A/N: Another day, another good story gets a well needed update.

With things picking up again, I figured it was about time to get back to this story next. And with the small cliffhanger from last time, and how many of you have been waiting in anticipation, it was past due to get back to what I do best. So let's get to it!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A few hours after the end of initiation, all the students that had completed the task stood together on the stage in the amphitheater. The rest of the student body gathered in the large room and looked on as Professor Ozpin stood at the front by a microphone as he addressed all in attendance regarding the new hunters' success after watching their exploits.

"Russell Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark. You four received the black bishop pieces. From this day forward you will be working as team CaRDnaL. Led by, Cardin Winchester." the crowd applauded as the newly appointed team stood proud.

The headmaster turned to the next team on the stage. "Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, and Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team JuNiPeR. Led by, Jaune Arc."

Jaune paled, "Huh?...led by?" he asked while the team congradulated him. Ozpin nodded, "Congradulations, young man." Pyrrah punched Jaune in the arm and he toppled over not expecting it.

Ruby, Yang, Blake and Weiss came next. "Next we have Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward you will be working together as team RWBY. Led by, Ruby Rose."

Ruby stood stunned just before Yang glomped on to her, "I'm so proud of you!" she shouted over the applause.

Toward the back of the amphitheater, John stood watching the event. Despite the trouble they had at the end, the kids did pretty well in the forest. Sure there was levels of improvment for some, but he guessed that would change in the next four years.

"How did they do?" asked Amber, coming up to stand beside him as she watched the new students get congradulated.

"Pretty good, but they still need a bit more training before they're ready to set off on their own." replied the Doom Slayer. Looking down at his chest plate, he wiped away at the dried Grimm blood that had splattered there.

The Fall Maiden saw the state of his armor and decided to ask him about it later. "Isn't that why we're here though? To help them be ready for what lies ahead?" she asked, turning her attention back to the stage.

"I guess so." said John as the ceremony came to a close.

Ozpin smiled at the gathered students, "Looks like things are shaping up to be an interesting year." he said before putting the event to a close and sending everyone off to their designated dorm rooms.


"The age of reckoning was uncounted. The scribes carved his name deep in the tablets of Hell across eons, and each battle etched terror in the hearts of the demons. They knew he would come, as he always had, as he always will, to feast on the blood of the wicked. For he alone could draw strength from his fallen foes, and ever his power grew, swift and unrelenting."

Waking from another night of strange visions and memories from his time on Mars, John went about his usual morning routine, taking additional time to clean the Praetor suit before putting it on and going to breakfest.

Sitting down with Amber, making small talk with her and the rest of the professors before heading off to his new office to collect what he needed for his first class. Once everything was in hand, the Doom Slayer checked the time and saw that he had ten minutes before the lesson began.

"Better get going." he thought as he made his way to the door, only to nearly run into Glynda while was about to knock.

"Oh, John. I was just coming to wish you luck." she said, stepping aside to allow John's much larger frame out into the hallway. "I do hope you aren't intending on frightening the students too much."

"These kids got a lot more to be afraid of than me." replied the Doom Slayer, "I intend on teaching them important lessons that will hopefully save their lives. They hope to be warriors, but they also need to know that the world they will be venturing in is a lot more dangerous than they think. If they hope to survive it, they will need to be ready."

The huntress adjusted her glasses and nodded, "Yes, well, please remember to submit your report about the class before the end of the day. And come to me with any questions should you need it."

"I will, ma'am. Thanks." said John before they went their separate ways. The armored warrior heading to the amphitheater where the combat classes were held. Doing a quick rundown of the students in the class enroute so that he knew who was going to be there.

Going around the corner, he paused when he saw his class entering the room talking amongst themselves. "Even though I made a hell of a first impression yesterday, I think showing them what they're getting themselves into wouldn't hurt." the Doom Slayer thought with a half-smirk appearing behind his visor.


In the amphitheater, the first year students had taken their seats close to the stage. Sitting with their teams while they waited for the instructor to arrive.

With team RWBY, Ruby and Weiss sat apart from one another with Yang and Blake between them. After the argument that happened outside of Port's class earlier, and the enlightened conversation they each had with Port and Ozpin, the partners kept some distance between them while they worked things out.

"Wonder what's keeping the professor." wondered Yang, still trying to come back from the boring lesson they had previously.

"It is a bit strange that they aren't already here." said Blake, checking the clock on the wall and seeing it was another two minutes before the class started. "Perhaps they're running a bit late?" she offered.

Nora perked up from where JNPR was seated, "Hay! Maybe they won't get here and we can get out early! That would be-"


Everyone jumped and spun around to see where the loud shot had come from. Teams RWBY and JNPR were shocked to see an all too familiar armored man standing in the open doorway at the back of the auditorium, a double barrel shotgun held in his hand aimed at the ceiling that had twin trails of smoke emitting from it.

Lowering the weapon, the man started making his way toward the stage. His heavy armored boots thudding loudly on the floor with each step while he broke the double barrel open, the spent shells clattering on the floor as he pulled out two fresh ones and slipped them into place before snapping it back closed again.

"Now that I have your undivided attention." John said as he stepped onto the stage and turned to look at the gathered students. "I am Professor Irons, and I'll be your instructor in this course." sending the powerful shotgun back to storage, he put his hands behind his back as he started to pace along the elevated platform. "I have only three simple rules. Number one; everyone participates, you share the work amongst your partners and team. Number two; there will be no special treatment in this class, I don't care if you're human or faunus, I don't give a damn what your last name is, who your family is or how much political influence you possess, we all bleed red, I expect you all to think the same while here.

"And lastly;" he came to a stop back where he had began, "NO SLACKING OFF!" The Doom Slayer pulled out his energy pistol and fired. The round punching a hole through the back of the chair where Cardin Winchester was slumped over asleep.

The leader of CRDL jumped and fell out of his seat. "If none of you can so much as pay attention when someone is speaking to you, then you do NOT belong on the battlefield!" John exclaimed, putting away his sidearm.

"You've spent the first years of your combat schooling learning about and training to fight the Grimm." the Doom Slayer continued, "Outside the walls of the kingdoms, a lot of things are going to try and kill you. But what some of you have yet to realize is that the Grimm are not your only enemy. There will also be fellow humans and faunus who will come after you for one reason or another."

"My job, is to ensure that you are prepared for these threats. And to prevent you from going back to your families in body bags. You may find my coming lessons harsh, but the world outside will NOT go easy on you, so neither will I. Any questions?"

No one raised their hand, infact, the students sat completely still and didn't take their shocked eyes off of him. "Good, then we will begin. Can anyone tell me the first two primary rules of engagment?" Blake's hand rose, "Yes, Belladonna."

"Know your enemy, and know where to engage them." she answered.

"Correct. Can anyone tell me why these facts are important?" another hand went up, "Nikos."

Pyrrha sat up straight as she answered, "In order for anyone to win a battle, they must first know who or what they are fighting. Their strengths, weaknesses and numbers. Then they need to know the best way to eliminate them."

John nodded, "Good answer. Both are very true, and they also reveal the strongest weapon you can wield to win a fight. Can anyone tell me what that is?"

"Fire power." said Yang when she was called on.

The Doom Slayer shook his head, "No. Anyone else?" Another hand hesitantly rose, and the armored warrior looked down at Ruby who held it up. "Rose."

Ruby swallowed, "Your brain." she said which had everyone looking at her, making her face darken from all the attention, "You need to think how you're going to approach a situation. And all the different ways to get out should things go bad."

"You're right." John said, smiling behind his visor at the young girl's knowledge. "Most battles are won through quick thinking and planning. Although true that in rough situations you need to rely on skill and instinct, it's best to plot out your moves before you make them. Judge your enemies abilities, what they could be thinking, then try to use their own strengths against them. You want to win? Use your head. Simple."

"Our first lessons will be about how to utalize these traits in a number of ways..." the Doom Slayer trailed off when he heard snickering off to the side. Turning his head slightly, he narrowed his eyes when he saw team CRDL taking turns harrassing a young wolf-faunus who was seated infront of him with his own team.

"Team CRDL!" John bellowed, making the team jump from the volume of his voice. "Is there a problem?"

Cardin shook himself and leaned back in his chair casually, "Not at all teach. Just getting to know out classmates." he replied, kicking the seat infront of him that had the faunus student in it hard and making the other team glare back at them.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me while you were getting beauty sleep," the Doom Slayer said, making a couple of the students chuckle. "I clearly stated that there is to be no prejudice in this class, no matter the circumstance."

The leader of CRDL scoffed, "Not my fault the headmaster let animals in here."

John's vision tinted red a bit, this kid obviously had hate for the faunus pumped into him at a young age. And if he was hoping to be a huntsman at all, then he needed to get over himself and quickly. But talking and reprimands wouldn't be enough...no, the kid needed to be taught a real lesson.

"Winchester, front and center." he said, Cardin looked at his team mates confused, "NOW!" the Doom Slayer roared. The armored teen scrambled from his seat and got onto the stage as quickly as possible.

Now on stage beside the much larger male, the leader of CRDL couldn't help but swallow thickly as he had to look up at the professor.

John looked him up and down a moment, judging him before speaking again. "Since you see so keen on starting a fight, you're going to be given the chance to blow off a bit of steam. Get ready to face your opponent."

Cardin grinned and took out his mace, "Alright! Who's the unlucky victim?" he asked leering at the rest of the class.

"Me." All eyes turned to John who cracked his armored knuckles menacingly.

"W-What?" the teen asked, color draining from his face.

"You heard me, Winchester." stated the Doom Slayer as the board at the back of the arena came on revealing their aura levels. "I will be your opponent. You have two minutes to either beat me or make me submit, understood?"

The teen shivered, but did his best to look brave as he nodded seriously. When a bell chimed for the beginning of the fight, he charged ahead, mace raised for a strong blow.

John shook his head, waiting until the weapon came down before snapping his hand out and catching it. Shock registered on Cardin's face before a palm to the chest plate of his armor sent him flying back and skidding along the ground, leaving his mace behind.

Dropping the teen's weapon, the loud clatter of it hitting the floor drowned out as he stalked toward his young opponent who was attempting to stagger to his feet.

VEGA brought up Cardin's aura meter on John's HUD to keep better track of the confrontation as the teen finished getting up and swung a sloppy punch at the Doom Slayer's head.

Side-stepping the attack, John cuffed Cardin in the back of the head. "Stop trying to hit me and HIT ME!" he said. The teen roared and swung again and again, each blow either deflected effortlessly or dodged in a little as a step.

"You're technique is sloppy!" the Doom Slayer reprimanded as he cuffed the teen upside the head again, "You react too slow and you rely too much on brute strength and no actual skill!" he kicked the feet out from under the team leader before delivering an upper cut that knocked the wind out of him.

Seeing that Cardin's aura was in the yellow, he decided to put an end to the fight. Grabbing the teen by the front of his armor and lifting him up until he was eye height with his visor, John spoke calmly and with more than enough steel to make the kid shiver.

"I don't want to ever catch you treating a fellow classmate like that again. While you are in this class you answer to me and I refuse to put up with that petty garbage. Am I understood?"

Cardin nodded rapidly, "Y-Yes!"

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" the Doom Slayer bellowed.

"SIR! YES SIR!" the teen shouted in fear.

John nodded and set him down on his feet, "Collect your weapon and return to your seat." Cardin couldn't scramble fast enough back to his chair and team while the professor addressed the rest of the class. "Let this be a lesson to everyone here. Hate only breeds hate, you want to keep your prejudicial outlooks, then leave them at the door. While you're in this class, in this school, you learn together, train together, fight together, and if you're lucky enough, you all go home together."

"If any of you have problems that cannot be solved with words, you will work them out here in the arena under my supervision. We clear?"

"Yes, Professor Irons." the class echoed back to him, many of them still stunned at how he had handled CRDL's leader so effortlessly.

"Alright then." said John a moment before everyone's scroll's chimmed. "I just sent you all the lesson plan for the next month. For the next couple of weeks, you are required to come in without your weapons."

There were a several confused looks, Ruby looked ready to protest about having to leave her precious Crescent Rose behind. "I studied your profiles extensively." the Doom Slayer continued. "Many of you are proeficient with your weaponry. But only a small handful of you actually know hand to hand combat. That will be what will be covered for the next couple of weeks."

"Uh, sir?" Weiss asked raising her hand. "Are you sure this is needed? How will fighting without our weapons aid us?"

John looked at the heiress who shrunk a bit under his gaze even though she couldn't see it through his visor. "Scenario; You're in a wooded area, surrounded by Beowolves. One manages to knock your rapier behind their ranks. How do you plan to get out of the situation?"

Weiss blinked, wracking her brain through the many studies she had been through in her own training but couldn't find a solution. "I...believe that a tactical retreat would be the best course of action." she said a little unsure of herself.

"You could do that." said the professor, "Of course, you would still be without your weapon and the Grimm would pursue. With how ruthless they can be, they would more than likely entrap you again...and then what?" he asked, and the heiress had no reply. "Fight, flight, or freeze. The three base instincts for when faced with a life or death situation. In that moment, you have to choose what to do, and quickly. With or without a weapon."

Yang raised her hand allowing John to call upon her. "What about those of us that know how to fight like that? What do we do?" she asked, being the resident close quarters expert in RWBY.

"You will assist the rest of your team." answered the Doom Slayer, "You've spent a great deal of time working on your own style of fighting, and your imput will help the rest of your group how to develop their own." The blonde nodded, smiling to herself knowing that she would be able to help the others in a big way.

The rest of the class period passed with a more indepth explination on what was going to be covered in the coming weeks. When everything was done and the bell rang, the students gathered their stuff and filed out.

John watched them go, a bit of pride filling his chest when his first class came to an end. "That went a lot better than I expected." he said to himself as he prepared to head out as well.

"I agree."said VEGA. "They are a capable group. Your teachings will aid them greatly."

"One can hope, VEGA." he replied as he left the small arena and stepped out into the hallway.

"Uh...Professor Irons?" the Doom Slayer paused and looked over his shoulder to find Ruby standing next to the door. Her overall posture one of nervousness as she had to crane her neck nearly all the way back just to look up at him.

"Something wrong, Rose?" he asked turning to face her completely.

Ruby bit her lip before seeming to dig up what courage she could before speaking. "I...just wanted to say thank you. For helping me and the others back during the initiation. We wouldn't have made it back to the cliffs if you hadn't been there."

John nodded, "It's fine, I was more than happy to help. All of you showed great promise, it would have been a tragedy if your lives were cut short."

The young leader nodded before looking to the ground, finding the tiles under her feet interesting. "Something else on your mind?" he asked.

At first she didn't say anything, then she looked at his visor with her shining silver eyes. "I'm just...I've been thinking about everything. How I became the leader of RWBY. How I was jumped ahead two years of everyone else...Whether or not I'm good enough to be a leader at all..."

"You're doubting yourself." the Doom Slayer said, getting another nod from the teenager. "Ruby," he said, getting her attention and surprising her using her first name. "Leadership isn't a title or designation. It's about three things; impact, influence, and inspiration. Impact, meaning you get results. Influence, by spreading the passion and drive for what you do. And finally, you have to inspire your team mates and those around you to follow you. If you can master these things, you will prove to be every bit the leader Ozpin knows you to be."

Ruby looked at him in awe at his words. John smiled behind his visor and put a large hand on her shoulder. "We're all destined to do great things. But only if we do all in a our power to get there." he stepped back and started walking away, "Have a good day, Rose." he said over his shoulder before disappearing around the corner.

Remaining rooted to her spot, the red cloaked girl was broken from her thoughts when she heard her sister calling out to her from the other end of the hall. "Ruby! It's almost time for lunch!"

"Coming!" she called back, sending one last look at where the Doom Slayer had gone. A smile on her face before she ran to catch up with the others.


Salem sat in her throne-like chair at the head of the long table situated in her cathedral, her eyes closed as she steadily tapped her finger on the armrest while deep in thought.

The death of the Cerberus, although saddening, wasn't unexpected, and the Mother of Grimm had gotten the answers she was seeking. The armored being was indeed the Hell Walker, but more than that, it seemed that he had armed himself with far more devistating weaponry than before.

But the most troubling information that she had gathered from her children was that he had allied himself with Ozpin and his little coven, which gave them a severe advantage.

Opening her eyes, Salem contemplated her next steps. Too many important parts of her planning had fallen apart, and there was very little chance of her champion and her followers being able to take down the Bane of Hell, even with the aid of her children. Something needed to be done, she'd come too far now.

The idea she had been pushing to the dark reaches of her mind came forward once again. And the Mother of Grimm genuinely considered it.

With the new player on the chessboard, she knew that she too needed to up the ante if she wanted to have any hope at taking complete control of Remnant. But to go along with it, would be like opening Pandora's box.

Once opened, it could never be closed. And the outcome could end up becoming a monumentous disaster for everyone on the planet...but what other choices did she have? No matter how many of her children she sent against the Doom Slayer, they would end up slaughtered.

Not even the overpowering hordes of Hell could overwhelm him, hense the many titles he bore.

Rising from her chair, Salem drifted farther into the cathedral. Going through the many corridors that made up her home, she arrived as a large door that was sealed with many locks, seals and chains. It was a door that at one time she swore to never come near unless in desperation.

Holding out her hand, her powers flared. The locks and seals became undone, the chains falling away as the door swung open to reveal a small chamber inside.

Dozens upon dozens of candles surrounded the inside, leaving only a path from the door to a lone pedistal in the very center. Seated upon the pedistal, was a black skull. Made of a stone unknown to Remnant, cracks and chips marring its surface from age, but what really set it apart was the array of runes that covered it, all of which glowing a dull red in the otherwise dark room.

One of said runes being an upsidedown pentigram that glowed brighter than the rest. Situated right on the skull's forehead, right between a set of cracked horns that extended from the temples, one of which having been broken in half.

Salem walked along the open path, her long billowing dress causing a few lit candles to flicker as she went past them before stopping before the pedistal. Starring at the skull for several long moments, weighing the pros and cons of the decision she was about to make and hoping that the outcome wouldn't be as catastrophic as she knew it could be.

Reaching out, she placed her hand on the skull, channeling her power into it which caused the runes to increasingly grow brighter.

Stepping away from the pedistal , the Mother of Grimm watched as the skull began to float. The eye sockets came alive with the same glow like the runes while it started to vibrate, red energy gathering around it for several long seconds before it shot upward, exploding a couple feet in the air. And in its place was a oval shaped portal that was the same color as the energy that had been surrounding the skull.

Approaching the rift, Salem stood firm when she felt the dark and malevolent force emitting from the other side. Showing no emotion as a pair of large, ember eyes appeared in the openng.

"WHO DARES TO SUMMON ME?" a demonic voice rumbled through the portal, echoing off the walls of the entire cathedral.

"I have," said Salem said as the sinister gaze centered on her. "A common enemy has made himself known. I believe cooperation will ensure that he is no longer an issue for either of us."


The Mother of Grimm, however, wasn't deterred as she waved her hand, summoning a smaller portal beside her that showed the Doom Slayer to the glowing eyes.

When the image was seen, the creature roared in rage and fury. A haunting sound that could have brought about the end of days where it all that needed to be done. "HIS ENDLESS SCOURGE CONTINUES TO BE UNRELENTING! THE DAY HIS BLOOD DRAINS AND HIS FLESH BURNS IS THE DAY THE DARK HORDE CAN FINALLY CRAWL FREE FROM THE PITS THEY HAVE TAKEN REFUGE IN."

"Now you see my reason for disturbing your slumber." said Salem. "The Doom Slayer has allied himself with my enemies and threatens to overthrow my plans for this world. But me and my children cannot fight him alone. In exchange for your aid in eliminating our common foe for the sake of both our kind, I will ensure that a rift is opened for your horde to pass through."


Salem felt a cold chill go up her spine. Despite her power, she knew that deep down she wouldn't stand a chance against the powerful being she was speaking to...

And she also knew full well that she had just made a deal with the Devil...and there was no turning back.

A/N: And the hits just keep on rolling. Leave your reviews in the box and I'll see you all next time!