A/N: Hey Guys! This is my first fanfic and I am both super excited and nervous about posting it. I was into fanfic years ago and Clexa brought me back. Their story on the show has been one of the best character ships I have ever experienced. I hope you guys enjoy this story. Please feel free to leave me any feedback.

This story will be one about discovering a friendship, love and the struggles Lexa and Clarke will go through in making the choices it will take to get there. There will be some Clarke/Finn relationship stuff, but know I am all Clexa at heart and that's where things will go. I will switch from Lexa's POV to Clarke's POV. The beginning chapters will be shorter as I am setting things up, but they will get longer further into the fic.

I found inspiration for this from the song Turning Page by Sleeping At Last.

Lexa was falling. She tried to grab something to catch herself, but she couldn't get a hold on anything. She yelled out as she felt a sharp edge on the rock she was trying to climb cut into her leg as she slid down the rock and fell several feet to the ground. She was stunned and as she started coming back around she heard someone yelling and then realized it was her friend Lincoln.

"Lexa! Are you alright? I saw you slip, but there was nothing I could do." Lincoln spoke with concern in his voice. Lexa shook her head and looked down at her leg, "I think I'm okay, but I cut my leg on that damn rock."

Lexa rolled her leg over and sure enough there was a deep cut on the lower part of her thigh and blood was getting everywhere soaking through the shorts she was wearing. Lexa watched Lincoln grab a towel out of his bag and wrap it around her leg to help ease the bleeding.

Lexa winced…"so much for my badass rock climbing skills" she said as Lincoln helped her stand up. "Lexa we need to get you to the hospital, that cut is going to need some stitches". Lexa hobbled back down the trail with Lincoln's help to where the car was parked and let Lincoln drive her to the hospital.

Lexa stared out the window as they drove not feeling this new city she was still getting used to. Lexa had moved to Los Angeles about eight months ago after living most of her life in a small town in Oregon. She was used to living a simple life surrounded by trees and not the city life she was trying to adjust to.

At the age of 25 Lexa had recently found herself to be the owner of a very successful business. It started out as a blog she made to document all of her adventures in everything outdoors. Lexa loved to go camping and hiking, she felt the most at peace in the woods. Her blog went viral and Lexa's life had not been the same since. She now had a brand, Trikru, with everything from an app where people could share pictures and stories to the beginnings of an outdoor merchandise line. She had moved to LA after the business had taken off to be closer to her sister Anya. Her sister handled most of the business side of things and LA was where the offices were located, but she missed Oregon.

"Is there a hospital close by?" Lexa asked, she hated to be a burden and didn't want Lincoln waisting his whole day for her being foolish. She knew better than to rock climb without her gear and in an area she wasn't familiar with yet.

"There is one not too far from here, the girl I'm dating actually works there" Lincoln said putting Lexa's mind at ease. They pulled into the parking lot of Mount Weather Hospital and Lincoln parked the car before getting out and coming over to the passenger side to help Lexa.

Lexa was glad she had asked him to come along with her today on her hike seeing how things had gone. Lincoln lived in the building she had moved into and they had hit it off as friends quickly once they discovered they both shared similar interests in all things outdoors. Lincoln owned and ran a chain of gyms in the area and he seemed to be very successful.

Lincoln helped Lexa get inside the hospital and over to a chair in the waiting room of the ER. He walked over to the nurses station explaining Lexa's injury and came back with some forms for Lexa to fill out. "Lexa I texted Octavia, maybe she can help you get seen faster. She works here as a physical therapist". Lexa filled out the forms and sat there with Lincoln waiting.

After about 45 minutes Lexa heard Lincoln speak up, "Hey Octavia". Lexa had been playing a game on her phone and looked up when she heard Lincoln speak. She saw who she assumed to be Octavia walking towards them, she had long dark hair and looked just as pretty as Lincoln had described, with another girl walking beside her. Lincoln stood up as they approached, "Hey guys, this is my friend Lexa Woods. She and I were hiking today and she fell and cut her leg". Lexa and Octavia exchanged a quick handshake.

Octavia then spoke "It's nice to meet you Lexa, I'm Octavia Blake, sorry we aren't meeting under better circumstances. Lincoln has told me a lot about you". Octavia gave a friendly smile and motioned to the girl standing next to her, "Lexa this is Clarke Griffin, she's going to take care of that cut for you." Lexa looked to the second girl and introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Lexa". The blonde girl smiled and reached her hand out to Lexa. "Hi Lexa, it's nice to me you". Lexa took her hand and gave her a soft handshake.

Lexa looked up and noticed this girl was gorgeous. She had wavy blonde hair that had two small braids on the sides of her face tied back to hold her hair up and these amazing blue eyes. After several seconds Lexa realized she had been shaking the girl's hand a little too long. Lexa released her hand and quickly offered an apology, "Sorry Ms. Griffin I seem to still be a little out of it after my fall". Clarke smiled and said "It's ok and please call me Clarke". Lexa pulled her hand back and smiled trying to hide her embarrassment, but she knew she had failed when she felt the warmth in her cheeks.

Clarke spoke up, "Well Lexa lets get you looked at so you can get home, I'm sure it has been a long day." Lexa looked back at Lincoln who had a smirk on his face as Lexa got into the wheelchair Clarke had brought for her. She was sure she had made an ass out of herself and just wanted to get this over with.

Lincoln waited in the lobby while Clarke took Lexa into one of the exam rooms down the hall from the ER so she could take care of the stitches Lexa needed on her leg.

Lexa started to get out of the wheelchair after they were in the exam room when Clarke turned around, "Lexa, let me help you". Lexa placed her arm over Clarke's shoulder and the girl helped Lexa get up onto the exam table. Clarke's hair brushed against Lexa's face and she couldn't help noticing how good it smelled, like lavender. Clarke had Lexa lay down on her side so she could get to her cut easier.

"I'm going to have to roll your shorts up some to get them out of the way", Clarke said and Lexa nodded, "Ok". Clarke began rolling up Lexa's shorts and cleaning the area around the cut. Lexa quickly became very aware of every spot that Clarke touched. Not because she was in pain, but because this girl had such soft hands and was applying the lightest of touches to Lexa's leg. Lexa was glad to be facing away from the girl since she knew she had to be blushing.

Clarke gave Lexa a shot for the pain and then started applying the stitches. After she was finished she had Lexa sit up so she could apply the bandages. Clarke sat on a small stool and moved so she was in between Lexa's legs. Clarke continued to use light touches being very gentle as she applied the bandages.

Lexa looked down at Clarke as she worked noticing just how blue her eyes were seeing them that up close. Their eyes met for a spilt second and Lexa quickly looked away hoping to not have come across looking like a creep staring at the girl. Lexa thought she saw the girl blink away a moment of nervousness as well, but Lexa dismissed the idea. Lexa internally scolded herself to get a grip. She couldn't believe the effect this girl who she just met was having on her. She just hoped it hadn't been obvious to Clarke.

Lexa decided to make small talk hoping it would ease her awkwardness. "So have you been working at this hospital long?" Lexa asked. Clarke answered without taking her attention away from Lexa's leg. "I just graduated Med School and I'm doing my residency here, I've been here for a few months now". Lexa noted how young the girl looked to have accomplished so much.

"Do you go rock climbing often?" Clarke asked. Lexa felt embarrassed as she replied seeing as how it must look like she didn't know what she had been doing having hurt herself like this. "I do, but I usually have my gear and have researched the area first. We were just out for a hike and I got carried away". Lexa saw Clarke's lips quirk up into a quick small smile as she kept working, Lexa also noted she had an amazing smile.

"All done" Clarke spoke breaking Lexa from her thoughts of trying to not have thoughts about the hot doctor who was siting in front of her and how Lexa must look like a wreck from the hike and her fall. "Thanks" Lexa replied as she started to get off the table. Clarke reached out to help her, but Lexa put her hands up. "It's ok I think I can manage now". Lexa walked with Clarke back down to the ER lobby where Lincoln was waiting.

"All done?" Lincoln asked. "Yep, Lexa replied, I was in good hands". The words came out with her not meaning them to and she hoped it hadn't sounded as flirty as she thought it had. Lexa looked to Clarke and saw that same small smile on her face before she replied, "Thank you Lexa, the cut wasn't too bad and should heal quickly. You will need to come back in three weeks to have the stitches taken out."

Clarke then handed her some paperwork with instructions for how to care for the stitches as they healed. Lexa thanked her and looked to Lincoln. He spoke up, "Clarke, did Octavia tell you about the party we are having this weekend?". Clarke replied, "Yeah she mentioned it the other day. We should be able to make it". Lexa felt herself look up at the mention of the word "we". Lexa sighed internally, of course she would meet a pretty girl who was, if Lexa's intuition was right, into girls who would be taken. She also thought it was no surprise seeing how pretty the girl was. Lincoln replied, "Great, I look forward to seeing you and Finn on Saturday. Lexa should be there too, as long as she doesn't go all daredevil on me again".

The three of them all exchanged a quick laugh. Lexa was glad for the joke Lincoln had made that allowed her to laugh hiding her reaction to Clarke not only being with someone, but with a guy. Lexa and Lincoln thanked Clarke again before making their way out of the ER and back to the car. On the ride home Lexa cursed to herself…of course she has a boyfriend.