Prom Night

Chapter One

i do not own yu-gi-oh!.

The cool breeze of a beautiful spring day wafted through her hair, carrying strands of the curly tri-coloured tresses with it; whisking them in her face. She felt a hand brush the strands away, amethyst eyes glancing over at the male that sat at her side. A slender brow shot upward, the question clear on her face.

"Your hair was getting in my face as well, Yūgi," he answered her silent question. "It's a bit hard to read when you have hair hitting you right in the eye, you know."

"Sorry Yami," the female, Yūgi answered with a sheepish grin. "My hair's a bit unruly today, it decided not to work with me this morning while I was trying to pull it back in the ponytail."

Yami chuckled, shoulders moving up and down with mirth, "You always seem to have trouble with your hair. It doesn't help that it's so long, either."

"It really doesn't," Yūgi pouted, pulling at one of the naturally curly strands of black and violet hair. "I've tried straightening it before and that actually does help with keeping it tame mostly, but it takes such a long time to do it, it's tiring."

"Well, you do have a head full of hair so that's completely understandable," Yami shrugged as he closed his book; allowing the text to rest in his lap. "Have you talked to Mai and maybe asked for some advice from her? She may be able to..." His sentence was cut off by the bell signifying the ending of their lunch period rang loudly overhead. " you."

Standing from his seat on the ground, he dusted off his pants before offering his hand to the tri-colour haired teen to help her as well. She gratefully took his hand, easily being pulled to her feet after gathering her own books.

"We should hurry to class before we're late," Yami suggested to which Yūgi nodded before the two set off towards the door that led to the stairwell that would lead them back into the halls of the building.

Quiet conversation ensued between the two as they made their way down the stairs and out of the stairwell before heading down the hall towards their class. They entered just as Yūgi promised they would get together after school for a study session for their big calculus test that was coming up in a few days before going their separate ways to their assigned seats.

Yūgi had just hung her bag on the rack when she felt a heavy hand clap her shoulder. Amethyst hues glanced upward to see her long time friend standing there, a smile on his face. "Yo, Yūg, ya disappeared on us again durin' lunch. Did ya run off with dat boyfriend of yers again?"

A blush crept across the bridge of her nose at the mention of Yami. She had indeed been with him; Jou had hit the nail on the head with that accusation. She wasn't sure why she was so embarrassed about it though; she and Yami had been dating since the first semester of their junior year. It's just that it still amazed her that he would choose someone so simple as she to be with when he could have any girl in the school or world for that matter.

"Tha silence tells all Yūg," Jou laughed as he slid into his seat beside her. "I'm not mad at ya for bein' with 'im. If Mai had made it ta school today, I woulda ditched Honda and Anzu and hung out with her. But ya guys should definitely come and have lunch with us sometime."

"Maybe we will tomorrow," Yūgi smiled, sending a side long glance to her long term boyfriend who had his nose buried in his book again. "I'll talk to him about it."

"Awesome, because we definitely need to discuss arrangements for Prom since it's coming up in less than two months," Anzu stated. "We still have to book the rooms, limousine, as well as choose colour schemes that we plan to wear... speaking of colours, Honda, I'm thinking we should do a salmon colour instead of the pink I suggested before. What do you think?"

Honda sighed, "Well it's definitely better than hot pink. I guess I can live with it."

Laughter reverberated among the group of friends before they were quieted by the bell ringing once again and their teacher walking into the auditorium like classroom. Jou, Anzu, and Honda were quick to slide into their assigned seats before the lesson began. A sudden vibration in her pocket had Yūgi reaching into it before producing the iPhone 6s that had been stored there to see a text message from Yami.


Thursday 12:26 pm

What was so funny?

A small smile crossed her features as her fingers moved across the screen to answer his question.


Thursday 12:28 pm

Anzu asked Honda if he was alright with a salmon for their prom colours. Honda's response is what made us laugh. Oh yeah! Everyone wants to get together tomorrow for lunch to discuss prom plans.

She slid the phone beneath her thigh when their teacher glanced back, explaining a few more details of the project she was assigning.

It wasn't until a few seconds after she turned away again that her phone vibrated under her thigh once more. Discretely she slid it from under her, reading over the text message before she turned her head and caught Yami's eye. She gave a nod to answer the question in his text before their attention was diverted back to the front of the classroom.


Thursday 12:34 pm

That's fine with me. I assume that Mai will be joining as well?


The day came to an end fairly quickly for Yūgi. After bidding her friends goodbye, promising that she and Yami would join them for lunch the next day, and that she would see them later on for the study group, the short tri-colour haired female raced off to find the man in question. It wasn't too hard to do considering he was standing in his usual place outside the school by the flag pole waiting for her.

Her arm was hooked into his when she finally approached before they set off towards her home; light conversation ensuing between them.

"Poor Honda, I don't think he's ever been that flustered before in his life," Yūgi laughed, recalling what had happened between Honda and Anzu during their art history class. "It doesn't help that everyone kept staring at him after the entire incident happened."

"He should really make sure that his shoes are tied at all times," Yami chuckled, his head of tri-coloured hair shaking from side to side.

"That's what Anzu said," the short teen giggled as they came upon the game shop that doubled as her home.

Pulling her key from her bag, Yūgi unlocked the backdoor of Kame Game Shop and the two entered, slipping their shoes off at the door before walking through the kitchen that was housed in the back. Yūgi called out to her grandfather, "Grandpa, I'm home."

"Yūgi, is that you," her grandfather called from the storeroom where he was trying to find merchandise to restock the front of the store with.

"Me and Yami, Grandpa," Yūgi answered as they made their way to the room where her grandfather was. "We're going to be doing a study group with a few friends that are stopping by later on. If you need us, we'll be in the loft."

"Alright," Sugoroku answered. "You kids go ahead and study, I'll keep an eye out for your friends."

"Thanks Grandpa."

As her grandfather turned back to what he was doing, Yūgi grabbed hold of Yami's hand and began leading him up the stairs to the loft. Their bags were dropped by their feet before the two made themselves comfortable on the floor.

Forty-five minutes passed as they worked on homework for other classes while they waited for their friends to arrive for the study group. Comfortable silence ensued between the duo as pencils scratched against paper before the chime of the bell downstairs caught Yūgi's attention followed by her grandfather's voice.

"She and Yami are up in the loft doing homework," Sugoroku spoke kindly. "Go ahead and go on up, they're waiting for all of you."

"Thank you Mr. Mutou," Anzu was next to speak before she heard four sets of footsteps coming their way.

Greeting the newcomers with a smile Yūgi beckoned them forward. "Glad you could make it guys. Hi Mai; are you feeling better?"

"Much better thank you," Mai said as she made herself comfortable on the floor between Yūgi and Jounouchi. "Hot tea and plenty of rest was just what the doctor ordered. But I'm pretty miffed that I missed so much school. I feel like a lot has been going on during the four weeks I was out."

"What exactly happened to you anyway," Anzu asked as she pulled her Calculus book and binder from her bag.

"Well I was originally hospitalized for a problem that was initially diagnosed as pneumonia; shortness of breath, coughing, the works. But it turned out to actually be a pulmonary embolism; meaning I had blood clots on my lung," Mai explained as she lifted her shirt just below the curve of her breast to show the scar from the surgery she had underwent. "I had to have my entire rib removed in order for them to treat it."

"Oh my gosh, that's terrible Mai," Yūgi said sympathetically. She had known it was bad but she didn't know it was that bad. "You could have died from that if it wasn't treated in time. You're lucky."

"I sure am, but the recovery was a pain. There were so many days I couldn't even get out of bed after I was released from the hospital. For the first two weeks I had to have a catheter attached to my bladder since I wasn't able to move," Mai continued to explain. "My parents were great with tending to me but I felt so weird not being able to really do for myself. And I really want to thank you guys for respecting my wishes of staying away while I recovered. I didn't want you all to see me the way that I was. It wasn't a pretty sight."

Anzu smiled at this, "We had to respect your wishes Mai. If you didn't want us to see you like that, it's completely understandable. But... we were having a little bit of a tough time keeping Jou away. Someone literally had to walk him home from school every day so that he didn't try to make a beeline for the hospital or your house the first week after your surgery."

A laugh was shared between the group of friends at Jounouchi's expense as everyone opened their textbooks to the pages that they would need to study for the Calculus test.

"Well, I was feeling a little lonely without you guys visiting," Mai answered. "But I was definitely standing firm in my decision to not let you all see me like that. Even you Jou. You would have been told to go home."

"And here I was breakin' my neck ta come and try ta see ya," Jou scoffed. "Nice ta know I woulda got told ta go home Mai."

"It's nothing against you personally. Everyone would have been told the same thing," Mai shrugged as she tore a piece of paper from her notebook. "But anyways, we came here to study for that Calculus test that we have next week so we should probably get to work."

"I agree with Mai," Yami was quick to respond. "After all, that is what we came here for today."

"Study, shmudy," Jounouchi huffed waving their comments off. "I ain't worried about that test. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"And when you're not and Kaiba starts making fun of you again," Yami commented, peeking at the dirty blonde male from under long lashes, "You're not going to lose your cool again are you? You know he'll have something to say if you do poorly on this test."

"Yer cousin is a grade A asshole Yami," Jounouchi huffed as he picked up his pencil. Yami did make a very good point though. Kaiba was more likely than not going to say something about Jounouchi's grade if he did terrible on that test they were to take Wednesday. "But ya got a point and I don't want ta hear his mouth."

"Good boy Jou," Mai giggled as her pencil worked on one of the equations she figured would be easiest for her to start with.

Another laugh was shared between friends (except Jounouchi who was pouting like a small child) as they got to work.


Several hours later everyone was packing up to leave for home. They had stuck around to have dinner with Yūgi and her Grandfather (who had cooked more than he originally was going to thankfully). Sugoroku had wanted to catch up with all of her friends, especially Mai who had told him about her ailment before he expressed how glad he was that she was doing much better than she had been before.

They had also somewhat touched on the topic of Prom when Anzu brought it up. Yūgi's Grandfather made it very clear to Yami that he expected him to be a complete gentleman to his granddaughter that night or he would have the younger male's head. Yūgi groaned in embarrassment and Yami had the decency to bow, averting his crimson stare elsewhere. The thought of doing something so disrespectful to Yūgi without her consent was the absolute last thing on his mind. He would never force himself on her. He would wait until she was ready; not a second before then.

It was after dessert that everyone began to filter out; Yami being the last to remain. Sugoroku had already retired for the evening, saying something about being tired from a particularly busy day in the shop; leaving the two teens to their own devices.

"It's amazing how time flies you know," Yūgi commented as she and her boyfriend settled on the roof of her home. "It feels like just yesterday we were freshmen and now in less than two months we'll be graduating. Have you thought about what university you'll be going to? I know you got a lot of offers from a lot of great schools."

"I have," the crimson eyed male answered as he leaned back on his elbows. "I'll be attending Domino University this fall with you. The choice was easy."

"But what about University of Tokyo? And Chiba U? You got accepted into all of these great schools, why stay here," Yūgi inquired. She was curious why he would give up all of those great opportunities to go where she was going. The reason honestly didn't dawn on her until he began to laugh. "...oh. You're going there because of me?"

"Did it take you that long to figure it out, Little One," Yami asked, using the pet name he had taken to calling her since they had first began dating. "It wouldn't feel right without you being close by so that I may see you in person. Besides," he sat up again to look her directly in the eye. "I only applied to those other universities to appease my mother and father, just like Atem did when he was my age."

Yūgi gaped at him. She wasn't aware that his elder brother had done the exact same thing he was doing. She figured that the reason had to be Mana, Atem's fiancée. "You really are just like your brother."

"Mom says the same thing," Yami quipped with a shrug. "It's nothing new."

A playful jab was thrown at his arm, hitting him directly in his bicep. "Whatever. Anyways, are you picking me up around the same time again tomorrow morning?"

"Are you trying to get rid of me," the male inquired jokingly.

"No but it is really late and your parents are going to start to worry if you don't get home soon," Yūgi pointed out causing Yami to check his phone.

There was a sigh; she had been right. It was already half past nine and he had a ten o'clock curfew. His parents would have his head if he were late, "You're right. It is pretty late." He stood, helping Yūgi up along the way before heading to the window they had crawled out of. "I need to get moving or I'll be late on my curfew."

"I'll walk you to the door," Yūgi offered as she slipped into the window first. Yami followed a moment later before both made their way down the stairs to the back door. Unlatching the deadbolt, the tri-colour haired girl opened the door. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"I'll see you then, Little One," Yami returned before capturing her lips in a brief, chaste kiss.

They broke apart seconds later before he turned and made his way down the porch and to the sidewalk. Yūgi watched him leave until she couldn't see him anymore before returning inside and locking the door again. Quiet feet made their way back upstairs after checking all the locks and windows before she entered her room and flopped back on her bed, phone in hand.

The chime that indicated a message had come through caught Yūgi's attention. Tapping on the message, she unlocked the screen before reading the message from Mai.


Thursday 9:40 PM

Of course I can give you some tips for your hair Yūgi! Stop by my place this weekend and I'll show you a few tricks.

Her fingers quickly typed a reply before the phone was thrown on her pillow and she got up to get ready for bed. She was brushing her teeth when she heard her ringer going off in her bedroom. She ran and grab the phone, a smile crossing her features when she saw that it was Yami calling. Tapping the answer button, she made her way back to the bathroom, "Hey. Did you make it home alright?"

Yami chuckled on the other end of the line, "Yes I did. Are you getting ready for bed?"

"Brushing my teeth right now," she answered as she picked up her toothbrush again and began brushing as she listened to the other speak. "I'll be taking my meds in a second before I lay down."

"Then I won't hold you up," Yami offered. "I only called to let you know I made it home just in time. Besides, I need to grab a shower anyway. Get some rest Yūgi."

She spit the mouth wash from her mouth, wiping the remaining liquid away with her face towel before she answered, "You too Yami. I'll see you in the morning."

"See you then," the male answered before the line went dead.

Yūgi made her way back to her bedroom, placing the phone on the nightstand before plugging it to the charger. She slipped under the sheets of her bed, flipping the lamp off, before she rolled over and closed her eyes for some much needed rest.


The Next Day

"I'm leaving Grandpa!" Yūgi called over her shoulder as she ran out the door, slinging her school bag over her shoulder. She grinned when she saw Yami standing at the end of the walkway beyond the gate of her home; coming to a stop at his side. "Ready to go?"

"Yes," was his answer as he offered his arm to her. She happily hooked on to him as they walked down the street. "Did you sleep well last night, Little One?"

"Sure did," Yūgi confirmed with a wide grin. "How about you?"

"Passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow," he answered causing her to giggle. "I believe my insomnia has finally caught up with me."

"Well you did have a bad habit of staying up late into the night despite knowing that we had school in the morning," Yūgi chided lightly. "I'm surprised that it took this long to catch up with you in the first place."

Yami simply shrugged as they continued along. He was honestly surprised it took so long to catch up with him as well. It had been three full weeks since he had gotten a proper nights sleep.

"Anyway," Yūgi said changing the subject, "I was thinking about what colours we could do for Prom. How do you feel about a champagne colour? Or maybe we can even do a variation of teal? Whichever one you want."

"I think the champagne colour would compliment you nicely," Yami answered. "It would bring out your eyes."

She laughed, brushing curly strands of black and violet hair out of her face. "Yeah well hopefully I'm able to tame this mess with Mai's help so that you can actually see my eyes."

The rest of the walk to school was spent laughing and talking about plans for the rest of the school year and summer to come. The whole time, neither teen was aware of the onyx black eyes following their every move or the evil intent the owner of said eyes had toward the young tri-colour haired female.


The first half of the morning had gone smoothly and lunch came around faster than she had expected. After the bell dismissing the last class before lunch hour rang, Yūgi and Yami quickly made their way to the grassy area the group had decided to meet at. They both smiled and waved to the others who had turned to greet them when they heard the couple approaching. Jounouchi was the first to speak, "Hey Yūg, Yami! Glad you guys came. We thought ya might skip out on hangin' with us today ta be alone again."

"We promised we would be here, Jou," Yami said as they sat in the two open places of the circle their friends had formed. "And neither of us would break our word. You know that."

"Besides," Yūgi said as she unwrapped the bentos she had packed that morning before handing one over to Yami, "We really need to discuss Prom arrangements. Like how we're going to pay for the limo and hotel rooms."

"Yes, finally," Anzu chimed happily as she pulled out a notebook and pen. "Has everyone decided on what colours they're going to be wearing that night?"

"Yami and I decided to do a champagne colour," Yūgi chipped in as she scrolled through her Facebook newsfeed on her cellphone, munching on a rice ball that had been packed.

"Jou and I decided on a royal blue colour last night," Mai answered offhandedly as she brushed curled strands of blonde hair out of her face. "I think it would look good on him."

"And of course Honda and I are going to be doing salmon," Anzu said more so to herself as she wrote down their colour choices. "Hey, do you guys think we should invite Ryō, Malik, and their boyfriends to ride with us in the limo at least? Or do they have other plans?"

"I'm honestly not sure what they have planned," Yami said after swallowing a bite of stewed beef. "It wouldn't hurt to invite them though."

"Mhm," Yūgi agreed subconsciously as she went to read a new message that appeared in her inbox. She dropped her phone, however, as soon as she read the name of the person that messaged her.

Yami was the first to notice her reaction and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Yūgi? What's wrong?"

"This can't be happening again," she whispered to herself, not even registering that he had spoken to her. "This is not happening again."

"Yūg? What's up," Jounouchi asked, confused by her reaction. When she didn't answer, he leaned forward and grabbed her phone and glanced at the screen, "Shit."

Everyone was even more confused by Jounouchi's outburst. It was Anzu that finally said what everyone else was thinking, "Some information on what the problem is would be nice."

"This is the problem," Jou said turning the phone to face her. "That bastard's back. He's contactin' Yūg and threatenin' her. This ain't good."

"Let me see, Jou," Yami requested, reaching for the phone to which the dirty blonde male handed it over. Crimson eyes read over the screen, narrowing in irritation. That bastard had some nerve threatening her like that. The message was quickly closed out and his arms were wrapped around the trembling Yūgi. "This needs to be reported. After school, I'll walk Yūgi to the police station before taking her home and letting her grandfather know. From now on, until this animal is caught, someone needs to be with Yūgi at all times if I am not present. I don't want her going anywhere alone."

"Agreed," Honda said nodding. "That guy almost got to her once. We can't give him an opening to try again."

"We should talk to Bakura and Marik about this too," Jounouchi suggested. "The more people we have watchin' out for Yūg, the safer she'll be."

Yami nodded before turning his attention to the frightened female in his arms, "Don't worry Little One. We won't let anything happen to you."

Yūgi merely nodded, too shaken up to speak. She couldn't believe this was happening to her again. She was certain that, that man had been long gone when he fled after Yami confronted him the first time he tried to attack her. A police report had even been filed and a search was launched for him. One would think after such measures had been taken they would stay away. So why was he back and bothering her again?

Starts off a bit slow but... we're getting somewhere. Next chapter should come soon. Since this isn't a relatively long story, I'm hoping to have a completed stamp on it by the end of the year. Anyways, reviews are love. Let me know how you're liking the idea so far.