I do not own twilight, I'm just using the characters.

Her lips pressed firmly mine; her tongue traced my bottom lip asking for entrance. I part my lips eager to taste her. Her luscious lips tasted like forever against mine. I placed my hands into her hair pulling her towards me. I just wanted us to be closer. Her beautiful brown skin was like warm caramel on top of my creamy white skin. Her fingers slipped underneath my shirt searching for my breast. Her fingers fondled my nipple. A moan escaped my lips as I searched for her eyes. She removed her lips from mine and kissed her way down my body. She swiftly tugged at the lace in my panties and in one swift motion they were torn. She kissed my center ever so lightly before looking up at me with pleading eyes.

I awoke from my dream with a start. No matter how many breaths I took it was as though I was out of breath. I sat up for a second with my hands in my hair trying to comprehend what happened in the dream. Who was this girl? I'd dreamt about her twice this week already this having been the third time all together. I sighed and placed my feet on the floor looking towards the window. The sun was shining an awful lot only I didn't feel the need to go and enjoy this rare day of forks. I never wanted to do anything anymore. I was always flushed with the reminder of Edward everywhere I turned. Some days I just couldn't take it and just didn't even bother getting out of bed.

I stand on my feet slowly checking for balance before starting towards the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at the lost girl that peered back at me. She wasn't the girl in the dream, that was an entirely different me. I brushed my teeth in the midst of me becoming trapped in my thoughts. I had no idea what I was going to do today, today just seemed different above all days. I cut the water off only to be startled by the sound of the slamming door. Charlies gone. A sigh escaped my lips as I tread down the stairs. Even though it's been almost a year since Edward and his family left, I still haven't come completely out of my shell. It gets better with time only I wont ever forget what happened.

I walk towards the counter only to find a note saying he was going be out late and that he loved me and to be sure and look after myself. I place the note down on the table and open the refrigerator. I sighed in defeat when I realized id have to go and get groceries if I plan on making dinner. Closing the doors of the refrigerator, I just settled on a cup of coffee.

Going to the store was going to be as simple and as easy as I made it right? Only I haven't really spoken to people since Edward. I've tried to avoid people all together, sometimes even Charlie. I just can't seem to find the words to say anymore. "You're not good enough". I shake my head as if trying to shake him from my memory.

I rush to my room in effort to find something to wear. The usual hoodie and sweats wouldn't cut it today with the weather being so nice. I dig in the drawers of my dresser trying to find a pear of jeans. I haven't worn them in so long they should be a perfect fit. I found a pair and a tank top that fit well enough. I guess I could have gone for a pair of sandals; only my toes weren't painted well enough. I settled on a pair of Nikes that were comfortable.

After checking everything and locking the house I finally made it to the truck. I placed my wallet and my phone on the passenger seat and sat there for a moment. I didn't have a single idea of what id make for dinner. I needed to try something new id grown tired of the usual pizza. I start the engine and head towards the nearest supermarket. Of course it seemed as if all the isles were filled with cars. I sigh in frustration and drive out of the parking lot. I wanted to get away from people not be lead closer to them. I decided to go to the supermarket on the reservation seeing as even if I did see people it wouldn't be anyone I knew.

Once my tires touched the rough gravel I felt something shift uneasily inside of me. Something was different but I decided to shrug it off. I kill the engine and gather my purse and phone. This supermarket wasn't nearly as packed as the other, but I wanted to be as quick as possible. I hadn't even made up my mind on what I wanted to get for dinner. We could always go for fish, but it seems like that's all we've been prone to eating lately. Once I walked into the store an older lady greeted me warmly. I tried my best to smile without looking like such a mess. Spaghetti sounds good. Now that I'm actually thinking about it, it's been quite some time since I've even made spaghetti. I make my way towards the pasta section trying to ignore the twisting of my stomach. It was almost as if I felt someone watching me or like something was going to happen.

I found my way to the spaghetti noodles and picked up a pack. It would be a waste to get another being as it was just Charlie and I. I sighed and made my way to where the spaghetti sauce was. The feeling in my stomach became harder and harder to ignore. I look behind checking to see if there was anyone, but to my surprise no one was there. It wasn't until I turned around that I barely got out of the way of a young woman with a shopping cart.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I blurted out trying to apologize for being in her way. She only smiled at my clumsiness and I could feel the blush burning on my cheeks. She was a young girl almost as if she could be around my age. She had long, dark, beautiful black hair and the warmest shade of brown skin.

"It's cool swan, no big deal," she grins as if she found me amusing.

" How do you know my name?"

" Your dad and my dad fish together, remember. I'm Leah, Leah Clearwater, Harry Clearwater's daughter," she explains.

Oh yeah her. It wasn't until our eyes met that the feeling in my stomach subsided. I was flooded with the memories of her in my younger years when Charlie and I would go to the reservation. She and Jake were the only friends I had back in those days. She must have felt the tension too because her eyes never left mine.

" Uh, yeah you're right I remember you now, it's all coming back to me, " I blurt out in effort to end the silence. Even then she never took her gaze from mine. It took everything in me to look away.

" Well it was nice seeing you, " I rush out with a small smile.

I turn away but before I could get down the isle she says calmly, " Yeah you too swan, you too".

I put the spaghetti ingredients down somewhere before rushing to the truck. There wasn't anything normal or usual about what had happened back there. I unlock the door in a rush to check the mirror. Was there something wrong? I open the little mirror on the sun visor and inspect my face. My cheeks were stained with embarrassment and my eyes were a little puffy. Its been years since we last seen each other I guess maybe she was just a little taken aback.

I reverse out of the parking lot and decide on a pizza; my spaghetti intentions were gone out of the window.