Yo- everyone. My name is baby-kitsune9 and I am a huge, huge fan of HTTYD. Which is why I plan to try my hand at writing my own story.

It'll be a Hiccup/OC pairing.

And hopefully it'll be interesting since I'm going to try my hand at explaining why Toothless is the only Nightfury left a little later on in the story.

It'll take place around the timeline of Race to Dragon's Edge when Hiccup is almost in his later teens. I need to remind everyone that there was no known age of consent when it came to sex.

Hiccup is a Viking, and as such he was probably used to taking what he wanted- though unlike others he practiced a great deal of restraint.

So without further adieu, and just a quick warning that this will be M rated for a reason.




It was so hot. Feverish glowing teal eyes slowly fluttered open for what must have been the umpteenth time in the past few days. Consciousness warring with unconsciousness and the discomfort twisting and clawing away at her insides as she shifted her weight slightly.

Her pale, slender, humanesque body struggling to get comfortable despite the nearly unbearable heat of the cavern she resided in. A soft groan of irritation making it's way past pale trembling pink lips as her large black wings flared for a moment before wrapping back around her naked body. The soft buttery feel of the leather like skin was cool against the rest of her body.

So much so that she almost breathed a soft sigh in relief.

Almost of course being the operative word.

She was in heat again. She recognized the signs easily enough since her awakening almost a year ago. Usually she simply slept through the whole bothersome thing- disliking the chaos that soon followed it's wake. And by chaos, she meant of course her many, many hatchlings.

All dragons of different species.

All born of her unnatural womb. In her cavern like home which was littered with countless dead animal bones and eggs shell. All of them her children.

She mused to herself with a slightly strained sounding half laugh as she thought of her last clutch of eggs. A batch of precious little Sea Shockers. Who by now were probably all grown up- due mostly to the fact that dragon's didn't age normally compared to most beasts.

No, her little one's usually aged ten years in the first three weeks or so after their hatching. Mostly due to the fact that they were predator's who were at the top of the food chain. And why you ask was that?

Because they didn't stay babies for long before they became dangerous and feral.

How else could they remain at the top of the food chain if they could easily be picked off?

Why with her last clutch, just to make sure that they could properly defend themselves, she had spent a great deal of time in the nearby sea water's. Training them on how to use their abilities. And then once she was absolutely certain that her babies would be able to take care of themselves- she had sent them off with a few motherly chirps of affection. Reminding her darlings that no matter how old they got, if they ever wished to visit her- she would be in their old home.


But her little darlings never returned with the exception of one or two who simply couldn't shake the maternal bond that she shared with them. Why one or two of them had even brought their mates to visit her while on their way to migrate and lay their eggs.

Imagine how proud- and dare she say it- just a tad bit depressed she had been upon learning of her future grand- eh... She thought as she cut her mind off there. She was still a young beast. There was no real way that she was going to accept the fact that she was a grand- meh.

There she went again.

Growling softly in annoyance at her train of thought, she slowly rolled over onto her side and then pushed herself up until she was in a better position to carefully get to her feet. Her wings still wrapped securely around her pale naked body as she made her way, tiredly and on slightly unsteady feet towards the opening in the cavern that led to outside.

It was late.

Sometime between sunset and night if the multi colored hues painting the sky overhead was any indication at all. And since she was awake and in heat, she supposed that she should go and see if she could at least find herself a mate before she became frenzied.

Which was a state of mind that only dragon females reached during their heat.

And the best way to describe the feeling was more or less saying that there was an utter loss of control and her carnal desires would force her to accept any male, dragon or otherwise, whether she wished too or not. During which time she would be mindless and incapable of breaking the frenzies grip over her until she was 1) impregnated again. Or 2) Found her one true mate to satisfy her.

But after countless eon's of living, she doubted that her one true mate even existed.

Exhaling the fresh clean air as she moved to the small clearing just shy of her cavern, she let her body stretch for the first time in what felt like centuries. And in all probability possibly had been. She took a moment to work the kinks out of her neck and spine as her mane of thick jet black hair fell well past her hips, and over her slender shoulders, as her bangs fell fetchingly around her lovely, delicate, almost elfish face.

Her long pointed black and blue scale tipped ears listening for anything that might draw her attention. After all it had been quite some time since she had bothered to really step foot out into the open like this, and she knew that time often caused changes to land masses, plant life, inhabitability and so on.

So she wanted to be prepared for almost anything she may come across as she listened for several moments before picking up the heart beats of several large animals.

Frowning a bit, she listened harder and was happy to know that several of those animals were dragons. She could tell by the sounds of the various growls, chirps, and roars coupled with the sound of their wings and tails slicing through the air.

How interesting, she mused as she listened a little more. Feeling a bit like a curious little hatchling as she did so. She hadn't expected there to be so many of them in one place. In fact if anything, she had expected her offspring to stay true to their instincts and live in various places where there was more plentiful food, water and grounds for nesting.

But for some particular reason, they were all living together like a group.

How peculiar. She thought to herself as she flared her wings, letting them stretch to their full length of well over twelve feet, with about an equal width to them and quickly took to the sky- intending to go and greet her long lost offspring and entice one to act as her mate.

Not realizing that her children were in the company of strange creatures that by all rights should have been their enemies, but were now their good friends and companions...

Creatures better known as, humans.