Tomoe stood before the stove making breakfast before the rest of the shrine awoke.
He smiled as he poured the dish knowing his love would enjoy her meal, though his thoughts wondered to what had woken him earlier than usual.
A sweet, enticing scent had filled the shrine. He knew it was Nanami's scent but it was stronger than normal and it peeked his curiosity, going to check on her but he had been overwhelmed.
He shook the thought, today was Nanami's 19th birthday and he had planned to make today special for her.
He carried the tray into the next room as everyone began to make their way into the dining room.
Nanami was the last to enter, Mizuki slithering all over her, "Good morning My Lady and may I be the first to wish you a happy birthday."
A tic appeared on Tomoe's head. "Damn snake," he thought.
"Yes," Mikage smiled up at her. "Happy 19th birthday."
Nanami smiled, "Thank you."
She looked across the table to see Tomoe's looking upset.
He had wanted to be the first to wish her a happy birthday but she had left her room earlier than usual.
Nanami took her seat and smile. Before her was a spread of porridge and peach slices.
She looked up to the yokai she loved and flashed him the smile she only reserved for him.
He relaxed upon seeing her loveliness.
"Do you have any plans for today," Mikage asked over his cup of tea.
Nanami took her eyes from Tomoe's to look to the god, "I will be spending most of the day with Kei, Ami and Himemiko. The girls have apparently gotten a birthday celebration planned."
Mizuki wrapped his arms around his mistress' right arm, "Can I come?"
Nanami smiled, "Not today. I was expressly told no boys."
"'s so boring without you here."
Tomoe chimed in as he gathered everyone's dishes, "I'm sure I can find something for you to do."
Mizuki pouted.
After breakfast Nanami returned to her room to finish getting ready.
She sat on a stool before her nightstand brushing her hair when a familiar knock came to her door.
"It's open."
Tomoe entered, his demeanor tense and annoyed.
Nanami smiled, "Did you and Mizuki get into another fight?"
He merely growled, "He tried to get out of his chores but after some coaxing he has begun them without a fuss."
She rolled her eyes, a smile dancing at the corner of her lips.
He adored her smiles. They made him weak in the knees and his heart want to dance from his chest.
Nanami returned to brushing her hair.
He placed his hand over hers, "May I?"
She smiled as her skin electrified under his touch.
He was gentle with his musings, making sure not to tug too harshly.
After he was content with his work Nanami's hair was in a loose bun, strands of hair sweeping over her right shoulder.
"She smiled up at him, "Thank you."
He smiled and leaned down to kiss her.
How he loved her. It pained him that they could not spend more time alone together, especially on her special day.
He swept her into his arms, never breaking their kiss and after sitting himself on her futon, placed her on his lap.
Nanami wrapped her arms securely around his neck, sighing.
She didn't want to leave him, longing to stay in the safety of his arms.
They ended their kiss for a need to catch their breaths.
She placed her head on his chest and in turn he laid his chin on top of her head, nestling his nose into her hair.
He took in a deep breath, drinking in her intoxicating aroma. He just could not think of why her scent today made him feel so wild and feral. His instincts clawed at his chest.
He also felt his loins give a quiver making him groan.
She felt a warmth rush through her stomach as electricity continued to race through her.
The fire licked higher when she heard his moan, making her sigh.
He ran his fingers among her back trying to think of a way to keep her home.
"I have something for you," he finally told her, placing his hand behind his back and drawing out a simply wrapped, brown package.
She took it, curious about its light weight.
"Thank you," she smiled sincerely.
She undid the bindings and opened the paper to reveal a black lacquered item with ivory white inlay.
Her eyes grew wide as tears appeared when she took a close look at the image of two foxes playing among cherry blossoms.
He took it from her, flipping it to reveal a silvery glass, their reflections starring back at them.
"Oh Tomoe," she breathed. "It's beautiful."
He smiled, "Not as beautiful as you my Nanami."
He then kissed her hungrily, her scent driving him mad.
He quickly released her, fearing he may pounce.
"You should be going," he growled, placing his forehead against hers.
"Yeah, I guess so," she whispered.
She stood, placing her mirror on the nightstand.
He held out his hand and the two walked through the shrine and down the steps to the bus stop.
"I'll be home at dinner," she told him as she turned to get on the bus.
He smiled and kissed her hand, "Alright. We shall celebrate when you return."
She kissed him one last time and went to take her seat.
He watched the bus disappear down a side street so he went to ascend the shrine stairs, his body aching with every step.
As he entered the shrine, Tomoe was called into the main hall by Mikage.
"Tomoe may I have a word?"
The fox sat before his master, "What is it?"
Mikage snapped his fingers and the outside noise was silenced, telling Tomoe that this was a private conversation.
"I know you have no doubt noticed some peculiar things happening between you and the young Mistress," the god began.
Tomoe nodded, "Yes. There is a rather heavenly scent that has caught my attention," Tomoe stated. "It comes and goes each month followed by another scent and Nanami becoming an emotional wreck."
Mikage blushed, coughing into his tea cup as he took a sip, "Yes, well..."
"What are you getting at," Tomoe asked.
Mikage took a breath to compose himself.
"Tomoe you must listen. You must avoid Nanami during those times. The two of you together as human and yokai is a large taboo. If you lay with her it will break the biggest taboo and it may result in Nanami's death."
Tomoe sat in shock. "How can laying with the woman he loved cause her death," he thought.
"Do you understand me Tomoe?"
The kitsune nodded.
"Alright, you may go," Mikage replied, snapping his fingers again, the sound of the days activities returning.
Tomoe left, his thoughts a mixture of confusion and fear.

Nanami was too distracted to really notice the celebrations going on around her as she and her friends had lunch at the ice cream parlor that Himemiko's human lover worked at.
Her thoughts were on Tomoe and the fire he had lit inside of her before she had left and wondering why he was acting so strangely.
Noticing her distraction Kei purred, "Hey Nanami isn't that Tomoe outside?"
They young woman jumped at her lovers name while her friends laughed.
Nanami blushed, "I'm sorry guys."
"Thou hast thine Fox firmly on thine mind," Himemiko smiled.
Nanami smiled, "Yeah, I guess so. He said he wanted to make sure I had an enjoyable day and he's been so sweet to me."
"Oooo," Kei snickered, "plan on thank in him later?"
Nanami panicked, ""
"Oh don't give us that," Kei laugh, taking a sip of her milk shake, "you want to have his kits."
Nanami blush crimson, her face so hot, steam rolled from the top of her head, "No...stop!"
After several hours of shopping and karaoke, the day had come to an end.
"I should head home before Tomoe and Mizuki kill each other," Nanami smiled.
They all gave her final birthday wishes and wished her a safe trip home.
When she arrived at the temple she had expected Tomoe to be waiting for her but instead she found the will-o-wisp sprites.
"Welcome home Mistress," they called happily.
"Hello to you too. Where is Tomoe?"
"He is up at the shrine making dinner. He sent us," Kotetsu replied cheerfully.
"Oh, ok," she smiled and they began their journey.
When they arrived Nanami went to look for her Fox but again he was no where to be found and dinner was already set.
After supper of hamburger steak, Mizuki and the sprites cleared away the dishes.
Nanami looked to Mikage who was sipping his sake, "Where is Tomoe?"
"He has gone to his room," the god replied. "It seems he isn't feeling well."
The young goddess bit her lip, "I see. I hope he is ok."
Mikage smiled gently, "He will be fine but I think the two of you should be apart at these times of the month."
Nanami was about to speak but she was bombarded with gifts and well wishes.
After a long night of celebrating Nanami made her way to her room.
As she got ready for bed she pulled the hair stick from her bun to find it was her treasured flower that she had received as an engagement gift from her Tomoe.
She smiled, slowly spinning it in her fingers, returning it to its box and turned to the mirror.
She picked it up and held it close.
"Good night Tomoe," she whispered and returned the mirror to her nightstand and went to bed.

Tomoe kissed the small mirror he held in his hand, "Good night sweet Nanami."