Without Me

Last Chapter! This is how it all ends. It's fluffy. A little humor in it also.


Chapter 7: All's Well that Ends Well

Hiccup was about halfway from his hut to Astrid's when it started to rain. "Seriously? What are the odds of that?" Hiccup looked at the sky as if the sky were providing a more dramatic return. He paced slowly towards the hut that sheltered to broken viking. "What do I tell her? How do I tell her?" All he was thinking is how to tell her how he felt. "I've taken on the Red Death with only Toothless at my side and that seems like nothing for what I am about to do." He stopped about a few feet away from her hut and stood in the rain waiting to think of a way to approach her.

Astrid was still face down on her bed. Her crying ceased for the moment to try and get some sleep. She just wanted to day to be over. It was officially the worst day of her life. She never wanted to die in her life but now that's all she wanted. To be with Hiccup. She had her eyes shut face down on her bed. Thinking of all the times Hiccup saved her life from supposed death but when Hiccup's life needed to be saved, she failed to save him. She wanted just to end it all but she knew Hiccup would've wanted her to stay and lead the others who needed her now more than ever. She hated her life now. She never got to tell him how much he meant to her.

Astrid heard the door to her hut open thinking it was one of the riders coming to comfort her. She didn't want anyone around for a while. "Go away." Astrid said with a somewhat angry tone remembering who lit the spark.

"How hard is the next punch going to be?" Astrid knew that voice! In one swift motion she twisted her whole body around standing now on her bed looking at the Auburn haired boy who has caused her so much grief in the past day.

"H-Hiccup?" Astrid stared at him with her eyes as big as saucers.

"Is the punch coming or no?" Hiccup tried to joke to ease the tension.

"You're Alive!" Astrid leaped throwing herself at the drenched Hiccup knocking both herself and Hiccup onto the rainy grass below.

"Ya. Why wouldn't I be?" Hiccup looked concerned.

"I-I thought I lost you!" Astrid started crying... again

"Hey. It's alright. No need to cry. I'm here for you." Hiccup paused to let a touching moment seal in before adding, "Ok I'm getting cold now. Can we go back inside?" He tried to joke with her which he didn't do a lot of lately.

"Oh Hiccup." Hiccup felt his tunic being pulled by Astrid's clenched fists towards her.

"Astri-" He was cut off as Astrid forcefully smashed her lips into Hiccup's not letting go of his tunic afraid that he might leave if she let go. She kissed him more in desperation more than a soft loving one. She felt if she kissed him hard enough he'd stay with her forever. Hiccup's eyes were still wide open. Shocked staring at Astrid's closed eyes. Hiccup was frozen. His body just didn't move. He didn't understand why Astrid was doing this instead of bashing his brains in.

After about two full minutes she finally parted and looked at Hiccup who hasn't blinked since she kissed him. Astrid felt guilty that she didn't tell him first. She had to say it. She had to before something happens to him. "Hiccup, I love you" Astrid mumbled. Hiccup didn't hear her or pay attention for he was still in shock. "Hiccup?" No response came. "Hiccup!"


Astrid punched him as hard as she could in the stomach. Hiccup finally broke out of shock and was now focused on trying to breathe holding his stomach.

"There it is." Began Hiccup. "Though that was maybe the hardest punch I've ever received." Did he really put Astrid through that much that she took out all of her frustrations out on him?

"Hiccup?" Astrid said softly not even apologizing. She felt better after that punch.

"Ya Astrid?" Hiccup still trying to fill his lungs with air.

"I just wanted to say, when I thought you died I realized that I see you more than just a friend. I was so confused what our relationship was."

"Well you did kiss me three times before." Hiccup Began (HTTYD 1, HTTYD Gift of the Night Fury and Riders of Berk)

"But lately I thought we went down to being friends again." Her tears coming in. Gosh who knew Astrid even had this much emotion? "I realize that I don't have a crush on you anymore."

"Oh." Hiccup said with a somewhat disappointed tone. She had just rejected him he thought.

"Hiccup I. I. I love you." Those were the toughest words Astrid has ever tried to say. Hiccup suddenly froze again. These events were too much to handle for him. Astrid was winding up for another punch when Hiccup finally snapped out of his frozen state and replied.

"I love you too Astrid. Always have. Always will." Astrid who couldn't even see at this point because of her water filled eyes wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck laying on top of him on the wet grass in the pouring rain. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Astrid felt warm inside and felt protected.

"Seriously, can we go inside now?" Hiccup asked again.


Astrid's right arm met Hiccup's left hip like what boxers do. "Ow!" Hiccup whined a little.

"That's for ruining the moment." Astrid said a little annoyed. She then gave him another quick kiss. "And that, for everything else."

"Everything else?" Hiccup asked. He didn't do anything but show up.

"Everything you've ever done for me." Astrid smiled.

They both headed up towards Astrid's hut to dry off.

"Hiccup. Can you sleep with me again?" Astrid almost sounded like she was begging.

"Um. Well. Ok. But you keep your clothes on and I'll keep mine on Ok?" Hiccup teased.

Hiccup got into her bed only to find her quickly cuddled up to him falling asleep almost instantly. Hiccup looked at the angel that lay on top of him. She loved him and he loved her. That's all that mattered.

"Oh Astrid what would you do without me?" At that Hiccup finally went to sleep.


Author's Note: Wow. All done. I hope you enjoyed it. I kept the sexual themes out of it so anyone can read it. Really fluffy. Don't be afraid to leave a review and rate my story! I'll write more Hiccstrid if you all want me to. Love you all!