
I do not own any of the characters from ASOIAF or Game of Thrones, all credit for those characters go to George R.R. Martin. All OC's that pop op in the story are however my own, and Comparisons to other characters are not intended.

The Idea for this story was inspired by ''Lady Wolf'' by Jpena, that story opened me up to this ship, and gave me the idea for this story.

Chapter 1.


Tywin Lannister supported Robert Baratheon in his rebellion against the throne, and when the war was over and Roberts intended was found dead, he ceased the opportunity to gain some power within the realm, he offered king Robert his first born daughter Jayne's hand, as well as offering his second born to the Warden of the North, Lord Eddard Stark.

The king was easily convinced by Jon Arryn, to accept this offer but Lord Stark, was a bit harder to convince, had it not been for the fact that his brother had married the Tully girl, and put a baby in her, he would have surely declined to marry his daughter, but Tywin offered him some gold for accepting his second daughter's hand, and he accepted.

Tywin knew that his second born daughter was ill spoken off in some places. Tywin tried to silence the rumours, but people knew them to be true.

Many years ago a maid had walked in on his son Jamie, and his twin sister about to lay with each other, the maid's screams could be heard from every corner of the castle, and after that. Tywin would not allow his twins to be in the same room as each other alone anymore, and had people keep an eye on him. But still when a man had as much gold as he did, one could do quite a bit to silence these kinds of rumours.

After both King Robert and Lord Eddard Stark had accepted his offers, he called for his girls, to bring them the good news.

He said by his desk when he heard the knock on his door, he needed not answer before he heard the door open, in walked his beautiful daughters, tall and smiling with beautiful long golden hair, off the two Jayne was the taller one and kinder, Cersei was more like her brother always trying to be strong while Jayne was delicate and cheerful with a voice of angels when she sang.

The girls sat down in front of his massive desk, with an endless stack of papers.

''You called for us father?'' Jayne said, with a hopeful spark in her beautiful green eyes. Cersei sitting next to her, looked less interested, since she Jayne was the eldest daughter, he knew that Cersei was disappointed in not being his first choice to marry off to the king, and he knew she wanted to stay here and be the Lady of Casterly Rock, when he passed away. But that was Jamie's position, whether Jamie wanted it or not, Tywin would get him to renounce his wows of the Kings guard and become the hair to his land.

''Father?'' Jayne asked, snapping Tywin from his trail of thought.

''Yes, I have arranged marriages for you both.'' He said this his normal firm voice, as he saw the girls slightly lean forward in anticipation.

He turned to look at Jayne ''You are to marry King Robert, we will leave for kings landing within the week.'' Her eyes glittered in the news of this information, this sight made his though lions hearth melt, as a slight smile grew upon his face, he knew no one could tell, but he was happy for his daughter.

He then turned to Cersei, as the slight smile went back into a frown. ''I have married you off to Lord Eddard Stark, he is the warden of the north and...'' He was about to continue when his daughter Cersei interrupted him in one of her many tantrums.

''YOU ARE SENDING ME TO THE NORTH?!'' She yelled so loud he could hear a slight ringing in his ears, about to answer her she got out of her chair with such ferocity it fell over, and she yelled ''My sister gets to be queen, but me you send to the north, to rot or freeze to death without any family near me!'' He could see the tears in her eyes and she knew that last bit was referring to Jamie, he knew best to let her finish, when the tears came there was no stopping her, he turned his face to his eldest daughter, who looked down with her hands in her lap, afraid to say anything.

Jayne was very timid for a Lioness, where as Cersei was wild enough for the both of them.

Cersei, had not yelled in a while and was now taking slower breaths, so Tywin assumed it safe to answer her now.

''The North is wild, but vital, and we need them as our allies.'' He said with a calmer voice to try and reason with his daughter.

''You will see Jamie before we depart, as you will be going to Kings Landing with us for your sister's wedding, after then we will depart for winter fell.'' He knew she hated Tyrion, as much as him for killing her mother, his beautiful Joanna, so he thought it best not to mention that part of the deal with Lord Stark, was that Tyrion was to stay in Winterfell for a while, to keep an eye on his sister.

Cersei nodded her head slightly in agreement wiping away the tears, as said with soft and quiet voice. ''As you wish father.''