Naruto and the Game

Ch. 1: The Beginning


Narrator: Sharingan= Deus ex Machina

Human talking: "Sharingan= Deus ex Machina"

Human thinking: "Sharingan=Deus ex Machina"

Human Jutsu: "Sharingan=Deus ex Machina"

Demon talking: "Sharingan=Deus ex Machina"

Demon thinking: "Sharingan=Deus ex Machina

Demon Jutsu: "Sharingan=Deus ex Machina"

3rd Person POV (Narrator)


It was a happy night for the majority of the ninja village of Konohagakure(1) on October 10th. It was the anniversary of their beloved Yondaime Hokage's(2) selfless sacrifice to defeat the demon Kyuubi no Kitsune(3) twelve years ago. To the civilians, that meant a lot of drinking, games, and partying. However to one twelve year-old boy, it meant his life would be in danger. That boy's name is Uzumaki Naruto, and today is his birthday.

A normal child would spend their birthday playing with their fellow children, eating cake, and going to sleep in their bed within a safe home. Naruto spent his birthdays playing dodge the angry mob, eating out of a dumpster, and trying not to fall asleep so that he won't be attacked. Sadly, our hero is currently failing at all three of those goals. He has been chased by a drunken mob of angry villagers since noon so he hasn't been able to stop and scavenge or steal food. He had been running all day and only stopped when he could no longer hear their cries of "Die Demon!" or "Lets finish what the Yondaime started!"

He managed to duck into an alleyway and couldn't do anything but wonder. He wondered why they hated him, why they called him a demon, but most of all why no one stopped them. Did no one care that he was beaten within an inch of his life every year. That he only survived if he acted like he was dead. As Naruto sat there, something in him changed. He vowed to never let this happen to him again. He vowed to become strong enough to protect himself, to not live in worry, and to leave this kami(4)-forsaken village. But they only way to become powerful enough to do any of those things was to become a ninja. A ninja of the village he vowed to abandon.

Naruto was shaken from his thoughts when he heard a loud yell from the other end of the alleyway. "There's the demon brat!" said a large man brandishing a broken bottle. "Out of the way", came a voice from behind the crowd. A man wearing a green utility vest walked out of the crowd and towards Naruto." You civilians haven't been able to kill him in twelve years!" he drunkenly spat out. "And who are you?" Said one of the men in the mob. It wasn't the green vested man who responded but a woman who was also wearing the same vest. "We are chunin(5) of Konoha(6) and we are here to kill the demon once and for all". "Did the Sandaime Hokage send you?" Questioned a middle-aged woman. "Of course not, everyone knows the demon has him under its control. We came on our own."

Naruto was currently trying to shrink down as far as he could into the wall. From what the Sandaime said, or Jiji(7) as Naruto calls him, Chunin are the Second weakest type of ninja. However, anyone that's been a ninja longer than a month could easily defeat a civilian. An exhausted child like him had no chance of winning. Naruto laid down his head in defeat and prayed to anyone that was listening that he wouldn't die.

But it appeared that no Kami where listening or cared because the pair of chunin both drew their kunai(8) and began to walk towards to young boy with malicious grins on their faces. In one swift motion the male chunin brought the kunai down into Naruto's shoulder, fully expecting to hear a cry of pain, a scream, or even a wince. Much to their disbelief, there was zero reaction from the boy. The woman pulled the boys head up by his hair and immediately dropped it and fell backwards. Her partner quickly looked up with concern for her in his eyes. "Ami are you okay? What did the demon do to you!" "Saburo, his eyes, he has the eyes of the Kyuubi!" Saburo quickly looked at the child's face and saw that his face held no emotion but his eyes were completely dark red, and with a black vertical pupil. One of the drunken villagers suddenly remarked, "Is it getting warmer?" Other people began to nod and agree when Saburo noticed that the demon was glowing.

Naruto's body was emitting not just light but also chakra, the same energy that allows ninjas to use their techniques and is also in nearly every living being. Every thing with chakra constantly emits a small amount of the energy, but the amount Naruto is letting out every second is equal to how much total chakra a Genin has. "Ami, I think we should leave, the Kyuubi is letting out a lot of chakra". "Alright, its time to get out of her-BOOOOM! Suddenly a huge amount of chakra was expelled from Naruto and everyone in the crowd including the two Chunin were knocked back at least twenty feet by sheer force and everyone including Naruto was knocked unconscious.

3rd Person POV (Narrator)


"Ugghhh, my head", Naruto thought, "Where am I?" Naruto looked around and the area around him was eerily similar to a sewer. "Oh Kami, it smells awful!" Naruto examined the area he was in. He was currently in a large square room that had a door that served as an entrance or exit. Naruto began to stand but nearly fell due to the pain in his shoulder. He limped over to it and upon opening it discovered that it led to a long torch-lit tunnel. Naruto walked down the tunnel and again found a door. "This must be the exit!"

The very second Naruto opened the door he noticed something very peculiar. There was a thick fog within whatever sewer or building Naruto was in. But Naruto wasn't one to let weather stop so he ran straight through it. It took him about 2 minutes to reach the end of the fog in his exhausted state. Naruto took a break to look around and rest. The room he was currently in was so large that he couldn't see any walls or a ceiling. All his light was coming from giant braziers about two thousand feet away.

After a small rest, Naruto set off towards the braziers of fire. The closer Naruto got the more he could make out. There were four braziers surrounding what appeared to be a large cage. While to braziers were about forty feet tall the cage had to be around two hundred. When Naruto was within thirty feet of the cage he heard a thunderous voice "Hello fleshbag"

AN: This is only an introduction and the following chapters will be larger.

1) Village Hidden in the Leaves

2) 4th Fire Shadow

3) Nine-tailed Fox

4) God or Gods

5) Middle Ninja

6) Leaf

7) Grandpa

8) Knives that can be used in either hand-to-hand combat or thrown

Naruto and the Game