Keith POV

It felt like his heart was about to shut down when he saw her fall to the ground. He ran as fast as he could towards her "Luke! Get the doctor he screamed" "verte!" he heard josh say as he ran to her side, but at that moment he didn't have the time to care. All he cared about was his source of life who had just fainted. He carried her and sent her to the room and laid her on the bed they both shared, soon the doctor came and checked her while they all waited. "So verte?" he said to josh "she didn't know her name so we made it up" josh said "oh" he said as a wave of guilt hit him "so... you…guys… are...dat-" he was afraid to say before the doctor came in "she's waking up" said the doctor, they both stood up at the same time.

Emily's pov

She woke in a bed I found familiar and felt strangely comfortable "Mrs. Alford?" said the strange man he must be a doctor. He went out and came back later with josh and a man that made her heart beat. It was a strange feeling of love mixed with anger. "she had a high blood pressure and a little fever your highness" said the doctor " apart from that she and the baby is fine" this part shocked her along with everyone in the room as their jaws dropped to the floor "baby !" she and Keith said at the same time she looked at josh "don't look at me I promise I didn't touch you" josh said as he raised his hands "oh yeah, she's been coming over to my place for checkup she wanted to surprise you, your highness" the doctor said "it's now three months" Keith had a look of sadness on his face which tugged her heart "Emily" Keith said as he came to kneel down by her and take her hand "please come home, it's been hell without you, please I need you" it shocked the doctor that the Keith he had known had put his pride aside for his lady. Emily looked at his eyes and saw that his eyes was teary she nodded unconsciously "but brother josh must come too" she said as she looked at josh who was looking at the scene from the back. He walked up to her "I think you're already safe here without me" he hugged her "I can't come but if you need anything call me and ill rush over" she hugged him back

Keith's pov

He felt relieved to hear that he was like a brother but he still felt jealous when she hugged him back. He cleared his throat which made them realize that they were hugging for so long. Josh walked up to him "take care of her" he held his hand to him, "I will" Keith said shaking him "thank you for taking care of her I am forever in your dept." "oh don't worry about it" they both smiled "Luke shall escort you home" Keith said as Luke came in and bowed "this way please" "oh ok, by verte, I still like that name" he waved to Emily who waved him back "oh ok then I must take my leave the doctor said her medicine will be given to look" the doctor said as he waved good bye

Now it was left the two of them Keith didn't know what to say as he wanted to choose carefully thinking that she may run away if he said the wrong thing.

Emily's pov

It was so awkward, she didn't know what to say and a sound broke the silence coming from her tummy, her face became as red as a tomato as she heard Keith chuckle "do you want anything to eat" she immediately pulled the cover over her head.

Keith's pov

She looked so cute, the way her face became as red as a tomato and hid under the covers. It looks like her body remembers how she was with him it made him feel more comfortable as he walked towards her and removed the covers slowly from her face and kissed her forehead " now tell me what you want to eat and it shall be brought for you."

Emily's pov

The moment he said that she remembered every time she wanted something. This is what she does to get what she wanted along with other memories of them together. She remembered the first time she found out she was pregnant and how she became pregnant which made her face become more red she remembered the love she felt for him but that was all she didn't remember why she left but now she was hungry so she just brushed it away she sat on the bed and looked at him.

Keith pov

"Well" he waited for her to talk when she sat up and looked at him "I want burger and fries… I also want chicken wings with hot source and noodles with golden fried shrimps but that one, no pepper and I want a hand made sandwich" she said as she smiled and Keith looked shocked to hear all those food and wondered how it's all going to fit into her petite body but it came to a halt when she said he wanted his cooking "y-you reme-" "I remember, although I don't remember anything from last two months though" he immediately hugged her and hid his face in her neck he didn't want her to know he was crying "Keith my food" she pouted "coming" he left the room.