Catching Up
Chapter 26 – Devil's Trap

A/N: Hey guys, THIS IS IT! The very last one…of season one. Depend on how fast you've read these last chapters, the prologue for season two should be up or will be up momentarily. I do have some notes about the coming season in there and I will be diving into the season properly, in the coming week. My goal at this juncture is to get at least two episodes of season two up before Saturday. I say this and I know the universe will cock block me but I've gotta try. So until next time, ENJOY! R&R PLZ!

Cas looked quite unnerved himself at Mary's manic expression and rattled off as quickly as possible. "This is the final episode of this season and it's entitled Devil Trap. The summary states 'On a mission to save their father, Sam and Dean seek help from an old family friend'."

"Just start," Mary said flatly and Cas obediently pressed play. The show began on another intro sequence now including clips from the previous episode before picking up from the phone call with Meg. TV!Dean insists on getting out of dodge though TV!Sam wants to stay and use the Colt to fight off the demons. The elder brother ultimately gets his way but they know they need help and thus turn to Bobby Singer.

"That's Bobby mom," Dean lit up for the first time. "He was like another dad to us. Me and Sammy spent a lot of time at his place."

"It was sort of split down the middle between him and Pastor Jim," Sam smiled too. "He helped train us to be hunters but he also let us be kids now and again."

"He also didn't mind pissing dad off in the process," Dean clicked his teeth.

"So how come he threatened to pump John full of buckshot?" Mary asked, just pleased to see her sons look so happy if only for a moment.

Dean lost his smile a bit, "Dad left us with Bobby and took off for a month with no contact. Bobby thought he'd died but had no way of tracing of him or anything to be sure. Anyway Bobby and I got into a fight and I took off to find dad. Just my luck, he was pulling into town at the same time. Anyway, dad got mad at Bobby for letting me get away and Bobby was mad that dad didn't have the decency to call. Bobby got his gun and Dad grabbed us and left and we didn't see him after that."

"At what point am I justified in being ticked at John?" Mary checked.

"Ah it's the end of season one, you can start being mad at him," Sam allowed and Mary nodded.

In the show, Bobby talks about an increase in demonic activity just as Meg shows up. They manage to draw her into a demon trap and tie her down to a chair. TV!Dean tries to interrogate her and she tells him that John is dead. TV!Dean loses his temper and Bobby warns them to be careful because Meg is possessing an innocent human.

"Crazy how we always manage to forget that part," Sam remarked.

The brothers then perform an exorcism while trying to get it out of Meg where John is. She finally cracks and tells them that they are holding John in a building in Jefferson but she didn't know anything else. TV!Dean wants to finish the exorcism anyway but Bobby reminds them that if they did Meg's vessel would die. TV!Dean still insists on going through with it and they exorcise Meg. Meg's human self is still alive but barely so. She tells them how she had been possessed for a year and that the demon had been telling the truth. She also mentions that John is being kept by a river and something to do with 'sunrise' but dies before she can explain.

"At least she will be at peace," Cas said solemnly.

"I hope so," Sam said.

"Ever find out what Bobby said to the EMTs?" Mary asked.

"No idea but it worked," Dean shrugged. On the TV, TV!Sam and TV!Dean get into yet another argument, this time about whether or not to bring the Colt and the roles appear to have switched between the brothers about following John's orders and what their priorities are. But TV!Sam convinces his brother to leave the gun behind.

"Guess I'm the one with daddy issues now," Sam scratched his head.

"Serenity would be a good stripper name for you," Dean concluded.

"Shut up Prudence," Sam shot back.

At the same time, TV!Sam and TV!Dean find that 'sunrise' meant Sunrise Apartments and John was being kept amongst demons essentially using human shields. They find a way around by pulling the fire alarm and stealing some gear from a firetruck to get inside. It doesn't take long for them to find the apartment and they quickly dispatch of the two demons that were guarding John. TV!Sam uses holy water to make sure John isn't possessed while the demons change vessels to get at John and the boys. The Winchesters make their escape through a window but Meg's accomplice from the previous episode is there to ambush them. They try to fight him off but TV!Dean ultimately uses the Colt to kill him and they get away.

"Aren't you glad I don't listen?" Dean reached over to ruffle Sam's hair.

"Not now dude," Sam batted him away.

The brothers take John far into the woods and TV!Dean worries about killing people being too easy when came to his brother and father. John tries console him and says he's proud of TV!Dean and what's he done to protect the family. "Finally something we agree on," Mary hugged his side but Dean made a half-groan, half-hum sound.

"You might want to hold off on that," he told her and she looked at him confused. They both turned back to the screen at the same time, TV!Dean pulled a gun on John believing him to be possessed, knowing that John would have never been proud of him using a bullet. TV!Sam comes in and takes his brother's side but they are unable to shoot John. That was when the demon showed itself, the same yellow-eyed demon they'd been hunting.

"Are you kidding me?" Mary bemoaned.

The demon taunted the brothers; revealing that TV!Sam was going to propose to Jessica and telling TV!Dean that his family never really cared about him. It also said that Meg and the accomplice were actually its children. TV!Sam demands to know it killed Mary and Jess to which it responds that they had got in the way of his plan for TV!Sam and all the children like him. TV!Dean makes a comment and the demon uses its powers to gore him. TV!Dean pleads with John to take control back over the body and when he's on the brink of death, John does. This gives TV!Sam the opening to grab the Colt and shoot John in the leg incapacitating him.

"Good call little brother," Dean said.

"Still our dad," Sam held.

Back to the episode, TV!Sam checks on TV!Dean first, then John who says that he's holding the demon inside of him and begs his son to shoot him which would kill him and the demon at the same time while TV!Dean pleads for his brother not to.

"John are you out of your mind?!" Mary shouted, Dean had to lay a calming hand on her shoulder. "You can't just ask your son to kill you!"

In the end, TV!Sam can't kill his father and the demon escapes. As TV!Sam drives his family to the hospital, John is still upset he hadn't wasted the demon but before TV!Sam can really say anything, they are rammed into by a truck driven by demon. The credits rolled and family was shell-shocked.