Roman had turned the shower a bit hotter, feeling Dean slightly relax in his arms.
"Good babe." The black haired man sighed in relief, seeing that his boyfriend's lips were no longer blue. A tremble went through the blonde's body, hearing the thunderstorm from afar.
"Shhh, you're save." Roman whispered softly, starting to brush the dirt out of his blonde curls, "I'm here." Gently he continued cleaning the lunatic's body from the mud, feeling how the tension fell off of his boyfriend's body under his soft touches. Dean whimpered when the water hit his open skin.
"Arghh …" The blonde hissed, squinting his eyes, when the burning pain caused tears to run out of the corner of his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Dean." Roman stopped instantly, gently kissing Dean's tears away.
"We'll have to take care of those." The Samoan mumbled more to himself, looking down on the red scratches and cuts on the younger man's arms and palms.

"You're warmer now, babe?" Roman asked softly.
The tall man had gently laid Dean down into the warm water, before he had stepped out of the bath tub to quickly get rid of his own soaked pants, while the warm water kept on filling the tube slowly.
Dean was still shivering, causing small waves to appear on the water surface.
"You're okay …" The black haired man whispered lovingly, stroking his boyfriend's cheek softly. Slowly the lunatic's breathing went back to normal and his shivering ebbed away.
"Good." Roman murmured, kissing Dean's lips briefly, "I'm here."
"I-I thought I-I h-had t-to d-di-e …" The exhausted lunatic whimpered, grabbing the tall man's hand tightly.
"Shhh, it's okay Dean. You're save now." Somehow Dean managed to wrap his weak arms around Roman's neck, burying his face into the Samoan's bare chest once again, when new tears started to run over his cheeks.
"Do you wanna get out?" The tall man asked softly, grabbing a towel out of the drawer next to them, ready to throw it over Dean. But all he got from his exhausted boyfriend, was a weak nod against his chest.
"Come here babe." Roman whispered, carefully lifting the blonde out of the tube, before he gently started rubbing him dry.


"Arghhh …" Dean whined quietly, filching under Roman's carefully touch.
"I know. I know babe." The Samoan murmured, not letting go of the lunatic's wrist, while he continued to clean Dean's wounds, "I'm sorry."
Roman took a deep breath, wincing with every single one of Dean's jerks, which gave the tall man a feeling of being stabbed right into his heart.
The lunatic was lying on their bed, while the Samoan was sitting next to him on the mattress, the red first aid kid right beside them. Roman had wrapped at least two blankets around the blonde, making sure his body temperature couldn't drop again. Desperately Dean tried to crawl away, but the Samoan was stronger.
"Please babe hold still. I'm sorry …" He apologized once again, carefully patting the blonde's bloody scratches dry with a clean gaze. " … j-just let me disinfect this ... otherwise it'll inflame."
"Ahhh … huggghuuh …" Dean cried out when the disinfecting liquid hit his open skin and the blonde started crying in pain.
"Oh babe, I'm so sorry …" Roman whispered sympathetically, leaning forward to kiss away Dean's hot tears, which had started streaming all over his face.
" … almost done." He murmured softly, taking a few band-aids out of the first aid kid. "… you're so brave …" Roman soothed the blonde, while he carefully covered some of the deeper cuts in the lunatic's palms, before he pressed a gently kiss on each patch.
"D-Do … do we s-still have one w-with the c-cool dinosaur … "Dean sobbed quietly, when the burning pain slowly eased. The Samoan couldn't help but smile, starting to search through the first aid kid.
"Yes we have babe." Roman smiled, "There you go. A cool dinosaur patch right on your arm." The tall man carefully stroked the band-aid straight on the lunatic's arm, before he utilized the distraction of his boyfriend - who was smiling happily at the dinosaur, trying to make it move on his arm - covering some of the other scratches as well.


"You're ready to go to bed now babe?" Roman gave Dean a sweet kiss, wrapping the sleepy blonde tighter into his blankets, before the Samoan threw another one over both of them.
"Good night my little caterpillar.", The tall man whispered into his boyfriend's dirty blonde curls, feeling how the younger man cuddled himself even closer against his warm body.

A happy sigh left the lunatic's lips, when he finally fell asleep on Roman's chest. Gently the Samoan stroked over Dean's cheek, realizing that it was a bit warmer than usual. But then he quickly decided to not bother the blonde with taking his temperature now and let his little caterpillar sleep peacefully.

Hey guys,
I hope you enjoyed that chapter (I know you had to wait for it so long ... :/). This is the final one of "Just a little fight" ... But I thought about writing a sequel (meaning another short story, which will base on this one) ... What will this be about? I left a hint in the last sentences of this chap. ;) (who of you found it :D?)
So let me know what you think about a sequel.
Thanks for all your support. Made me so happy once again *heart*
I'll see you in the reviews :*