Hi There! (W.W.T) here with one of those fun little public service announcements we like to call Author's Notes- Ok first things first in the written words of countless new fanfic authors before me. It's my first time so please be gentle .That's right this is in fact the first fanfic I've ever posted. I've been an active member of the fanfiction community for years. But outside of a handful of reviews here and there I've never actually put any of my own writings into it until now. Not that I haven't had ideas wild plot bunnies running rampant and what not. To quote the Mad Hatter Its awfully crowded in here. But because I am a H.F.A. and suffer from social anxiety as well, I have always been too self-conscious to actually try posting any of them before this one, and to be honest I'm still nervous. But I love this character and this story and just couldn't get them out of my head so here it is. This story features Modo and an Oc of mine called Chair and is the start of a series of fics I'm planning called Mars needs Mates although this will probably be the only one of them to feature that as the main title.

Also before we get started my oc's name odd as it may seem is not a typo. You read it right and she is in fact named Chair.( I have my reasons)Also I just want to say that Chairs weight is Not I, repeat Not a character flaw. Chair has plenty of flaws but her weight is not one of them. Although the majority of her personal faults and doubts do stem from how she see's herself and how she perceives others see her as well whether she realizes it or not. This story takes place in a slight AU its set in the 90s cartoon but I've moved it more into our current time period I may also borrow one or two things from the 2006 show but it will mostly be based on the original cartoon since that's the one I fell in love with first myself.

Disclaimer: As much I love the BMFM. I don't own them aside from a few comics and some of the vhs's .The Oc's and the story itself are mine along with any Grammatical or spelling errors contained within it. I make no money from this and it is for entertainment purposes only.

Chapter 1 (Fur-st Encounters)

Chair Italy Noble stared forlornly down into the contents of her refrigerator. But no amount of closing and opening the door coupled with wishful thinking had done anything to change the sorry lack of edible items on the nearly deserted shelves inside.

Chair heaved and exaggerated sigh using the extra air to puff raggedy honey blond bangs in serious need of a trim out of her eyes before closing the door for the third time that morning and leaning her forehead against the smooth and slightly sticky exterior.

(Ewe! Note to self-buy cleaning supplies) she thought. Chair pried eyes that felt gritty with sleep apart .Heaving yet another sigh as she turned shifting her weight to the side and leaning her hip up against the outside of the fridge.

Chair tipped her head back slightly worrying her bottom lip with her teeth while staring up at the cracked and peeling nicotine stained ceiling of the one room apartment, she had somehow managed to scrape just enough together for a down payment and the first month's rent on.

Chair couldn't help thinking that whoever had rented this place before her must have had a serious chain smoking problem, and she didn't even want to think about the mystery stains on the carpet or the perpetually rust/blood colored ring staining the sink in the bathroom.

That in place of a door had a shabby moth riddled old throw stretched between two nails hung over the front of the cracked an splintered door frame. In an attempt to lend at least a modicum of privacy to the single toilet and stand up shower stale (sans shower head) that where somehow crammed together into the matchbox sized space.

Giving an internal shrug. (Well beggars can't be choosers)Chair thought as she walked across the small single room living space. That even with her lack of personal items and furnishings still somehow managed to look cramped.

Frowning slightly Chair bent down to scoop up a faded flower print change purse. That had been sitting on top of a medium sized card board box she had turned on its side to double as a bookshelf /night stand for a handful of old paper backs, and a battery powered clock radio.

Situated on the floor next to the twin mattress Chair had gotten second hand, the same day she'd managed to land the apartment.

Chair unsnapped the little clutch slowly counting the handful of Bills inside.( No beggars really couldn't be choosers) Chair thought again. Pursing her lips as she examined the meager contents of the purse and that's exactly what she was going to be. Chair thought grimacing if she didn't manage to land a job soon.( Homeless and begging.)

Giving herself a little mental shake Chair looked up from her brief appraisal of her spares financial assets.

"Well no help for it now" she said out laud. Snapping the clutch on the little bag shut with an audible click.

Chair continued to speak out loud "Alright first things first,"

"or well at least food things first. Freak out about looming financial crisis later" she said.

Walking over and bending down to snag her truck keys off the cracked and slightly shredded duct tape covered seat of the brown fold out chair she had set next to the door while stepping into on a cheap pair of black slip ons.

Chair paused for a moment to twist her shoulder length curls into a quick bun that she hoped with the current humidity didn't too closely resemble a frizzy bird's nest glancing down at herself to make sure she was presentable considering she'd slept in what she was wearing.

Snorting to herself, Chair supposed she was at least presentable enough to grab some groceries from the little mom and pop store she'd seen coming into the neighborhood yesterday afternoon. Right before lugging her new/ used mattress up two flights of stairs by herself. (ugh!) It was a wonder she hadn't thrown her back out or pulled something.

Chair noted she had on a relatively clean pink spaghetti strap tank top and bleach splattered knee length jean shorts, her fly was up and there weren't any visible holes in embarrassing places.( Eh good enough )she thought shrugging.

Before stepping out into the muggy and slightly mold scented air of the stairway corridor. Chair briefly contemplated switching out her tank top for one of the t-shirts still packed up in the old duffle bag she had neglected to unpack yet.

But quickly changed her mind as she started down the stairs sweat already threating to begin beading up on her neck and chest.

At Barley five Ft. two and a hundred and sixty five pounds people sometimes had a tendency to give Chair crap for wearing some of the warm weather tops she had in her wardrobe.

But as far as Chair was concerned though, the same bigoted jerks that were under the misbegotten impression,

that just because she was more amply endowed than some Chair should dress more conservatively were more than welcome to get together in a single file line to kiss her dimpled ass.

With Chicago currently going through one of the worst heat waves anyone could remember in the last ten years. Chair had no intention of making herself miserable by putting on more layers.

If people didn't like what they saw they could ether get over themselves or start looking the other damn way. Chair was short round and more than a little pear shaped and she knew it.

Chair didn't see why she had to be hot and miserable to. What? Just so she could protect a few asinine people's stereotypical views about what fashion choices were acceptable for whose body type. (Fat chance) Chair thought with a self-depreciative chuckle.

Pulling herself from her mental musings Chair jiggled the keys in her hand as she finished descending the last three steps leading out of her new apartment complexes door.

Before heading in the direction of the curb were she had parked her old 1965 powder blue f100 ford pickup, Stepping down off the sidewalk ledge and running her hand across the mildly dented hood on her way to the driver's side door.

With the temps charting mostly in the 90s even during the relatively cooler parts of the day Chair considered herself lucky to have landed a spot in the shade.

She paused and flipped through her key ring for a moment before finding the one she wanted .(I really need to take these others off this thing) Chair thought as she stared at the extra keys that had belonged to her Great Grandfathers old dance studio and the apartment located above it.

Deep down Chair new she really wasn't ready to do it though in the past six months Chair had already had to say goodbye to her Gee-gee the man who had practically raised her, as well as the studio she had more or less grown up in and the only real home she could really remember having.

Chair new she just wasn't ready to let go of that last little memento of her former life yet. Finding herself suddenly misty eyed as she thought about it.

Chair quickly palmed the remainder of keys on the ring putting the one for her truck in the lock turning it then pulling up on the handle frowning when nothing happened and the key stuck.

Chair jiggled the key a bit in the lock tugging once before giving the already dinged and slightly scrapped section of metal next to the heavily scratched door lock a firm tap, with the palm of her hand smiling as the old truck door popped open.

Chair hauled herself up into the leather and dust scented tan interior of the cab simultaneously pulling the door shut behind her.

Chair placed her key in the ignition and mentally crossed her fingers as she turned it biting her lip ,as it sputtered and coughed before finally turning over.

Giving a sigh of relief Chair quite worrying her lip and let the breath she'd been holding out in a quick puff.

"Theirs my good girl" she said grinning toothily while giving the dash an affectionate pat, before pulling down and briefly wrestling with the persnickety seat belt finally clicking it into place with a little muttered gotcha".

Reaching up to re adjust the rearview mirror Chair briefly caught a glimpse of her own sea green eyes and perspiration dampened forehead before angling it so she could see to back up safely.

Chair couldn't remember moving it, but she must have caught it the other evening when she was taking her duffle out to go up to the apartment.

She'd been exhausted after hauling the mattress up the steps to the building and the adjacent staircase.

Chair was honestly just happy she had remembered to lock the truck door before heading up the stairs to her new place where she had ended up lying face down on the bare (but thankfully clean) mothball scented mattress and promptly passing out.

Chair had been so tired she had slept straight through the night and well into midmorning, when she'd been awakened by her stomachs laud and painful protesting of her neglect the previous day.

With all the apartment arrangements and the moving itself Chair had put grabbing something to eat on the back burner, and the strawberry poptart and red Gatorade she'd snagged on the way to pick up her mattress the morning before were well and truly gone.

Chair could have kicked herself for it now but her mind hadn't really been on basic living supplies food or otherwise the day before. Most of her energy and focus having been put solely into the act of getting moved in the first place.

Chair flinched as her stomachs gnawing gurgles started up again as she pulled out onto the mostly deserted street. Heading in the direction of the little corner market she'd seen the other day, sending up a brief prayer that they were still in business since a good portion of the buildings and old shops she was passing seemed to be boarded up closed for renovations or just plain abandoned.

Passing a small diner with some signs of life Chair briefly entertained the idea of stopping to enjoy something already prepared .Her stomach letting out a warbling growl in agreement audible even over the noise of the blue fords knocking engine.

Sighing Chair pulled her gaze away and back to the road ahead she really couldn't afford to stretch her already thin budget further than it already was, She'd just have to suck it up In this case that meant trying to make what was left in her wallet and nearly depleted savings account last until she could find some work that actually paid for a change.

At 26 with no further education on paper other than high school, nearly broke. No job or really any applicable job skills outside of a potentially failed career as a Ballet dancer.

Chair found she really didn't like her odds right now. She did have over ten years' experience as an assistant dance instructor and yoga coach, but Chair honestly wasn't even sure if she could even use that Since she technically had only been helping at her Great Grandfather's studio and had never really drawn a paycheck for it.

"Yeah Chair girl you've really got a lot going for yourself" she mused out loud. While carefully steering around an exceptionally large sized pothole almost dead in the center of the lane she was on.

Chair furrowed her brow as she pulled into the parking lot of the little Grocers simply titled Manual's.

Chair didn't remember the streets being quite this bad even a week ago when she'd first started looking for an apartment she could actually afford.

Honestly some of the places she had just passed looked like they could have been part of a war zone Chair thought as she pulled open the door to the little shop sighing in relief as she walked into the air conditioned interior.

(OH gad!) That cool air felt like heaven after being in the near roasting temperatures outside.

"Hello" Chair called walking a bit further into the quant and almost homey feeling shop.

"Hola one moment porfavor I'll be with you in just a second" a slightly Latin accented male voice called from behind a row of light green painted shelves located deeper in the store .

Still only a few steps from the door Chair let her gaze wander around some of the various goods on display before finding her gaze drawn to a well lite bin of fresh fruit and produce that included some of the biggest reddest apples Chair thought she had ever laid eyes on.

Of course that could just be her stomachs influence affecting her perception she thought riley as it let out another series of audible growls and irritated sounding gurgles.

Her favorite fruit aside Chair new she needed to focus on getting the essentials first. Maybe after figuring up a total for everything she'd see about adding some apples to her intended purchases.

A loud series of bangs and thumps followed by what she was fairly certain was an expletive in Spanish pulled Chairs attention back to the rear of the store.

"Is everything ok?" She called taking a few hesitant steps further towards the center of the store. Bouncing back and rocking a bit on the heels of her feet Chair waited another moment for a response.

Not receiving one she continued in the direction. Where she had last heard the sounds originate from walking past a series of similarly painted green shelves making a mental note of the top ramen on the upper left hand side of the second to last one.

(Well that's the location of at least one thing on my list) Chair thought as she rounded the corner of the last shelf, only to draw up short at the sight that greeted her on the other side.

"Holey Marinara batman" she muttered stepping around a fast spreading slick of tomato sauce that was creeping across the floor in front of her.

Eyes widening Chairs gaze followed the bright red trail back across the scuffed tile floor to a pair of brown and sauce spattered work boots attached to the feet of a slight built Hispanic man.

Who was trying earnestly to hold up a collapsing section of a shelving unite that was rapidly spilling its former contents all over the floor including a large number of glass pasta sauce jars.

Chair stood in place for a moment while her mind processed the situation and mess in front of her blinking a bit as her brain attempted to kick back into gear.

Oh my word! Chair exclaimed loudly finally coming back to herself.

Hoping over the worst of the spill Chair quickly made her way over towards the man.

"Uhm! one second let me just" she said trailing off while grabbing the opposite end of the falling shelf parallel of him straining to keep anymore of the contents from taking a swan dive like their unfortunate predecessors.

"Madre de Dios!" exclaimed the man as he attempted to re align the section of shelf with the notch it seemed to have slipped off of.

Turning his head in chairs direction while trying to keep his upper body rigid to prevent any further spills the man locked eyes with her.

"Gracias thank you if you could just hold it up a tad higher and angle it a bit to the right I think I can slip it back into place without anything else falling" he said.

"Oh...uh of course" Chair said looking back at the shelf and trying to re adjust her grip so she could angle it the desired amount to the best of her abilities.

Straining to lift the heavy and awkwardly balanced plank of wood Chair was momentarily distracted by a movement off to the side of the Shelf.

But before she could turn fully to try and catch a better glimpse at whatever it was her attention was pulled back to the task at hand.

When with a triumphant "I've got it! "The man across from her slid the cumbersome shelf back into place with a click.

Sighing in relief while giving her upper arms a little rub Chair turned giving the area to the side of the shelving unite a sweeping glance.

Before turning back to the man with a puzzled expression on her face "Hey you.. Didn't see anything odd just a second ago did you?' she asked looking up in time to catch the mild widening of the man's eyes and flare of his nostrils.

"Ah! Odd no No! Nothing out of the ordinary" He said quickly flinching slightly when one of the jars on the recently placed shelf rolled off onto the floor with a resounding crack.

"That is if you don't count a large portion of my inventory decorating my isle" he said forlornly while glancing around at the floor and the ever spreading pool of sauce.

Chair wasn't sure she would have called the oddly spaced section of tile between the larger and smaller shelving unites an isle herself. But she could definitely agree that there was a substantial mess and probably hefty profit loss staining the floor around them.

In all honesty part of Chair just wanted to leave the man she was starting to suspect was Manual to sort out the mess himself. Walk back out the door jump into her truck and find the next nearest convenience store and possibly MacDonald's.

She was tired hot, hungry and slightly worried she was starting to hallucinate because she could have half sworn she had just seen a white fur covered snake slither back behind the shelf they had just been wrestling with.

But even with how appealing heading out the door at that moment seemed .Chair already new that wasn't what she was going to do.

Her Gee-gee had taught her better than that In fact Chair could almost hear his voice in her head telling her.

" You don't stop helping someone just because something becomes difficult and you don't want to do it anymore. If that was the way of it no one would ever help anyone in this world and just were would that leave us?"

yeah Gee-gee would have boxed her ears (metaphorically at least) if she just walked out without at least offering to help Chair thought with a smile, as she turned her gaze back to the small ocean of red glop spreading before her.

"Uhm.."Chair hedged for a moment wrinkling her nose at the mess.

" Do..uh..do you need any help cleaning this up?" She asked looking up at the man/Manual/maybe? In order to judge his reaction.

"Oh no it's fine I'll…" the man said pausing midway eyes going wide.

" I mean Si! SI! Yes! Your help would be most appreciated cleaning!" he finished half shouting at the end.

Chair just then felt a slight breeze ruffle the hair at the nap of her neck turning she thought she herd the swish of the shop door as well.

But she was just short enough she couldn't see it from her position standing behind the green shelves.

"Err.. Well ok?" Chair said confusedly turning back towards the noticeably less agitated Man before her.

"Where do you keep the cleaning supplies?" She asked brightly.

One hour two buckets of Mop water, four rolls of paper towels and six Band-Aids from the first aid kit later. Chair was convinced of three things.

One she was an overly kind idiot.

two as hungry as she was she still never wanted to see another bowl of spaghetti in her life,

and three on top of already being an idiot She was also a clumsy idiot.

Who apparently couldn't handle sweeping relatively dull edged glass shards into a dust pan without injuring herself.

Chair muttered that last part to herself as she finished wrapping her right index finger with a light beige adhesive strip.

Before packing the remaining supplies back into the kit on the counter in front of the Balling up wrappers and waxy pieces left over from the adhesive strips in her hand Chair handed the first aid kit back to the friendly Hispanic man she had learned was in fact Manual.

Then dropping the crumpled up bits of wrapper into the black garbage bag they had been tossing used paper towels into along with the shattered and cracked marinade jars during the course of their cleaning spree.

"Well I think that was the last of it" Chair said tiredly glancing around while reaching up to brush her bangs out of her eyes flinching slightly when her sore fingers gave a twinge.

Bringing her arm back down and letting her hands rest on her hips. Chair breathed in deeply before exhaling with a pleased whoosh.

"All righty then" she exclaimed with a more upbeat tone of voice than what she was actually feeling.

Chair turned back to face Manual as he stood up from putting the first aid kit back in its former place under the register counter.

" Need me to run this stuff out to the dumpster for you?" she asked gesturing to the lumpy plastic bag with a waggle of her bandage tipped fingers.

"Oh no" exclaimed Manual.

"you've already done more than enough" He said with a grateful smile walking back around the counter.

Manual bent down over the plastic bag tying the top with a quick twist of his wrist before hefting it up over his shoulder with a slightly musical clink from the jars inside. Standing up and looking back up at Chair Manual smiled at her good naturedly again.

"Why don't you gather up those items you needed while I run this out back he said Heading for the door" he said

"Sounds like a good plan to me" Chair said with relieved smile.

Happy to finally be doing what she had set out to do that morning Chair snagged one of the brightly colored hand baskets from a stack near the register before heading in the direction of some of the less expensive food items she'd seen while cleaning (the great tomato spill).

By passing the apples with a longing stare Chair made her way over to where she had seen the top ramen.

(Food of choice for underappreciated starving artists and students everywhere) she thought wryly. Placing a couple packs of the cheaper chicken flavored packs of dehydrated noodles in the bottom of the basket slung over her arm.

Chair paused noticing a small hand written sign stating that all smashed and partially crushed packages were half off the original price. Looking back at the noodles she perused the remaining packs with a more critical eye finding three more packs of slightly crushed beef noodle packs for her efforts.

Chairs resisted the little voice in the back of her head that suggested she take advantage of Manuals absence and crush some of the undamaged packs in order to stretch her dollar further.

She may have spent the last hour busting her tush to help out But Chair new that didn't mean she was entitled to take advantage of Manuals trust like that.

With a twinge of guilt for even having the thought Chair quickly moved away from the ramen, and began checking prices on a couple boxed skillet meals located a little further down on the same shelf.

Wrinkling her nose quizzically at the picture of a smiling hand on the front Chair rotated the box to read the ingredient list while absently wondering about the number of calories in it before catching herself.

"Screw it" she muttered throwing a handful of the lower priced boxes into the basket next to the ramen with an angry jerk of her hand.

Nearly 8 months since her last audition and she was still counting calories out of habit.

(Well you are what you eat) she thought moodily "and unfortunately junk is cheap" Chair said finishing the thought out loud as she made her way towards the clear glass cooler doors to try and find an affordable protein to add to her meager provisions.

Skimming over the available selection before settling on a small carton of eggs and a package of hotdogs.

Chair wasn't completely sure about the Hotdogs weren't really something she had ever included in her regular diet.

But they were relatively in expensive and Chair thought they might at least help add some variety to her meals.

Finished with her selections and secure in the knowledge that she at least wouldn't starve in the upcoming days. Chair headed back towards the cash register at the front of the store hesitating for a moment as she passed the produce bin.

Feeling her eyes almost pulled towards the apples as her stomach reminded her of its displeased state with a gurgling roll Chair did a Quick mental tally of the items in her basket against the amount of cash in her purse flinching a bit at the total.

It was going to be cutting things close as it was she had to accept the apples just weren't something she could feasibly add. With a sad sigh of defeat Chair pulled herself away from the temptation of the fresh fruit.

Continuing on her path towards the register, were she noted Manual had returned from his trip to throw out the trash.

Smiling in greeting Chair set the basket on the counter across from him. "I think that should just about do it" she said beginning to remove the items from the handcart.

With a small chuckle Manual began setting the items into a brown paper bag he pulled from the storage space beneath the counter.

" Ready to finally be heading out I take it" He said.

"Gad Yes!" Chair said with a laugh.

" Nothing personal against you Manual but this morning is honestly starting to turn into a long day" she finished with a smile.

"No offense taken" Manual said with an answering grin setting the last item into the bag then sliding the sack and its contents across the counter with a crinkling rustle of paper towards Chair.

"Will that be everything Ms. Chair?" He asked.

Chair resisted the urge to turn around and stare at the apples again Smiling over at Manual as she answered.

"That should be it" Chair said reaching into her pocket for the change purse she used in place of a wallet.

"How much do I owe you?" Chair asked clicking open the clutch on the little floral print bag.

"Please" Manual said holding up his hand." it's on me for all your help".

Chair hesitated a moment with her hand over the top of the open bag she wouldn't have consider herself a saint by any means and Chair would have been lying if she said she wasn't more than a little tempted to accept.

With things as tight as they were for her financially at the moment the offer of free food was a hard one to turn down. But knowing the loss Manual had probably just taken What with the entire isle of busted inventory they had both just cleaned up. Chair couldn't in good conscious bring herself to take him up on it.

"I appreciate the offer "Chair said mentally kicking herself for turning him down.

"But I insist on paying" she finished pulling out a handful of slightly crumpled bills.

Ten minutes of friendly debate and stubborn insistence on both hers and Manuals part later. Chair gathered up the bag of groceries that she was still not completely convinced Manual had charged her full price on and headed for the door calling a brief thank you and farewell to the friendly store clerk over her shoulder.

Chair turned back towards the door just in time to narrowly avoid being plowed down by the petite auburn haired women that came flying through it.

"Alright where is He?!" The women said vehemently stepping around Chair and making a beeline for Manual.

"Ah..Hola Buenas tardese Ms. Davidson ..Where is who?" Manual asked sending a nervous glance towards Chair.

Chair found herself trying to decide whether or not to remain and offer some form of back up for Manual, from the small but intimidating denim clad women or simply wash her hands of this whole odd day and just leave.

Chairs attention was drawn back to the women in question agan, as she stood in front of the counter arms crossed one foot tapping in agitation as she looked around the small store as if she expected something or someone to suddenly jump out from behind one of the shelves or bins.

"Call me Charley please and you know who Vinnie, tall Loud.. Ego the size of Chicago" the women finished dryly continuing to look around with an irritated scowl on her face.

"Ah I see" said Manual relaxing slightly.

"Senior Vincent was here earlier this morning but he left some time ago and he hasn't returned that I am aware of" finished Manual.

"You're sure? He's not around back or anything?" The women/Charley asked her voice suddenly taking on a more worried tone, from the previous annoyed one.

Chair really just wanted to get back to her apartment but she wasn't really sure whether or not she should just go and leave Manual with the distraught women or not.

"I don't remember seeing anyone in the store while I've been here other than Manual an myself." Chair spoke up from where she had been hesitating next to the doorway.

"yes ..he left right before you arrived Ms. Chair" Manual said his fingers tapping out a nervous rhythm against the light wood of the register counter.

The women glanced over at Chair with a mildly surprised look on her face ether not having noticed chair when she came in or not expecting anyone else to be taking part in the conversation other than herself and Manual.

"That was well over two hours ago" Chair said switching her gaze from Manual back to the women(Charley she supposed).

"I don't know if that's any help or not" Chair said shifting the bag of groceries she was holding to a more comfortable position and meeting the women's curious gaze.

"Uhm Hi I'm Chair" she said awkwardly.

Panicking slightly when the Women continued to stare at her oddly Chair thrust her hand out into the air for a handshake she was currently spaced too far away for.

Mentally kicking herself for making the situation weirder (Gad my people skills suck )Chair thought ,as she waited what felt like a ridiculously long period of time with her arm sticking straight out in front of her for the woman standing a good four-five feet away to shake.

Just when Chair was trying to figure out how to play off the botched hand shake .The women with a slightly bemused expression moved forward the last few feet to take it.

"Charley" she said giving Chairs hand a quick pump. "

Chair was it she asked?" Giving Chair a quizzical look that she had become familiar with when it came to introducing herself for the first time.

"Yes" Chair said with a relieved chuckle happy the handshake fiasco was out of the way.

"and it's spelled exactly the same way as the piece of furniture to) Chair finished with a smile.

Charley grinned back at her good naturally "well considering most people know me as Charley Davidson you won't hear any ribbing about it from me personally" Charley said with a small laugh.

Before slowly turning back to Manual with a worried frown, "Your absolutely positive he hasn't been here for that length of time Manual?"

"No Ms. David..I mean Ms. Charley" Manual amended quickly.

"I'm certain he hasn't" Manual said sporting a mildly worried look on his face as well.

"If you don't mind me asking Chair said drawing Charley's attention back to her, Just what exactly does this fellow of yours look like?" Chair asked.

"Trust me you'd know if you'd seen him" Charley said wryly before glancing back towards Manual.

"Thanks anyway Manual if he comes back here just.. let him know we were looking for him" She said sighing before walking towards the door.

Hesitating with her hand on the glass above the handle she turned back,

"And let him know if he wasn't in trouble to begin with then he's going to be when he does get back" Charley said with vigor over her shoulder.

Before pushing the door open and heading out into the bright sunshine of the outside world.

Chair stared after her briefly stunned by the abrupt whirlwind of activity and energy the women had swept in and out of the store with.

Blinking owlishly Chair re-adjusted her gradually heavy-ing bag for what must have been the fourth or fifth time before remembering herself and calling a quick farewell again to Manual while making her own hasty departure from the store.

Stepping back into the sweltering heat of the day Chair immediately began digging in her pocket for her keys ready to get back to her apartment before anything else weird happened to her.

Glancing up while pulling out her keys Chair felt the paper bag slip from her suddenly numb grip only to land with a thwack against the pavement next to her feet.

Vaguely aware somewhere in the back of her mind that she had stopped walking Chair stood completely still her keys dangling from her clinched fingers.

As her brain tried in vain to process the seen playing out in front of her as a bunch of leather clad and spike haired men in what looked like( dune buggies?) duked it out with a group of bikers not even a full twenty feet in front of her.

Chair continued to watch with an almost detached sense of disbelief as the women she had just meet moments before road past on the back of a red bike toting what appeared to be (a rocket launcher?)

Watching as the women (Charley), Chairs addled brain supplied, watching as Charley took aim and fired into the mist of the group of leather clad punk rockers sending a large portion of their vehicles skyward as the rider of the red bike continued to weave in and out of them at break neck speed.

(She's a pretty good shot) Chair thought distantly a feeling of unreality washing over her as she continued to watch the battle before her.

(I'm dreaming) She thought.

( I must have fallen asleep watching the twilight zone or something last night) which Chair supposed would have been feasible except she didn't currently own a TV and that show hadn't been on the air in at least ten years or more.

Chair watched detachedly as a tire from one of the dunbuggie like vehicles bounced across the parking lot directly in front of her before forcefully slamming into the side of her truck with a resounding thud.

Leaving a watermelon sized dent in the already dinged door before spinning around and coming to rest at her feet.

Chair continued to stare at the tire as if it was suddenly going to come up with answers for what was happing in front of her.

Still gazing detachedly at the tire several minutes later Chair suddenly found herself Airborne.

Her empty stomach doing a flip as she was whipped sideways just in time to narrowly avoid being waylaid by the large man in overalls who suddenly came flying through the space she had been occupying only a moment before.

Chair's ears registered the sound of him connecting with the wall of the store with a meaty sounding smack a spider web of cracks appearing around him.

Chairs hands clutched around her middle briefly making contact with whatever was wrapped around her waist.

She had just enough time to register the feel of python like muscle coated in something soft before it pulled away. Leaving her trying to balance like a newborn giraffe on legs suddenly turned to jelly.

"It might be best if you went back inside for a bit Ma'am" a Baritone voice said from slightly to her left.

Chair turned to the side and looked up, then up some more and felt what little that was left of her wits go out the window.

Chair didn't know what she had been expecting but it certainly wasn't the behemoth stepping down from the blue bike that had rolled up next to her,

(or was it up?) Chair vaguely wondered he was definitely taller standing up Chair thought craning her neck back to look at him.

Almost in a daze Chair realized he was still talking to her but she was still trying to work out how he could have ridden that bike up next to her without her at least hearing it.

"Ma'am? Um hello Ma'am? You ok?"

Chair blinked slowly her ears vaguely processing the words as a hand passed in front of her face repeatedly as she continued to stare up at the imposing Male.

(well he's certainly built )A little feminine voice in the back of her head piped up noting the impressive six-pack he was sporting under his odd looking muscle shirt.

Chair suppressed an insane giggle at having the absurd thought in the middle of everything currently going on around her.

Turning in what felt like slow Motion towards Manuals store Chairs gaze was drawn to the slumped overall clad figure leaning up against the cracked faded brick wall the building.

"I wonder if insurance covers that?" Chair said out loud absently.

As she continued to watch in almost hypnotized horror as a dark stain slowly pooled beneath the large mans slumped form (blood?) No it was much too dark to be blood.

Then again maybe it was Chair thought numbly. She'd never seen someone thrown with enough force to demolish brick before so what did she really know about it.

Chair startled slightly when a new voice broke into her train of thought.

"I think your lady friend might be a bit over whelmed there bro" said a raspy sounding male voice.

"Well what can I say; I've been known to have that effect on women" said a third voice with a slightly higher pitch.

Chair tore her gaze from the ever spreading puddle and looked up to see that two more bikers had pulled up next to her as well.

"What Throttle means is she's in shock you ego maniac" charley said irritably from her position behind the red bikes rider .

Charley shifted forward a bit handing the rocket launcher to the rider in front of her while sliding off the back of the bike.

Chair stared mutely as something unwound itself from around the auburn haired woman's waist.

(I didn't know motorcycles had seatbelts) Chair thought right before her mind blanked because whatever had just unwound itself from Charley's midsection obviously wasn't a seat belt.

For starters no seatbelt on earth moved like that and secondly whatever the thing was it was attached directly to the red bikes rider.

Chairs brain chose that moment to just quite trying to make sense of everything and shut down for a while.

Chair felt everything around her tip slightly right before she heard Charley gasp,

"MODO! GRAB HER!" And the world went black.