Mabel sighed as she walked through the halls of the school. People were whispering as always, saying she looked unhealthy and wondering if Dipper would ever be found.

She tried not to listen but some caught her attention.

Some of them felt remorse for driving the poor kid away when he needed help the most

However, others still were snickering and talking trash.

Many said he was crazy and deserved whatever fate he met, saying he was probably dead already.

She knew he was alive though, she could feel it, and she wanted to punch the people saying those things but with how little she'd been eating she didn't have the energy for a fight.

"What do I do? What do I do?! How do I get my brother back?! He could get hurt or killed and it would be my fault. I should have made mom and dad pay more attention to him… I should have paid more attention to him! How do I get him back? Where would he even be…! Gravity Falls! Of course! But the police already checked there… Screw those guys! I can find him myself! I know the places where he'd hide! I need to tell him how sorry I am. I need to help him. I need my brother back… Oh god, I miss you so much Bro-bro..."

And so she came to a decision. She would leave once their parents were asleep, and she wasn't coming back until she found her brother.

She knew her parents would be devastated but she could care less. They'd failed to notice or ignored as much as she did, if not more of Dipper's problems. She would forgive them and herself when Dipper came back, when he forgave the three of them.

"I'll find you Dipper, just hold on…"


Dipper's resistance to Bill's advances had dissolved with every new sexual or romantic advance...

Here he was tangled up in Bill's arms and praising him like a god with every thrust when barely two weeks ago he'd been so wary of the demon's actions.

He couldn't believe he was actually important to someone, much less someone who once had the power to rule the world, and it had eaten away at all his defenses.

He loved this creature. Bill was his god now, his god and his lover, and the demon couldn't get enough of it.

Biting and teasing the doe-eyed boy's soft skin and drinking in every moment of pleasure until Dipper finished with the glorious charming cry that quickly dragged Bill over the edge with him.

It wasn't until they'd both lain down and Dipper's breathing had calmed to a slow, steady rhythm that a certain realization struck the demon.

He'd fallen much too hard. The young man was no longer just his toy…

How could he have let himself get so attached to something that could very easily end tomorrow…?

He decided he would never let that happen. He would protect this one for eternity…

Oh how the creature had fallen...