I own nothing

Xirons20 – Wow…almost twenty chapters and someone finally asks that…unless I'm forgetting someone else mentioned it. Don't worry, that will be explained soon. Yeah, Gray could use some new magic…or at least get it sooner.

TheRipper83 – glad you like it

Darth56 – well, I'm sorry, but I can't write all the time. If I could I would.

God of all – glad you like it.

Iron-slayer-dragon – glad you like it.

Lazyguyrx – who said that.

Lazyguyrx – sorry, but I'm not taking any more characters. I don't want this to get overloaded, something that I've done before so no Pucci or Dio, however, I do have that image in my head, and I want to see it happen.

NotElonMusk – no I did not.

Chapter 18: Fairies and Dragons Battle. Phantom's Fall.

After taking a day to give Zack time to get to know the group. Naruto, Minato, Kushina, Date, Naraku, and the finally recovered Wendy were all heading down to Magnolia, Naruto deciding it was finally high time that they meet the rest of the Fairy Tail guild.

"I can't believe we are going to see Erza Scarlet and Mirajane!" Wendy said excitedly, only to suddenly let out a loud burp and fall over clutching her belly.

Carla immediately began comforting the girl, having tagged along with her young ward. Naruto and Naraku were both in the same boat.

"Wow…this is kind of pathetic," Minato said, having not heard of how Dragon Slayers could get motion sick so easily.

Kushina nodded and said, "I know it is crazy, but that's the kind of price you pay for superpowers."

After a rather long train ride, eventually they got off in Magnolia, the dragon slayers glad to finally be able to move again.

Wendy said, "Naruto…do you think Tsunade can help us with the whole nausea thing?"

Naraku looked down at Wendy and asked, "How come Guts or the others in that little fighting group of yours never did anything about it."

Wendy said, "Everyone preferred to walk as opposed to relying on magic mobiles, so I didn't really experience this until recently."

Naruto said, "That explains why they didn't warn me or Wendy."

Everyone made their way through the town until they came across the Fairy Tail guild hall, which was still impaled by a bunch of metal pillars.

"Whoa…did we miss a party?" Naruto asked, "If so…they really need to get to work fixing this place up."

Minato said, "While I'm pretty sure mages get up to some craziness while drunk, son, I don't think this is the result of that."

"Hey," a voice they recognized said.

Turning towards the source they saw Gray walking towards them, clad in only his boxers…for some reason.

"Where are your pants?" Minato asked, as he looked somewhat disturbed at the half-naked teenager, even worse when he noticed the trail of clothes behind him.

"Damn it!" Gray cursed, before yelling, "What are you doing here? You kind of caught us at a bad time."

Naruto said, "We decided to come by. Check out the scenery. Though, I have to ask…what the hell happened/ Did one of your mages get drunk?"

Gray said, "Some is drunk a lot here, but not like this, we were attacked."

Gray, knowing that he could trust them after the island, told them how they had been attacked by Phantom Lord, a rival guild to their own. They had retaliated in an attack on the Phantom Lord guild hall after they had critically injured a few of their guildmates. Unfortunately, the attack was a distraction and they had tried to kidnap one of their guildmates, Lucy, who the group part of the island mission remembered. They got her back but were now on edge after Makarov had been drained of his magic and they were expecting a retaliation from Phantom Lord's master, Jose Porla, a member of the ten wizard saints.

Wendy said, "I know some medical magic! I might be able to help Mr. Makarov."

Gray nodded at this and said, "Okay. Any help would be good, especially if it gets the master back on his feet."

With that, the ice make mage lead the group through the damaged, but still functioning, building down into the basement. To match the situation everyone present was somber.

"Damn it!" a female voice yelled from the side, "How can such a cruel man be a part of Fairy Tail!?"

Everyone turned towards the source at the shout. Mirajane was angrily storming away from a large communication lacrima.

"Let me guess," he said, "Laxus isn't coming?"

"Who?" Naruto asked, confused.

Mirajane didn't even look at Naruto as she answered, "Laxus Dreyar. The master's grandson. How such a man can be related to someone as kind as the master is beyond me."

It took a moment for the girl to realize she didn't recognize the voice and turned towards Naruto.

"Well, I'll be," Naraku said, as he looked at Mirajane, "The famous Mirajane Strauss. I'm a big fan of your work. If the situation at hand wasn't so dire, I'd ask for an autograph."

Gray said, "Mirajane, these guys are from that messed up S-rank mission we went on. The girl says she knows some healing magic."

Mirajane sighed and said, "I don't know if it will be enough. The master was drained of all his magic, not just simply injured."

Minato blinked suddenly and then reached out with his staff. A rune appeared in the air, and something began to materialize. Those who saw this began to draw comparisons to Freed's Dark Ecriture. The object that appeared in front of him was a device that resembled a belt buckle. Square in shape with a lacrima embedded in it. Underneath it was a blue line that ran from the lacrima to the bottom.

Minato said, "Maybe this will help. We call it the ether battery. It's supposed to…"

Before he could continue, he was cut off by a buzzing noise. Pulling out his communication lacrima he held out his hand and the image of Jiraiya appeared, looking miffed.

"Minato! Did you just take away the ether battery! It hasn't been fully tested yet!"

Minato held out his hand placatingly towards the holographic image of his teacher and said, "Easy, there Jiraiya. You'll burst a blood vessel. Anyway, you said this was the best model you've made in the past month."



Jiraiya's hologram was quite as he said, "You're going to use it on someone, weren't you?"

Naruto butted in on the conversation and said, "Hey, pervy sage. The guild master here got drained of all his magic and messed up pretty bad."

Jiraiya sighed and said, "Fine. However, I want you to bring over Tsunade and Shizune just in case something else goes wrong."

Naruto nodded and said, "You got it."

Minato sighed and tapped his cane on the ground twice.

"Light Ecriture: Summon: Tsunade."

The runes on the ground flashed brightly, and the two medical specialists appeared in front of them.

A few guys whistled at the sight of the pretty ladies, a certain lady's man locking his eyes onto Tsunade's bust. He saunters up to the woman and was about to say something when she pushed him away and said, "Shut it little man. You are a thousand years too young to touch me. Besides, according to Jiraiya we have a patient."

Mirajane looked over the woman, she didn't see like a doctor, and getting a little bit of envy at seeing her body.

She squashed it quickly and said, "He's not here. He's currently in a safehouse on the outskirts of town. I'll take you there, but if you try anything funny. You won't like the results."

The slug princess simply nodded.

"Wendy," Tsunade ordered, an air of authority coming off her, "Stay here and help any who is injured in the coming battle."

Wendy nodded and said, "Yes, ma'am."

Tsunade then turned to Date and said, "If anything happens to her while I'm gone, you are going to be held accountable. You got me. Protect her with your life."

The samurai simply nodded.

With that, the two busty babes proceeded to head out. not even five minutes after they were gone, the sound of heavy footfalls reach everyone's ears and the ground began to shake.

Everyone ran out of the ruined guild hall to see what was making the noise. Everyone ran out to see the giant castle and a chunk of land beneath it, held up by six gargantuan legs. It stood tall and intimidating in the water, like a kaiju in a movie.

Everyone stared up at the sight of the walking battle base and Minato stated, "That is something you do not see every day."

Suddenly, a voice came from the castle.

"Attention Fairy Tail."

Erza growled as she summoned one of her swords growling, "Jose."

"You thought you could get away with it!? You thought you could get away with attacking my headquarters?! I'm going to make you pay, Fairy Tail!"

Suddenly, one of the towers on the castle opened, and a cannon barrel extended out of it. Naruto sensed the magic inside of it and realized that the cannon was going to be ridiculously powerful. Naruto Immediately began using his sensor abilities to get a good view of the castle, he could sense only a few people inside the castle. Six in fact. One of them was no doubt, Jose Porla, but he couldn't tell who the others were.

"Get ready everyone!" Erza yelled as she jumped up in a flash of light. Now in her adamantine armor, Erza was prepared to fight for her guild. Had this been another timeline, she would have done it on her own, however, Minato pulled out his staff and shifted it into its wand for. Casting his wings spell he took to the sky and flew in front of her


A series of gold runes appeared in front of Minato. The blasts struck the shield that had been formed, which strained under the force of the attack. Minato sent more magic into the rune and the blast was reflected away from the building. Unfortunately, it was off and was going right for the town.

Naruto in turn jumped in front of the blast and called on his inner Hyuga and his reflector magic, he spun like a top.

"Spiral Mirror!"

The blast struck Naruto's spinning shield, and after some strain, he managed to deflect it, the blast now spiraling like a glowing drill. The blast was sent flying right at the Phantom Lord castle, piercing it right through the barrel of the cannon.

The cannon exploded and the remains of the barrel fell, crashing to the ground as the building that supported it exploded into pieces of debris and gravel.

Out of the tower rolled a ball of darkness. When it stopped, it faded to reveal Jose, who had used his unique brand of magic to protect himself from harm, of course. He growled as he saw the destruction that had been caused to the cannon, now inoperable. Suddenly, the remains of the tower exploded in a massive blast of fire, causing the wizard saint to cover his eyes.

"What the hell was that? Nobody with that kind of magic was present at the attack on my guild," Jose yelled out, "Who was that?"

At that point, Jose remembered something important about the building that the Jupiter Cannon was housed.

His suspicions were confirmed when a body slammed into the ground next to him. Though scorched black, he could tell the familiar ninja outfit and hairstyle of the fire-themed member of the Element 4, Totomaru. Totomaru groaned and with a great deal of trouble stood up.

Jose snarled in anger before running back into his guild hall. If the cannon wasn't going to be enough, he was going to need something much stronger.

Meanwhile, down below Fairy Tail was cheering about their victory over their enemy's main weapon.

Erza looked at Minato and said, "I could have handled it."

Minato turned back to her and said, "Maybe. However, even if you survived there was a good chance you would have been taken out of commission. And seeing as these guys are your rivals, we may need all hands-on deck and at their best."

Erza nodded in understanding of the man's logic.

Minato then looked down and put two fingers in his mouth, letting out a very shrill whistle.

As everyone turned to him, he called out, "This is no time to be cheering. The battle is far from over."

This proved to be true as moments later, a massive swarm of creatures flooded out of the Phantom Lord base. They appeared ghostly with black shadows for bodies and were wrapped in dark blue cloaks with the Phantom Lord symbol on their backs, and glowing red eyes beneath their hoods. Each one armed with a large sabre.

To compound everything, the massive building began to shift, transforming into a massive robot.

"So, we have a giant robot and an army of ghosts," Naruto said, shuddering at the latter of the two, "Great."

Minato was examining everything going on and declared, "Everyone get back. Light Ecriture: Barrier."

A large round dome made up of seals appeared around them, blocking the ghosts from attacking.

Jose's voice then rang out from the castle.

"You think that your little barrier will help you? Even if you stop my shades, you won't be able to stop the Abyss Break!"

The massive robot then raised its hands into the air and a large seal appeared over it.

"That can't be good," Naruto said.

Loke approached and said, "It isn't. The Abyss Break is a powerful spell that cause a great amount of destruction. With the size of that seal it won't just wipe us out, it'll wipe out the town."

Minato turned towards Loke and asked, "Do you know how to stop it?"

Loke said, "I'm not sure. All I know is that you need the power of water, earth, air, and fire in order to make the spell work."

Erza's eyes widened and said, "The Element 4, the elite of their guild. They have magical powers of those exact elements. It is likely that they are the conduits."

Minato said, "Erza, find some people to take with you into the enemy base. Find the element 4 and take them down!"

Natsu cracked his knuckles and growled, "What about Gajeel and Jose. I want to settle the score with those two."

Minato responded, "Cool it Salamander. Priorities. Take down the Element 4 first, then you can go hunting for the other two."

The former hokage then turned to the rest of the crew and called out, "All those who specialize in long range spells, group up and aim skyward. Take down anything that moves! I'll fly up and try to bottleneck them, get them all in one place to set up a shooting gallery. Those who specialize in close range spells team up with Date over there. Protect the firing squad and Wendy."

Turning towards the little mage he said, "Wendy, power up anyone you can, and if you get the chance heal who might be injured. It is not going to end well. The barrier falls in three minutes. Move!"

The group did so. In less than a minute, Erza, Elfman, Natsu, and Gray were all ready to deploy. Alzack and Bisca. Lucy, summoned Sagittarius and Aquarius to aid in the long-range battery, though the latter was upset at being summoned. However, after she got a good look at the situation surrounding them, she agreed.

Wendy got close with the groups and let out some incantations.

"IIe Arms. lle Armor. IIe Vernier."

With each incantation, the long firing squad and their guards felt their powers increase greatly. Though, due to a lack of magic, Date didn't feel anything.

Minato said, "Is everyone ready? Barrier fall in five…"

The defending group tensed.


Minato prepared his wings.


Erza and her group were ready to take off.


Natsu glared intensely at the Phantom Lord HQ


The barrier fell and the shades swarmed. Minato shot up, switching his cane into a gun mode and unleashed a barrage of blasts that knocking several of the shades out of the sky. Kushina with Alzack and Bisca, Naruto, Naraku, and Wendy all fired on the shades, as the remaining guild members held back, waiting to strike.

Erza picked up Grey and Elfman as Natsu was grabbed by Happy.

Minato acted as a bodyguard destroying the shades before they could get close. As the crew of a mission of destruction landed, Minato turned his cane into a sword and declared, "Let's go!"

Meanwhile on the outskirts of town…

Tsunade and Mirajane glanced towards the source of the blast and was shocked at the sight of the swarming enemy.

"We don't have a lot of time," Tsunade said, "Let's get moving."

Soon they arrived at the house, and Tsunade and Mirajane entered. They were greeted by an old woman with pink hair, which almost made Tsunade think that this was what Sakura would look like in old age.

"Who is this human, Mirajane?" the old woman asked.

Mirajane approached her and said, "Porlyusica, this is Tsunade. She is a friend who is here to help Master Makarov."

Porlyusica gave Tsunade a suspicious look and simply said, "Fine. But she better be quick about it."

Tsunade nodded and followed the pink-haired woman upstairs to find Makarov wrapped in bandages and sleeping away, his skin having been tinted green.

Tsunade thought, 'Much like anything in the medical world, it is one thing to see it in pictures, it is another to see it in real life.'

Tsunade then approached Makarov and said, "Let the operation begin…Room."

As she felt her magic, Tsunade couldn't help, but remember how she got it.

Flashback…shortly after Tsunade and Jiraiya joined the guild…

"Are you sure this is safe?" Tsunade asked, from her position on the table.

She was currently strapped to the table, with only some medical bandages around her chest. Her midriff bare for all to see. Jiraiya would later lament not seeing so much of Tsunade's beautiful body. Her body was covered in special chakra draining seals, mainly to keep away from what they were doing.

Shizune and Naruto both approached, with a familiar glass cylinder in their hands. Their arms having the same seals on them as Tsunade's stomach.

Shizune looked at her mentor and said, "Lady Tsunade, we are essentially putting an extra organ into your body. Of course, this is not safe. Now, as you've told me before. Put up and shut up."

Naruto said, "You are enjoying this aren't you?"

Shizune shrugged her shoulders and said, "Somewhat."

Naruto looked down at Tsunade and asked, "Are you ready?"

Tsunade said, "If I make it through this…you're treating me to drinks all night."

Naruto nodded and said, "She's ready."

Naruto focused and a white aura came over both him and Shizune, a sign of his gift from kami. They then proceeded to lay the magic container on the woman's stomach and pushed down. Tsunade clenched her teeth, resisting the urge to scream in pain. Even if Naruto's gift was suppressing the pain, it still hurt like crazy.

After a few minutes of pushing and twisting the container, the object was placed into Tsunade's body. After doing a brief examination with a medical lacrima, Shizune was happy to note that Tsunade hadn't suffered any major damage during the procedure. Naruto then used his gift to repair any damage done to her body in the process.

Flashback end…

Tsunade had taken a short time to get used to magic, and in the library of the temple had found one that suited her…Operation Magic.

As a seal appeared beneath, a cube shaped aura formed around the two old fighters. Tsunade smirked felt her magic work. She then looked over Makarov and said, "Examine."

Her eyes glowed. She looked at him. Saw the bruises on his skin, then the torn and strained muscles in his body, and then a few cracks in his bones, some minor and some healed. Then she saw his magical container, practically drained dry.

Tsunade was about to try something when she realized that she could sense something nearby.


The room spell expanded, and she felt another person and something else in the air.

"Who are you?" she asked, clenching her fists, read to fight.

A figure then faded into existence. It was a man wearing dark clothes and a cloak with a headband and a scarf around his neck and face.

"Mystogan!?" Mirajane yelled out in shock, surprised to see the wizard among them today.

Tsunade looked at something that was glowing in Mystogan's hand.

"Is…is that?"

Mystogan nodded and answered, "Master Makarov's magic. Dispersed by a member of the Element 4. It took me some time, but I gathered it as fast as I could."

Tsunade nodded and said, "Infusion."

The orb in Mystogan's hand was pulled through the air and flew into Makarov's body, the old man's green skin suddenly returning to its normal hue.

Then Tsunade placed her hands on the old man's body and said, "Mend."

The woman's spell focused on Makarov's body. The wounds he had suffered from his brief battle at Phantom Lord healed quickly, and in moments, there was a scratch on him.

Makarov stirred slightly, and then shot up his face bouncing off Tsunade's chest and fell backwards onto the bed.

"Who are you?" Makarov asked the taller old woman, "And what happened to me? Shouldn't I be unconscious."

Before Tsunade could respond, a sudden explosion got their attention. Makarov turned towards the source and knew where it was coming from. The old man narrowed his eyes and magic flared around him.

"Jose…" he growled out.

He then leapt out of the bed and in a flash of light, had his wizard saint coat on. He then ran out of the door and used his giant magic to transform into a much taller form, covering dozens of feet in a single step.

"I can only imagine what would happen if an Akamichi got their hands on that kind of magic," Tsunade muttered to herself, wondering how the Akamichi clan would react to not having to eat large amount of food necessary to grow to such large sizes with their techniques.

Back at the battle…

"Did you see that?" Naruto yelled out as he fired a blast from Gilgamesh at an approaching shade.

Kushina was firing blasts of flame out at the shades that were trying to swarm her.

"It looks like someone must have taken down a member of the Element 4," Kushina said, "That's two I think."

Bisca who was firing as fast as she could said, "Judging by the roars from before that, I think Elfman took down one, and with the fire and water we saw, it looks like Gray is fighting the second, and Natsu just took down number 3."

Naraku fired a blast of lighting from his mouth as he said, "It looks like there is only one left. I just hope Erza takes him down soon! I'm starting run low on juice. There's no end to these things."

"What the hell?" a man with a brown pompadour, Wakaba, if they remembered right, yelled out as he bashed a shade away with a blast of smoke.

Everyone turned towards the sky as they saw a bunch of the shades swarming together to form a large jellyfish.

Naruto growled in response and said, "Mom…time to light up this ugly freak."

Kushina left her position and landed next to her son. With a smirk, she said, "Let's light this up."

The two took up a stance and a large seal appeared beneath them, gold and red flames formed a large beachball sized orb, almost resembling a small sun.

"Unison Raid: Sun Emperor's Rampage!"

The ball was launched skyward and slammed into the jellyfish, causing it to release a loud scream. The blast flew upwards, higher, and higher, until finally, it exploded into a large blast of fire and smoke. The blast also had the effect of destroying several other shades. However, this also revealed the problem as whatever shades were destroyed were immediately replaced by more coming from the Phantom Lord HQ.

Minato had to cast a brief defense spell to avoid getting fried, himself.

Kushina and Naruto were ready to fight again, when they felt a sudden tremor. The ground beneath them rumbled slightly as they turned towards the source of the sound. Each time it got more intense and grew louder. It was around this point, that everyone felt it and stopped, even the shades, recognizing a pattern to the thundering booms…footsteps

Everyone turned towards the source and the faces of every member of Fairy Tail. It was Makarov in his giant form, charging forward with a face so angry that even demons would run away at the sight of him.

"No…no!" Jose roared from his place in his HQ, "Damn that old bastard! Why won't you die!"

Another swarm of shades shot out of the castle, their eyes now more evil-looking, their robes crackling like flames, and no longer wielding weapons.

"Get out of my way, bugs!" Makarov roared as he drew back his fist, a light green magic seal appeared on his first.

"Wind Titan!"

Makarov threw a punch that resulted in a powerful shockwave as a tornado shot from his fist, sucking up the shade and then slamming into the Phantom Lord HQ. The castle rumbled and buckled under the force of the blast.

Makarov charged at the tower with his fist drawn back, unleashing another Wind Titan point blank on the colossal structure. The blast knocked the walking fortress over and sending it splashing into the water. The master of the fairies stood tall over the fallen building. Only a minute later, did Erza come flying out of the fortress in her black wing armor, with Elfman, looking beaten up and exhausted. Looking down he saw a water mage and Gray riding on the water towards land. Natsu soon joined Erza, looking all beaten up and missing his vest, carried by Happy. With that, Makarov shrank down and landed on the large fallen castle.

The group of mages landed on the ground, with Wendy immediately rushing forward and began to work her healing magic on them.

"Wow," Naruto said, "I can see why someone like that would be the master of such a powerful guild."

Off to the side, Macao smirked and said, "And he isn't our strongest member."

"What's he doing over there" Natsu asked, "Isn't the fight over?"

Naruto looked up and said, "I doubt it."

Everyone looked up and saw that there was a great deal of shades still above them. Suddenly, the shades began moving again, flying towards the castle.

"Looks like Makarov is taking Jose on by himself," Minato said as he landed on the ground and dispelled his wings.

Seconds later, there was an explosion of rubble and a figure was seen flying and splashed down in the water.

Erza looked at the floating and unconscious figure, and quickly recognized him.

"That's Aria of the Element 4," she said, "It looks like he tried to drain Master Makarov's magic again."

Naruto said, "Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me."

Minato said, "Yeah, relying on the same trick for victory is a surefire way to get beaten down."

Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light, forcing everyone to cover their eyes. When it faded, the shades were gone and the sounds of fighting from within the fallen castle had stopped.

"What was that?" Naruto asked, the others also questioning what had happened.

Cana blinked as she recognized the magic use and said, "It must have been Fairy Law?"

Wendy looked up at the bikini top wearing woman and asked, "Fairy Law?"

Cana looked at the dragon slayer and answered, "Sorry, Fairy Tail member information only."

Wendy let out a disappointed "Aw", before getting back to work, now working on the injured Gray.

Cut! Okay, sorry this took so long. I've been busy, had some writer's block on how to deal with the Fairy/Phantom War, and thinking about a few other things. Sorry for the wait. Oh, and for those of you who are going to nitpick about Lucy being kidnapped, that did not happen. In this case, Phantom Lord (mainly Jose) was more focused on destroying Fairy Tail, as opposed to kidnapping Lucy. So that didn't happen.

Criticism is welcome, flames are ignored.

Minato Spells

Reflection – using this spell allows Minato to reflect spells used against him. However, a spell with enough power can break through, and requires more magic to use properly.

Barrier – this spell forms a large barrier that can be dropped and opened at will.

Naruto Spells

Spiral Mirror – a reflector magic spell inspired by the Hyuga's rotation technique. It can be used to reflect spells, but it requires Naruto to physically spin to work, which can leave him vulnerable to a clever opponent.

Tsunade's Magic

Operation Magic –magic is ideal for the combat medic. Its spells allow for immediate operation performing conditions in any environment and has plenty of combat methods.

Room – This spell can be used to create an immediate sterilized environment that the user can operate in. This room is rather traditional small, so it is best suited for close combat situation.

Examine – this spell allows the user to scan a patient's body for injures to the outer skin, muscle groups, and finally the bones.

Expand – this spell expands the range of the room spell. This can be used for operating on multiple people, as well as increasing combat prowess to mid-range.

Infusion – one of the many medical spells used by operation magic, infusion allows the user to take magic that is inside of the room to restore long magical power to a patient, themselves, or to cause internal damage to opponents.

Mend – basic healing spell

Makarov original spells

The Titan Magic is not just used for physical offense. The user of said magic can use elemental magic in conjunction with it. The large the size the more powerful the spell is.

Wind Titan – A blast of wind that can be used by Makarov. With his increased size, he can launch tornados or even hurricane force winds.