Sick Days

A/N: I don't have a beta, so please forgive me for any errors that might've slipped through the cracks here.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or Sakura or Sasuke, though I do love them dearly!

Something wasn't right. Sasuke could tell the moment he'd laid eyes on her. She put up a good act, but he could see right through it, and it became quite obvious that she wasn't feeling well.

"Sakura," he spoke up, looking her over her. She offered him a light smile, feigning confusion.

"Yes, Sasuke-kun?"

"What are you doing?"

She stopped mid-action, one shoe hanging off of her foot, the other in her hand. "What do you mean? I'm getting ready for work, of course."

"Hn," the look on his face showed just how displeased he was with that answer.

"What?" Her brows pulled together, and her hands moved to rest on her hips.

"You're staying home today," he decided, and it was nonnegotiable. This didn't sit well with her.

"Sasuke-kun, I can't, and besides that, I'm fine. It's probably just allergies."

"You're sick; you're staying home."

"Bu—I—" She couldn't get anything out before he was picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder to carry her back into the bedroom in the most unromantic way possible, and yet, her cheeks still burned at the contact.

Sasuke didn't let Sakura back down until he'd reentered the bedroom, and laid her back down on the bed, much to Sakura's protesting. She opened her mouth to speak again, but Sasuke beat her to it.

"Shut it," he warned, sending her a serious look. "You're sick, and no one is going to want a sick doctor looking after them, so you're not going anywhere."

Sakura knew it was pointless to argue, and as much as she hated being forced to relax, she knew that no matter what she said or did, Sasuke wouldn't hear any of it. He was as stubborn as a mule and it drove her crazy. So instead, she sent him a disappointed pout and half-hearted glare.

"Call them and tell them you won't be coming in," Sasuke spoke up again, prompting her further as he grabbed her cellphone and pushed it into her hand. Sakura hesitated, glancing from the smartphone, to her boyfriend and back again, biting down on her bottom lip.

"—Yeah, yeah, okay."

With a great reluctance, she dialed the number to the hospital and woefully informed them of her situation. The fact that her boyfriend was forcing her to stay home irritated her slightly, and it showed in her tone as she spoke, but they seemed to understand and were more than willing to agree that she should rest up rather than bring her sickness with her to work.

Hanging up, Sakura let out a defeated sigh, and Sasuke seemed quite pleased.

"Good, now sleep."

Sakura groaned, but did as she was told, laying back and nestling into the sheets, burying her flushed face into her pillow. This wasn't fair, she decided. Still, as hardheaded as she could be, the idea of staying home and having Sasuke taking care of her, well… She'd be lying if she said that she didn't like the idea of that.

She jumped slightly at the feeling of a hand lightly petting her head. It was a quick and fleeting motion, but she could still feel the place where his fingers had momentarily curled into her hair. She rolled over onto her side to glance over at him. If she didn't know any better, she'd swear that his expression seemed quite a bit softer. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen Sasuke so concerned for her wellbeing. He always tried to hide it any other time and play it off like he wasn't bothered.

"Sleep," he repeated, and Sakura's lips pressed into a thin line for a moment before sighing lightly.

"I am," she muttered, looking away from him and pausing. "Will you still be here when I wake up?"

"I don't work today, so yeah," he replied, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Good," she yawned, before muttering, "jerk."

This seemed to amuse him, and he scoffed lightly. "So damned annoying."

Sakura wasn't sure if she was imagining it or not, as she looked at him through half-lidded eyes, but she really wanted to believe that the faint, gentle smile that she had seen flicker across Sasuke's lips had been real. Just the thought alone that it could be was enough for her, and she slowly drifted off with that image burned into her memory and a light smile of her own on her lips.