some unknown reason, stood out in his mind.

"That blonde man, Naruto. I don't know why I'm still thinking about him…" Sasuke muttered to himself, trying to think what made the blonde stick out in his mind. The only thing Sasuke could think of was this weird scent Naruto emitted that drew him in.

It was strong… and made me feel safe. But why? Sasuke thought to himself. The raven then stood up and headed towards his bedroom to take a nap. And for some reason, Naruto appeared in Sasuke's dreams, unbeknownst to Sasuke that the blonde would be showing up in more places soon enough.

There you go. Again, I apologize for how long it took for me to update this. I'll try not to wait that long between updates again. I hope everything in the chapter made sense. I need to try and remember what I was planning to do in this story, so if things seemed rushed or awkward, don't worry. It'll probably make more sense later.

Please leave a review. It lets me know if you like this or not and they make me smile.