Yooo, Kuroi Tetsu over here. I've had an idea for an Akame Ga Kill x RWBY crossover for a while now. What you have before is the result. This is my first fic so there's bound to be some mistakes here and there so after reading please give constructive reviews so I may improve myself and meet the reader's standards.

I will be using AGK anime story line.

I don't own anything.

Chapter 1:

The sound of laughter and fireworks the night as the residents of the Capitol celebrated the victory of the Revolutionary Army and the end of the Empire's tyranny. The Great Empire that had seen 1000 years of prosperity had fallen into darkness. The nobles treated the commoners as less than livestock and the Imperial Army that had sworn itself to protect the people abused their authority to get away with crimes against the citizens.

The Emperor of this depraved nation was nothing more than a puppet; a naïve child who knew nothing about the suffering of his people. He was merely a child who had to take the throne after the unfortunate passing of his father unknowing of the fact that he was being used while his Prime Minister Honest controlled the Empire from behind the scene.

Anyone who dared to stand against him, be it a commoner or noble, was publicly executed and made an example of.

Although not everything went according to Honest's will as an organization had formed with the sole purpose of overthrowing the Empire and his assassination. If the members of this organization were simple civilians then it would be a simple matter. Instead, it's members primarily consisted of generals and other prominent figures in the military, such as the '100-Man Slayer' Bulat, and others who had defected for the sake of their ideal empire.

As the years passed by the Revolutionary Army had increased its sphere of influence until finally they launched an all-out invasion on the Capitol which ended with the death of the Prime Minister and the Revolutionary Army's victory, at the price of countless casualties on both sides. At long last, the Empire had a future untainted by darkness, and it was all thanks to the honorable men and women of that put their life on the line for their nation.

…at least, that was the story that would be recorded in history.

A beautiful young women in a green cloak with short blonde hair with two long bangs framing the sides was seen leaning against a pillar next to a bar, observing the celebrations with a small smile on her face. To most, she was Leone, a tough girl from the slums, a heavy drinking champion, and a professional swindler who throughout the years had tricked unsuspecting men into treating her to food and drinks only to ditch them later when their back is turned, often taking their money in the process.

In reality, she was a member of an elite assassination group created by the Revolutionary Army called Night Raid which was led by former General Najenda. After being scouted by the rebellion for eliminating a few corrupt nobles she was enlisted into Night Raid, where she contributed to slowly but surely weakening the Capitol by removing influential figures who used their authority for corrupt purposes.

During her time in Night Raid, she experienced many new meetings and as many painful goodbyes. She knew that it was a thankless job, that she would be labeled as a criminal even if her intentions were noble, that she would see her comrades fall, but she didn't give up. She kept walking down that road cursed with tragedy, all for the sake of fulfilling the hopes and dreams of the fallen.

After a few minutes of just leaning against the pillar, Leone stood straight with a barely visible wince and began to make her way through the crowd, towards a destination unknown to all but her.

Earlier today, Night Raid had spearheaded the invasion on the Capitol and just a few hours ago she had caught a fleeing Prime Minister and crushed his head like a pumpkin with her bare fists, at the cost of him inflicting a mortal wound on her. If it wasn't for the pain she would be rolling on the ground, groaning in embarrassment for being wounded by a man whose only skills in life were manipulation and eating. If the blonde brawler had attacked as soon as she spotted him instead of letting him activating his teigu(imperial arm), then she wouldn't have lost her own because of it and her body wouldn't be riddled with bullet holes. The only reason she was still standing was through shear will power.

After saying goodbye to the last living members of her group she made her way into the city to enjoy her last moments.

Leone slowly made way into a quiet alleyway, far away from people's view, where she collapsed onto the cold, hard ground. Her cloak opened to reveal blood soaked bandages around her abdomen. The blonde could feel her body growing colder by the second, her strength leaving her, as blood pooled around her from her wounds that had reopened.

Despite death looming over her she felt neither regret nor despair. Instead, she felt content.

She was finally reuniting with her beloved fallen family of misfits.

Unknown Location

"Do you believe this to be wise, Sister?"


"But an action such as this could-"

"Do not question me, Little Sister. It would be best to remember who is eldest here."

"…very well. I sincerely hope you do not come regret this."

Unknown Location

"Is she awake yet?" A young male voice asked.

"No." Another young male voice answered with irritation clearly visible in his voice.

"How long is she going to sleep? It's been days already?" The first voice asked again in a whiny tone.

"Well, Leone does have a tendency to oversleep. I wouldn't put it past her to have slept through the entire invasion." Another voice, this time a young girl's, commented in a bored manner.

"Hey that's not true!" The second voice stated defensively. "You know Nee-san's not as much of a slacker as this guy."

"Oi! I'll have you know that I actually can spend my free time doing something worthwhile." The first voice grumbled out.

"There's a big difference between 'can' and 'do'" This reply was of course responded with a few colorful words from the first voice.

"So is she awake yet?" The first voice asked again.

"Oh for the love of-no! She's still asleep! She was asleep yesterday and she was asleep when you asked five minutes ago, so five minutes later when you ask me if she's yet, my answer would most likely be 'no'! Just shut up and wait till she wakes up." The Second voice angrily said.

"What do you think she's dreaming about?"

"…You know what? I fuckin' hate you."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Leone yelled as she sat up in her bed, not being able to take anymore bickering from the two. Their constant back and forth banter had woken her up from an amazing dream that she was already starting to forget. After shutting up the nuisances she plopped back down on her bed, trying to get some well-deserved rest. 'Seriously! What does a women need to get some slee-wait wha-?'

Golden eyes snapped open as Leone shot up from the bed. She was supposed to be dead wasn't she? There wouldn't have been anytime for someone to save her as she had lost too much blood when she was waiting for death in that alleyway. So how-?

"Wow. You two actually managed to wake her up. Guess you aren't incompetent after all." Said the female voice amusedly.

Snapping her head towards the sound, she faced three kids, two boys and a girl, who seemed to be around the age of seven or eight. Two of them were seated next to a table with a tray of teacups and a teapot, and another tray with various snacks on it. The third was leaning against the wall, his hands in his pocket. The room they were in was fairly large, with three more beds- one next to hers and two directly opposite, a window between them.

The boy seated next to the table had brown hair and looked at her with fondness in his brown eyes. He wore a tan sweater vest and a pair of black shorts.

The boy leaning against the wall had shoulder length green hair with red goggles decorating his head and green eyes. He wore a white shirt and blue shorts and waved at her with a smirk plastered on his face.

The girl stood a bit shorter than the two boys and had pink eyes and long pink hair tied in twin tails. She wore a pink blouse and was just casually sitting there sipping tea in an elegant manner. The fact that the girl paid more attention to tea rather than the blonde kind of irked her.

"T-Tatsumi… Mei… Lubbock… y-you're…" Leone stuttered out as tears welled up in the corner of her eyes.

She recognized them. How could she not?

They were her precious family, the comrades she had fought alongside with countless times.

"Hmph. You finally wake up and the first thing you do is cry? I honestly don't remember being such a baby." Teased Mein quickly wiping her own tears as they formed, the hypocrite.

"It's great to see you too, Nee-san." Tatsumi said with a smile while Lubbock rapidly blinked away tears. It wouldn't do for someone as manly as himself to cry over something like this.

Though none of this escaped Leone's eyes.

"You guys… you're… " Leone muttered with wide eyes. She lowered her head, her hair shadowing her eyes, her form trembling.

The others, worried about their normally upbeat blonde teammate, were about to comfort her when they heard a snicker, originating from Leone. The snickers soon turned into full blown laughter. " Pfft-hahahahaaa-midgets! You guys turned into fuckin' midgets! Oh GOD!" Leone managed to get out between her laughter while clutching her aching stomach, tears streaming from her eyes.

She found this incredibly funny; three of Night Raids most experienced members in the form of little kids. If this was a dream she sure as hell didn't want to wake up!

The sight of her laughing seemed to have clearly pissed off the other three occupants of the room if the comically large tick marks on each of their heads were any indication.

"Hooh. Isn't that the pot calling the cattle black." The pinkette remarked with a twitching smile, clearly wishing she had her beloved Pumpkin to blast a few holes through the laughing blonde. Instead she tossed Leone a handheld mirror that she took out from… somewhere. "Shouldn't you be aware of your own state before you laugh at us, kitty midget."

Curious to what her fellow assassin was talking about Leone looked at her reflection in the small mirror with plain wooden frame. To say that she was shocked was an understatement.

In the mirror, Leone stared at the face of little girl with messy blonde hair that went slightly lower than her shoulder. She was dressed in a simple black shirt and pants. Ignoring the question of how she got into those clothes, she patted her chest- her flat as bored chest- and let out a whimper. Her 'girls' had shrunk to the point of non-existence. She also seemed to be the same age as the others- her pride as the tallest female in Night Raid utterly shattered. She was now slightly taller than Mein but still shorter than the boys.

'I take it back; if this is a dream please wake me up!'

It was then that she noticed the other changes.

Raising a trembling hand she touched the fluffy cat ears on top of her head. "Why am I in my Beast form? Lionelle was destroyed during the invasion!" The blonde asked frantically, wincing at the reminder of her destroyed Teigu, hoping that there wouldn't be any questions to exactly how it was destroyed. She turned her head and noticed the lack of a tail. A shame really; it was her favorite trait.

"Okay, answers. Now." Leone demanded, all previous humor gone.

"We don't know. We all woke up like this; de-aged and in an unknown location." Lubbock spoke up for the first since she had awakening. "We met an old friend when we woke up, but there's something we were able to find out on our own." He moved towards the window opposite to the young cat girl's bed and made a 'come here' gesture.

Getting up from the bed Leone followed the green haired boy. When he moved the curtains, exposing the night sky, Leone got the second shock of the night.

Far off in the distance she saw a wooded area and the countless stars that littered the sky. It was fairly normal and peaceful… that is if she were to ignore the shattered moon hanging in the sky, mocking her with the implications of what it meant.

"We're not in our world anymore."

Annnnnd that's it for the first chapter. So what do you think?

Like it? Hate it? Leave a review. All constructive reviews that will help me improve my skills will be deeply appreciated.

This is Kuroi Tetsu signing off