Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh but if I did it would be, as my friend Beth says, pretty.

Duke was hurrying home trying to decide how to act. I can't make any mistakes or the deal may be revoked he told himself. Pegasus seemed impressed when he played my game but... he may have decided it's not worth it. His company sent me a temporary contract but the deal is not sealed until Pegasus signs the contract himself. Oh, this is the day I've been waiting for, for so long.

He turned the corner and bumped into the last person he wanted to see, Tristan Taylor. Oh god, what is he doing here? he thought dismayed.

"Hey Duke." Tristan greeted him "I was wondering where you were. Your shop's closed early today, any particular reason why?" he asked walking alongside Duke as they approached the game shop.

"I have a meeting with Pegasus today, through the computer, to seal the DDM deal and I've got nobody to run the store." He said fumbling with the key and wishing Tristan would leave. God If he only knew how he makes me feel he would be only to happy to leave if he knew, and that hurt. More than the thought of never being able to kiss those sweet lips and stare into those glorious eyes of his, that hurt more than any torture conceivable by man.

Tristan reached out and tapped Duke on the shoulder as he was entering the store "Hey I'll run the store for you. That way you won't lose any of your normal profits."

Duke looked at him, eyes wide looking as if nobody had ever offered to do a kind thing for him in his life "You don't have to, it won't hurt the store that bad to loose a few hours of business."
"Nah, that's okay I want to and besides that I don't have anything better to do."

"Alright then, come on in. Do you know how to run the cash register?" He asked gesturing at the machine on the counter.

Tristan looked at it and nodded his head "Yeah this is the same model as the one at Yugi's. Go on you'll be late if you don't hurry, I'll run everything down here."

Duke gave him one last glance over his shoulder before heading upstairs to his room.


Tristan sighed and stared out the window, bored, the rush of middle schoolers had died and there was nothing to do which meant it was even harder to keep his mind off of Duke. Damnit why can he do this to me? At least it's not Joey any more a small optimistic part of him thought. The thought of Joey and his golden blonde hair and that horrible green jacket used to make Tristan want to... well maybe it's best if I leave that unsaid. But after he met Duke everything changed. Something about him, the way his green eyes sparkled or the way his face could show or hide his every thought, intrigued Tristan. Duke freed him from the guilty chains that lusting after your best friend brought, but also formed new ones built from the guilt of loving a guy when you were supposed to like girls. For awhile Tristan had tried to convince himself that he wasn't gay but it was no use, the only thing he could feel for Serenity was a brotherly love. He sighed again and laid his head in his arms "Man, Tristan", he mumbled to himself "why does life have to be so complicated"

He looked up at a creak on the stairs, saw Duke, gasped, and went to him. His eyes were wide staring, disbelieving, at nothing. His normally tan skin was a horrible grayish shade and he looked as if he were about to collapse.

"Duke!" Tristan cried wrapping a supportive arm around him leading him into the next room to the couch. "Duke?" he said again sitting the boy down next to him "What happened?"

"Pegasus is dead." he managed to croak before he broke down, sobs wracking his lean body.

Tristan pulled him close letting him burry his face in his shoulder. He started to stroke Duke's hair while thinking, What the hell, Pegasus is dead? And why is it affecting Duke so badly? I mean I know he's his idol but...

"He's dead and now Industrial Illusions is facing a shut down. Every thing was controlled directly by him, everything. Nobody can get in his files they're coded to well. The only one who could hack into them is Kiba and he says he won't do it unless he gets what he wants." he was still crying and all of this came out in a breathless rush.

Now that makes more sense, Tristan thought, he's afraid that his game may never make it out onto the market. "What does Kiba want?" Tristan asked softly, running his hand up and down Duke's back soothingly.

"He wants Industrial Illusions." Duke whispered turning his head so he could look up at Tristan "And if he takes it over then my chance to get DDM out on the market is gone, he hates me."

Tristan reached out and wiped away a tear with his thumb saying "Seto Kiba never allows his personal feelings get in the way of business. He knows that he can make a profit off of your game, there's no way he'll say no."

Duke looked at him like he wanted to believe him but wouldn't allow himself to hope.

"Don't worry." Tristan murmured just before he kissed him. He nibbled at Duke's lips until Duke opened to him letting his tongue explore his sweet taste. Duke moaned and started to kiss back, pulling Tristan on top of him.

Tristan broke the kiss and scrambled off the couch, looking afraid. "I- I'm sorry." he gasped before he fled.

LS: I'm back! yay!
Rachel: Whoo.
LS: I really don't know where I'm going with this. I have a few ideas, but I mostly just wanted to post something.
Rachel: *Singsong voice* Tristan's a wimp! Tristan's a wimp!
Warren: Not really, he did make the first move.
Bob: Yeah but then he ran away. Truly a wimpish action.
Cassandra: Can y'all shut up I'm trying to sleep!
Rachel: It's not our fault that you're a damn vampire. Blame LS for that she's the one who created you.
LS: *Presses mute button on remote* Sorry about that, the residents of my head are being rather opinionated today. Please review and tell me what you think. By the way how is Tristan spelled is it Tristan or Tristain? Ciao!