A/N: All the characters belong to DC Comics. No copyright infringement intended.

Fair warning, this chapter has a few scenes of the adult nature. =] Read only if you want to and if you are old enough!

According to the timeline I'm writing this, this takes place after Chapter 12 of Turning Back Time and before the Epilogue. I hope you enjoy reading this!

The Reporter and the Princess

Themysciran Embassy, New York

Clark Kent fidgeted on the couch in the Themysciran Embassy. He had been waiting for the past twenty minutes for a meeting with the Princess, an interview that she had finally agreed to give him. Twenty minutes – he could have flown across the world in just twenty minutes; got himself a bowl of Ramen from Tokyo or worked out with the stimulation program he had at the Fortress or even taken a nap. His wife had kept him awake all night. She was hormonal, craving odd things, and making love to him was the first thing on her mind. She was wild, full of passion and love, something he just couldn't resist. Clark sighed as he looked around. Why was this place so boring? He kept asking himself that. When he saw the Princess's PA walking towards him, he stood up.

"Mr. Kent, the Princess can see you now. If you'll follow me," she said, leading him towards her office. "Please go in, you don't have to knock. The Princess is expecting you."

"Thank you," Clark said politely and walked in to see Diana seated behind the desk, working on her laptop. When she heard the door open, she looked at him with a wicked smile.

"Mr. Kent, so nice to see you again," she greeted, getting up.

Clark's jaw dropped when he saw her wearing a short black skirt and a figure-hugging red blouse. Clark wondered why she looked different today; she would normally wear dresses and business suits. Quietly, he made his way towards her desk to shake hands with her.

"Princess, always a pleasure." He smiled, hiding his surprise as she gestured him to take a seat.

Diana went to lean on her desk. She slowly undid the top two buttons of her shirt. Teasing him with a charming, seductive smile, she said, "It's getting hot in here. Don't you think so, Mr. Kent?"

Clark gulped and said, "Well, yes—are you ready for the interview, Your Highness?"

Diana nodded. "I've always been ready for anything you were willing to offer, Mr. Kent."

Clark couldn't help but notice how seductive she looked. What was she playing at? He glanced down at his wedding band and tried to calm himself. No, he couldn't do this. He had to resist this feeling.

"Maybe we can resume the interview after we deal with something first," the Princess said, pointing towards his crotch. Clark's eyes widened, he grabbed his laptop bag and placed it over his lap. "So, as I was saying—" he started but quickly stopped when she walked towards him and took the bag away.

"Don't be ashamed to show what you're feeling, Clark Kent." With that Diana slowly lowered herself on his lap, her chest pressing against his. Her lips hovered over his, teasing him as she touched them with her own, but not really kissing him.

"Princess, I apologize if my . . . arousal . . . gave you the wrong idea. You're an attractive woman, wearing fewer, sexy clothes. But I'm a married man, happily at that. I love my wife way too much to do this to her."

Diana smiled sweetly as she placed her finger over his lips, shushing him. "Your wife is a very lucky woman, Mr. Kent. But it's not wrong to indulge in some pleasure. Have you forgotten our first kiss? Remember I pushed you against that wall?" She asked, pointing towards a wall. Clark remembered all too well. He gulped and sat back. "Or that desk where you had me not once but twice?"

"Your Highness, that was before I got married."

"Come now, Mr. Kent, it's not like your wife will ever find out."

Clark sighed. "Well, it looks like my wife knows what I'm doing."

Diana smirked. She stood up and started removing her blouse slowly. Clark's eyes widened at the sight of the red, lacy bra underneath it. Smirking, she pulled her skirt down. Now standing only in sexy, lacy lingerie, she noticed Clark looking away, thinking of his wife instead. She wasn't supposed to strain herself. Thrice last night and this morning didn't count? He wondered if he could talk some sense into her. Diana moved towards him, tugging on his tie as she pulled him towards her, lips crashing over his in a slow, fiery kiss. He moaned just as she pulled away. Quickly undoing his shirt, she leaned down to place a chaste kiss on his neck, biting it lightly. She kept the pressure there for a while before moving away with a smile. Biting her lower lip, she saw the love bite she had given him.

"I hope your wife doesn't notice that," she said with a smirk.

Clark reddened as he placed his hand over the hickey. "Diana, we shouldn't be doing this!" He was trying to take control of this situation. How did he end up here, half naked on the couch at the embassy?

"Shh! Play along," Diana muttered as her lips crashed over his once again. She took her time kissing him leisurely, making it worth his while. When she pulled away, she stood up again and was about to unhook her bra when Clark stopped her.

"What is it?" She asked in confusion.

He held up a finger asking for a minute. He quickly looked at her stomach with his x-ray vision and sighed in relief. The second heartbeat he heard around her made him sit back and enjoy the show. He couldn't escape this enchantress now. Maybe having some fun wouldn't be that bad, he thought.

Diana grinned as she undressed and walked back to him, this time helping him with his belt and pants.

Clark slowly placed his hands on her hips, lifting her, positioning her on his lap. Cupping her face, he kissed her as she ran her fingers through his hair. She moaned as his lips touched her neck. He slowly sucked it before moving down towards her delectable breasts.

Just as he placed his lips over her left breast, Diana spoke, "Tell me, Mr. Kent, what kind of person is your wife?"

Clark started kissing the curve of her breast before saying, "She's an angel, my Diana is."

"Her name is Diana as well?"

Clark didn't respond, he kissed her nipple and gently took it in his mouth; he bit on it lightly before sucking it and rolled his tongue over it. Her nipples were so sensitive that she moaned loudly, tugging his hair. Clark looked up to see her eyes shut as she held on to him tightly. Tugging the rose bud with his teeth, he felt a tug at his hair; he bit a bit harder in retaliation. Diana moaned even louder.

"Shh! Princess, you need to control yourself or else the staff will hear you," Clark said, his eyes meeting hers as he kissed her lips again passionately. Diana deepened the kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth. Her hands ran over his chest before she pulled away and said, "Do you know Superman? I'm with him."

"Oh, the Man of Steel. Is he really that strong, I heard he could take a bullet, stop trains and fly to outer space?" Clark asked, as his lips found her neck again.

Diana blushed. She bit her lower lip again before saying, "He's strong. And he's a caring and gentle lover. Always puts me first, always cares for me. He even built a Jacuzzi for me at his Fortress, which is in the Arctic, by the way."

"Ah! Of course, he has a Fortress," Clark said, rolling his eyes. "I must disappoint you, I'm just a farm boy from Kansas."

"Does it matter? You are one passionate lover."

Clark eyes caught the twinkle in her eyes. His eyes fell over her stomach again before he grabbed her hips and positioned himself under her. His fingers found her wet core; he ran a finger over it and smiled. She was ready for him; with a swift motion, he slid inside her. Diana gasped as she threw her arms around his shoulders, holding onto him for dear life.

"Kal!" She moaned, as he started to move.

"No, Princess. The name's Clark," Clark teased her. She looked at him and frowned. She was supposed to be playing the game, not him. Clark lowered his mouth over her right breast and gave it the same attention he gave its counterpart, he was sucking gently when Diana ran her fingers through his hair.

He was moving so fast that she was almost going to scream. Clark placed his hand over her mouth and said, "No. No. Don't scream. They'll figure out what's going on."

Diana pushed his hand away and crashed her lips over his again. She kissed him furiously, taking it all out on him. He could take it, he was strong enough. When she finally found her release, she laid her head on his shoulder as he followed her a few minutes later. Diana nuzzled his neck as he threw his arms around her, pulling her closer. Clark pressed a kiss to her head and patted it slowly.

Diana finally pulled away; she slowly stood up and winced a little. Clark jumped, his hands wrapped around her waist, his eyes fell on her face looking for any signs of distress – there were none. She smiled a shy smile and said, "I'm okay."

He moved away and began to pull on his clothes. Putting his coat on, he shoved his tie in the bag. When he turned around, he saw Diana in a dark blue summer dress. She folded her blouse and skirt and put it away.

"I . . . I still need that interview," Clark said, hesitating slightly.

"This evening. I promise, I'll give you all the answers you need for the interview."

Clark ran his hand through his hair; his eyes quickly fell on her tummy. He had to use his x-ray vision again to know everything was okay, smiling lightly, he said, "I can email you the questions, if you can reply back before five, then I'll be able to put it all together before heading home."

"Well, I can do that." Diana nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Kent."

"No, thank you, Princess." Clark smiled and walked out of the room.

The Daily Planet, Metropolis

Clark hurried back to the Daily Planet. Once he got there, he wrote down all the questions he had been meaning to ask in an email before the Princess had pleasantly sidetracked him. He had to wait for only thirty minutes to see a reply from her. Clark finished putting it all together – the perfect interview; he proofread it once, printed it and took it to Perry's office. His boss was happy with what he had done.

Clark was able to get off work early. He wanted to get back home as soon as possible. Twenty minutes later, when he walked in, he saw Diana standing in the kitchen, looking at something keenly.

"Di, what's going on?" Clark panicked when he smelt something burn. He rushed to see something burning on the frying pan; switching off the stove, he took the dish and dumped it in the trash.

"What was that?" He asked, turning towards his wife.

"Err . . . it was supposed to be fried fish."

"Well, it was burnt beyond recognition, poor fish." Clark smiled brightly, pecking her lips quickly. He turned around and headed to the bedroom. When he removed his jacket and shirt, he felt Diana's eyes on him. She was looking at the hickey on his neck.

"Had a great time at the embassy, did you?" She asked, her back against the wall.

Clark sighed. "I should ask you that. What were you thinking, Di?"

"What? No one heard us! I gave them all a break when I knew you had arrived."

"It was still risky." Clark shook his head. It was partially his fault, too; he should have resisted her temptations. "It's not just about people hearing us having sex at the embassy. What about the little one? Thrice last night, twice today!"

"You're keeping count?" Diana raised her eyebrow.

"Well, we have made love at least fifty-seven times this month and there's still a whole week left!"

"Okay, that's less even for us."

Clark looked at her in shock. "Who are you and what have you done to my wife?"

"Kal, you don't understand. I'm feeling so . . . I don't know I just want to be with you. I feel like a sex-crazed woman right now. Every time I see you, I'm mentally undressing you, and you can't blame me for that. You are irresistible."

"Diana, you're carrying a child, my child. You cannot overwork your body. With yours and my genes combined, that is one strong baby. We don't even know how it's going to affect you."

"I'm absolutely alright, Kal. Don't forget that I'm an Amazon. And the baby is being an angel, I barely feel any difference."

Clark raised his eyebrow. Diana sighed loudly before saying, "Alright, alright, other than the cravings, the sleepless nights and me being a sex monster, I'm perfectly fine."

This brought a smile on Clark's lips. He walked towards her and pulled her into a hug. "Princess, you are one wildcat! What were you thinking seducing me at the embassy?"

"You played along well, Mr. Kent." Diana grinned, going into her Princess mode.

"So you're with Superman, huh?"

"Yes. And I love him and our baby very much."

"Our baby," Clark said carefully as if testing the words, he ran his hand over her tummy, caressing his baby from outside. He bent down, lifted the t-shirt and placed a gentle kiss on her stomach. "Who knew it was possible?"

"Why wouldn't it be? The amount of times we've made love, it was really hard not to expect this." Diana winked at him; pulling her t-shirt over her head, she walked towards the bathroom. "So, Mr. Kent, I haven't had that shower yet, the one you wanted earlier, how about you join me?"

"It would be my honor, Princess." Clark grinned following her, letting her undress him quickly as she pulled him into the bathroom, under the warm water cascading smoothly over her skin, later his. He pulled her closer as his mouth hovered over hers. "You are such an enchantress, Princess."

"I'm sure Superman can handle me!" Diana winked at him before pulling his head down for a fervent kiss. Clark smiled against her lips; he was beginning to love this side of Diana. He wished she wouldn't change for anything in the world.

Review and Comments are much appreciated! Hope you enjoyed this! Would you like to read more Diana x Clark oneshots like this?