
*We find PG sitting on a couch in the Fanfiction Manor, feet propped up onto the coffee table in front of her, laptop sitting on her lap and a Manuscript of SISTER ACT the Musical beside her feet. Sitting next to her is Genesis, who is reading 'Loveless' and ignoring the Music that PG has blasting on the rooms speakers. Sam Winchester walks in and furrows his eyebrows at the music.*

Sam: Is that... Korean?

PG: *not looking up from her laptop* 'ANSWER' by ATEEZ

Genesis: *Glancing at the man* She's become obsessed with K-Pop.

PG: *still not looking up from her laptop* Can you blame me? K-Pop, specifically ATEEZ, has helped me trough the Depression problems and calmed my Anxiety. And besides, I get to meet them next month (April 2020).

*Genesis puts down his book and Sam slips into a large chair beside the couch.*

Genesis and Sam: Excuse me?

PG: *look up from her laptop where she is watching a V-Live of the youngest member Choi Jongho in Spain on the 500-day Anniversary of their Debut.* I mean I got tickets back in December to see them Live in Concert! I got permission from my folks to see it alone. No parents. No brothers. Just me and fellow ATINY all over America and beyond showing our appreciation for a Brilliant group of Talented Gentlemen.

Sam: *leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees* And your absence in the Manor?

PG: Got a new job with the same company my brother works for. Then in the final weekend of January, I had to go to Urgent Care for my ankle again and found out I have muscles damage in my ankle. *pulls up left pant leg and shows a tie up ankle brace before letting the leg drop* I got a new brace for it and haven't worked for a month, it was frustrating. Plus, I got into SISTER ACT and am gonna audition for Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella in the Fall. I actually had most of the chapter written a long time ago but had a block on how to get from 'Point A' to 'Point B' (Thank you grapejuice101).

Genesis: Anything Else?

PG: *nods* I've been caught up in another Fanfiction on Archive of Our Own. It's called "Pirate King" A Fantasy/Pirate/AU by chasingatinydream. It's kind of a Reader insert Story but not. It's eye-catching, intense, funny and a good read. Though I did get a bit frustrated that Chin Hae and Hongjoong haven't figured it out that the Mermaid is her and she is the one that saved his life and, to take a quote from the Story, '"The blessing of a sea god, huh..." Hongjoong says quietly, as the raft picks up speed, although there isn't a sail to catch the wind in the least. "The sea will always be on your side, she told me. I guess it has, for most of my life since then."' *shrugs* I mostly want Hongjoong to remember the whole situation and realize he is the reason the Mermaid wanted a name and became mortal to get one. *giggles* Funnily enough, she had promised she would return to him when she had a name just so she could tell it to him, but it was Him who gave her the name Chin Hae.

*Both men look at each other before shrugging.*

Sam: Well, I'm sure the Readers are getting tired of waiting. I'm gonna start the Disclaimer. *Turns to the Readers* PhantomGirl17 DOES NOT own Phantom of the Opera it's plot characters or otherwise, only her OC Rosie.

Genesis: A bucket of water has been set aside for ANY AND ALL FLAMERS! Any who avoid the bucket will be escorted out by the Manors Residents.

PG: Any Questions, Comments and Reviews can be PMed to me or left in the Review Box below. Also, to clear the air for the reviewer, who asked to remain anonymous, about something that bothered them in Chapters Ten and Eleven. The Abbey of Saint Genevieve. I know that the Abbey was demolished shortly after 1800 and this story takes place in 1871/72. I also know that the Monastery is IN Paris. For the sake of the story, I rewrote history a bit and making it so the Abbey was demolished a hundred years later in 1900 and was really outside of the City to the South.

*PG closes her laptop, pauses the music and stands with Sam and Genesis, ginning mischievously*

PG: Let's go prank SUPERNATURAL'S Loki and MARVEL'S Loki into paranoia! Readers! THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE STORY! There's more to come! Just wait to see what comes Next! For now, Enjoy the Chapter!

Smiling politely at the infuriating, curious man sitting on the couch in front of me and Erik, I adjusted myself more in my wheelchair and sipping my tea like a proper lady.

It's been three months since our escape from the Paris Opera House and we've been hiding in one of the safe houses Erik owned. Raoul had also helped from afar, telling the papers and others that I had been found unconscious outside the Opera House when he rescued Christine and that he immediately sent me to the Queen Anne and his cousin Jasper. It was believed that Mr. Whitlock had me in his care in America. As for Erik, after telling me he indeed did NOT Punjab Piangi, he had done the best he could to take care of the both of us while caring for my injured knee. To be honest it had already healed, and I could walk, run and dance all I wanted. Erik was just being overprotective wanting me to still be in the wheelchair.

Plus, it made a good cover when we had curious visitors.

The guest currently in front of me had saw us in the local market and came over making 'outrageous' accusations about us. That Erik was the 'Phantom', that he had kidnapped me, caused the injury that caused me to be wheelchair bound and insinuated that I could never be a proper wife anymore because of it!

I mean half of that was true... Erik was the 'Phantom' but not anymore. And he did kidnap me but I stayed with him instead of leaving.

I politely offered him tea, with a forced smile, and we all sat in the sitting room while I told the story we both agreed on. Erik's hand held onto mine and rubbed the golden band around my ring finger his jaw clenched.

"Monsieur,' he began with a bit of difficulty thanks in part to the bandages he wore in place of his mask. 'if I may be blunt in my own home, I must point out that I was not born this way. I am only wearing these bandages now is because of a fire in our old home that cost my wife her ability to walk. To think that you come into my home and insult her by saying she is no longer worth anything!"

I squeezed his hand and looked at him with a tired smile.

"Erik has been so good to me. Despite my disability, I can assure you Monsieur Saint-Yves, I can still serve my duties as a wife.' I took another sip of my tea as he scrunched up his nose. 'As my husband said, he now wears bandages to hide the burns. As for your accusation that my husband is this mysterious 'Phantom'' I scoffed. 'that lived under the Opera house, I can assure you he is not. I doubt this 'Phantom' ever existed." I placed a hand over my mouth and blocked a tired yawn.

Erik stood and took the man's arm, hoisting him up and led him to the door. "I do believe it's time for you to leave, monsieur. As you can see, my wife is tired, and it's been a stressful day and you have seemed to make it worse. Good Evening Sir."

When the curious man finally left, I gave a tired sigh as heard the door close and took off the black wig and bald cap I was wearing, along with the plastic wedding ring. I was about to get up when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I tilted my head back and smiled at Erik but frowned when I saw the bandages still wrapped around his deformity.

"He's gone, you can take that off now."

He reached up and slowly unwound the bandages saying, "Head on up to bed. I'll be a minute."

Nodding, I stood up, kissed his lips and headed to our shared bedroom. There was a large bed in one corner, a chest of drawers, a Vanity for me and a large walk in closet. Erik had his clothes in the closet with mine, like a real married couple would have, but he likes to sleep on the sitting room couch to respect my privacy. I went into the closet and changed into my nightgown. As I came out of the closet and climbed to bed, Erik came in with a bag and sat on a chair beside me.

"Let me look at your knee."

I groaned. "Again? Erik, it. Is. Healed! I don't need another examination!"

He ignored my complaint and just started to examine the joint.

"Stop that!" I smacked his hands away and moved away a bit.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes as I started to snuggle into the blankets. "Alright. But it seems like we'll have to move tomorrow.' I sat up immediately. 'I saw him heading back into town, specifically in the direction of the police. They will not come til tomorrow, so we may rest easy tonight."

"But where will we go? Do you have another safe house somewhere in the country?" I asked.

He shook his head. "If I had known we would be wondering without a home, I would have insisted you go with the Vicomte and Christine. This isn't what I wanted for us."

I watched him for a second before moving closer and looked into his eyes.

"~I followed you home
Because I dared to."

He shook his head and turned away.

"I wouldn't know
Where to lead you...
Should I take chances..."

I leaned forward to follow him and try to get him to look at me.

"When no one took chances on you?
So you watched from the dark,"

"Waited for my life to start
With no beauty in my memory."

He sighed and stood up. He was heading to the door when my voice stopped him.

"All that you wanted was to be wanted
Too young to wander cold, dark streets,
Alone and haunted.
Born into nothing..."

"At least you have something
Something to cling to'

He stayed where he was with his back to me, then turned around and faced me.

'Visions of dazzling rooms
I'll never get let into'

A small, sad smile graced his lips.

'And the memories were lost long ago
But at least you have beautiful ghosts.'

He walked to the window and glanced out at the dark streets.

'Perilous night,
Their voices calling
A flicker of light
Before the dawning.'

He looked over to me when he heard me sigh but then turned back to the window.

'Out there, the wild ones
Will tame the fear within you
Scared to call them your friends
And be broken again."

"Is this hope just a mystical dream?'

His head lowered and leaned onto the window.

'All that I wanted was to be wanted
Too young to wander cold, dark streets,
Alone and haunted.
Born into nothing..."

"At least you have something'

He lifted his head and turned to me. I suddenly felt nervous and shy for some reason and looked down playing with my fingers.

'Something to cling to
Visions dazzling Songs
I never will listen to...
And the memories were lost long ago'

I looked at him with a smile as sad as his.

'But at least you have beautiful ghosts.'

I moved to the edge of the bed and let my legs hang off it.

'And so maybe our home
Isn't what we had known
What we thought it would be'

I stood up, ignoring the cold floor freezing my bare feet, my smile changing from sad to content. I spun in a circle with my arms out and flowing.

'But I feel so alive
With these Phantoms of Night!
And I know that this life isn't safe,
But it's wild and it's free!'

I stopped spinning and looked at Erik directly in the eye.

'All that we wanted was to be wanted
We'll never wander cold, dark streets,
Alone and haunted.
Born into nothing,
Together we have something.
Something to cling to
I knew I'd love this world
That you have let me into!'

I walked slowly towards him holding my hands out to him.

'And the memories were lost long ago
So I'll dance with these beautiful ghosts!'

As I finally stood in front of him, I took his hands in mine and started to pull him towards the center of the room.

'The memories were lost long ago..."

He smiled a bit brighter and held my hands as he helped me go en pointe barefoot, dancing with me.

"So we'll dance with these beautiful ghosts!~"

~Time Skip~
I woke to the sound of horses neighing and the feel of warm arms carrying me. I smiled and curled into the warm body of Erik, but my nose scrunched feeling the itch of the black wig on my head.

I then felt it when I was placed on a cushioned seat, the sound of a carriage door closing, and the sound of the carriage we were in moving. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. Rubbing my eyes, I looked over at Erik sitting in the drivers' seat, wearing a nicely tailored suit and jacket for going out, his bandages wrapped neatly over his face. I blinked. "Where are we going?"

"I'm not sure. But everything is packed and prepared. I've left a note on our door that says due to the unwanted interrogation yesterday evening, your health had declined, and I decided to take you to our country home to see if your health will improve with the fresh air. Your wheelchair is also packed."

I nodded and watched as the townhouses passed by.

Hours later, we were out of the city and passing by a familiar road sign.

"Erik, wait! Stop! Stop!"

Erik stopped the carriage and turned to look at me.

"Turn around. Turn around. Take us south."

Erik looked mortified. "South? But that would lead us closer to Paris. Where you are believed to be in America, and I'm still a wanted man by la police."

I smiled. "Yes. Exactly.' My mind channeled my inner Pippin moment from Lord of the Rings. 'If we go south, we can slip past the policiers unnoticed.' I reached up and placed a hand on his arm. 'The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm. It's the last thing they'll expect."

"That don't make any sense to me at all." He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"The Abbey of St. Genevieve will give us Sanctuary. I know it!' I said placing a hand on his cheek. 'The Reverend Mother knows of you. There were many letters I wrote to you in my time there that I never sent. She told me once that if the time came, she would allow us Sanctuary. Please! Trust me on this."

Erik was silent for a long while and I watched his face. "Alright. We will go to the Abbey."

I smiled and hugged him. Sitting back in my seat, I sighed and muttered a small prayer of thanks. Soon we arrived at the gate of the Abbey. I climbed out of the carriage, walked to the gate, taking off my wig and I called out, "Sister! Sister Joan!"

I smiled when the redheaded postulant came, almost running, to the gate.

"Sister Rosie! How good to see you again!" She reached through the gate and squeezed my hands.

I returned the gesture and grinned. "It's good to see you too!' but then my face became serious. 'Sister, we seek the Sanctuary Mother Superior offered almost a year ago."

She glanced behind me, blinked when she saw Erik, before turning to the lock on the gate and opening it for us. "News of what happed at the Opera House reached us, but Mother Superior and I are the only ones in the Abbey who connect your Erik to the Phantom.' She then leaned in and whispered. 'By the way, we've been practicing That song you taught us. Mother Superior would like it if you were to lead it again."

I smiled and walked in, motioning for Erik to follow.

~Time Skip~
"Alright, Ladies! Let's fill this place with a Joyful Noise!" I said, I was still in the clothes I came in and Mother Superior and Erik were sitting in the pews behind me where I stood in front of the choir of Nuns.


"Now, raise it up!"


"Raise it up!"


"Raise it up!"


"Good! Now Gloria!"

In Excelsis

"A little louder, Ladies."

In Excelsis

"Now the third!"

In Excelsis

"Sister Rebecka? If you will." I grinned at the older woman and she smirked rubbing her hands together.

"Step back Sisters! ~Laudamus te
Benedicimus te
Adroamus te
Glorificamus te

Laudamus te
Benedicimus te
Adroamus te
Glorificamus te~

"Now Gloria! Then Hallelujah! Half of you double time when I say!"

"~Gloria/(Laudamus te)
(Benedicimus te)
In Excelsis/(Adroamus te)
Deo/(Glorificamus te)
(Laudamus te)
(Benedicimus te)
(Adroamus te)
(Glorificamus te)/[Hal-le]
Gloria (Laudamus te)/[lu-]
(Benedicimus te)
In Excelsis/(Adroamus te)/[jah!]
Deo/(Glorificamus te)/[Hal-le]
(Laudamus te)/[lu-]
(Benedicimus te)
(Adroamus te)/[jah!]
(Glorificamus te)/[Hal-le]
Gloria/(Laudamus te)/[lu-]/{Hal-le-lu-jah!}
(Benedicimus te)/{Hal-le-lu-jah!}
In Excelsis/(Adroamus te)/{Hal-le-lu-jah!}
Deo/(Glorificamus te)/[jah!]/{Hal-le-lu-jah!}~"

"Hit it Sister Joan!"

"~Tu solus dominus!
Ti solus latissimus!
Iesu Christe
In Gloria Dei Patris!~"

"Amen! Let's Go!"

"~Raise your voice!"

"Get your Mojo Revving!"

"Raise your voice!"

"Let your Freak Flag Fly!
Don'tcha hide it
Why not ride it-
Like it's God's Rolls Royce!"

"Raise some heat!
Raise some Cain!
Raise it to a higher plane!"

"Raise a ruckus!"

"Raise the devil!"

"Raise it up!/Raise it up!
Raise it up!/Another level!

*Raise your voice!
Lift it up to heaven!
Raise your voice!
Spread it cross the sky!
Blast it! Blare it!
Stand and share it!
Help the world rejoice!
Raise a sweat!
Raise a cheer!
Raise it to the stratosphere!*

Raise your strength!
Raise your spirit!
Raise it so the angels can hear it!

Raise your heart!
Raise your soul!

Raise your

Voice! / Gloria in Excelsis

Raise your / Deo

Voice! / Gloria / (Laudamus Te!)

(Benedicimus Te!)

In Excelsis / (Adroamus Te!)


Raise /Deo/ (-camus Te!)

Your / [Hal-le-]

Voice! / Gloria / (Laudamus Te!) / [Lu-jah!]

(Benedicimus Te!) / {Hal-le-lu-jah!}

In Excelsis / (Adroamus Te!) / {Hal-le-lu-jah!}

(Glorifi-) / {Hal-le}

Deo / (-camus Te!) {Lu-jah!}

Raise it...

Raise it...

Raise it up!

Raise your voice!~"

While the Sisters cheered, I turned to see a smiling Mother Superior while Erik was smirking proudly at me. The Bells signaling dinner began to ring and everyone filed out except for me and Erik. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and saw something in his face.

I sigh and head to my room, for some reason I wasn't very hungry. A few minutes later, a patterned knock on my door told me Erik was asking for entry. Opening the door, I allowed Erik in. When I closed the door behind him, he sat down on the bed and seemed to stare at the wall.


~Erik's POV~
'Take It away! That is not my son!'

'Give it this Mask, I cannot stand to look at it!'

'Begone Demon! You are not welcome on this Holy Ground!'

'Ten thousand francs in exchange for your freak son.'

'You are an inventor, yes? Then build me something to amuse me. Build me a Maze of Mirrors.'

'My name is Darius, Daroga of Mazandaran Court. The Shah has ordered your execution; however, I am a Kindhearted fool. I will help you escape.'

'Come One! Come All! Come and see the Devil's Child!'

'There are tunnels that lead to everywhere in the Opera House and a large lake. You can live down there.'

'Can I ever forget that sight? Can I ever escape from that face? So distorted, deformed, it was hardly a face, in that darkness.'

'This haunted face holds no horror for me now. It's in your soul that the true distortion lies.'

Within these walls, I felt like the Monster and Devil Child that I was called in my past. My search for what drove me to be what I was today persecuted me here. I could see the looks some of the Nuns gave me. Despite the Sanctuary we were given by the Mother Superior, most of the other Nuns looked at me in fear, like many others have done in the past.

The Church had done nothing for me in the past but cast me out and gave me the name Devil's Child. They did not help me then, why would they do anything now? Rosie told me that not even the Holiest member of the Church are immune to Sin and cruelty of the mortal tongue. She was here because of her Faith, they're only doing this for her sake.

It's in a moment like this, when these thoughts decide to haunt me, that perhaps it would have been better if she had gone with the Vicomte and Christine.

I was so lost within the memories I only vaguely hear Rosie call my name.

"I am alright, My Lily Rose."

Blinking, she tilted her head in a way I always found cute and nodded softly. We were silent for a while, her sitting on the cot and I standing by the window.

"Erik,' She hesitated. 'why are you uncomfortable here?"

~Narrator's POV~
He stayed silent for a moment before looking out the window and up at the moon. "I was looking for something. In all my life, I learned there is something out there that fueled my desire to live."

She tilted her head in confusion. "What you were looking for?"
He sighed in melancholy.

"~I was looking for an Original Sin.
One with a twist and a bit of a spin!
Since Man has
Done all the Old Ones till they all were Done In,
I was just searching then I was gone like the Wind!
Endlessly searching
For an Original Sin...'

She blinked. Obviously, she was trying to understand what he was talking about. He could see the look in her eyes asking him; 'An Original Sin? Is there really such a thing?' Erik understood that she needed to know what he meant.

Turning to her he spoke,

'I had watched you since you first awoke here."

He began, talking about when she first woke in this time.

"I waited patiently but not for long!
And since I
Know all your Dreams, I understand what you need.
And when I call you, you must go where I lead...
Your Dreams are so Hungry,
It's time now to feed...~"

He narrowed my eyes at her. "You wish to know what I believe, Girl? This is it!" Stepping forward with a sneer, she stepped back in fear. She was a little worried since he only called her Girl when he was frustrated to the point he wanted to Punjab something.

"~Gott ist Tot
Yet I'm condemned to Live On!
Yearning for Light yet I'm Shunned by the Sun.
I cannot
Find Satisfaction though I constantly try...
And all that I live for, the World does deny!
A Tormented Living,
Yet Unwilling to Die!~"

Rosie was shocked at his statement! She had heard people say those first three words before and knew what it meant, but it was heartbreaking for her to hear it come from the mouth of the man in front of her. "Erik, you...!"

He cut her off by grabbing both her wrists in his hands. He squeezed them before bringing them to his lips and kissing them.

"~So I Blessed you with My Curse,
And encouraged your endeavor!
You'll be Better when your Worse!
You must Die to Live Forever!'

He let go of her hands and moved back.

'Sink with me deep into the Night!
Find your comfort in me!
Together we shall travel to the Edge of the Light!
You'll be safely covered in my Shadow...~"

She stared at him for a long moment. "Erik...' She took a deep breath before singing, reaching a single trembling hand to him.

'~I'll follow your Voice
Into the Night..."

He smiled and took her hand. His touch calmed her down as he pulled her into a hug.

"Since. I. Know...
All of your Dreams, I understand what you need.
And when I call you, you will go where I lead...
Your Dreams are so Hungry,
It's time now to...