thousand years


time can change in every breath we take.

She comes into this world the same way the universe will end—not a bang, but a whimper.

She is lost and confused and she does not remember.

She wanders, alone. Her heart wrenches in a feeling she does not know.

She searches in vain, hoping, even in the rain.

And then she finds what she seeks—

a man with not with dreams

but with ambition.

She does not know him and him, her.

But her heart leaps from her ribcage.

It longs for the man of ravenous hair and eyes so mysterious.

She does not know love at first sight—

With him, it felt just right.

He comes into this world the same way the universe will endnot a bang, but a whimper.

He is lost and confused and angered.

He has wandered, alone. His blood is heated and his heart clutches in a feeling he does not know.

He does not search, he seeks with intensity and ambition; revenge in his heart.

And he does not find what he seeks.

He finds what he needs

a woman with hair like spring and eyes so verdant,

with light so white and pure.

He does not know her and her, him.

His mind says no but his heart thuds loudly against his chest.

It aches for her hand and a smile like the stars—twinkling bright against his darkness.

He is not sure what this islove at first sight?

No matter, he thinks, for with her, it felt like everything will be alright.


For the skies are without limits
And the tree tops we soar too
Perched upon a branch
Our love is forever true

They say his life would end at the edge of a blade or the impact of a jutsu.

She dreams of growing old with him, still in love, still together.

He holds her hand, soft and untouched by the cruelty of war.

She does not care about his mistakes, she does not care of his deeds that spoke of immorality.

He looks at her, really looks at her and he sees nothing but the first bloom of spring.

She looks at him and sees oceans, deep and calming and she drowns herself in its depths.

His heart flutters when she smiles at him.

She smiles and laughs, just so she could see the beautiful twitch of his lips.

It felt like gardens were growing in his wretched heart.

She knows she is not like other women, a daisy amongst flowers.

It felt nothing like the thirst for revenge or the heat of anger.

But she hopes it is enough and she holds his hand, calloused and strong.

It soothed him and he wishes, strongly so, that this moment would last forever.

She looks at him, a man so wise and honourable.

He leaves her, turning away from the devastated look of her.

Her heart cracks and rain befalls.

He ignores her pleas to return home, to her.

(oh, what he would do to just hold her in his arms)

She cries herself to sleep at night.

(what happened to the sun-like warmth and the tight embrace)

He leaves and he does not look back.

And she waits, she waits and waits, all in vain.

They were right.

And he dies, alone and young and not with her.


the stars are just like you
beautiful and bright.
cold and alone.
burning out.

She is old now, brittle and fragile.

He is wandering soul, waiting and guarding.

She sits upon the wooden stairway, watching the stars twinkle against the dark abyss.

He sits beside her and though she does not know it.

She thinks of him; a man she loves, a man of mystery, a man shrouded in the darkest depths.

He places his hand over her's, rubbing against it despite not feeling it.

And she smiles still, heartbroken but still so deeply in love.

His heart, stabbed and ripped apart by that very smile, clinches.

She is old now, alone and not with a family she dreamed.

He regrets his decision and he imagines a girl, so much like her.

But it is fine, she thinks, there is no family if it is not him.

Her name would've been Sarada, he thinks to himself, looking into her eyes.

Her heart, delicate and slow, wretches and she closes her eyes.

His heart beats, noticing the slowness of her breath and the fading of her pulse.

She thinks of him; from his small smiles, his expressive grunts, his eyes that she had lost herself in.

He whispers to her, reassuring and calm.

Her breath hitches and the air leaves her.

He closes his own eyes, anticipation in his veins.

Yet, she smiles and all she sees is him.

He opens his eyes and his heart soars.

Him and only him.

Her and only her.

I'm home, Sakura.

Welcome back.

"Once upon a time; there was a girl and there was a boy. Now, this girl loved this boy very much and would share the world with him. This boy loved her back, very much so and saw her as the world itself. They may not have lived a lifetime together but they had a thousand years."

Don't mind me, this is just a simple one-shot of Sakura with her boy, Indra-Madara-Sasuke, etc. I haven't really elaborate on whose who but they're all in order of lifetimes so.