Title: Hot Head and Cold Feet

Summary: Waige is having a heat wave. This is a little idea that came into my head as I'm suffering through the first heat wave of the summer.

Author's Note: Here it is, the Final Chapter. This one is rated M for decidedly adult activities. Kiddies - go play somewhere else!

Thanks to everyone who has reviewed. And special thanks again to WeBuiltThePyramids for her wonderful support and advice.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own /scorpion . This story is for entertainment purposes only. I make no profit and no infringement of copyrights is intended.

Chapter 4

After making arrangements via his laptop - making sure no one else was peeking - Walter made an excuse to go upstairs to make final preparations. No one else knew about the private, if somewhat odd, exit from the apartment. Even Toby didn't know about the old dumbwaiter in the back of his closet. He hadn't kept it a secret on purpose. It just never seemed like it would be useful. The compartment was cramped, and he'd had to bend over awkwardly, but he was able to sneak out of the garage and return with no one the wiser.

As they'd agreed, he and Paige waited until the team left for the night, everyone wishing each other a great weekend. Toby and Happy – or really just Toby – excitedly announced that they would be spending the weekend house hunting. With an annulment well under way, the pair spent weeks arguing over whose apartment they should move into, until Paige got tired of the bickering and suggested they find a new place together.

The genius hoped what he was doing was okay. In any other circumstances, he would have asked Paige about the acceptability of what he had planned, but in this case, she was the one person he couldn't ask. Neither Sly nor Happy would have a clue and Toby couldn't keep his mouth shut. For some reason, he preferred not to think of what experience Cabe might have in this area. That left Walter to hope he wasn't making a huge mistake.

During the afternoon, he'd tried, unsuccessfully, to come up with a backup plan in case Paige insisted they take her car, but thankfully she didn't protest his offer to drive. They drove the ten minutes to her condo and she spent just a few minutes packing a suitcase. Walter immediately took the bag and stowed it in the trunk quickly to keep her from seeing what else was there. Then they were in the car and within a few minutes, Walter got them onto the I-10 freeway.

"Apparently you have some place in mind for dinner?" Paige asked. "You're obviously not going back to the garage or any of our usual places."

"Nope," he responded. "I thought tonight deserved something a little special. I hope you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind at all. Are you going to tell me where this place is? Or at least let me know if I'm dressed appropriately?"

Walter chuckled. "You're dressed fine. This place is very nice – but also pretty casual. It's pretty much come as you are."

"Oh. Okay. But you're being very mysterious."

"I… I hope that's okay. I just… I want to surprise you."

"No. It's fine. I'm okay with surprises. As long as they don't involve someone jumping at me suddenly."

"I promise," Walter said, raising one hand. "No one will be jumping."

Before long he exited the freeway, and began making his way down a series of residential streets lined with large, beautiful homes. Finally, he turned into a beautifully gated driveway.

"Wait! Wait a minute!" Paige exclaimed. "Walter! This is… this is the Beverly Wilshire! If this is where we're having dinner there's no way I'm dressed right!"

"Relax, Paige," Walter insisted. "There is a place here that's pretty casual. You look fine."

Walter drove up to the valet and stopped the car. A uniformed bellman opened Paige's door and offered his gloved hand to help her get out. Walter popped the trunk and made his way around to the back of the car. Meeting another bellman, he gave his name and whispered to the man that they had a pre-check-in.

"Of course, Mr. O'Brien," the man said as he removed their two bags and placed them on a rolling brass cart.

By this time, Paige was striding purposefully up to Walter. "What are you doing?" she demanded. "I thought we were here for dinner?"

Walter shrugged. He couldn't keep the surprise any longer. "We are. But we're also staying the night here. You said you always wanted to spend the night in one of the nicer hotels. This is the nicest one I could find that had a vacancy. It's not my loft at the garage, but…"

Paige threw her arms around him and made sure Walter wasn't able to say anything for a couple of minutes. In his mind he thought "Oh…okay!" but his mouth was too occupied for the words to come out.

"Umm… hmmm," the bellman discretely cleared his throat. "When you're both ready, Mr. O'Brien, Ralph will see you to your room. He has your key and he'll be able to assist you with anything you might need."

Paige pulled back. She turned her head to look at the young man standing beside the cart, a small tag with the name "Ralph" pinned to his immaculate jacket. She turned back to Walter and grinned. "A little hint, Walter. The next time you book us a romantic night at a fancy hotel? I love my son, but I don't want 'Ralph' to come along!"

Confused, Walter looked around frantically for Paige's son, wondering how he could have known they were there. "I don't under…" Then he caught on and began to laugh. Before long the two were bent over laughing and sputtering, to the obvious consternation of the assembled hotel staff.

When he was finally able to calm down, Walter muttered an apology to the valet, gave him the car key and indicated for Paige to follow 'Ralph' in to the hotel. As they passed through the lobby, Paige was looking everywhere, bedazzled by the flowers, the furnishings and the glittering chandeliers.

"Walter," she whispered as they got into the elevator, "Are you crazy? This place must cost a fortune!"

Walter was pleased that he had thoroughly surprised his girlfriend, but the last thing he wanted her to be concerned about was the cost.

"You of all people know how much Scorpion has been making lately – on both our private jobs and the Homeland ones," he assured her. "In case you weren't aware, I don't pay rent. My monthly expenses outside of food are almost negligible. I'm more than able to afford a little… um… monetary indulgence once in a while."

"Little… indulgence… Walter! This is the hotel where they filmed Pretty Woman!"

"I um… this is Beverly Hills, so I'm sure they do film pretty women here occasionally but…"

"Oh, Walter!" Paige chuckled.

The vision was very close to his dream.

For some reason, after they finished their room service dinner, Paige insisted on taking a bubble bath in the marble tub. She spent nearly an hour in there during which she repeatedly sang some song about wanting his extra time and a kiss. Walter was more than willing to kiss her, but not while she was covered in soapy bubbles.

Now she was seated near the center of the bed, leaning back on the piled pillows. She was wrapped – and very well covered – in the plush bathrobe she found in the closet. The bedclothes were not rumpled and her hair fell around her shoulders, a bit damp but not really messy. She was incredibly beautiful… and desirable.

"I'm… just… going to go… um… change," he stuttered, grabbing the night clothes he'd pulled out of his suitcase and heading into the bathroom.

Once alone in the marbled sanctuary, Walter sat on the side of the tub. He made the reservation simply to please Paige – to give her one night in one of the fanciest hotels in Los Angeles, if not the world. There was no intention to do anything but enjoy the room, have dinner, and sleep. They had a king-size bed – surely they could just sleep without doing anything more.

To his great surprise, Walter found he very much wanted to do more. He even suspected that he was affected by the… romance of it all – the spontaneity, the intimacy of the meal they'd shared and the excitement of surprising the woman he loved with a fantasy come true.

He knew he loved Paige – but would he be able to show her that love, in a physical way, without making a total mess of things? Maybe it would be better if he resisted his desires tonight. He would do more research over the next few days so that he would really know how to make the experience what it should be – what he wanted it to be – for her.

He stood and began unbuttoning his shirt, carefully hanging it on a hanger. He continued to undress, then donned his nearly new cotton pajamas. Normally, he simply slept in a pair of exercise shorts – or long pants on the rare chilly nights. When he was packing, though, it seemed prudent to dress more modestly for his night with Paige.

When he returned, Paige was watching something on the television.

"I hope you don't mind. I found out they have Pretty Woman available free all the time. It's honestly not one of my favorite movies. But I want to be able to say I watched it in the hotel where it was made. I kept looking for Hector Elizondo when we were walking through the lobby!"

"We can do whatever you like," Walter responded, glancing at the television. A woman clad in nothing more than underwear was – apparently – seducing a well-dressed man. Temporarily mesmerized by the scene, he couldn't help wondering if Paige had accidently landed on one of the pornography channels Toby insisted were available in all hotels.

When Walter came in the room, he thought he should probably join Paige on the bed – after all, they would just be sitting there – nothing need happen. Although Walter found pornography distasteful, he couldn't deny that the visual stimulation did affect him. If this was the sort of movie Paige wanted to watch, there was no way he could sit that close to her – especially not on a bed – and not want to… to…

Thankfully, the scene on the screen changed to something considerably tamer.

"Walter, are you going to stand there all evening?"

"What?" he turned away from the television and looked at Paige, who had moved to one side of the bed. "No… I… I thi… that is I… I'll get comfortable over here," he stammered as he walked past the bed and settled in a chair.

"Oh… okay," Paige muttered.

Walter could feel her looking at him as he stared at the television. He knew she was disappointed, and he hated himself for that. He simply couldn't get himself to move from the chair, and he could think of no way to explain to her everything that was going through his head at the moment… the desire… the uncertainty… and the fear.

The man on the screen was just saying something about sleeping on the couch. Walter thought he would likely wind up doing the same.

Preoccupied with his own difficulties, Walter paid little attention to the movie. Paige was fast-forwarding through some of it – he supposed those must be the boring parts. He did notice, however, that while there were still love scenes, they were less provocative and more sensual. He realized that his earlier assumption that the movie was pornographic was incorrect. It still made him uncomfortably aware that Paige was sitting on a bed only steps away, in a robe much like the one Vivian wore in the movie. His mind conjured up images of what Paige might be wearing… or not… underneath.

This must be what the priests meant when they talked about purgatory.

Walter's eyes were drawn back to the screen by yet another love scene. The pair were in bed, kissing – slowly and very sensuously – while the music rose in a passionate crescendo. When Edward took Vivian in his arms and lay her back on the bed, the camera panned so that the couple were partially hidden by some sort of screen. Far from diminishing the impact of the scene, Walter found himself desperately wishing that he was holding Paige in just that way… kissing her and exploring every inch of her with his hands, his lips. Feeling her pressed against him, her warm skin soft and silky next to his own.

"Oh God!" he cried as Vivian slid out of her camisole and Edward moved over her.

"Walter?" Paige queried. "Is everything all right over there?"

He looked over to the bed. She had removed the robe and gotten under the covers. Sitting against the pillows, she held a sheet up under her arms. He could see the straps of a pale silken camisole crossing her shoulders. Her hair was mussed up slightly in the back, where she'd been lying on it.

Not sure how he got there, Walter found himself standing next to the bed, looking down on the only woman he'd ever loved; the only woman he'd ever wanted in this way.

"Walter?" she asked again.

"I… I don't want to sleep with you Paige." Walter paused. That wasn't right. "I mean… I want to sleep with you, but I don't want to just sleep. I want…" He looked back at the screen, hoping that somehow, Edward might give him a clue how to be the romantic lover he wanted to be. He was making a mess of this and he hadn't even started. "I want to love you… I do love you. I mean… I want to make love with you, Paige, if… if that would be okay."

"Walter that would be so okay."

She was smiling. It wasn't the sort of smile that meant she was really laughing. It was… inviting and… loving. Walter flashed back to that kiss on the asphalt in Lake Tahoe. He'd been incredibly nervous and uncomfortable – afraid that he would react as he so often did to physical touch. But the kiss had been wonderful. He loved kissing Paige. Why did he think this would be any different? This was where he was meant to be – with Paige. He moved the blankets aside, and slid underneath the cool sheet, moving over until he was lying next to her.

She scooted down until they were lying face to face. Walter reached over, combing his fingers through her hair until his hand rested on the nape of her neck. Urging her closer, he slipped his other arm underneath her, then rolled onto his back, lifting her to lay on top of him. Reaching up, he kissed her, reveling once more in the soft warmth of her lips. This was familiar and comfortable, but still exciting. Walter knew that tonight they would not be stopping with kisses. Instead of feeling panic, he felt exhilarating anticipation. He couldn't wait.

Walter drew back and looked up into Paige's eyes. She had one hand on his shoulder, while the other was tucked between them, lightly – almost timidly – stroking his chest through the fabric of his shirt. It was his turn to smile.

"It's okay, Paige. I don't mind if you touch me."

She answered by moving to one side, allowing her fingers to trail across his chest, coming to rest at the top button. "This is… pretty new to me, too, Walter. I keep thinking how long it took us to get here – I mean when you include the time since we first met. I'm scared, too, you know. Scared I'm going to mess something up."

Walter turned again to face her. He found the position a little awkward, as he leaned over to kiss her again. "I have no logical basis for this theory," he assured her, "but I don't think either of us is going to mess this up. We're going to be just fine."

Walter sat up and drew Paige up with him, bringing one of her legs across his until she was sitting on his thighs. Putting a hand on either side of her face, he kissed her softly, teasing and nibbling her lips, lightly licking until she opened to him and he lost himself exploring the sweet cavern of her mouth. He wrapped one arm behind her and gripped a fistful of her hair in his other hand as he moved on to kiss each corner of her mouth, then her chin. Smiling, he playfully reached up to kiss and lick the tip of her nose, then continued working his way down, exploring her neck, and the little dip just above her right collar bone.

Paige was working on the buttons of his pajama top. When the last one was undone, she pushed him back. "I need you to take this off," she said, urgently.

Walter obliged, shrugging out of the shirt. He grasped the hem of Paige's camisole, a question in his eyes. She nodded and he lifted it up while she raised her arms so he could remove it. Grinning, he twirled the garment above his head and flung it across the room.

Turning back, he took in his first full view of her breasts. "Oh God!" he gasped. "You. Are. Beautiful."

He bent down and scattered kisses across the tops of her breasts, moving from side to side across her chest until he came to a stop at one nipple. Pulling it into his mouth, he sucked and licked. One hand cupped the other breast, while he circled that nipple with his thumb.

Paige was drawing her fingers up and down his back, while she rocked her hips against his thighs. He could feel her nipping and sucking on the ridge of his collar bone. Each nip was sending electric shots straight through him.

He reluctantly left the one breast he'd been adoring. He thought for a moment that he really should move to the other breast – trade places so to speak – but he was concerned that his long celibacy would do him a disservice tonight. He needed to move things along. He only hoped he would be able to bring Paige with him.

"I um… I'm not sure…" He wasn't sure what he wanted to say, or what he should say. Should he tell her about his concerns and beg her forgiveness in advance if this wasn't everything it should be their first time? Should he ask her what sorts of activities she preferred? What if he did something that she found distasteful?

"Walter?" she stopped kissing him and lifted her head. "Neither of us can be sure of what we're doing right now. For all I know, you might not like having your neck kissed."

"No, no! It's fine – really. It's… amazing… actually."

"Good to know." She grinned and stretching up, placed another quick kiss on the area just below his chin. "My point is, we're both learning about each other. We're going to make mistakes… and not just when it comes to sex. But that's okay, because it's part of the fun, really."

"Making mistakes… it's not something I've ever thought of as fun."

"I know. 'Mister Perfect' is part of who you are. It's part of why I love you because it's part of you. But there's no shame in not knowing – especially when it comes to this. Nowhere on the Internet are you going to find a website on 'What makes Paige happy in bed'. At least I certainly hope not!"

She laughed and he smiled in agreement.

"I um… I'll let you know if I ever find one."

"With a little luck and… um… practice… you'll be able to write it." She grinned, then turned mock-serious. "But you better not!"

He nodded. With his photographic memory he didn't need to even keep notes. He could easily comply with that requirement. "Then… I suppose we should just… experiment… and see how things go?"

"Sure. Just as long as we talk to each other. You tell me the things you like… or don't. And I'll tell you. Before you know it, we'll be doing this like a pair of professionals."

"Professionals?" He glanced at the television screen, where the movie was winding down.

"Not like that!"

Walter maneuvered Paige back down onto her back. She groaned a bit when he resumed kissing her breasts, then moved down across her belly. He paused at her navel, teasing and licking the knot of flesh the hid within the little crater.

"I want to be sure you… that you… have a good time."

"I'm having a wonderful time, Walter."

"I… you know what I mean."

"I do. That… it doesn't happen easily… or all the time. But you need to know that even if it doesn't happen, I'll be having a good time."

Walter smiled. He knew a challenge when he heard it. More determined than ever, he hooked two fingers in either side of the tiny shorts she wore. He tugged them until they were down around her knees. She finished the job, wiggling until she was able to kick them off. Walter sat up then, needing to get a full view of her. The blush that crept across her features as he gazed at her was endearing… and arousing. It seemed that everywhere he turned he was assaulted with stimuli that were making it difficult not to want to simply plunge into her, although he wasn't completely aroused or ready for that yet. He knew if he allowed it, he would be more than ready in a matter of seconds. He tamped those thoughts down.

"I love you," he breathed.

"I love you, too," she murmured.

The genius was about to venture into unknown territory. The few encounters he had in the past included only the most basic activities. He hoped the research he'd done in the last few months would serve him well.

Scooting on his knees to the bottom of the bed, he moved in between Paige's legs, then lowered himself down, his arms resting on her thighs. He kissed the inside of one knee, then began working his way up her thighs, alternating from one to the other. When he reached his goal, he used his fingers to gently part her folds.

Paige squirmed and squeaked under his attentions. "Walter, I don't…you don't have to."

"I want to," he insisted, then took long, sweeping licks up each side, gradually moving in towards the center. After a few moments, he paused to gently blow on the wet folds. He had thought that this activity would ease his own desire, giving him time to get Paige to come before his need demanded his own release. What he found, however, was that the scent of her, together with the obvious effect he was having, was an intoxicating mix that tightened his balls and was beginning to make him ache. Walter had always prided himself on his ability to control his world. He resolved not to fail in this instance.

He continued licking, alternating between long, slow sweeps and rapid flicks. He reached one hand up to her breast, where his fingers circled and caressed the nipple, still taut from his earlier attentions. He laid the other hand on her belly, the smooth skin like warm velvet, interrupted by occasional imperfections that his fingers danced along, fascinated.

After several minutes of licking and teasing, he wrapped his lips around her little nub and sucked. She grabbed a fistful of hair and jerked her hips so that Walter had to grasp her waist with both hands to keep from losing his hold – or getting his nose smashed. He zeroed in and flicked his tongue rapidly against her clit, which hardened in response. It didn't take a genius to observe that flicking directly on her clit caused Paige to jerk and twist, while more leisurely licks, that traveled the length of her sex, would make her writhe and moan.

"Which do you like better?" he asked. He took another long, slow sweep, then he gave her a few rapid flicks.

"The… the slow… slow. And the fast… I love all of it!"

Walter shrugged. She was very close, he was sure. After a few more gentle, sucking kisses, he made another long sweep. He brought his hand down and inserted one finger into her. Reaching up as far as he could he stroked, seeking the magic spot while his tongue continued circle and caress her clit.

"Walt…Walt…. Waalllllteerrrr!" she gasped, her hips bucking and thrashing so that he had to back away. It didn't matter. Apparently there were some things you could learn on the Internet.

He moved back up beside her, slid one arm under her and pulled her close, kissing her temples and cheeks and nose while the slight tremors even he could feel subsided.

"Oh!" she gasped, "Oh! That was… where did you learn how to do that?"

He laughed. "I was just thinking there are some things you can learn on the Internet!"


"Seriously. I've been doing research."

Paige rolled to her side and began stroking his stomach. She kissed him, lightly. "Well, your research certainly paid off." She kissed him again, licking his bottom lip and sucking it in between her teeth as her hand moved down and began to lightly stroke his erection. Walter concentrated on the kiss, carefully nibbling her lips and tracing the outline with his tongue before delving inside. He was trying to divert his attention from the rhythm of her hand, but it wasn't working.

He reached a hand down and took hers, bringing it up to hold it close to his chest. He stopped kissing her and leaned back, waiting until she opened her eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. I um… I need to be inside you," he rasped, his voice husky with need.

Paige nodded, and, placing both hands against his chest, she rolled him onto his back. Then she rose and straddled him. Reaching between their bodies, she guided him just to her entrance, and waited. Bracing himself with his hands, Walter raised his hips and felt himself slide into her.

He always believed the ultimate moment of sex came at the end – at the mind-blowing, explosive moment of climax. Feeling himself glide into Paige – slipping past her entrance and feeling her warm wetness surround him - well, if it wasn't quite the ultimate moment, it was certainly the penultimate. This… this was another homecoming. This, Walter decided, was a home he never wanted to leave.

When he lowered himself back down, Paige came down with him, continuing down until he was deep inside. Then she began to slowly move up and down, tilting her hips forward and back. Walter was amazed at how the changing angles increased the sensation.

As Paige moved rhythmically, Walter matched her. With every thrust, the pressure built. He wanted this to last forever, but he didn't think he could take it much longer. Grasping Paige's hips with both hands, he begged her to stop moving for just a moment, and she complied.

His breathing was ragged. "I'm… I'm so close."

"Then let go."

"But you… " He looked up into her eyes, not sure if he was pleading for help or for release.

"I've been there. It's okay. Let go. I'll be right there with you."

She resumed her movements, but the slow pace she set was torture. Walter tried to lift her up and down faster, while he pumped his hips. He wanted to pound into her at top speed, but at the same time he wanted to savor the long, slow agonizing strokes. He was on the verge of flipping them over, so that he could increase the pace even more when Paige leaned back and braced her arms on the bed behind her. She began to pant and increased the speed of her movements. He felt the ripples of her orgasm surrounding him, and then he was exploding; intense pleasure pulsing through him until he stilled, unable to move.

Walter was still lying on his back. He opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling, noting for the first time that, in fact, the ceiling was obscured by a filmy canopy of white, gauzy material. He noticed, too, that the television was advertising the merits of the various restaurants, the spa and other amenities of the hotel.

And he noticed that Paige was snuggled up beside him. He wasn't sure how she'd managed it, but he had one arm wrapped around her, hugging her close. There was a weight on one of his legs, which he assumed was hers. Beyond that, he didn't think he could feel much from the waist down. He was fairly sure he couldn't move his legs right now if his life depended on it. It was a bizarrely pleasant paralysis.

The next thing he noticed was that they were lying naked together on the bed, the sheets and duvet all pushed down to the end of the bed. He was sweaty, and the cool, conditioned air passing over him caused him to shiver slightly.

"Are you cold?" he asked. Resolving to make the super-human effort to reach for the duvet and cover them if she was.

She placed a kiss on his chest, and he could feel her lips curl up in a grin.

"I was just thinking, you brought me here to help me stay cool, and instead you got me all heated up!"

They both laughed, and Walter hugged her closer, kissing the top of her head. "So, what should we do tomorrow, Pretty Woman?"

The End

July 25, 2016