
And now we come to the conclusion of Part 2 of our Circling Hawks series. I hope you've all enjoyed the journey to find and bring our Bucky Bear home.

In Search of Winter

Chapter 7: Wedding Bells

Darcy ran her hands down the satin fabric falling down her waist, her fingers dipping into the pockets of the dress, a smile she couldn't contain on her face. Steve tucked her right hand into the elbow of his left and squeezed her fingers.

"You ready, Lady Hawk?" he asked, already knowing the answer. They could both see their friends looking back at them from down the aisle, Clint's hands clenched behind his back, an answering smile to his mate.

"So ready, Spangles," she winked at her friend and took a step down the first stair, letting Steve guide her the rest of the way, the steps disappearing under the bell of her skirt, fingers tight against the black suit jacket, as his hand held hers in place.

"Clint," he nodded at the other man and turned back to Darcy, pulling the short vail off her face, and tucking it back gently, just the way Natasha had drilled into his head, smoothing it to fold over its twin running down the back of Darcy's hair. "You look beautiful, doll." He kissed her on the cheek and tucked her hand into Clint's.

The Hawks turned as a unit to Thor, who stood patiently, a golden cord held in his massive hands, letting it dangle between them. "As you friend, I have the privilege of helping you both into the next phase of your life," Thor held his hands out to them, the cord loose between the three of them. "As the Lady Darcy's embraced brother, I have the duty to unite you to your soul match," he wrapped their hands together with the cord, tying their wrists together. Darcy could feel their bond ignite between them, affection flowing through them. "As your hands are joined, so are your lives," he looped the cord around again, Clint was sure he could see it shimmer with potential as Thor recited. "Holding each other, caressing each other, supporting each other, loving each other." Thor tied the cord tightly, letting his hands fall to his sides.

"I promise you, Darcy, that I will be your mate, you're bonded from this day forward. I promise to love you, support you, and hold you. I will make you laugh and be there when you cry, to kiss you softly when you are hurting. I will be your companion and your friend on this journey that we will now make together," Clint squeezed his hands around her arms where they were bound. "I am your mate, the other half of your soul, and from here one out, we are as one."

"Clint, I promise you that I will love and support you, respect and hold you, from this day forward, as your mate and your bonded. I will laugh with you and hold you when you are sad. I will rain kisses down on you when you need them. I am your companion in all things, your best friend and your soul," she smiled up at his, seeing the shine of a tear in the corners of his eye. "On this journey we are walking together, I am your mate, your bonded. We are as one in all things."

"In the presence of your friends and family," Thor laid his hands on the cord that bound them together. "It is my great right to announce that you are bound," the cords burst into light and sinking into the skin of their arms, leaving a faint ring around their wrists, which slowly faded to nothing. "Congratulations, my friends," he slapped Clint on the back hard enough to rock him a step closer to Darcy. "I am told that it is Midgardian custom that you now kiss, so that we are all witness to the symbolic completion of your union."

Clint took Darcy's face in his hands and gently kissed her lips. Her hands wound around his waist, and he was sure he could feel the cord that had bound them flair to life for just a moment, a warm weight on his hands.

"In Asgardian tradition, we would send the officiant to witness the consummation of your bond," Thor said over the cheers of their friends, who all fell silent, eyes on the thunder god. "But I am told that here, that would be inappropriate."

"Yeah, big guy," Darcy clapped him on the shoulder; Thor was not moved by the gesture. "You may not watch us fuck."

"Not a chance," Clint tucked his wife's hand in the crook of his elbow and faced them back down the aisle, their backs to the Asgardian. "Way to make it awkward, bro. Isn't' there supposed to be music here, so we can walk out?"

"Right," Tony waved at the small quartet that looked completely scandalized. "Play something." Violins broke the awkward tension, but only just.

Darcy smiled up at her husband and pulled him gently down the aisle. "Beer will make it better, Hawk."

"Yeah," he nodded and kissed the top of her head. "Beer makes everything the big guy says a little better."

Bucky looked down at his link mates, entwined on their bed, completely oblivious to his presence. Clint's hands spanned the back of Darcy's hips as she rocked over him, her head thrown back in pleasure, he watched as the other man's hands clenched his mate's hips, pulling her against him. "Ahem," Bucky cleared his throat and waited. Clint flipped Darcy over, neither of them losing their rhythm, before slowly inching down her body, her head thrown back, arching off the bed as he pulled one of her nipples into his mouth. The moan that escaped her mouth made Bucky clench harder at the door frame, wanting to both join them, and throw something to gain their attention. Clint worked his way down his mate's body, Darcy's breasts coming into view over his head, causing Bucky to look away. He cleared his throat again, louder. "Hey, asshole."

Clint froze and Darcy squealed, grabbing at the pillows, trying to cover herself, both of them finally noticing Bucky standing in their doorway seeing them completely exposed. "What the fuck, man," Clint pulled the sheets over the both of them, tucking it around Darcy's breasts. "Get out."

"Even if I close the door," Bucky looked down at the bedroom carpet, trying not to see the scattered clothing from the night before. "I can still see and feel everything you're doing to your girl." He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, pulling harshly at the ends. "It's fucking hard to sleep while you two fuck."

"Oh," Darcy pushed away from her lover, pulling the sheet all the way around herself and scooting off the bed. Clint didn't really seem to care that he was completely naked and practically waving his cock at the other man. "Sorry."

"I get that you're all excited about the new marriage thing," Bucky did his best not to look at either of them, both completely disheveled and looking thoroughly loved. "But is this all you two do? I mean, it's been only a few days, and at first I thought I was losing my mind," he turned around as Darcy reached into the chest of drawers and pulled out a clean pair of panties, and slipped them on under the sheet, before shrugging her shoulders and just letting the sheet drop. "Because seriously, it's been a really long time, and you two are so far into my brain, I thought it was just my imagination using the information most easily at hand." Darcy dropped back on the bed with Clint, who still hadn't made any move to pull on any clothing. He dropped and arm around his wife and pulled her to him. "But that's not it, it's this link."

"And this is what you get from the link?" Clint asked, settling himself against the pillows that had escaped their earlier activates and where still propped up against the wall. "You get all of this while we aren't touching?"

"Yep," Bucky leaned against the doorpost and slid to the ground, his hands running over his face like he was trying to peel it off. "Strong thoughts, mostly, and full blown mind porn, apparently."

"Oh god," Darcy let her head fall back against Clint's chest. "This complicated everything."

"We're sorry, dude," Clint shrugged.

"Can you two get dressed or something?" Bucky asked his own hands, his feet planted on the floor, not taking the chance of looking up.

"You've already seen the show," Darcy called from the bed, scooting to the edge again, her feet landing right in front of Bucky's. "We're linked, it's not like you can get away from us."

"Please," he said quietly, his hands back in his hair, head hanging between his knees. "Just, do this for me." Darcy grabbed the purple t-shirt that was sitting next to him, her arm brushing his lightly, just enough for their minds to connect. He could see clearly how embarrassed she was, even though she didn't show it outwardly, but also how thrilling she found it that he'd been watching. "I'm not ready for that kind of thing, princess."

"I know, Bucky Bear," she pulled the shirt over her head, and it fell down just far enough to cover her lace covered ass. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "If we promise to get dressed, and keep our hands to ourselves, will you stay?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," Bucky told her, pulling himself up off the floor, seeing Clint pulling on boxers and another purple t-shirt. "I just wanted some peace to sleep tonight."

"Look, man," Clint slid his legs into flannel pants, jumping to pull them all the way up. "You're our mate, for better or worse."

"We ain't married," Bucky scratched the back of his head. "Don't think they let you do that, even now."

"Not here," Darcy shrugged, pulling out another pair of Clint's boxers and slipping them over her black lace panties. "On Asgard they wouldn't even bat an eye."

"Regardless of the legality," Clint continued, pulling Darcy back onto the bed, leaving enough space that Bucky would join them if he chose. "We're bonded, none of us asked for this, but you and I both know that the three of us will get a full night's sleep if we can all touch." Bucky didn't want to agree; especially since he was still a little more worked up from their earlier show then he would like to admit. "I still need my Bucky touch to get rid of this fucking head ache, and I know you're feeling it, too."

"No funny business," Bucky pointed at both of the Hawks.

"Nope," Darcy agreed, holding her arms open to him, her ridiculously big shirt swallowing all her curves, making her look younger than he knew she was. "I promise I will not knowingly molest you."

"That does not make me feel better," regardless, Bucky crawled up onto the bed. "Think we can wash the sheets in the morning?" The bed smelled like sex and the Hawks. He didn't want to admit that it was comforting.

"Sure thing, Bucky Bear," she kissed his cheek again, and pulled Clint's arm around her, so he was touching the other man, too.

"Sorry I ruined your wedding night," he mumbled into her embrace.

"No worries, Buck," Clint chucked, his hands squeezing his shoulder. "We got a few rounds in before you interrupted."
"I know," Bucky told them. "I waited as long as I could stand it."

"Did you at least get off?" Darcy asked, her fingers running through his hair.

"I don't want to talk about it," he shook his head, and tucked himself into the crook of her shoulder.

"Night boys," she smiled down at them, both burrowed into her. She was home, they had a long way to go to all be comfortable together, but both of her boys where there, and they were all touching, their link hummed in unity. It wasn't perfect, but it was all theirs.


There will be a part three, at some point. I need a plot bunny to bite, more than just the vague idea of finding the mole inside of Stark Industries and killing off HYDRA. I welcome ideas, but I may put off starting anything until I can finish something else, cause we all know I have way more stories to juggle then should be humanly possible. I do promise that when the next story surfaces, there will be yummy threesome action, its time poor Bucky gets some action. He does deserve it, putting up with those two.

Thank you for all the amazing love you all have rained down on this little series.