"He was your boyfriend?!" Petra interrupted Jesse.

"I don't know if saying we kissed twice count as him being my boyfriend." Jesse crossed her arms. "But...after that...we did...become boyfriend and girlfriend. We only lasted until the next year though."

10 years ago...

Jesse's POV

We were having our last assignment of the camp years. We were suppose to get as much materials as we could.

"I'll be supervising some groups as you all go into the caves. These caves aren't like the ones you all been mining in. These are real caves. With real water and lava and even more real monsters." My uncle warned us. "You all need to be extra careful in these caves. We don't want anything unwanted to happen to anyone."

Lukas's POV

That day is a day I wish I could take back. A day I wish I could do all over again. That day, Aiden, Jesse, Hillary and I went to one of the caves with lots of water surrounding us. Jim, came along to supervise due to Hillary not knowing how to swim.

We split up to each side of the cave like we always did, but something happened that made me and Aiden get into a fight. Jim tried to separate us but we kept arguing over something, I cannot remember.

Jesse's POV

Lukas and Aiden continued to argue for the longest time over who knows what. I tried to stop them but Aiden pushed me aside. We had no idea what was going on but before long I fell into the water...along with Hillary. I tried swimming after her but I felt someone pull me back up.

Lukas's POV

Jesse and Hilary suddenly fell into the water. I wanted to swim after them but Jim stopped me. He jumped in, coming back a few seconds later with Jesse.

"Hilary." She coughed. "She can't swim!" Jim, not thinking twice, quickly swam back down. We waited for the longest time, it was beginning to get hopeless.

Jesse's POV

I stood hoping of a sign of my uncle with Hillary in his arms. They had been gone for what felt like hours. He finally came back holding Hillary, who I hoped only passed out. He tried doing CPR on her but she never awoke and never did again. She was...gone.

"This is all your fault!" I yelled at Lukas and Aiden before running off, tears falling from eyes like waterfalls.

Lukas's POV

She was so mad and upset. I knew she was right. It was our fault. Hillary...Hillary was dead. Jesse hated me after that. We broke up...well...she broke up with me after that. I didn't blame her though. I got one of her best friends killed in a matter of minutes only for arguing with Aiden that I'm sure it was something stupid.

Jesse's POV

I didn't want to tell Maya what happened to Hillary. She would be much more upset than I. They were much closer, they were like sisters. I lost her as a friend that day as well. Hilary's death broke many things. It broke my relationship with Lukas, broke a friendship between the ones they called "The Inseparable Friends", but most of all, it broke her parents hearts. It was very hard for my uncle to tell them what happened. They feared of sending her because she couldn't swim. Now their worst nightmare had become a reality.


Present Time...

"That's why you're upset?" Petra asked her.

"I know it may be stupid but she was one of my best friends." Jesse turned away crossing her arms.

"No it's not." Petra walked up to her. "I'd be pretty upset about it too." She placed her hand on her shoulder.


"So that's why Jesse is upset. You caused one of her best friends to drown." Olivia stated.

"Yeah." Lukas frowned. "I love Jesse, I always have, but she hates me so much for a mistake I made."

"What are you going to do?" Axel asked him.

"I don't know." He looked down. "But I'm not going to give up so easily." He looked up. Determination spread across his face and walked out. A few moments later, Jesse and Petra heard someone singing. Jesse opened the window curtain a bit and saw...Lukas. He was strumming a guitar and sang the song they both sang together on the first day if camp. She rolled her eyes closing the curtain but he kept on playing. He didn't stop. The whole town heard him sing. She didn't come out but he didn't give up on her. Everyone could hear his determination in every word he sang.

People began to believe he was giving up as he continued but he sang louder than before, still hoping for her to come out.

Everyone looked up to the house, hoping to see her finally come out. But instead only a single sheet of paper and a rose flew out. Everyone looked curious to see what it was. Lukas picked it up opening the paper and saw a picture. It was Jesse, Maya and Hillary holding up the the camp's building competition trophy. A large smile spread across their faces. That day they knew they've be best friends for as long as they lived. Lukas frowned seeing it and knew it would take more than just a song to get her back.

Axel: Hey guys this story isn't over yet!

Petra: Actually it is. But there shall be a sequel!

Olivia: It's called "Mining Camp Reunion"

Axel: Jesse and Lukas couldn't join us for this part because well...you saw what happened right?

Petra: it was Aiden's fault too though.

Olivia: Anyways, stay tuned for it! Wild is taking more time on her stories and more seriously.

Petra: She's been spending hours at night trying to make it sound the best she can.

Axel: She may have a job but she's not leaving you guys hanging.

Wild(Me): what are you three doing?

Olivia: explaining what's going on with you

Wild: I think I already explained.

Petra: did you explain the sequel?

Wild: you told them about the sequel?!

Axel: we weren't supposed to?

Wild: *sighs* anyways guys, I hoped you enjoyed this story. As they said I will be making a sequel, even though I wanted it to be a surprise *glares at the trio*

Axel&Petra&Olivia: *smile innocently*

Wild: make sure to stay tuned for more Minecraft: Story Mode. I'll see you guys next time. Goood byeeeee!

Dan: hey that's my outro

Wild: great more guests. Anyways bye guys!

PS. I'm thinking of starting a YouTube Channel with the same name as "Wildkratticusfever" But I nee your support! I want to start off by answering questions about my stories that you may or may not have! I will try to answer all of them depending on how much there is. Please help out guys! Also subscribe to Thinknoodles! Let's get him to 2Mil! He's always been my inspirations and he introduced me to Minecraft: Story Mode so let's give him some credit guys!