Music was thumping loudly in my ears. Bodies were gyrating everywhere around me, all hot and sweaty. Strobe lights going crazy were making it hard to see but still I went forward. Pushing through the infinite throng of moving people I finally made my way to the bar. That small piece of wood furniture felt like a haven in this devilish place, an oasis in the desert. Resting my elbows on the counter I waited for Joe but he was seemingly occupied with this girl who seemed to have a really bad evening. After two minutes of waiting and observing, I finally decided to have a little bit of fun for myself. I recognized this girl, she was Becky... Or maybe Becca something... I wouldn't know but I sure as hell remembered her friends thought. As I made my way over to her, I tried to spot her magnificent friends in the crowd. Sure as a penny they were there, dancing their life away as if they would never have a chance to do it again, blonds head bobbing up and down to the rhythm. My hand reached for the stool and I sat heavily to catch the little Duffy's attention. She only huffed and seemed to slouch even more on herself than what could be humanly possible.

- Hey, having fun over here ?, I asked her charmingly. No female could resist me.
- As much as if I was casually strolling in a volcano, she replied sarcastically, without even looking at me.

Wow, I was taken aback at how cynical she seemed. Compared to her friend who was always bubbly and bouncing, with her superb rack, she was like a bowling in a pack of tennis balls.

- What do you want ?, little Duffy asked me, shocking me out of my reverie.

I looked at her then, and there was hatred exuding from her whole being, all concentrated towards me. I don't think I could have told her anything but the truth, she wouldn't buy my bullshit like all the others. She would probably laugh at me and go but I needed her and I couldn't afford to lose her for the execution of my plan.

- Uhm, hello how are you doing yourself? Maybe I just wanted to see if you were alright or maybe I just wanted to strike conversation for the sake of communication and building relationships you know..., I answered her with a quizzical look, I didn't want her to know I was taken aback by her attitude.
- Oh don't try your little games with me, Wesley Rush, I perfectly know who you are and what you do and trust me I won't be one of the countless slags you string up behind yourself, she retorted back while sending me a look that would have frozen a Medusa right on the spot.

And I laughed. Its the only thing I could do because she really was one of the only girl that could see right through me and she wasn't even related to me. Looking around, I found her friends watching me from the corner of their eyes still while dancing, so I ordered two glass of normal coke for me and Duffy. We needed to look like we were having fun and thank the Lord little Duffy was facing Joe because otherwise they would have seen her on the verge of crying from frustration.

- Point taken, I told her while sending her a dazzling smile, but you see, I need you to help me for something.
- And what might that be ? Get your head out of your own ass maybe ? She answered me, tact for tact.
- Actually I'd rather you help me get my head in your friend's ass, preferably the one with the great rack, I answered nonchalantly. Maybe if I couldn't blind her with my charm, I could render her speechless with my honesty. - You see, in your group of friends you are what is considered the Duff. As my numerous experiments show, if I seem to sympathize and have fun with the Duff then your pretty friends over there will notice me and irresistibly want to be with the delightful and oh so sweet me, I told her, self confidence almost oozing from my skin pores. The technique always works. It almost should be proven scientifically.
- Excuse me ? The Duff what ? Is that even a word ? Are you on drugs or something because what you're saying doesn't even make sense, she spit back at me with her sharp little tongue. Oh she is funny this one. She's not even aware of what she is and she's such a spitfire already. But maybe my little Duffy's just like this with me. Maybe she really does hate me because the look of utter disgust she was throwing me was really convincing. Well, it didn't matter either way cause I wasn't going for this one but for the two delicious blondes who were definitely looking at us right now.
- Designated Ugly Fat Friend, the Duff. And that my dear is you. You are there, in your little social circle, to make them look better. Don't you see? Look at them, with their shining blond hair, tan skin and long legs. And now look at you. Tell me, honestly, if you were a guy, who would you go for ?, I asked her while I caught a strand of hair behind her ear, sending her a cocky smile.

Her body went stiff with tension, and I could see all her muscle contract with the anger, no the fury, building behind her eyes. Doubt crawled on my mind but eased back a little when she just turned around, facing the bar. Then it hit me in the face. Quite literally. My body was drenched, cold coca-cola was dripping from my hair on my now stained white polo and I could only look in shock at the quickly retreating back of my little Duffy.

Anger. It was the first thing I felt but then I felt a need to chase and ask her why she hated me so much. But no. Wesley Rush doesn't chase girls. And I wasn't about to make her chase me that was for sure.
I shoved myself out of the Nest and into my impeccable Porsche. I was frustrated at whatever her name is because now there would be no one to warm my bed tonight, so I drove home like speed limitations never existed then went straight to bed as if sex didn't matter either.

What a crappy night.