Got Ya

Comming out from around one the many corners of the great halls, Meliodas' feet pounded the ground below him. His trots grew louder with each step and Elizabeth had to grab the fabric of her dress below her chin to stiffle a giggle that was rising from her chest. She hid herself behind the door of a broom closet and waited for him to burst through the other side and surprise her in an amusing game of hide and seek she had provoked. The door finally creaked open and she squeaked out in anticipation, causing Meliodas to swing the door towards him faster and reach out to grab the child sitting on the ground before him.

"Got ya!" He blurted out, soaking his voice with a sweet and honey like tone. Elizabeth could no longer hold her excitement inside and started laughing as loud as she could. Tears started to form in her eyes with joy as he tickled her sides and nuzzled his face into her hair, giggling along with her.

"Sir Meliodas, how did you know where I was?" She gasps between breaths still fighting the torture of tickles.

"Silly girl, you could never hide from me!" He grins back, fingers still wiggles themselves up around her ears and neck. She continues to squeal and gasp for air and he has to shush her before she causes a scene in the halls.

"Now lets go get you ready for bed, it is getting rather late don't you think?" Meliodas grins again as he looks down at the girl nodding off in his arms.

"I'm not tired Sir Meliodas, really I'm not! Can't we play one more game?" Elizabeth whines and he kisses the top of her head gently, forcing her eyes to drop to a close.

"You're such a little lair Elizabeth. Lets get you to bed." He hums, craddling her in his arms as he walks towards the princesses room, ready to tuck her in for the night.