Annabelle was hanging out in the barn when her phone started vibrating. She saw an incoming call from Amelia and answered it.

Amelia updated her twin on the current situation with Richard. Annabelle discussed the plan she had come up with, but Amelia told her that they didn't have enough time to put it into action. She was just about to ask Amelia what to do when their call was abruptly cut off. She looked at her PearPhone's screen. Her phone had just died.

After this last conversation with Amelia, Annabelle felt utterly helpless. She sighed hopelessly and ran out of the barn to grab a charger.

She had just entered the living room when the crushing weight of her mother's impending marriage suddenly hit her. She stopped dead in her tracks as everything hit her like a ton of bricks. She forgot all about needing a charger and started pacing back and forth like a lunatic.

"I'm in way over my head! I'm just one kid! How can I fix this? I can't do this by myself! Why is everything happening so fast!?" Annabelle muttered to herself.

Beck, who had been reading a script, turned around in his armchair.

"You got something you'd like to share with the class?" he asked. He set his script down on the arm of his chair.

Startled, Annabelle jumped back, her hand over her pounding heart.

"Dad! You gave me a fright!" she exclaimed.

"I 'gave you a fright'?" Beck asked with a raised eyebrow. He stood up and started walking towards his daughter.

"You scared me. I thought I was alone," Annabelle explained.

"Are you sure there's nothing you want to talk to me about, kiddo? Like why Bruiser always barks whenever you go near him or why you never play with your video games anymore or how about why you're suddenly neat as a pin and using expressions like 'You gave me a fright'..." Beck said.

"Dad, I..." Annabelle began to say, not knowing how to continue.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were...No, it's impossible..." Beck said half to himself and half to his daughter.

"Almost as if I were who?" Annabelle asked.

Beck shook his head. He told her to forget what he said. He picked up his script and was about to leave the room when Annabelle spoke again.

"Almost as if I were...Annabelle?" Annabelle asked, stepping towards her father.

Beck whipped around to face his daughter.

"You know about Annabelle?" he asked in disbelief. He knelt down so that he was eye-level with his daughter.

"I am Annabelle," Annabelle told her father.

Tears sprung to Beck's eyes. He pulled Annabelle into a hug. He picked her up and spun her around. He kissed her on the cheek.

"It's really you! I thought you and your mother were dead! What are you doing here?" Beck said happily, still hugging his daughter. He finally let go and took a look at Annabelle. He grinned from ear-to-ear.

Annabelle took a deep breath and began to explain how she had met Amelia at camp. She explained how she beat Amelia in Poker and won her favorite baseball cap. She explained the prank war that ensued after the Poker game. She explained how she and Amelia devised a plan to switch places and get their parents back together.

Once she was finished telling Beck everything, Annabelle requested an explanation for their separation.

Beck explained that there had been a huge earthquake in Los Angeles when the twins were newborns. Beck had taken Amelia on a drive to get her to go to sleep, while Jade and Annabelle slept in his RV. The earthquake caused massive destruction around the city, leading authorities to start evacuating people. Beck and Amelia were evacuated. When they returned to the RV, it was completely destroyed. Jade and Annabelle were gone without a trace. He told Annabelle how he searched for her and her mother for weeks, before he forced himself to accept the fact that the two had probably perished during the earthquake.

"Mom's alive! And she has Amelia! You can see her again after all these years! Then, you two can get married and-" Annabelle squealed excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Whoa! Slow down there, kiddo! How do you know that your mom even wants to see me? For all I know, she's probably moved on and forgotten who I am," Beck told his daughter.

"Mom would love to see you again! You know, deep down, I think she's still in love with you," Annabelle said to Beck.

"I'll tell you what: if you can work something out with your mother, then I will take you back to her. Deal?" Beck said.

"Deal!" Annabelle agreed. She hugged her father again, then dashed off to get a phone charger.