Fire Lord Azula did not drink.

It was not like her, and she did not know why she was doing it. She had stopped, but her head was reeling and she had stopped caring about anything a few hours ago, which was an alien yet comfortable sensation. She was always worrying, despite her confidence. At the moment, she was at complete peace, lying on her bed and watching some young woman she did not know the name of get undressed.

Her head was elsewhere. Well, she did not know when it was ever in the right place. But these thoughts hurt more than the rest because she could fix it with a single order, but she did not want to. She could not, no matter how much she felt like she was on fire at the moment.

"Thank you so much," said Ty Lee.

They were just above the beach where tall grass grew and the sand was barely noticeable. It was nighttime but the moon was brighter than the sun – or so it felt.

"For what?" asked Azula.

"For taking me here."

"Alright." Azula did not think that meant much, but she wasn't complaining. Ty Lee should absolutely be grateful for this late night that felt nothing like their other late nights.

"Can I say something?" Ty Lee never sounded nervous, but she sounded nervous right now.

"Yes," Azula replied, although she didn't like how it sounded.

"I…" She trailed off and closed her mouth.

"You have to tell me now," Azula insisted, shifting her gaze from Ty Lee to the ocean. It was less interesting but less frustrating too.

"I don't know the right words to explain it," admitted Ty Lee.

"Then figure them out."

Ty Lee leaned forward and then leaned back. She moved forward and then staggered away. She finally leaned forward and her lips brushed against Azula's before the princess pushed her back on her heels.

Azula had no idea that it would be one of her deepest regrets.

Ty Lee might have stayed at her side if she let that kiss happen.

Do not think about that. Do not think about that.

Fire Lords have no regrets. People who rule Nations cannot afford to be hung up on the past. They pave the way for the future.

It was one regret, Azula decided. Just one. That could not hurt her status as a brilliant ruler.

She almost jumped when lips touched her leg.

Forgot where she was. Unsurprising.

A cold gold ring on the thumb of the girl turned shadow burned Azula's arm. That was good; that made her stop thinking too much about the fact that the only person she ever wanted to do this with was a lost cause.

Azula pulled the shadow closer and kissed her. It was probably too messy but she didn't think much of it. Shadow-girl's tongue stroked Azula's slowly in the most exquisite way. Her mouth was hot and dreamy and Azula could forget.

Shadow-girl pulled back, both of them breathing hard.

This was good enough.

It was good enough until morning when she would feel sick and the palace would be quiet and the lights would make it impossible to pretend that shadows were lost souls.