Forsaken Love

Summary: Kirara is in love with a hanyou that she can not have, but Naraku grants Kirara to take a humanoid body, but theirs a catch, she must kill Kagome and deliver the shards to Naraku by the next Full Moon or loss her new body & soul. [ IY/Kag M/S ]

 Rated Pg-13: Language. Violence, themes

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-Yasha!

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Forskaen Love    


"Kirara!" Sango yelled out in worry and fear for her youkai neko friend. "Kirara! Oh Where are you!" she cried out again. Shippo ran ahead of Sango and looked under rocks and between bushes across the field that was only miles away from the battlefield. "Kirara?" He asked looking into a bush. "I hope she's alright." Kagome said as she looked about the area for their fallen companion. "Something smells different." Inu-Yasha said jumping from bush to bush. "Hey! Kirara! Where are ya? You good for nothing cat, Kirara!" he yelled and received no answer.

Miroku stumped on his own two feet, he was dizzy over the loss of blood from the battle. They had been attacked while they had slept, thousands of demons from the sky and land attacked them. Surprisingly they had survived and killed the demons, but during the battle Kirara had gone missing and no one had noticed until it ended. There was so much blood in the area it was hard to tell a flower from a corpse. But somehow Inu-Yasha could pick up a scent! "I think am going to be sick." The monk announced as he found a massacred body of a youkai with its head missing. "Oh yeah, most defiantly." His face grew pale at the smell of the corpse by his feet and he saw another body with its lower torso missing, most likely Kirara's work.

"Stop complaining and help us fin Kirara!" Sango barked at the perverted mon, who was ever so happy to leave the area of bodies. Kagome looked at Shippo. "Any luck?"

"No." He said with watery eyes and then something took them by surprise as Inu-Yasha's ears went wild. "Geese! What the heck am I hearing?" He put a hand over his ears in pain and closed one eye. "Will someone shut that chanting up!!" he yelled in anger and fall to one knee. But then as suddenly as the annoying sound came it left. "What the fuck was that?" he asked "I didn't hear anything." Miroku replied. "Oh course you wouldn't! Your human."

"Hey where's Shippo?"

"Great now there's two people missing! Hey half-pint where did you go!" Inu-Yasha growled and was answered by a high-pitched scream. The four companions looked at each other in shock and ran to the source of the sound. Inu-Yasha was the first to get there and what he saw was something he could not explain. Shippo ran up to him and grabbed Inu-Yasha's pants leg and pointed at the being. "Who's that?"

"Whoa!" Sango and Kagome said at once and quickly covered the monks eyes with their hands. "This is not for you to see! Nor you Shippo!" Kagome added and covered Shippo's eyes. There before them lay a naked woman covered in blood, well they thought it was human until they noticed two large fluffy tails, pointed ears with black at the ends of the ears and a black diamond in the center of the woman's head and a cat like nose. Her long waist length hair was an off-white as well where her tails. From her elbows down to her middle finger was black fur that looked like a silk glove and past the elbows was human skin, her ankles had the same black glove look as her arms did.

The young woman opened her eyes, which where a red-orange color with a silted pupil, she smiled at them to reveal sharp long fangs. Then she spoke before she became dizzy and closed her eyes once more. "Inu-Yasha…" Everyone then looked at Inu-Yasha. "Hey don't look at me I don't know the youkai, but she smells familiar."

Sango was the first to moved to the girls side, she removed her green sash from her waist and unfolded it and covered the girl with it. "Give me a hand Kagome." Sango said and Kagome ran to her best-friend and helped lift the girl to her feet and then disappeared towards the campsite, even though it was occupied by thousand of dead bodies.           

[Author: I have NO idea what possessed me to write this. Lmao, but I have no idea if I want to continue this crazy/interesting idea. What do you think? It just kind of popped into my head, heck I even made an image of Kirara as a humanoid youkai. LOL! Well if I get enough reviews then ill continue this story, like of I don't know 10 reviews and ill continue. =^-^=, Sorry for it being so short.  =Humanoid Kirara image, got REALLY bored lmao]