Kiryu looked over the street that he was at, watching as the police barricade kept the growing line of traffic off and away from the blockaded highway overpasses and the nearby surrounding area. The Mecha Kaiju saw as the local law enforcement did their best to keep the area closed off and tried to detour as much of the traffic as they could. Of course, there were a few people in a hurry to get to where they needed to be that tried to force the poor policemen and women to let them by rather than taking the detour around the blockade, which only served to turn the entire process slower for everyone involved.

Kiryu watched with some sympathy for the police that were attempting to do their jobs. The sheer size of the barrier around the ongoing battle between Kaiju made it to where multiple stations had to work together just to make sure no civilians were caught up in the middle of whatever fight was going on, let alone the fact that the barriers were essentially shutting off several highway overpasses that were central for most routes through the city. Kiryu didn't envy the police officers as he looked away from the barrier and made his way off of the street into a nearby alleyway where Zilla was going to meet up with him.

Getting past the police barrier had been a relatively simple and easy progress. When Kiryu, Zilla, Sun, Neptune, and team RWBY had gotten to that point, it hadn't been complete, especially with Kiryu having extended the area to keep blockaded by so much, so there was a wide gap that they easily could've gotten through. All that ignoring the skills from the group, especially Zilla's and Ruby's speed, Sun's agility, Blake speciality in stealth making it ridiculously easy and it practical child's play to get through.

But it wasn't getting by the police that Kiryu had been worried about, since he was all but pulling each individual police officer on a set of digital puppet strings, getting by them would've been easy no matter how skilled the group was. What Kiryu was worried about was the battle that they had just left behind. By paying close attention to the light show of the fight, Kiryu was easily able to tell that it was no longer Xenilla that was fighting Ghidorah, the ethereal green light of his telekinesis replaced by the trademark azure blue of atomic energy that signalled Godzilla. Fortunately, only him and Zilla would've been capable of telling what the light had meant, as none of Team RWBY would be able to instantly put the iconic blue glow together with Godzilla just yet, only having just scene the one practice fight that all of the team members had in the Vale arena, and not even that for Sun and Neptune. However, neither Kiryu or Zilla knew what had compelled Godzilla into coming there in the first place, or why there had been the burning streak of crimson and yellow that had just been shot across the sky into space, leaving them almost in the dark in the fight as team RWBY and their friends were.

Speaking of the group of the four Huntress and two Huntsmen in training, all six of them had been oddly quiet since the small confrontation between Yang and Zilla about whether or not they could trust Xenilla. Kiryu could tell what Zilla and him had told them was weighing heavily on their minds, and not just that either. He could tell at least a few of them were probably thinking back to what felt like days ago when the Kaiju had scolded the children about how terribly their plan really was, and the more recent talk to them over just how horrible monsters like Ghidorah could exist in the first place and how it would be their duty as Huntsman and Huntresses to stop them.

Kiryu could tell that it was only now that the boys and girls were only just now coming to realize their decisions to become Huntsman and Huntresses meant. It didn't just mean to go on fun adventures and fight the hordes of Grimm that constantly besieged all of mankind, it also meant seeing the absolute worst of humanity. It meant coming across crazed murders and seeing their handiwork. It meant having to work with and work for those in power who were more interested and furthering their own station in life than bettering the lives of those that worked for them.

The world of Remnant was colored in a dark shade of moral grey, just as Earth was and currently is, just as capable of creating dark and twisted monsters as they were in creating bright, shining beacons of hope. That was a fact that some of the teens must have come to realize for the first time ever, and a few of them must be questioning or even doubting their decision to be Huntsman and Huntresses. Honestly though, Kiryu had considered that to be a good thing. If they weren't able to handle the horrors of the battlefield or have the resolve to make the harder decisions that needed to be made by Huntsman out in the field, then they would be nothing more than a liability despite their skills and talent.

That being said, Kiryu did honestly hope that they would still decide to become Huntsman and Huntresses. Despite their earlier mistake in bringing the Atlesian Paladin onto the highway where civilian casualties were sure to be high had it not been for Zilla's presence, each one of them were certainly very skilled to be sure. Team RWBY were considered to be one of the best first year teams in Beacon by many of their teachers and fellow students, and it wasn't exactly difficult for Kiryu to look into Sun's and Neptune's records to see that they and their team weren't very far behind. Sure they each had their own flaws( Ruby's naivety, Blake's antisocial nature, and Yang's gungho nature being a few that immediately spring to mind), but Kiryu could see each of them becoming great Huntresses and Huntsman if they could get the needed experience and mature a little bit.

Still, right now, their presence was an inconvenience for Kiryu to say the least.

All of them had met Ghidorah, all of them knew that Ghidorah had a connection to Godzilla at the very least, each of them knew that Ghidorah was a high level threat capable of untold destruction, and all of them knew that at some point in time, Xenilla had attempted to and had come very close to killing Godzilla. None of that was information that Kiryu, or any of the four Kaiju, were even close to willing to give Qrow, someone they had known and could get along with, much less a colorful group of six teenage boys and girls that they had only just known for a day or two. They knew too much to be simply put, even if they didn't really understand most of that knowledge, that would only cause problems for the Kaiju.

The only brightside in the situation Kiryu could find was that none of the girls or either of the boys could try to tell anyone about what they knew without telling them how they know it, which would also put them in trouble. They wouldn't be in as much trouble as the Kaiju would be, but it would be enough to where they wouldn't want to risk telling the information. Still though it wasn't a bet Kiryu or Zilla were willing to take.

Once they were in a safe place, a small argument broke out between all of them on what they would do next. Well, it was less of an argument, and more of the Kaiju telling RWBY, Neptune, and Sun to go back to Beacon and let them handle it with some resistance to the idea from the human and faunas teams. It didn't last too long, with most of the teens already being disheartened by the night's events, Sun and Yang were the only ones that were against the idea honestly, and the both of the Kaiju in no mood to even humor the idea of letting them stay longer than they already have. After the two blondes saw that they were the only ones that were really putting up any kind of fight in the argument, they both finally had to give in since they had no support from their friends.

After sending them off, Zilla was quick to follow after them to ensure that they actually kept their word and would return to Beacon while Kiryu stayed behind to monitor the situation. Kiryu could already tell that the inevitable headache that will come from having to no doubt tell the more curious among the teens what had happened after they had left will be almost as bad as when Kiryu was next to Hokmuto. How much they would tell the teens, if they told them anything at all, will be something he, Zilla, Xenilla, and Godzilla will have to discuss when all of this is over.

Putting such thoughts out of his head, Kiryu would look up from the alleyway towards in the sky, where one of the wings of the Atlesian ships could be seen hovering above. Even with everything that Kiryu had been doing to ensure Atlas couldn't act, alongside the whoever it was that was already running haywire with their communications, Kiryu would honestly have been surprised if there was anyone up above one those ships that couldn't see the ongoing light show of blue, gold, and even the tell crimson and yellow light of the Red Spiral Ray that had been shot off into the sky a few minutes ago. If things continued as they were, it was only a matter of time until some troops up there were sent down in a Bulkhead to investigate whatever it was that was going on.

So Kiryu stopped trying to be subtle and instead just did everything he could to make sure the Atlas fleet above his head was little more than just a floating massive pile of metal. He made sure to cause as many problems with the engines as he could that wouldn't cause any permanent damage or harm to the crew. Whenever a Bulkhead was going to be activated to fly down, Kiryu would immediately shut it down or cause a problem with some important system or another. Hell, he even just turned off the lights in certain rooms to make the jobs of those in the rooms to be more difficult. Kiryu could only imagine the amount of workload the engineers up on those ships must be tantamount to the policemen down down by the barricade. He found amusement in the idea of all them trying to plot his demise if they were to ever find out he was the cause of their misfortune tonight.

There was a small burst of wind that brought Kiryu back to reality and signalled Zilla's returned presence. "I followed them until I saw that they got on the Bulkhead to Beacon." Zilla said as his greeting to Kiryu, walking up to the Mecha Kaiju as he spoke. "Did they notice you were following them?" Kiryu asked as Zilla walked past him and took a peak at the traffic caused by the blockade. "Doubt it, not that I went out of my way to be stealthy. Most of them were too caught up in their own thoughts than to notice me following them from the rooftops." Zilla answered, his back still to Kiryu as he idly watched a pair of men confronting a cop about the blockade. When Zilla soon grew bored of watching them, he would turn his back to the exit of the alley to face Kiryu, only to see Kiryu looking down at him intently.

"Uh, Kiryu? Is there something on my face or something?" Zilla asked after a second, beginning to become uncomfortable with how intently Kiryu was looking down at him. He wouldn't get a response immediately, Kiryu opting to stay silent for a few seconds before asking Zilla his own question, "Zilla, have you felt any different these last few days since we've arrived at Vale?". The question would catch Zilla completely off guard, causing him to blink a few times in surprise before raising an eyebrow. "Not really?" Zilla answered uncertainty before shaking his head to get rid of the confusion and speaking again, "Look, don't we have more pressing matters going on than how I'm adjusting to a new environment?". "That's not what I'm talking about." Kiryu said as he continued to look down at Zilla, prompting the smaller Kaiju to raise a brow before he also spoke "So are you going to tell me what's got you so concerned that I'm just not seeing?"

"You've always been the fastest one of us, but since coming to Vale, you've gotten faster. Before coming here, you were only a little bit faster than Ruby, but now you're able to have full length fights faster than a human, or even I, can process. Jumping to that level of speed in such a short time is not normal. So I ask again, have you felt any different since coming to Vale?" Kiryu explained to Zilla before asking the question once again with a greater emphasis on each word.

The mechanical Kaiju's words caused Zilla's eyes to widen briefly in realization before they narrowed in thought as he spoke, "You're right, I am a lot faster than I usually am. I didn't even realize it was happening until you had said something.".

Kiryu frowned as Zilla answered his question in a somewhat roundabout way. If Zilla really hadn't noticed that he was going so fast all of a sudden, then that meant something else in Vale was affecting him in some way to allow him to do so. But how was it strengthening him and to such a degree as well, and why was it doing it as well? And why was it only strengthening him?

Regardless, it was something they had to investigate when everything that was going on had calmed down. As another chorus of car horns erupted over the lockdown barrier, reminding both Zilla and Kiryu about what was happening, they both put it to the back of their minds. Kiryu would then open his mouth to say something to Zilla, whether it be another question or something he needed the smaller Kaiju to do Zilla would never know as it was then that he felt his scroll begin to vibrate in his pocket and for Kiryu to suddenly go silent, telling Zilla that he was also being called. Without any hesitation, Zilla would quickly pull his scroll out to see who was calling him at such a time, though he really didn't need to.

There were only about three people beside the school faculty that should have the number to contact his scroll and should be calling him. One of which was right in front of him and also receiving the call. The burning azure blue glow that was shining under the highway underpasses told Zilla that the second was probably more than a little too busy to call him right now. That left the third final one, who was the only one that was unaccounted for to make such a call.

"Where are you two right now?" Xenilla said through the scroll as soon as Zilla answered the call and put the scroll to the side of his head, not even giving him or Kiryu a chance to say something.

"We're in an alleyway near the police blockade around the fight." Kiryu answered without pause and seemingly to nothing, used to Xenilla's down to business attitude when things were serious and preferring not to use the scroll.

"What about team RWBY and their friends? How are they doing?" Xenilla then asked once Kiryu had finished speaking as Zilla noticed a light humming sound and the sound of some strong winds.

"None of them seemed to be physically hurt in any way, though some of them are definitely a bit shaken mentally. I also made sure they went straight back to Beacon. I doubt any of them will talk about what happened tonight to avoid getting in trouble for their parts in it." Zilla answered as he looked up at the sky absentmindedly to see if he could see a distant light green glow somewhere in the night sky. Part of him wanted to ask Xenilla how it came to be that his brother was fighting Ghidorah and he was not, but he knew now wasn't the time and he would get the answers at a different time.

"Whether or not they talk about what happened is about to be the least of our problems." Xenilla said after taking a second to process, in such a dead serious manner that Zilla could've mistaken it for Godzilla's if he wasn't paying attention. Zilla would lower his gaze from the sky to look at the scroll, attempting to give Xenilla a 'are you fucking kidding me' look through the scroll. Kiryu instead would simply frown as he took in Xenilla's words, his yellow eyes slowly drifting towards where the atomic blue glow was, only for them to narrow once he realized that the glow seemed to have disappeared, which implied only a handful of scenarios that Kiryu was not a fan of.

"How bad are we talking here?" Zilla asked once he thought he was mentally prepared for whatever Xenilla had to say as he also took notice in the lack of the iconic blue glow, causing him to wonder if that had anything with what the crystal saurian was about to say.

"Destroyah is on Remnant, plus Ghidorah had his scent on him and was still alive without any horrific injuries, implying that they're working together." Xenilla said bluntly without any semblance of cushioning the verbal blow.

A chill blew down Zilla's spine as he stiffened in utter fear, and his mind seemed to outright reject the very notion of what Xenilla just told him. Kiryu also seemed to have a similar, despite his mechanical nature making it to where he couldn't feel his spine as well as Zilla could. Not that either could really be blamed for reacting that way. Zilla had only just experienced a small sliver of what Ghidorah was capable of and he was completely overwhelmed. Add in what he had heard about what Destroyah was capable of and Kiryu's own greater personal experiences with BOTH of those Kaijus, and it was only natural that their reactions of fear and shock were so extreme.

"...Fucking hell!" Zilla muttered to himself as his free hand went up to gently rub his temples in order to calm himself down, and he could see Kiryu doing something similar through his fingers.

"That's not it either…" Xenilla began before pausing for some reason, which Zilla chose to believe the reason was because he could actually feel the glares that both he and Kiryu were giving him through the scroll, practically daring him how it could possibly get worse after what he had just told them. It was only then when Xenilla spoke that they realized that there was indeed something to make their situation even worse, "Godzilla is currently fighting Ghidorah and Hokmuto to try and pry any information that he can about Destroyah from them, and from the way things are looking, he's decided to go all out.".

As if on cue, the atomic blue light from under the highway underpasses that had nearly completely died out, exploded back to life with a much greater intensity than it had been before, grabbing the attention of everyone. The city seemed to go silent as all the civilians and policemen were enraptured by the bright blue light that had roared back to life with a vengeance, as something about the ethereal blue glow set off every single alarm in their survival instincts, even if none of them could look away from it. It was only through his intimate knowledge of what that light was and what always came with it that Zilla had the foresight to cover his ears, not wanting his sensitive sense of hearing to be damaged with what came next while Kiryu grit his teeth and braced his audio receptors.


Godzilla's iconic roar blasted through the night air, seeming to shake the very foundations of the buildings of Vale and shattering most of the nearby windows. It's power only seemed even more deafening with the pre roar silence, and it seemed that the sound could be heard all the way to Beacon, if not all across the world. Those who close enough could feel the roar's power reverberate all throughout their being as they tried and failed to protect their own hearing after the first couple of seconds.

Despite it feeling like it went on forever, especially for Zilla and the unfortunate faunas in the area that had better hearing than humans, the roar did eventually come to an end after several long seconds. When it did end, the earlier silence returned, only stronger, for the roar was heard all over the city, dominating and silencing any other sound that dared to challenge it. The silence, along with the stillness of everything following the, to them, alien noise, made it seem like that time had come to a stop for the citizens of Vale as they found themselves unable to look away from the blue glow where the roar had originated from.

For Zilla and Kiryu on the other hand, time was anything but frozen.

"Can this night get any fucking worse!?" Zilla asked no one in particular out of frustration as he rubbed his ringing ears, earning him a fierce glare from Kiryu.

"It most definitely can if we don't run damage control for Godzilla." Xenilla said through the call, speaking up a bit so Zilla could hear him through the ringing of his ears.

"Right so what's the plan then Xenilla?" Kiryu said, knowing that with Godzilla using so much of his power, they didn't have time to talk or come up with any complex plan of action.

"You two will have to make sure no one gets any closer, with Zilla using his speed to take people away if they do get too close. Kiryu, do what you can to make sure the local law enforcement don't send in any teams to investigate, see if you can extend the barrier around the area even further, and keep the Atlas fleet dead in the air. I'll use my powers to limit the collateral damage, and physically step in if I feel like it's gone on for too long. Also, we'll have to find Godzilla a matching set of clothing for after this when we can, since I doubt his current set has survived even this far." Xenilla explained the game plan, prompting both of the other Kaiju to nod in understanding, not that he was able to see it through the scroll.

There was a clicking sound in the call after a second, signaling Xenilla ending the call, trusting the other two to get to work after he did once he didn't get any kind of questions.

"This has got to be the longest night of my life." Zilla said with an agitated sigh, cradling his face with one hand while the other closed his scroll and put it back into his pocket.

"And it's only about to get even longer." Kiryu responded, looking past him and out of the entrance of the alleyway, seeing some of the people in the street begin to move once again in a panic, now trying to get as far away from where the roar had come from as they could.

"For fuck sakes…" Zilla muttered under his breath as he turned on his heel before disappearing in a powerful burst of wind, going off to fulfill his assigned role. Now alone, Kiryu would stare where Zilla was for a few seconds, mentally sighing as his eyes drifted back to the under the highway overpass, where the atomic blue glow was as strong as ever, before going back up to stare at the floating Atleasan ships. His earlier sympathies for giving the technicians aboard those warships such massive work loads were now gone, because as of right now, his workload was FAR bigger in comparison.

Back under the highway overpasses

Hokmuto felt nothing but unbridled terror surging through him as the transformed Godzilla's spines only continued to glow with the iconic color blue of Nuclear Energy.

Well,that wasn't quite true if one were to be completely honest.

He could feel the ringing in his ears after being practically deathened from. He could also feel the rough gray scales on Godzilla's tail scrape against the skin of his neck as the reptilian appendage tightened around it in response to his futile struggles to remove it from around his neck. Most importantly, he could feel the raw heat of pure nuclear energy radiating from Godzilla's snarled mouth, and he had yet to even fully open his mouth with Hokmuto being several feet away from it.

Sweat from the growing heat ran down Hokmuto's brow as he became more desperate and frantic in his struggles to escape, clawing more and more at Godzilla's tail. He thrashed his body around in the air, hoping to slip out of the tails constricting grasp, but it was to mean nothing, for Godzilla's tail remained firm around his neck. Finally, Hokmuto would come to a dead stop and freeze as he heard Godzilla breath in a deep breath, each and every one of the maple leaf shaped spines on his back lit up an atomic blue.

Godzilla's eyes, already glowing with blue light, flashed with an even greater intensity as he pulled his head back. Suddenly, his tail would quickly uncoil from around Hokmuto's neck, causing the terrified parasitic Kaiju to spin in the air like a top. With his tail now out of harm's way, Godzilla would throw his head forward as he opened his mouth to fully unleash his Atomic Breath to finish Hokmuto off.

And it would've done that and more, for in his Faunas form, his atomic breath was on par with, or even exceeding, the Red Spiral Ray he had fired off earlier with Reactor. If it hit Hokmuto, or anything for that matter, it would have instantly vaporized him down to the very last item. However, at the very last millisecond before Godzilla fired his signature attack and wiped Hokmuto off of the face of the planet, a familiar golden figure would make his appearance.

Dropping out from the sky, having retreated there after being knocked away from Hokmuto in the dust cloud for safety, Ghidorah grabbed Hokmuto with the hand that wasn't holding his trident. Preceding to practically slam the two of them into the ground under his momentum. "Ghid-?" Hokmuto started in surprise and confusion, now incredibly dizzy from being spun like a top and dazed from being slammed into the ground alongside being choked a moment ago, but was interrupted by Godzilla finally opening his mouth all the way and letting loose the built up atomic energy.

The space Hokmuto had been before Ghidorah grabbed him was suddenly blasted with a solid laser that was the shade of blue iconic of both Godzilla and of nuclear energy. The low humming of the charge disappeared as the sound of condensed energy rushed over Ghidorah's and Hokmuto's heads alongside the heat and shockwaves produced by the attack. So much energy and power was in the laser that just being under it, Ghidorah and Hokmuto felt their skins begin to tan and even blister as they bent their heads closer to the ground.

Unfortunately for them, Godzilla began to tilt his head downward, reangling the laser to hit both of them on the ground rather than nothing in the air besides maybe some of the remaining pillars or some far off building.

Seeing this, Ghidorah grit his teeth together before kicking Hokmuto off to the side, both to get him out of harm's way and let out some of his frustration with him for just about everything that happened tonight. Hokmuto let out a yelp of surprise and pain when Ghidorah kicked him out off to the side, though since he was now safe, he couldn't complain about it, even if he was still in pain from having his spine broken earlier.

To get to safety himself, Ghidorah would roll out of the way just before the Atomic Breath turned the area he had been into a crater of molten concrete. Rolling on to his knees, Ghidorah would bring his trident up to bear before thrusting it forward as he stood up fully. In reaction to this, Godzilla would slam his mouth shut, cutting off his Atomic Breath, with the last bits of nuclear flame leaking out of the corner of his mouth as the azure blue glow produced by his spines died away, and taking a step back to dodge the thrust. However, he was clearly slower than he had been before his transformation so he was unable to completely avoid the trident's thrust.

Unfortunately for Ghidorah though, with his opponent's height having doubled, the only thing he was capable of hitting with his thrust was Godzilla's lower stomach, which was covered by his notoriously durable scales. As a result, despite how sharp the trident's heads were, the only thing the thrust was capable of doing was scraping over Godzilla's scales without even being able to leave a noticeable scratch. A surge of panic ran through Ghidorah seeing his weapon not even doing any damage.

Recognizing how his normal attacks wouldn't even be able to hurt Godzilla, Ghidorah was quick to pull his trident back and jump away from Godzilla, knowing that a melee fight with his opponent would've been tantamount to suicide. If he wanted to do any kind of damage, he would have to rely on his Gravity Beams while keeping whatever distance he could between him and Godzilla. However, whether or not it was because he recognized what it was that Ghidorah was hoping to do or his transformation had brought enhanced the relentless fury he was known for, it was clear that Godzilla wasn't just going to go along with what Ghidorah was planning to do.

While Ghidorah was still in the process of jumping away, Godzilla's clawed hand slashed where Ghidorah's neck had been not even a second before with enough force to have cleanly taken Ghidorah's head off. He would then lunge after his old rival as his feet touched the ground again, using his other hand to claw at Ghidorah once again. Ghidorah seeing Godzilla lunge after him would take advantage of the sudden height difference and would duck under the clawed slash.

Godzilla then slammed his front foot into the ground, shattering the concrete under it with the force of before he transferred the momentum he had from his initial lunge and began to turn around. Ghidorah's eyes widened in recognition of what Godzilla was doing, and would jump back as fast as he could to avoid it. Even with that, Golden King of Terror wouldn't avoid the tailwhip completely, as Godzilla's powerful tail snapped around in a wide arc around his body with enough force to kick up a powerful burst of wind that carried Ghidorah backwards.

Ghidorah grit his teeth as he put his arms in front of his face protectively as he felt himself be blown backwards quite the distance until the twin capes on his back flared open, slowing him to a gentle stop, his golden armored boots clicking against the concrete. Lowering his arms and letting out a deep breath, Ghidorah saw that the wind kicked up from Godzilla's tailwhip had carried him well over twenty yards away from the Faunas Godzilla. Since he now had quite a bit of breathing room, Ghidorah was now able to properly evaluate the situation, which didn't look very good for him.

In his Faunas state, which Ghidorah still didn't know how he managed to transform into, Godzilla seemed like he was completely invulnerable to Ghidorah's attacks where he was covered by his scales, which was over half of his body. His Gravity Beams might be able to do some damage if he managed to charge them off and fire them, but even if he was able to do so, Godzilla's ability to regenerate was sure to undo any damage that did do. In contrast, if Godzilla was in any way stronger than he had been pre-transformation, with every reason pointing to the fact that he should, Godzilla only needed one solid hit to take him out or even potentially kill him. To further add on to the list of Godzilla's advantages, even if Ghidorah was able to get and keep enough distance between him and Godzilla to continuously fire off Gravity Beams somehow, all Godzilla had to do was fire his powerful Atomic Breath.

The only thing Ghidorah saw going for him was that Godzilla was a great deal slower than he had been before.

"Tch!" Ghidorah grunted in growing frustration before a growl erupted out of his throat as he saw no way for him or Hokmuto to hurt, let alone defeat, Godzilla. The only option he saw was to retreat with Hokmuto while he still could to survive and come up with a plan to fight him effectively… or more accurately, have a specific ally to fight him. The thought of which caused Ghidorah to tighten his grip on his trident even more in his ever growing frustration. Godzilla was his enemy to kill, not his, but not only did it seem like relying on him was his only option, his old rival was suddenly so much more powerful than him that he couldn't even hurt him.

Everything about this situation frustrated and angered Ghidorah to his very core. Before, Ghidorah was always considered the stronger between the two of them. Even if he had lost against Godzilla more often than not, that was always because Godzilla was assisted in some way by the humans or other Kaiju. So how is it Godzilla was suddenly able to completely overpower him at every turn now!?

A gust of wind behind him brought Ghidorah back to reality.

Barely turning his head to look at Hokmuto while still being able to keep Godzilla in his line of sight, Ghidorah saw that his subordinate had gotten both of his hooked blades, which he was now holding onto tightly in an offensive manner as he stared forward at Godzilla.

"What's the plan Ghidorah?" Hokmuto asked, the tone of his voice, the way he held his hooked blades, and his stance telling Ghidorah that he still intended to continue the fight despite how clearly they were outclassed.

"We're retreating." Ghidorah said, keeping his anger at actually having to say such a thing out of his voice, but his tone was still stern, making sure there was no room for argument.

"Wha-But if I keep him busy, you can-!" Hokmuto said in an attempt to argue despite how serious Ghidorah was, somehow deluding himself into thinking that they could still kill Godzilla somehow before Ghidorah interrupted him.

"Enough Hokmuto!" Ghidorah commanded angrily, silencing Hokmuto as his frustration finally exploded out and gave his subordinate a furious glare as his face contorted into a snarl, causing Hokmuto to visibly flinch.

"I can not hurt him, while all he needs is one solid hit to kill both of us! Even if he couldn't, the nanobots I used earlier are finally dying so you wouldn't last long in the fight anyway!" Ghidorah roared at Hokmuto as bluntly and as clearly as he could to get the parasitic Kaiju to finally see how outlassed they were, "Our only option if we want to get out of here alive is to retreat!".

It actually hurt Ghidorah to verbally admit such a thing, but he wasn't going to let him or one of his subordinates die for little to no reason. No, retreating now was the only decision that they had if they both wanted to live. Especially since Godzilla was clearly slower than he had been before, so if both of them were to fly away, it was unlikely Godzilla would be able to keep up with them.

Finally, Hokmuto seemed to have realized just how stupid it was for them to have fought Godzilla, since he had opened his mouth to argue against it, only for him to close it slowly without saying anything as he grit his teeth in frustration. It was either that or Hokmuto saw that Ghidorah was in no mood to be argued with, and it was not in his best interest to press the matter. Ghidorah didn't care which because either way, this entire event was sure to be over soon.

As it turned out, however, the universe, or more specifically Godzilla, was plotting against him.

Since Ghidorah had finally snapped at Hokmuto, that meant that neither of them had, in the brief exchange, noticed that Godzilla crouched down lower to the ground. The King of the Monsters would then disappear, a massive crater created where he had been standing at the same time a massive blast of air exploded out from the same spot. Hearing what sounded like an explosion go off, both Ghidorah and Hokmuto snapped their attention back to find out what had happened, only for time to come to a near stop as they saw Godzilla's massive form towering over them with one of clawed hands pulled back for an attack, a path of shattered concrete in his wake behind him.

Neither of them had time to question how Godzilla had somehow managed to close the distance between them in the blink of an eye before their instincts kicked in and their bodies jumped back to dodge it as their minds were still too busy processing everything. Not a second later, Godzilla's fist would slam down in between where the two had been standing with enough force to not only create a visible shockwave in the air that blew Ghidorah and Hokmuto further back, but caused the concrete around him to be blown back in a wave like motion in a style around him as if like a ripple in water. It was clear Godzilla wasn't finished though, as his head shot up and locked onto Ghidorah as he landed back onto the ground.

Another low growl rumbled out of Godzilla's throat as he leant down as far as he could go, to the point that if he went any farther down he would've had to be on all fours. His legs would tense before they pushed against the ground, shattering the earth and concrete below him as he shot forward, using his overwhelming strength to make up for his lack of speed to propel himself as speeds that would rival Ruby and Zilla at full sprint.

Actually seeing just how it was Godzilla was capable of moving so fast, Ghidorah's eyes widened, but he also knew that there was one disadvantage of using such a method to move so fast.

Ghidorah quickly jumped to the side, knowing that if Godzilla missed him, he wouldn't be capable of easily stopping or turning to chase after him once he shot past him. What he didn't know is that, even through whatever animalistic rage that had consumed him, Godzilla was also aware of this and he knew Ghidorah would notice it as well. So as Ghidorah was attempting to get out of the way, Godzilla slammed his foot down into the ground and dragged through the concrete and earth to slow him so that when he was close enough, he would shoot up from his lowered position, letting a roar as he slashed his clawed hand out at Ghidorah.

Caught off guard by the tactic, Ghidorah had no way of avoiding the attack in time, so he did the only thing that he was capable of doing, bringing up his trident in a defensive manner in an attempt to block it or redirect it at least. But what happened instead was Ghidorah's trident did nothing to even slow Godzilla's clawed slash, completely tearing the golden weapon in half before Ghidorah's widening eyes. He watched in what felt like slow motion as continued through the air unimpeded towards him before a crimson spray of blood flew through the air.

Ghidorah let out a cry of pain as he felt Godzilla's claws tear through the flesh of his upper arm with nothing able to stop them without his aura, his golden armor having been cut through like butter with a hot knife and the dragon head shoulder guard on his left shoulder having been disfigured and smashed open beyond recognition and all but destroyed with the ruby gems that had been its eyes shattered. It was only because of the angle Ghidorah had jumped at that Godzilla didn't completely take the lower half of his arm off, or worse, a chunk of his torso.

Despite having slowed himself enough to attack Ghidorah by slamming his foot into and through the ground, Godzilla still had a large amount of momentum affecting him. As such, he was unable to continue his assault on the now weaponless and somewhat crippled Ghidorah as he continued past him for a good distance. Meanwhile, Ghidorah still had his own momentum from his jump carrying backwards.

Even before his feet had touched the ground, Ghidorah's right hand flew to the injured, upper part of his left arm, wincing as he put pressure on the wound. When he did come in contact with the ground, he immediately fell onto his knees, breathing heavily from the pain in his arm. All Godzilla did was essentially grazed him with an attack and now he had lost his weapon, heavily wounded, and bleeding heavily, feeling the warm current of blood flow down his arm and beginning to pool into the fingers of his left gauntlet. Ghidorah grit his teeth, not just in pain, but in anger as well because it all but confirmed that there was only one person he knew that was going to be capable of fighting Godzilla on an equal footing in this state. Even if he was loathe to admit it, and refused to do so out loud.

Another roar from Godzilla startled Ghidorah before a thunderous explosion was heard off in the distance.

Survival instinct kicked in, and adrenaline surged through Ghidorah's veins, allowing him to roll off to the side through the pain in his arm. Immediately after, Godzilla came back down from a powerful jump, seemingly falling from the sky and landing right where Ghidorah had been with enough force to create a powerful shockwave strong enough to pick Ghidorah up off of the ground. Grunting in pain as he was thrown into the air from the shockwave, Ghidorah's twin capes would flap open in the open air, allowing Ghidorah to gain control of himself.

With Godzilla's form clouded in yet another thick dust cloud, Ghidorah hazarded a quick look around the area in an attempt to find where Hokmuto had disappeared to. When he failed to find any sign of him, Ghidorah assumed that he had finally gotten through to him earlier and he had pulled back, thinking Ghidorah was more than capable of getting out of there by himself. Under most circumstances, Ghidorah would've been beyond enraged if one of his allies had left him in the middle of the fight, but with everything that had happened tonight, he was just glad that he was finally going to be able to leave.

His capes would then pull out even more in preparation for him to ascend into the sky and retreat, but it was then that a low growl could be heard from the dust cloud as it began to fade and dissipate away. Rays of azure light from within the dust cloud became visible at the same time that a familiar low hum could be heard as Godzilla became visible once again, with his mable leaf shaped spines beginning to light up blue. At this sight, Ghidorah was quick to fly upwards towards the highway overpasses up above them, knowing that while they may not survive being hit with the Atomic Breath, they would at least allow him to break Godzilla's line of sight with him and allow him to retreat.

However, before Ghidorah could even get halfway, Hokmuto decided to reveal himself, disproving any notion of him retreating that Ghidorah had hoped for.

"Die you bastard!" Hokmuto declared, as he appeared just above Godzilla's massive form, his two hooked blades pulled back in a slash that was aimed to behead Godzilla while he was still charging his atomic breath.

"You damn fool!" Ghidorah yelled out once he heard Hokmuto's defiant, and insanely idiotic, cry of victory as he stopped in midair to dive back down after him.

As Hokmuto swung both of his blades, it became immediately clear to Ghidorah that at the angle that they were going, Hokmuto was aiming to take advantage of what was very well the only thing Godzilla had akin to a "weak point", his gills. And indeed, the gills, not as protected by the scales as the rest of his body, had often been the targets of attacks from both humans and Kaiju alike to a decent level of success. So as Hokmuto's blades cut into them, they did actually manage to succeed in cutting deep enough to cause a small spurt of blood.

However, it was going to take more than a lucky hit on him and a bit of bleeding to bring down Godzilla.

Hokmuto's eyes widened in shock as his blades were stopped not even half an inch deep rather than going all the way through Godzilla's neck like he had been expecting. He tried to pull them out, either so he could flee or so that he could try to attack once again, only to discover that his blades were stuck, much to his horror. And to further add onto that horror, Hokmuto then noticed that Godzilla's burning and enraged eyes were locked onto him as the King of the Monsters let out another growl.

Acting on his survival instincts for what may very well have been the first time that night as far as Ghidorah was concerned, Hokmuto immediately let go of his blades before trying to fly away, but it was too late for that. Godzilla twisted his body around as fast as he could as his arm shot upward, grabbing Hokmuto's ankle just before he could get out of arm's reach for him. Using what was probably more strength than necessary, Godzilla pulled Hokmuto down and slammed him down against the concrete ground with enough force for Hokmuto to visibly cough up blood and make a Hokmuto shaped outline in the hard ground.

Godzilla wasn't done with just that, however, he then dragged Hokmuto through the concrete as he pulled him up and threw him up into the air. Stunned, dazed, and more than a little bruised and blooded after his trip with the concrete, Hokmuto lay there in the air, helpless and unable to fly away from what came next. And Ghidorah, still too far to help him, leaving nothing able to stop Godzilla.

The maple leaf spines on Godzilla's back glowed brightly with azure light as he took a deep breath in before opening his mouth and letting loose his atomic breath out at Hokmuto. Since it hadn't charged as long as the last one, not only was it not as powerful, but it wasn't the iconic concentrated laser beam that was the, rather, it was a stream of blue nuclear fire. The flames shot forward, quickly covering the stunned and dazed parasitic Kaiju in their blue light and pushing him up further into the air.

Ghidorah's eyes widened at the sight of his subordinate being lost in the stream of nuclear fire, before he continued his dive as he narrowed his eyes onto a specific spot on Godzilla. He had an idea, a potentially stupid one, but it what was the only option that he had to try and get both him and Hokmuto out of this stupid mess. It had a good deal of problems, but by far the biggest one, next to having to get within arm's reach of Godzilla, was that it relied on him having to do something that he hadn't quite gotten the hang of yet.

Slowing his descent just the smallest amount possible, Ghidorah closed his eyes in focus as his right hand tensed up. A second later, the same golden electricity his Gravity Beams were made of crackled between his fingers. It was weaker and a much paler shade of gold as the ones from his trident, but it was enough for what he needed to do.

Opening his eyes with a determined and absolutely focused look in the red eyes as he closed the distance between him and Godzilla, stopping right behind him and to the side just before they would've come into contact. Acting while Godzilla still had yet to notice him, Ghidorah quickly shot his left hand up, grabbing the handles of Hokmuto's blades in one hand before pulling as hard as he could. As Ghidorah ripped the blades out of Godzilla's neck, a spurt of blood erupting from the wound as he did, he winced in pain at having to use his injured arm in order to do so, causing the golden electricity emitted from his hand to weaken and nearly fizzled out completely as Ghidorah nearly lost focus before he regained it, allowing it to return to full strength.

Of course, Godzilla noticed having the two weapons so violently ripped out of the side of his neck. His draconic, burning orange eyes quickly locked onto Ghidorah, and he began to turn his head, intent on also covering Ghidorah in nuclear fire. However, he wasn't fast enough to stop Ghidorah from jamming his charged hand as far into the wound before letting loose.

The reaction between Godzilla's nuclear energy and Ghidorah's Gravity Beam energy meeting within Godzilla's throat was a violent one to say the least.

A small, but powerful explosion went off, blowing Ghidorah back and away from Godzilla, who was not only knocked to the side, but visibly injured as well. One of Godzilla's hands flew up to cover a large, noticeable, and bleeding hole in the side of his neck, blood gushing out between his fingers and down his back and chest. Godzilla had to take a few minutes to recover from such a wound, even if he was already healing at a rate that it would be completely closed within the next ten minutes. When he had catched his breath enough to return to the fight, he would look back at where Ghidorah had gone, his face contorted in an enraged snarl of absolute fury.

He wouldn't find Ghidorah though, because the moment after the explosion had knocked him back, he had immediately reangled himself in midair to fly to where Hokmuto was and grab him out of the air with his one, uninjured arm.

Seeing what state Hokmuto was in, even Ghidorah had to wince at what condition he was in. Most of his clothes, including his glasses and the entirety of his jacket, had been completely incinerated from Godzilla's atomic flames, allowing Ghidorah to easily see that most of his body was covered in second to third degree burns. Hokmuto's eyes were shut, meaning he had either lost consciousness or was dead, and Ghidorah couldn't tell which one was the case since it didn't appear like Hokmuto was breathing.

Another roar from Godzilla told Ghidorah that he had recovered from earlier.

On instinct, Ghidorah twisted around in the air, narrowly avoiding Godzilla, who had leapt up into the air after him only to blow straight past him. Steading himself in midair after his evasive maneuver, Ghidorah watched Godzilla fly off from the momentum of his own jump and unable to change his course in the middle of the air with nothing to jump off of, much less stop himself. Knowing he only had a couple of seconds, Ghidorah quickly adjusted his grip on Hokmuto to be the easiest way to hold him, not that it was exactly hard for him to hold Hokmuto to begin with. With that Ghidorah's capes flapped open before Ghidorah began to fly upwards toward the sky as fast as he could.

He had almost made it above the overpasses they had been under for what felt like ages before he heard another explosion like sound off in the distance and every instinct he had screamed at him to stop. Ghidorah's capes flapped as far out as they could, bringing him to a near dead stop in midair, just before a massive, charcoal grey blur passed through where he would've been had he not stopped himself. Said blur would keep going upward for a few seconds before slamming into said overpasses with enough force to absolutely shatter it. From the force, the bridge-like overpass would seemingly bend upwards as the concrete and asphalt were thrown up as they were broken apart. This wouldn't last though, as gravity took control, the now shattered pieces of the overpass began to fall back down to the earth, with Ghidorah and the grievously injured Hokmuto caught right in the middle of this miniature asteroid shower.

Ghidorah's jaw set in determination before continuing to fly upwards, only now he was slowed down a bit by having to dodge and twist around the large concrete pieces of debris in order to avoid them. With as experienced as he was. However, it would still become clear that they were still the least of Ghidorah's problems.

One of the smaller pieces of debris, though it was still about the same size as a large dog, shot past Ghidorah's head at speed similar to a bullet, missing him only by the width of a hair. Ghidorah flinched at having something moving so fast so close to his head, and flying back a bit, only to felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise up as he was nearly put right into the path of Godzilla, who had slashed at him once again as he flew by through the air. Feeling Godzilla pass by and miss him, Ghidorah would turn in the direction that Godzilla had gone in, only to see Godzilla on one of the large pieces of falling debris before disappearing, shattering the chunk of concrete from the force of jumping off of it.

Ghidorah didn't even have time to blink or widen his eyes in realization at what Godzilla was doing before he blew straight by him close enough that Ghidorah had been pushed back from the winds in his wake, nearly losing his grip on Hokmuto in the process. The only reason Godzilla hadn't been slammed into him was because the King of the Monsters had jumped at the wrong estimation, having not noticed or factored in that the piece of debris he had jumped off of had been slowly spinning. With a grunt of effort, Ghidorah managed to correct himself in midair while keeping his grip on Hokmuto.

After regaining control of his flight, Ghidorah was quick to look around him, attempting to locate Godzilla before it was too late, and would jump off of one of the stones back at him. Though he wasn't able to locate him, as one of the larger chunks of falling concrete forced him to move whether he wanted to or not. It didn't matter if he did find Godzilla though, for as long as he was in this falling field of debris, Godzilla was fully capable of keeping up with him in the air. So the solution was the same as what he was planning to do, ascending higher into the air and retreating from the battle.

Ghidorah's twin capes flapped open before he shot up higher into the air as fast as he could. Had he looked back, he would've seen that had he been even a moment slower, Godzilla would've rammed right where he had been before. Which began the little game of aerial cat and mouse. Ghidorah would fly as fast he possibly could up through the air while performing evasive maneuvers to dodge the still falling concrete boulders of debris and to be as unpredictable as possible, as to avoid Godzilla striking him in midair. The Golden Kaiju King would stick as close as he could to the more humongous pieces of debris that he could use for cover, in a strategy that was similar to what he had done in that fight against Xenilla. All the while, Godzilla chased after him as best he could, leaping out at him when Ghidorah happened to line up where he was with another chunk of concrete that was big enough for him to jump off of if he had missed. And much to Ghidorah's fortune and Godzilla's ever growing frustration and rage, his more agile flying prey had managed to dodge everyone of his attacks.

After a few minutes that felt like hours to Ghidorah, as he weaved between the falling boulders of concrete to avoid the darting Godzilla, Ghidorah finally above the last of the falling debris and continued to fly upwards until he was finally above the overpasses.

Now in relative safety, Ghidorah looked around him in the air to see what direction he should go. He could see the flashing red and blue lights of the police barricade off in the distance and the floating mass of silver that was the Atlas fleet that was oddly silent and unmoving, though he could guess that Gigan had something to do with why that was the case. Ghidorah would then take an extra second to look down to the unconscious Kaiju he held with his uninjured arm, and frowned seeing that Hokmuto still didn't seem to even be breathing. If he was still alive, it was clear he didn't have much longer for him to get some help to survive.

With this in mind, Ghidorah's capes would stretch out to their fullest extent in preparation for him to take off toward the South East direction as fast as he could. The wings then gave a powerful flap, sending Ghidorah higher into the air and forward in the direction of the South East, which just so happened to be the same direction that the Atlas ships were hovering in. However, Godzilla still was not done with him…

As Ghidorah began to fly away high into the air, Godzilla had jumped out from under the overpasses, landing on one with enough force to shatter the asphalt and concrete. The loud noise of such a landing drew Ghidorah's attention, prompting him to look back even as he continued to fly forward. What he saw, however, nearly caused him to stop dead in the air before he looked away with his capes flapping once again to increase his speed.

Godzilla's burning orange eyes never left Ghidorah though as he continued to fly away from him, even as they began to glow the iconic shade of blue. The low hum in the air began to grow louder and louder, to where even Ghidorah was able to hear it. Each and every maple leaf shaped spike on Godzilla's back and tail were glowing brightly in the darkness of night. The King of Monsters then rose up to stand at his full height from his crouched position, breaking his line of sight with Ghidorah to bend his head back to take in a deep breath. The humming of his charge would then end, bringing the briefest moment of silence before Godzilla threw his head forward, his mouth opening to unleash the fully charged beam of condensed nuclear energy that was his Atomic Breath at the fleeing form of Godzilla.

A shockwave of air blasted out from around Godzilla as he fired the azure beam of energy, which raced through the air towards it's target at incredible speeds. Ghidorah, the target of said beam, knew he had no chance to actually outrun the nuclear laser. So, as the Atomic Breath rapidly closed the distance, and at the last possible second before it could've hit him, Ghidorah's capes closed around him and Hokmuto as they spun off to the side as it shot past him. Once he and the nearly dead Hokmuto were safely out of the way, Ghidorah unfurled the capes from around him, catching them in the air and allowing them to safely dive down toward the city, knowing that he'll be able to lose Godzilla in the maze of buildings that was the city of Vale.

However, unlike the earlier shots of the Red Spiral Ray and the Atomic Breath, this one simply did not continue to fly off into the night sky or impact some far away wall or building. No, now that it had missed its target, the powerful laser continued to fly in the air with nothing in it's path to stop it. That is, nothing besides one of the Atlesian ships that were still floating in the air.

The soldiers and technians onboard of the ship, previously distracted by their attempts to get their ship into actual working order and stop the bizarre malfunctions they had been dealing with all night, now looked out of their windows to see the blue laser flying toward them. Before most of them could even process such a thing, the ship suddenly roared to life after refusing to move for what seemed like the entire night. Both crew and military personnel alike aboard the vessel began to fall over as the airship's engines suddenly blasted at full strength in an attempt to get out of the path of the Atomic Breath. However, it was clear that the ship still was not going to be able to get out of the way in time to avoid the attack.

But just before the laser impacted the ship, a weak, dull green aura seemed to outline the entire ship before another it shifted in directions suddenly, turning in midair toward the laser in and minimizing the profile of the ship that could be hit.

Had it not been for that strange maneuver, it was possible that the entire ship could have been destroyed, and because of it, the Atomic Breath only grazed the side of the great Airship before blowing past it towards the empty sky.

Still though, the damage from the impact had been extensive. Fire could be seen burning on the part of the ship that the laser had hit. Most of the personnel onboard the ship had been knocked down onto the ground from the impact of being hit, with some having been injured. Then there were the men and women that had been in the area that had been directly hit by the Atomic Breath, most of which were clearly not going to survive or were already dead.

All the while, the inhabitants of Vale had looked up towards the sky to see the laser fly through the air and visibly damaged what had seemingly been an invincible airship of the strongest military on Remnant.

But Godzilla didn't care about the damage he had inadvertently done to the Atlesian airship or the panic that was now going through the city because of it. All he cared about was that he had missed his target. He let out a growl of frustration and of rage as he watched Ghidorah continue to dive down toward the city before his spins once again began to glow blue once again.

The low hum of his charging could be heard around him, but as the last of his spines began to let off the iconic blue glow, the hum suddenly shifted and tone to become a deeper sound. The blue light began to darken into a red crimson color as yellow electricity began to dance and crackle between his spines. Godzilla's burning eyes followed Ghidorah down from his dive as he was just about to be lost amongst the many buildings of the city. He pulled his head back as the yellow electricity in between his spines suddenly intensified in crimson light as Godzilla prepared to unleash his ultimate attack to completely annihilate Ghidorah, Hokmuto, and anything in its path-

"Godzilla! Stop!" Xenilla's voice commanded out from behind Godzilla, causing his eyes to widen as he stopped mid-breath, the yellow electricity dying off and the crimson glow faded away. His head snapped behind him to see Xenilla flying above him, his body covered in the green aura.

Realization filled Godzilla as he snapped his head back in the direction he had been looking before to see the damaged form of the Atlesian airship still burning off in the distance and to catch one last glimpse of Ghdorah's form as he dived behind one of the many buildings.

Silence fell between the two brother Kaiju as Godzilla looked at the result of his actions and Xenilla landed behind him before walking up beside him, not intimidated by Godzilla's massive form that stood at twice his height.

"...I've made a real fucking mess of things haven't I, Xenilla?" Godzilla said, still looking at the Atlesian airship, his voice deeper and more primal in his Faunas form as opposed to how it was in his human form.

"Yes you did." Xenilla said bluntly before shrugging, "But that's something that has to be expected from you at this point, so I can't really be surprised.".

"Maybe, but this isn't exactly going to make things easier for us in the future. Not to mention I have absolutely nothing to show for it..." Godzilla said, his eyes shifting down a bit to the location where Ghidorah disappeared as he closed his fists in frustration, his claws digging into his palm from how tight they were.

"...We were already going to have to change the plan the moment Ghidorah and Hokmuto showed up out of nowhere. We'll just have to adapt to this and plan around this." Xenilla said after a second of contemplation, "Though, admittedly, I can't see an easy way around this.".

Godzilla didn't give a verbal response at that last bit, opting to instead just tighten his fist even further, causing his claws to break the skin and him to begin to lightly bleed.

Xenilla gave out a sigh at seeing the drops of blood fall from Godzilla's closed fist like that, "I know you were already planning on transforming, but what caused you to lose control like that?".

Godzilla looked away from his brother, even if he wasn't looking at him to begin with, not wanting to look at him at all as he begrudgingly answered, "...They destroyed the photo of me and my family."

Xenilla's eyes widened in surprise at the answer as he quickly looked over to Godzilla, suddenly understanding what had caused him to become so enraged, "...Shit.".

"Yeah…" Godzilla said before another silence fell between the two of them, the only sounds they could hear were the sounds of the police sirens off in the distance as the law enforcement mobilized in response to whatever panic was rising in the city.

"We'll get Kiryu to make another one for you when we go meet up with him and Zilla to get you some new clothes before we head back to Beacon to discuss what we do from here." Xenilla said, reaching up to put his arm comfortingly on Godzilla's back as high up as he could since he was unable to reach his shoulder, which was only around the middle of Godzilla's back.

Godzilla finally turned his head back around to look down on his brother before nodding his head. "I get the feeling tomorrow will be a long day then." Godzilla said as he looked back at the burning Atlesian airship one last time.

"Yeah, me too, but I doubt it will be as long as tonight has been at least." Xenilla said doing the same thing.

After a few seconds, both brothers turned their backs on the sight before finally leaving the area for good, with Xenilla flying off as his body was covered in the green aura and Godzilla following after him with a powerful leap into the air. So they left to go decide on what to do for the future, leaving all of Remnant to figure out what had happened here tonight.