Just a random Idea that popped into my head, hope you enjoy. If you don't remember no one forced, you to read this. Definitely not a story for Cannon purists. The story plot is mine everything else belongs to the absolutely amazing JK Rowling!

Shut Up Molly

The shouting and screaming was loud and the words inflammatory laden with accusations. Arthur stood numbly not believing what he was hearing spewing forth his wife's mouth. Not only her mouth but his youngest two seemed to have decided to follow their mother's judgmental attitude and bossy demeanor.

Arthur thought back to when he first noticed Molly Prewett. Molly was a popular, pretty pureblood girl whom knew she was pretty and used it to her advantage. Her sights however were set on him and he couldn't fathom why. He was a pureblood but he wasn't wealthy or from an ancient and noble family. Her usage of a love potion surprised him but as he checked his food regularly as his father taught him too he decided if she was this insistent on being with him he would gather his Gryffindor courage and ask her to Hogsmede. What followed was a steady sedate courtship culminating in a hasty wedding when the pairs passions got ahead of their contraceptives.

He always knew she was opinionated, but over the years this had changed into what he was seeing now. With work dominating his time and their large expanding family he had let things slide. She had gained weight and her beauty had faded with this, he never minded as he loved his wife. But this disgusting behavior was beyond the pale. He could feel his temper rising, amazingly people forgot he was a redhead too.

With wand drawn and fists clenched he recalled something his grandfather taught him "son as purebloods never forget our family must beyond reproach. If someone goes against the family values or magic, if they cause embarrassment for the family they must be disciplined. It doesn't matter if they are adult or child, wife or brother. They need to be pulled into line or they could destroy the family. If they won't change, then you have to exile them. Its harsh son, but the alternative is never being able to hold your head up again."

With all this coursing around his mind Arthur reflected further as the screaming continued unabated. He recalled the times his wife had humiliated their children at Hogwarts by sending howlers. He recalled how she denigrated Hermione due to an article by that bitch Skeeter. That little gossipmonger had never had the right end of the stick but Arthur suddenly recalled she had been part of Molly's little clique. He recalled the conversations he had with his eldest three boys as they began their careers.

Bill wanted out of the Burrow and adventure so chose curse breaking, securing employment prior to graduation and taking up his training in Egypt. His reason given was he didn't want to live at home during his training as he knew Mum would try to get him to quit and go into the ministry.
Charlie loved animals and for a while the Burrow had lots of adopted furry orphans in hutches out by his shed.

Charlie was a daredevil like his older brother didn't want to live at home and have his mother harping at him to change his profession, so took up a position in Romania in the dragon reserve.

Percy wanted to please his mother so had taken up a career in the ministry. Arthur recalled the conversation his son had with him a week after the final battle concluded. He didn't want to work for the ministry anymore and was looking into an accounting apprenticeship with Gringotts. He spoke to his father certain that his mother would disown him for no longer working with the ministry, it took several hours to reassure his prodigal son that this would never happen. That he was glad he had learnt that family and being happy in his work were better priorities than being perfect in following rules.

Then there were the twins who disregarded their mother completely and forged their own highly successful path. Thanking Merlin again for Fred's survival at Hermione's timely intervention.

Looking across the room at Harry and Hermione who were enduring the barrage or abuse that had started after they returned from retrieving Hermione's parents from Australia. They had announced their relationship and engagement. Seeing a tear slowly make its way down Hermione's face and the clenched fists at Harry's side something in Arthur finally snapped and his magic responded.

With subconscious sonorous spell he thundered "SHUT UP MOLLY" while she, Ron and Ginny were forcibly thrown backwards into chairs and held there with a sticking charm. Blinking confusedly Molly Prewett Weasley tried to get up and found she couldn't, she looked at her husband, face turning even redder and began "Now see her Arthur you had better let me up or" before being abruptly cut off by her irate husband.

"No Molly, you will see here. You will shut up and obey me as the Head of House Weasley or so help me I will repudiate you for bring the House of Weasley into disrepute." Stated Arthur in a deadly quiet voice. The five older boys all stared at their father slacked jawed, the family magic causing their mother to abruptly shut her mouth and stop struggling.

Turning to Harry and Hermione Arthur said "Harry and Hermione, I am delighted by your announcement and on behalf of House Weasley I congratulate you and wish your marriage well. Hermione I believe you will bring honor to the Ancient and Noble House of Potter. Harry I find your choice of bride well matched to you and your house. I unreservedly apologise for the members of my house who have been yelling at you and for their combined behavior towards the both of you over the years. I am thankful that the love potions and control charms were broken by a true loves kiss. Had their plans been successful I would have disowned them." With a formal bow Arthur concluded his speech with saying "You will always be welcome in my House. House Weasley owe Harry three life debts and Hermione one, any aide me and my house can provide is yours to command."

Ron and Ginny couldn't believe what they were hearing and both began talking over the top of the other in an effort to denounce their father's words. "What rubbish are you talking about now Dad, but Hermione is my property I can do whatever I want to the little mudblood". "You most certainly are not welcome here unless you end this engagement and do what you are told Harry Potter." All the while struggling against the extremely powerful sticking charm cast by their father's magic.

The five oldest looked in disbelief that their father was actually taking up his mantel of headship. They always knew he had firm rules for the family members and none of them ever went out of their way to antagonize their dad. They turned in unison to look at their younger siblings and cringed with what they were saying. The thought "Now they're for it" collectively went through their minds.

Arthur turned to his youngest two rage over every inch of his face. "You will be silent" the roared. The family magic responded, Ron and Ginny finding that although they could move their mouths no sound came out. Turning back to the rest of his family and his guests he visibly took several calming breaths to get his emotions under control once more.

"Mr Weasley we don't want to cause any more trouble. Harry and I can leave, its ok if we aren't welcome anymore we don't want anyone to have to take sides" Hermione said sadly. Harry moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her, green eyes shining with suppressed hurt and anger.
Arthur moved slowly forward and embraced the pair stating "You are like my own children my dear and you will always be welcome here. I however had had my eyes opened this evening to how remiss I have been in educating my family in the Weasley Family values and expected behaviors. I propose we call it a night on this visit and make a time next week for us to gather to celebrate your happy news. I think we need a Weasley family conference to address this once and for all." Looking into both their eyes as he pulled back he could see acceptance and relief.

Harry and Hermione made their farewells and quietly left the Burrow. They were staying at her family home for the time being as Grimwald place was full of dark memories. After Arthur felt them leave the Burrows wards he turned to his family and stated "It is passed time for a Weasley family meeting" looking sternly at the three members of his family who had been so troublesome he continued "This will hurt me as much as it will hurt you but it must be done. You three will listen and obey or I will disown each and every one of you".

And that dear reader it how the taming of the shrews of House Weasley began.