I started an Evilcup story and I did not like my lack of, er, good story-telling, so I decided to write this instead until I had a better idea. Take some cheesy, stupid, pointless RTTE Hiccstrid fluff.

Her father always said she snored, and Astrid would sniff, indignant, at this because that was ridiculous. She did NOT snore. Her father was just trying to cover up that he snored like a pig.

Snoring or not, Astrid woke with a start and a crippling fear. Something was off. Her hand went to the axe near her bedside. Call her paranoid, but they did live on an island that didn't have the best security, and they were mortal enemies with a few people. People who would like to kill them. It was all very nasty and gritty, and that was her excuse of anyone asked her why she kept an axe by her bedside.

Slowly, the girl sat up in bed, raising her axe above her head, clutching it tightly. Her room was very well lit up because of the full moon outside. She didn't know whether that made her situation better or worse. Maybe seeing something made it scarier.

That truth was proven correct when she decided to look up and saw a huge, black, hairy, eight-legged spider on her ceiling.

Astrid shrieked, even though she was not terrified of spiders, and leapt off the bed. Her scream wasn't too loud, no one would wake up. And if they did and questioned her, she'd show them her fist.

Because Astrid was one hundred percent, for sure, not scared of spiders.

But it would not do to sleep under one. After all, she'd already had a run in with almost dying, and it was not fun. Who knew if this spider could give her a worse disease, uglier than the Scourge of Odin, one that killed you fast and painfully. Yes, this risk was too great to take.

Now, what to do?

She could sleep on the floor. But the spider was on the ceiling for Thor's sake. It could just as easily go to wherever she was sleeping and drop on her like a Gronckle doing a drop. And even though she was not scared, she was...er...tired. And being woken up with all those legs on your face didn't seem fun. So Astrid left the house angrily, cursing the stupid spider and his or her stupid spiderness. And she didn't care that that wasn't a word.

Stormfly could probably scare the thing away. But Stormfly was sleeping in the stables, it wouldn't do to wake her, no matter how much chicken was offered. Astrid grit her teeth.

She hated spiders. Not because she was scared, of course.

The hut next to hers looked so inviting. And spider free, hopefully. But she couldn't sleep there. That was Hiccup's hut. She refused to do anything like that.

The temptation was strong. And that would be the excuse she would give the other in the morning. Astrid trudged up to Hiccup's hut, grasping the door handle and pulling it up.

His hut was the most simplistic on the inside. A large space for working, and a small bedroom on the upper floor. Trying not to make any noise, she went upstairs.

He looked...peaceful. It was strange, these days, he was normally stressed out about something, whether it be Viggo or Heather or Berk or one of them. Never himself, of course. And that would be the number one thing she would be stressed out about. But that wasn't important right now.

"Hiccup," she grumbled softly, shaking him, "wake up. Wake up."

Hiccup was a light sleeper, it didn't take much to wake him. His eyes flew open and when they landed on her, he immediately croaked in a tired voice, "Astrid? What are - you - doing - here?"

"Can I sleep here?" she asked bashfully, turning red. This was mortifying. "I - uh - there's a spider in my hut."

"Mm. R'you scared?"

Alert and awake Hiccup would never ask this, but Astrid could have been the sleepiest person on Earth if she admitted - no, not admitted, because she wasn't scared. And she did not have feelings for Hiccup either. And her heart was not fluttering at the thought of sleeping with him. Everyone and everything was just being stupid, and she was tired, and nothing made sense.

"I am not scared, Haddock. Can I sleep here?"

"Sure," he mumbled, moving over to accommodate her. "R'you gonna punch me in the morning?"

His eyes were half closed and she allowed herself a small smile. "No. It's not like you asked me to sleep here. Why would I punch you?" She laid down beside him, brushing his hair out of his eyes. He smiled softly too, looking as always too precious for the archipelago. Her stomach twisted.

"Mmhm." He wasn't really listening, his arms flew out to wrap around her waist. Oh, she would take his hands and shove them up his - this actually felt very nice.

No, actually, it did not.

By Thor, Astrid prayed that she did not snore in her sleep.