Disclaimer: Don't own twilight, wish I did, but it would probably would have ended drastically different.

A/N: Enjoy, read, and most of all review.

Chapter 1 - Toxicating


The Cullen's.

They were the new 'toy' if you would put it that way for the school here in forks. I can't say I blamed everyone for falling in love for them, they were all gorgeous, practically the equivalent of a vampires beauty. It had surprised me to see such a group of kids here, I had already heard a few rumors about them. Like how they are dating each other and that they were adopted by their hot doctor father.

I could help but laugh at the tales that were spilling from everyone's mouths as I listened intently to their teenage gossip.

But I couldn't blame them for making assumptions, they had all seemed really close, and I mean really close. Although one of them didn't seem to have their 'partner', if that would be what you would call it, just yet.

I raised my eyebrows when I caught him sneaking not so sneaky peeks at me during lunch. Normally I would keep to myself in the group of handpicked friends I had. Although I can't say they were exactly my friends as much as they were just a cover for myself. Seeing how none of my other so called 'family members' could go to school, I was stuck with a couple of pathetic human friends.

"Oh Bella!" I heard Jessica say as she playfully pushed me with a giant grin on her face, one of the many things I had naturally hated about her. "Don't tell me you have eyes for the new kid!" She glanced over at him then leaned in closer as though she was telling me a secret that no one else was worthy of knowing, "I heard that they all like date each other, like his father is some kind of match maker from heaven." She then straightened herself and started picking at her salad, "Not like I care though."

I could hear her heart rate spike up and I smirked at the oh so obvious lie she just uttered.

"Wow," I said trying to act as though it was the first time I had heard the information, "Pretty crazy."

Then the bell rang for our next period and I was a little more grateful than I should have been as I jumped to my feet. They all stared at what they mistook for excitement and I played it off as though I had something important to talk to with Mr. Molina. Really I was just finally grateful I wasn't going to need to talk to them for at least another thirty minutes.

How was it even possible that we all shared the next class with each other? Along with practically all the others. Thank god I have had years of perfecting my knowledge in high school subjects, which allowed me to take other more advanced classes. Even though it was only one or two classes they let me take with the seniors.

As I glided right into my seat in biology I caught notice to a particular scent. It was quite intoxicating for me as I glanced up to see what it was. I tensed up when I saw it was one of the Cullen kids, particularly the one who had been staring at me.

As he had a short conversation with Mr. Molina about his seating arrangement's I quickly realized the only free seat was next to me.

Oh god! I thought as he planted himself a little more comfortably than he should have been. I didn't bother talking to him that entire period as he kept glancing at me. Even when he scooted closer to me to try and socialize I would just move away from him slightly.

I listened to the clock as it ticked. I counted every second until the bell finally rang for the next class. Which when it did I jumped up to my feet more tense then ever and didn't bother to put away my things. Instead I took it up in my arms and quickly left. Only instead of going to my next class I went straight to my truck and steered myself home.

Pulling into the drive way I slammed the door leaving my school items in the truck and ran with amazing speed that a human would not have the pleasure of having into the house. Charlie greeted me with a surprised smile on his face. I looked at him with a frightened look on my face.

"Whats wrong?" He asked standing quite still, as still as a vampire.

"The Cullens."

"Oh, the new family in town." He said still not realizing the problem at hand. "What about them?"

"One of their kids, Edward. His scent his intoxicating." I said as I was barely able to spit the words out of my mouth.

Now even Charlie began to tense up realizing exactly what was going on. Even though he had been able to perfect clenching his thirst for human blood, he too has experienced the phenomenon a few times in his vampire life and had to move to a completely different surrounding to avoid from sinking his teeth into their necks.

"Stay home for a couple of days." He replied after a couple of long minutes of silence and I nodded.

It was nothing new when I had missed a couple of days, whenever it was sunny I would have to stay home anyway and it was scheduled to be sunny all week so that should be more than enough time to get this need, no, want under control.